Blaupunkt Car Stereo System CC 25 User Manual

Radio / Cassette  
CC 25  
Operating instructions  
Front Panel Description .............. 13  
Radio Section .............................. 16  
Tape Section ................................ 19  
Selecting the Desired Waveband......... 16  
Tuning in a Station Automatically......... 16  
Manual Tuning ..................................... 16  
Adjusting the Station Seek Sensitivity.. 17  
Switching from Stereo to Mono ............ 17  
Memorizing a Station ........................... 17  
Automatically Storing the Strongest  
Stations (Travelstore)........................... 17  
Activating a Stored Station................... 18  
Briefly Sampling a Station (Radio Scan)18  
Sampling Memorized Stations ............. 18  
Inserting a Tape ................................... 19  
Fast Forwarding the Tape .................... 19  
Removing the Tape.............................. 19  
Care Notes ........................................... 20  
Important information ................. 14  
What you need to know! ...................... 14  
Traffic safety......................................... 14  
Installation/connection ......................... 14  
Appendix ...................................... 20  
Anti-theft coding.......................... 15  
Technical Data ..................................... 20  
Wrong code number entered ............... 15  
Switching the code system on ............. 15  
Restart following interruption of power  
supply................................................... 15  
Switching the code system off ............. 16  
Traffic Messages (ARI)................ 18  
Amplifier Section ......................... 16  
Switching Traffic Messages (ARI)  
ON/OFF................................................ 16  
Balance Control.................................... 16  
Sound Control ...................................... 16  
On and Off............................................ 18  
Acoustic Alarm ..................................... 19  
Automatic Start of the Station Seek  
Operation (Tape Playback) .................. 19  
Adjusting the Volume of Traffic  
Messages and the Acoustic Alarm....... 19  
Front Panel Description  
1 ON/OFF  
5 lo rocker switch  
< Stereo indication  
Switch the set on/off by turning the  
If “COD” appears on the display, read  
the chapter “Anit-theft coding” first.  
Volume control:  
Use this button to alter the sensitivity of  
the automatic station seek operation.  
lo lights up > - normal sensitivity  
no indication - high sensitivity  
= Indication of FM storage level  
> lo indication (seek tuning sensitivi-  
By turning the knob  
Additional function of the lo rocker  
Switching from stereo to mono:  
Press longer than 2 seconds.  
SCAN (search operation):  
During radio reception, the stations are  
briefly sampled by pressing the knob for  
approx. one second.  
? “FM” indication  
@ ARI rocker switch (Traffic Information  
for Motorists)  
6 Cassette operation button  
FF - Fast Forward operation  
Start/stop: Press FF button briefly.  
Ejection of the tape  
The set only plays stations which provi-  
de traffic information service.  
rocker switch  
Radio: Automatical station tuning  
Coding: Read first the “Anti-theft  
coding” chapter.  
Press button firmly.  
A FM•T rocker switch (Frequency Mo-  
: Press rocker switch  
to confirm your code  
This button is used for shifting between  
the different FM storage levels I, II, III  
and T (Travelstore - i.e. storing and  
calling the five strongest stations of an  
Storing “T” - Press the FM •T button  
until the seek tuning indication starts to  
be displayed.  
Recalling “T” - Press the FM•T button  
until T = is indicated on the display.  
Then briefly press the respective preset  
7 Cassette compartment  
8 Frequency indication  
9 Indication of preset button  
: “ARI” indication  
3 << / >> rocker switch  
For fine tuning of the stations  
4 PS rocker switch (Preset Station  
Pressing this button briefly samples all  
memorized stations of the selected  
waveband (FM, MW, LW).  
; “SK” indication - identification of  
ARI stations  
Important information  
B Preset buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  
Store station - Keep button depressed  
during radio operation until the station  
becomes audible again.  
Do not connect the loudspeaker outputs to  
Only use the accessory and replacement  
parts approved by Blaupunkt.  
What you need to know!  
Before starting to use your new car radio you  
on “Traffic safety” and “Anti-theft coding”.  
Recall station - Briefly press the re-  
spective button.  
Traffic safety  
Coding - Read the “Anti-theft coding”  
chapter first.  
Traffic safety has always priority. Use your  
car radio in such a manner that you are  
always able to cope with and react to the  
prevailing traffic situation at any given time.  
Remember, even at 50 km/h you are still  
moving at a speed of 14 m per seconds.  
It is also very important that you are able to  
hear, and react to, acoustic warning signals  
around you, for example from the police or  
the firebrigade.  
Buttons 1 - 4: Use to enter a code num-  
Press each of the buttons until the  
code to be found in the car radio pass-  
port is shown on the display.  
C “Balance” knob  
To adjust the volume of the left and  
right channel  
Therefore, adjust the volume reasonably.  
D “Tone” knob  
Sound control knob  
The code system can only be switched on  
and off, if the radio is connected to perma-  
nent power.  
If you like to install your new car radio by  
yourself or add other audio components to  
the existing ones, then please read carefully  
the enclosed instructions on installation and  
Anti-theft coding  
The radio will operate again as soon as you Restart following interruption of  
have entered the right code number.  
If you lose your radio passport and have (Code system switched on)  
forgotten your code number, you will not be  
The car radio comes standard with the code  
system deactivated.  
power supply  
If the anti-theft coding system is on while the  
power supply to the unit is interrupted (e.g.  
electronically blocked. Then it may only be  
used again after the appropriate code num-  
ber has been entered (see car radio pass-  
Switch on the set.  
“COD” will appear in the display.  
able to restart the set after the power supply  
has been interrupted. In this case, your radio  
can only be reset in our central customer  
service workshop or in one of our service  
agencies abroad.  
Briefly press preset button 1, “000” will  
appear in the display.  
Enter the code number given in the  
Blaupunkt car radio passport:  
Switching the code system on  
Preset button 1 only allows to choose  
“0” or “1”. The first “0” will not be dis-  
Example: the code number is 0521.  
- Press preset button 1 until “000” ap-  
pears in the display.  
- Press preset button 2 five times,  
“500” appears in the display.  
- Press preset button 3 twice, “520”  
appears in the display.  
- Press preset button 4 once, “521”  
appears in the display.  
Wrong code number entered  
The radio must be connected to permanent  
It should not be possible for thieves to ascer-  
tain the code number by trial-and-error. This  
is why the set will be blocked for a certain  
period of time, if an incorrect code number is  
entered. In this case, “- - -” will appear in the  
This waiting time is 10 seconds after the first  
three attempts, and 1 hour following subse-  
quent attempts.  
In order to switch the code system on:  
Turn the radio off.  
Hold down the preset buttons 1 and 4  
Turn the radio on.  
“COD” briefly appears before the radio  
begins to operate.  
After 19 unsuccessful attempts, “OFF” will  
appear in the display and the set can no  
longer be restarted.  
To confirm the code number:  
Press the upper part of the rocker  
Release preset buttons 1 and 4.  
The code system is on.  
“COD” will be briefly displayed each time the  
radio is turned on.  
Your car radio is now ready for operation.  
Keep you car radio passport with the code  
number in a safe place in order to avoid  
“unauthorized access” to your car radio.  
If the power supply to the radio is interrupted  
while the code system is switched on, you  
need to know the right code number.  
If three dashes appear again in the display,  
you have entered a wrong code number.  
Now it is essential to enter the correct code  
after the waiting period has elapsed (COD in  
the display).  
Amplifier Section  
Radio Section  
If the radio is turned off before the waiting  
period has elapsed, then the waiting period  
restarts as soon as the radio is turned on  
Selecting the Desired Waveband  
For switching the set on,  
With this set you can listen to FM stations of  
the frequency band from 87.5 to 108 MHz.  
turn button 1  
Your stereo is now ready for operation.  
Tuning in a Station Automatical-  
Switching the code system off  
For switching the set off,  
Turn off the radio.  
turn button 1  
Tuning in the Following Station  
Simultaneously press preset buttons 1  
and 4 and hold them down.  
Press the upper part of the rocker  
switch 2.  
Balance Control  
Turn the set on.  
“COD” will appear in the display.  
The car stereo automatically starts  
searching for the next station.  
Use button C to balance the sound impres-  
sion of the right and left channel speaker.  
Enter the code number given in the  
Blaupunkt car radio passport and con-  
firm: See example “Restart following  
interruption …”.  
Tuning in the Previous Station  
Press the lower part of the rocker  
switch 2.  
Sound Control  
Use the TONE button D to adjust the sound  
The car radio automatically starts sear-  
according to your personal preference.  
The code system is now deactivated.  
ching for the previous station.  
If the rocker switch  
2 up/down is  
kept depressed, the station seek opera-  
tion continues to be carried out quickly  
in the corresponding direction.  
Manual Tuning  
All stations can also be tuned in “manually”:  
Press the rocker switch <</>> 3 on  
the left or the right. The frequency band  
is scanned in small steps.  
Adjusting the Station Seek  
Memorizing a Station  
When tuning in an already stored station,  
display 9 will show the corresponding pre-  
set button for approx. five seconds. In additi-  
on, display = will also give you the respec-  
tive storage level.  
You can memorize a station with each of the  
With this set you can modify the station seek preset buttons B.  
If you want to search for strong stations only ted four times, i.e. four stations can be stored  
(reduced sensitivity):  
For FM, each preset buttonB can be alloca-  
on one button. The display = shows you the  
corresponding assignments (I, II, III stand for  
Travelstore (for Travelstore information see  
the following chapter)).  
• Press the lo rocker switch 5 until “lo”  
lights up on the display >.  
If you also like to search for weaker stations  
(increased sensitivity):  
Automatically Storing the Stron-  
gest Stations (Travelstore)  
WithTravelstore, youhavetheopportunityto  
automatically store the next five FM stations  
of your local reception area and have them  
sorted according to their frequencies. This  
feature is of special use while travelling.  
For changing the storage level:  
• Press the lo rocker switch 5 until the  
“lo“ indication > goes off.  
Press the FM•T rocker switch A.  
For storing a station:  
select the storage level (FM only). For  
this, press FM•T A until display =  
either gives you I, II, III or T.  
Switching from Stereo to Mono  
Press the FM•T rocker switch A for at  
least two seconds.  
For switching from stereo to mono:  
Press the lo rocker switch 5 for more  
than two seconds.  
The set searches for the next FM stati-  
ons and sorts them on the “T” (Travel-  
store) storage level. Once the process  
is finished, the car radio tunes in to the  
first station.  
Tune in the station (see chapter Auto-  
matic/Manual Tuning of Stations)  
For stereo reproduction, the stereo sign  
will light up on the display < .  
When switching the unit on, stereo sound  
reproduction is adjusted.  
When the signal strength gets poor, the set  
will automatically switch to mono.  
Press the desired preset button B until  
the broadcast becomes audible again  
(approx. 2 seconds).  
If required, it is also possible to manually  
storeastationontheTravelstorelevel. Ifless  
than five stations can be received, the free  
buttons are represented by dashes for a  
short period of time.  
From display 9 you can see which  
button is currently pressed.  
Now the station is stored.  
Traffic Messages (ARI)  
Activating a Stored Station  
For selecting a sampled station:  
Many FM stations broadcast the current traf-  
fic messages for their coverage area at regu-  
lar intervals.  
Press the Scan knob 1 once again.  
If required, the memorized stations can be  
activated at a keystroke.  
The Scan function is off.  
Together with the programme, the traffic sta-  
tionstransmitanARIsignal”, whichletsyour  
car radio detect the actual traffic station.  
The traffic stations indicate the beginning  
and the end of the message by an additional  
signal. Traffic messages are “put through”  
with a preset volume, the level of which can  
of the Station Seek Operation”). The set  
automatically interrupts tape playback and  
resumes play as soon as the message is  
After the search operation has been conclu-  
ded, and no station has been chosen, the  
radio starts playing the station from which  
Station Scan was started before.  
Choose the storage level.  
For this, press FM•T A until display =  
shows I, II or III, or T.  
Briefly press the corresponding preset  
button B.  
Sampling Memorized Stations  
briefly sampled.  
Briefly Sampling a Station  
(Radio Scan)  
Press the PS rocker switch 4.  
Starting with the currently tuned in station,  
you can have the following ones briefly sam-  
pled for approx. eight seconds each.  
One after another, the car radio will  
then start introducing all memorized  
stations of the selected waveband.  
Briefly press the Scan knob 1.  
If the following station is found, it is  
reproduced for approximately eight  
seconds.The station’s frequency starts  
blinking on display 8; if it has already  
been memorized, the corresponding  
preset button starts blinking on display  
9. In addition, the storage level indi-  
cator lights up on display =. Subse-  
quently, the set starts searching for the  
next station.  
Switching Traffic Messages  
(ARI) On and Off  
The set either samples the stations of  
storage levels I-III or of the Travelstore  
level “T”. This depends on the current  
switching status.  
For switching ARI on and off  
Press the ARI button @.  
If a preset button has no station alloca-  
ted, this button is skipped.  
If the traffic station is on, “ARI” lights  
up on the display :.  
You can only capture traffic stations which  
transmit an ARI signal.  
To terminate this function:  
Press the PS rocker switch 4 once  
The station currently sampled is  
Tape Section  
Acoustic Alarm  
Adjusting the Volume of Traffic  
Messages and the Acoustic  
Inserting a Tape  
When leaving the coverage area of the tuned  
in traffic station, your car radio automatically  
sendsoutanacousticalarmafterapproxima- This volume has been set ex factory. Howe-  
tely 30 seconds. ver, you can adapt it according to your perso-  
This alarm tone can also be heard when nal preferences.  
pressing a preset button with no ARI station  
allocated to it.  
For switching off the acoustic alarm,  
If you want to listen to a tape:  
Switch on the set.  
Insert the cassette into the slot with the  
tape side showing to the right and the  
empty reel to the front.  
Tune in to a traffic information station  
(“SK” ; is displayed).  
Fast Forwarding the Tape  
Activate the ARI function by  
search for a new station (see chapter  
“Tuning in a Station Automatically”).  
The set will then start searching for the  
next traffic station.  
Fast Forward Operation  
presdsing the ARI rocker switch @.  
Briefly press the FF button 6.  
Stopping Fast Forward Operation  
Briefly press the FF button 6.  
Turn the volume down.  
Using a suitable screwdriver (maximum bla-  
de width 2 mm), you can carefully (!) adjust  
the volume while a traffic message is broad-  
cast (fig. 2).  
Automatic Start of the Station  
Seek Operation (Tape Playback)  
Removing the Tape  
For this, the set has to be connected and  
To stop tape play:  
When leaving the coverage area of the tuned pulled out of the installation compartment.  
in traffic station, your car radio will automati-  
Press the  
button 6 firmly.  
The cassette is ejected.  
cally start searching for a new traffic station  
while you are listening to your tape.  
Care Notes  
Technical Data  
We recommend C-60 and C-90 type tapes  
for use in any automobile tape player; to  
protect your tapes, store them in a cool place  
awayfromdirt, dust, orexcessivetemperatu-  
res above 50° Celsius. In order to ensure  
smooth tape operation, cold tapes should be  
allowed to heat up a bit before they are  
played. If dust collects on the audio head or  
the rubber roller, problems related to rough  
tape operation or poor sound quality may  
occur after approx. 100 hours of operation.  
For normal contamination, use a head-  
cleaning cassette to remove the dust; for  
more intensive contamination, use a cotton-  
wool tip soaked with alcohol. Never use hard  
Output power:  
2 x 10 W watts RMS  
acc. to DIN 45324/3.1  
0.9 µV at 26 dB  
signal-to-noise ratio  
35 - 16 000 Hz (-3 dB)  
30 - 14 000 Hz (-3 dB)  
Tape Section  
Modifications reserved!  
Blaupunkt-Werke GmbH  
Bosch Gruppe  
12/95 Pf  
K7/VKD 8 622 400 363  

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