Huawei Network Router B686 User Manual

B686 Wireless Gateway  
User Guide  
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
2012. All rights reserved.  
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any  
means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
The product described in this manual may include copyrighted software of  
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and possible licensors. Customers shall not in  
any manner reproduce, distribute, modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt,  
extract, reverse engineer, lease, assign, or sublicense the said software, unless  
such restrictions are prohibited by applicable laws or such actions are approved  
by respective copyright holders under licenses.  
Trademarks and Permissions  
, and  
are trademarks or registered trademarks of  
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the  
property of their respective owners.  
Some features of the product and its accessories described herein rely on the  
software installed, capacities and settings of local network, and may not be  
activated or may be limited by local network operators or network service  
providers. Thus the descriptions herein may not exactly match the product or its  
accessories you purchase.  
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. reserves the right to change or modify any  
information or specifications contained in this manual without prior notice or  
Import and Export Regulations  
Customers shall comply with all applicable export or import laws and regulations  
and will obtain all necessary governmental permits and licenses in order to  
export, re-export or import the product mentioned in this manual including the  
software and technical data therein.  
updated hotline and email address in your country or region.  
Table of Contents  
Figures in this guide are only for your reference. For details  
about the particular model you have chosen, contact your  
service provider.  
Check the information about the product and its accessories  
when you purchase it. Some accessories are not provided in  
the product package. If necessary, contact your local dealer to  
purchase them.  
This guide briefly describes the device functions. For details  
about how to set the management parameters, see the help  
information on the web management page.  
1 Getting to Know Your Device  
1.1 Application Scenario  
Your device provides both data and voice services. You can connect your  
computer to the router to access the Internet, or use a handset to make a  
call after registering it with the router. The specific connection steps depend  
on your computer's operating system.  
1.2 Appearance  
Press and hold this key to function the  
router on or off.  
Functions On/Off  
Press and hold this key to active the  
Wi-Fi or WPS connection.  
Wi-Fi/WPS button  
Press and hold this key to register a  
Press this key to page all the  
registered handsets.  
Steady on: At least one handset  
Fast blinking: Handset registration in  
Slow blinking: Handset paging in  
Off: No handsets registered.  
Handset status  
Steady on: USB storage device  
Off: USB storage device not  
USB indicator  
Steady on: Wi-Fi turned on.  
Blinking: WPS connection being set  
Wi-Fi/WPS indicator  
Off: Wi-Fi turned off.  
Red fast blinking: Subscriber Identity  
Module (SIM) card unavailable (SIM  
card not installed or malfunctioning,  
or PIN code not verified).  
Steady yellow: Router registered with  
the network.  
Network status  
Steady green: Router connected to  
the Internet.  
Off: No signal received.  
Steady on: Router powered on and  
functioning normally.  
Off: Router powered off or functioned  
Power indicator  
Steady on: Ethernet cable  
Blinking: Data transfer in progress.  
Off: Network cable not connected.  
LAN indicators  
Connect an external antenna to this  
External antenna port  
Power port  
Connect a compatible power adapter to  
this port.  
Connect a USB flash drive, portable  
hard disk drive, or USB printer to this  
USB port  
Connect a computer to one of these  
ports using an Ethernet cable.  
LAN ports  
Access the main menu by pressing  
the OK key in standby mode.  
Navigation keys  
Access a shortcut menu by pressing  
the corresponding navigation key in  
standby mode.  
Adjust the volume by pressing the  
navigation keys during a call.  
Left function  
Select the option displayed in the lower  
left corner of the screen.  
Activate the hands-free mode when  
making or answering a call.  
Speaker key  
Make or answer a call.  
View the dialed call log in standby  
Call/Send key  
Mute key  
Press this key to mute or unmute an  
ongoing call.  
Press this key to use the shortcut  
Shortcut key  
Press this key to access the list of  
registered handsets in standby mode.  
Enter numbers, letters, and symbols.  
Number keys (2–9): Speed-dial a  
user-assigned phone number by  
pressing and holding a key in  
standby mode.  
Number and  
symbol keys  
# key: Switch between text input  
methods in editing mode.  
* key: Display the symbol list in  
editing mode.  
End or reject a call.  
Press and hold this key to power a  
handset on or off.  
End key  
Return to the standby mode.  
Press this key to delete the character to  
the left of the cursor in editing mode.  
Clear key  
Right function  
Select the option displayed in the lower  
right corner of the screen.  
1.3 Screen Icons  
Signal strength  
Battery level  
Silent mode  
Alarm clock  
Handset registered with the  
Unread message  
Forwarding of all calls  
2 Computer Requirements  
The recommended computer specification is as follows:  
Central processing unit (CPU): Pentium 500 MHz or faster  
Random access memory (RAM): ≥ 128 MB  
Hard drive: 50 MB disk space available  
Operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista,  
Windows 7, or Mac OS  
Liquid crystal display (LCD) resolution: At least 800 x 600 pixels (1024 x  
768 pixels is recommended.)  
3 Installation  
3.1 Installing a SIM Card  
1. Slide the card cover off the router.  
2. Insert the SIM card into the card slot. Ensure that the gold contact area  
faces down and that the beveled edge of the SIM card aligns with that of  
the card slot.  
3. Slide the card cover back onto the router.  
Before removing the SIM card, ensure that the router is  
functioned off and disconnected from the power outlet.  
3.2 (Optional) Installing the Table Stand  
You can place the router on a flat surface such as a table or a desk, or hang  
it on a wall. You can also use the table stand on the router to place it  
To use the table stand, insert its latches into the router's table stand slots,  
as shown in the following figure.  
To ensure good signal reception, place the router in a high  
place or near a window.  
To prevent interference caused by radio signals, place the  
router at least 1 meter (3.28 feet) away from other electrical  
3.3 (Optional) Installing an External  
In areas with poor network coverage, connect an external antenna to the  
router's external antenna port. Screw the external antenna in fully, as  
shown in the following figure.  
Skip this section if you do not need to connect an external  
antenna to the router.  
Before using an external antenna, log in to the web  
management page ( and set antenna mode  
to outer. For details, see the help information on the web  
management page.  
Only use the external antenna indoors.  
3.4 Installing the Handset Battery  
1. Slide the battery cover off.  
2. Insert the battery into the battery slot. Ensure that the golden contacts of  
the battery mate securely with those in the battery slot.  
3. Slide the battery cover back onto the handset.  
If the handset will not be used for a long time, remove the battery  
from the handset.  
3.5 Connecting to a Computer  
Use an Ethernet cable to connect a computer to one of the router's LAN  
ports, as shown in the following figure.  
When the connection between the router and the computer is set up, the  
router's corresponding LAN indicator turns on.  
Ensure that the Ethernet cable is not longer than 100 meters (328 feet).  
3.6 Connecting to a USB Device  
You can connect a USB flash drive, portable hard disk drive, or USB printer  
to the router's USB port, as shown in the following figure. For details, see  
the help information on the web management page.  
Do not connect a computer to the router's USB port.  
The router's USB port can supply a maximum current of 500  
mA to power connected USB devices. If the current required by  
a portable hard disk drive (or other peripherals) connected to  
the router is higher than 500 mA, the router may fail to  
recognize the hard disk drive. In this case, use an auxiliary  
power supply for the hard disk drive. For more information,  
contact your service provider.  
3.7 Connecting the Router to a Power Outlet  
Connect a compatible power adapter to the router's power port, and then  
plug the power adapter into a power outlet.  
Using an incompatible power adapter may damage the router.  
3.8 Charging the Handset  
Use a compatible power adapter to charge your handset.  
1. Place the handset into the handset base. Ensure that the golden  
electrical contacts of the handset and base mate securely.  
2. Connect a compatible power adapter to the handset base's power port,  
and then connect the power adapter to a power outlet.  
On delivery, a new handset's battery will be low. Charge the  
handset for a while before attempting to power it on for the first  
Using an incompatible power adapter may damage the  
handset or handset base.  
4 Powering the Device On or Off  
4.1 Powering the Router On or Off  
To power the router on, connect the router to a power outlet.  
To power the router off, disconnect the router to the power outlet.  
After connecting to a power outlet, the router will function on  
Press and hold  
until all indicators turn off, to manually  
functions the router off.  
Press and hold  
until all indicators turn on, to manually  
functions the router on.  
4.2 Powering the Handset On or Off  
To power the handset on, press and hold  
until the screen lights up.  
To power the handset off, press and hold  
until the screen turns off.  
5 Registering the Handset  
Skip this section if your handset is registered with the router.  
Register a handset with the router before using it. Otherwise, you cannot  
use the handset.  
To register a handset:  
1. Press and hold  
on the router for over 3 seconds until  
2. On the handset, select Settings > Handset > Register handset.  
3. Press the up and down navigation keys to scroll to the base with which  
you want to register the handset, and then enter the registration  
4. Press the OK key to register the handset with the base.  
The default registration password is 0000. To change the  
password, select Settings > Base > Security > Change  
system PIN.  
When registering a handset with the router, ensure that the  
handset is near the router. After the handset is registered, use  
the handset within range of the router. Otherwise, the handset  
will display a message and disconnect from the router.  
You can register a maximum of six handsets with the router.  
on the router. When  
blinks slowly, you can  
page all handsets that have registered with the router.  
To deregister the handset, select Settings > Handset >  
Deregister handset. You cannot use the handset after it has  
been deregistered.  
6 Setting Up a Wireless  
Before setting up a Wi-Fi connection, ensure that a wireless  
network adapter has been installed on your computer. If the  
wireless network adapter is functioning correctly, you will be able  
to find a wireless network connection in your computer's  
connection manager application.  
6.1 Turning the Router's Wi-Fi On or Off  
By default, the router's Wi-Fi automatically turns on when the router is  
functioned on.  
To manually turn Wi-Fi on, press and hold  
turns steady  
To manually turn Wi-Fi off, press and hold  
for 2 seconds, and  
then release your finger. The  
indicator turns off.  
6.2 Setting Up a Wi-Fi Connection Manually  
1. Ensure that  
is steady on.  
2. Scan for available wireless network connections using your computer's  
connection manager application.  
3. Connect to the wireless network that has the same service set  
identification (SSID) as the router.  
If a security mechanism has been enabled for the wireless  
network connection, enter the correct Wi-Fi key.  
The default SSID and Wi-Fi key are printed on the router label.  
To protect your wireless network from unauthorized access,  
change the SSID and Wi-Fi key. For details, see the help  
information on the web management page.  
6.3 Setting Up a Wi-Fi Connection through  
the WPS  
If the client to which your router connects supports WPS, a network key is  
generated automatically.  
To set up a WPS connection:  
1. Ensure that  
is steady on.  
2. Press and hold  
blinks to activate the WPS  
connection on your router.  
3. Activate the WPS connection on the client.  
For details about the client's operations, see its user guide.  
7 Accessing the Internet  
After a connection between your router and the client is set up, you can  
access the Internet using the modes listed in the following table.  
Select an appropriate mode according to your data service charging plan.  
For example, if you are charged according to the length of time you are  
connected to the Internet, it is recommended that you select manual mode.  
For details about your data service charging plan, contact your service  
After being functioned on, the router will automatically  
connect to the Internet. Once connected, the router will  
not automatically disconnect from the Internet.  
Log in to the web management page, and then  
connect to or disconnect from the Internet as  
After being functioned on, if there is data being  
transferred, the router will automatically connect to the  
Internet. If no data is transferred within a pre-defined  
period, the router will automatically disconnect from  
the Internet.  
8 Logging In to the Web  
Management Page  
You can configure and manage the router settings using the web  
management page. For details, see the help information on the web  
management page.  
1. Launch a web browser, and enter in the address bar.  
2. Enter the password, and log in to the web management page. The  
default password is admin.  
To protect your router, only one user can log in to the web  
management page at a time.  
To protect your account, change the password promptly. For  
details, see the help information on the web management  
9 Using the Handset  
9.1 Call Functions  
Making a Call  
1. In standby mode, enter a phone number.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
to place a call.  
to cancel or end the call.  
In standby mode, press  
the desired number, and then press  
to view the dialed call log. Find  
to place a call to that  
Find the desired number in contacts, and then press  
call the number.  
Answering or Rejecting a Call  
When there is an incoming call, press  
reject the call.  
to answer the call or  
Making an Internal Call  
To make an internal call:  
1. In standby mode, press the intercommunication key.  
2. Press the up and down navigation keys to scroll to the handset to which  
you want to place the internal call.  
3. Press  
4. Press  
to initiate an internal call.  
to cancel or end the call.  
Transferring a Call  
To transfer an ongoing call from an external number to another handset:  
1. Press the intercommunication key to scroll to the handset to which you  
want to transfer the call.  
2. Press  
to connect to the desired handset.  
3. Press  
to end the call between the current and desired handset.  
The call is transferred to the desired handset.  
9.2 Message Functions  
Creating a Message  
1. Select Messages > Create message.  
2. Edit the message.  
3. Press the OK key and then add a recipient using the following methods:  
Enter the recipient's phone number.  
Add the recipient from the contacts.  
4. Press the OK key to send the message.  
Reading a Message  
The handset stores received messages in the inbox.  
1. Select Messages > Inbox.  
2. Press the up or down navigation key to scroll to a message in the list.  
3. Press the OK key to open and read the message.  
4. Press the left function key to manage the message.  
9.3 Text Input Methods  
Switching Between Input Methods  
In editing mode, press the # key to switch between input methods.  
In editing mode, you can press  
to delete the character to  
to delete all  
the left of the cursor or press and hold  
In Predictive or Traditional English input mode, you can press  
the 0 key to enter a space.  
When Predictive English Input is turned on, you will not be able  
to switch to Traditional English Input by pressing the # key. To  
turn off Predictive English Input, select Options > Input  
Option in editing mode.  
In any input mode, press the * key to display the symbol list.  
Inputting English with Predictive English Input (T9)  
1. Press the keys labeled with the letters required to spell the desired word  
once according to the spelling sequence of the word.  
As you enter the letters, the handset predicts the desired word and  
displays candidate words.  
2. Press the navigation keys to scroll to the desired word.  
3. Press the OK key to enter the word followed by a space.  
Inputting English with Traditional English Input  
In ABC or abc text input mode, press the number keys to enter letters.  
Press a number key repeatedly until the desired character appears. If the  
next letter you want to enter is on the same key as the current one, wait  
until the current letter is entered, and then enter the next one.  
Inputting Numbers  
Switching to the 123 input mode, enter a desired number by pressing the  
number key.  
9.4 Settings Configuration  
To configure and customize your handset settings, select Menu > Settings.  
Configuring Date and Time  
To set the date, select Settings > Date and time > Date, enter current date  
by pressing the number key.  
To set the time, select Settings > Date and time > Time, enter current time  
by pressing the number key.  
Configuring the Handset Lock  
To set the handset lock, select Settings > Handset > Security > Phone  
password. You can change the default handset lock code (0000) to a  
personal password.  
Before restoring factory settings, you must enter the correct  
handset lock code.  
Locking or Unlocking the Keypad  
In standby mode, press and hold the # key to lock the keypad.  
In standby mode, press the left function key and then the * key to unlock the  
Entering the PIN and PUK  
A Personal Identification Number (PIN) protects your SIM card from  
unauthorized use. A PIN Unblocking Key (PUK) is used to change a  
blocked PIN. If you enter your PIN incorrectly a number of times  
consecutively, your SIM card will be locked and the handset asks you to  
enter the PUK to unlock it. Both the PIN and the PUK are supplied with the  
SIM card. For details, contact your service provider.  
10 Restoring Factory Defaults  
If you are uncertain of which settings you have configured or changed, you  
can restore the factory defaults that the device came with, and then  
reconfigure the device.  
Restoring the Router  
To restore the router’s factory defaults, keep the router functioning on, use  
a sharp-pointed object to press and hold the RESET button until all  
indicators (  
) blink.  
After the factory defaults are restored, the router will restart automatically.  
Restoring the router to its factory settings will erase all user  
settings (including the handset base settings) and restore all  
settings on the web management page to their default values.  
If you want to remain the handset base settings, log in to the  
web management page to restore. For details, see the help  
information on the web management page.  
Restoring the Handset  
To restore the handset to its factory settings, select Settings > Handset >  
Reset settings.  
To restore the handset base to its factory settings, select Settings > Base >  
Reset settings.  
Restoring the handset to its factory settings will not affect its  
registration state.  
Settings that are configured using the handset's base settings  
menu, including network, call, and security settings, take effect  
on the router.  
11 FAQs  
If problems occur during the use of the device, refer to the following sections for  
suggested solutions. If the problems persist, contact your device vendor.  
The device does not work properly. What can I do?  
Restart the router or handset.  
Restore the router or handset to its factory settings.  
Log in to the web management page to see the help information.  
Contact your service provider.  
The handset will not power on. What can I do?  
1. Remove the battery cover and check that the battery is installed correctly.  
2. If the battery is correctly installed, a possible cause for the problem is that the  
battery is low. Charge the battery, and then try to power on the handset.  
No information is displayed on the handset screen.  
If the handset has not been used for a long time or the battery runs out of power,  
the handset may not display any information when it is being charged. This is  
normal. The handset can be powered on after the battery has been charged for a  
The battery cannot be charged. What can I do?  
1. Check that the handset is correctly mated with the handset base.  
2. Check that the handset base and the power adapter are connected correctly.  
3. Check that the power adapter and the power socket are connected correctly.  
4. Replace the power adapter or the battery with a new one of the same model.  
The handset continuously searches for the router.  
What can I do?  
1. Check that the router is functioned on.  
2. Re-register the handset with the router. You do not need to deregister the  
handset first.  
The signal strength is weak. What can I do?  
1. Check that the SIM card is installed correctly.  
2. Place the router at a location where signal reception is good.  
The call volume is too high or too low. What can I  
During a call, use the navigation keys to adjust the volume.  
12 Safety Information  
This section contains important information pertaining to the operating  
instructions of your device. It also contains information about how to use the  
device safely. Read this information carefully before using your device.  
Electronic Device  
Do not use your device if using your device is prohibited. Do not use the device  
when using your device causes danger or interference with electronic devices.  
Medical Device  
Follow rules and regulations set forth by hospitals and health care facilities. Do  
not use your device when using the device is prohibited.  
Some wireless devices may affect the performance of hearing aids or  
pacemakers. For any such problems, consult your service provider.  
If you are using an electronic medical device, consult the doctor or the device  
manufacturer to confirm whether radio waves affect the operation of this  
Potentially Explosive Atmosphere  
Do not use your device in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, and  
comply with all signs and instructions. Areas that may have potentially explosive  
atmospheres include the areas where you would normally be advised to turn off  
your vehicle engine. Triggering of sparks in such areas could cause an explosion  
or a fire, resulting in bodily injuries or even deaths. Do not use your device at  
refueling points such as service stations. Comply with restrictions on the use of  
radio equipment in fuel depots, storage, and distribution areas, and chemical  
plants. In addition, adhere to restrictions in areas where blasting operations are  
in progress. Before using the device, watch out for areas that have potentially  
explosive atmospheres that are often, but not always, clearly marked. Such  
locations include areas below the deck on boats, chemical transfer or storage  
facilities, and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles such as grain,  
dust, or metal powders. Ask the manufacturers of vehicles using liquefied  
petroleum gas (such as propane or butane) whether this device can be safely  
used in their vicinity.  
Traffic Security  
Observe local laws and regulations while using the device. To prevent  
accidents, do not use your wireless device while driving.  
Do not talk on the handset while driving. Use hands-free accessories.  
RF signals may affect electronic systems of motor vehicles. For more  
information, consult the vehicle manufacturer.  
In a motor vehicle, do not place the device over the air bag or in the air bag  
deployment area. Otherwise, the device may hurt you owing to the strong  
force when the air bag inflates.  
Do not use your device while flying in an aircraft and before boarding an  
aircraft. Using wireless devices in an aircraft may cause danger to the  
operation of the aircraft and disrupt the wireless telephone network. It may  
also be considered illegal.  
Operating Environment  
Do not use or charge the device in dusty, damp, and dirty places or places with  
magnetic fields. Otherwise, it may result in a malfunction of the circuit.  
While using the device, observe the local laws and regulations, and respect  
others' privacy and legal rights.  
Place the device or accessories in well-ventilated, cool, and  
out-of-direct-sunlight place. Avoid enveloping the device, or covering towels  
and placing articles on the device. Place the device out of a box or case to  
avoid poor heat dissipation that results in the damage to the device.  
On a stormy day with thunder, do not use your device, to prevent any danger  
caused by lightning.  
When you are on a call, do not touch the antenna. Touching the antenna  
affects the call quality and results in increase in power consumption. As a  
result, the talk time and the standby time are reduced.  
Keep the ambient temperature between -10°C to +45°C for using the device.  
The wireless device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance  
of 20 cm between the antenna and all persons.  
Use accessories authorized by the manufacturer. Using unauthorized  
accessories will render the warranty null and void.  
Prevention of Hearing Damage  
Using a headset at high volume can damage your hearing. To reduce the risk of  
damage to hearing, lower the headset volume to a safe and comfortable level.  
Safety of Children  
Comply with all precautions with regard to children's safety. Letting the child play  
with your device or its accessories, which may include parts that can be detached  
from the device, may be dangerous, as it may present a choking hazard. Ensure  
that small children are kept away from the device and accessories.  
Use the accessories delivered only by the manufacturer. Using accessories of  
other manufacturers or vendors with this device model may invalidate any  
approval or warranty applicable to the device, result in the non-operation of  
the device, and cause danger.  
Use only the following listed AC Adapters/Power Supplies:  
Router adapter model: HW-120100E6W, HW-120100B6W  
Handset adapter model: HW-050055E1W, HW-050055E4W, HW-050055B4W  
Battery and Charger  
Unplug the charger from the electrical plug and the device when not in use.  
The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times before it  
eventually wears out. When the standby time and the talk time are shorter  
than the normal time, replace the battery.  
Use the AC power supply defined in the specifications of the charger. An  
improper power voltage may cause a fire or a malfunction of the charger.  
Do not connect two poles of the battery with conductors, such as metal  
materials, keys, or jewelries. Otherwise, the battery may be short-circuited and  
may cause injuries and burns on your body.  
Do not disassemble the battery or solder the battery poles. Otherwise, it may  
lead to electrolyte leakage, overheating, fire, or explosion.  
If battery electrolyte leaks out, ensure that the electrolyte does not touch your  
skin and eyes. When the electrolyte touches your skin or splashes into your  
eyes, wash your eyes with clean water immediately and consult a doctor.  
If there is a case of battery deformation, color change, or abnormal heating  
while you charge or store the battery, remove the battery immediately and stop  
using it. Otherwise, it may lead to battery leakage, overheating, explosion, or  
If the power cable is damaged (for example, the cord is exposed or broken), or  
the plug loosens, stop using the cable at once. Otherwise, it may lead to an  
electric shock, a short circuit of the charger, or a fire.  
Do not dispose of batteries in fire as they may explode. Batteries may also  
explode if damaged.  
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Recycle or dispose of  
used batteries according to the local regulations or reference instruction  
supplied with your device.  
Cleaning and Maintenance  
It is normal that your wireless device gets hot when you use or charge it. Before  
you clean or maintain the wireless device, stop all applications and disconnect  
the wireless device from your PC.  
Use your wireless device and accessories with care and in a clean  
environment. Keep the wireless device away from a fire or a lit cigarette.  
Do not drop, throw, or bend your wireless device.  
The device, battery, and charger are not water-resistant. Keep them dry.  
Protect the device, battery, and charger from water or vapor. Do not touch the  
device or the charger with a wet hand. Otherwise, it may lead to a short circuit,  
a malfunction of the device, and an electric shock to the user.  
Do not place your device, battery, and charger in places where they can get  
damaged because of collision. Otherwise, it may lead to battery leakage,  
device malfunction, overheating, fire, or explosion.  
Do not place magnetic storage media such as magnetic cards and floppy  
disks near the device. Radiation from the device may erase the information  
stored on them.  
Do not leave your device, battery, and charger in a place with an extreme high  
or low temperature. Otherwise, they may not function properly and may lead to  
a fire or an explosion. When the temperature is lower than 0°C, performance  
of the battery is affected.  
Do not place sharp metal objects such as pins near the earpiece. The  
earpiece may attract these objects and hurt you when you are using the  
Before you clean or maintain the device, power off the device and disconnect  
it from the charger.  
Do not use any chemical detergent, powder, or other chemical agents (such  
as alcohol and benzene) to clean the device and the charger. Otherwise, parts  
of the device may be damaged or a fire can be caused. You can clean the  
device and the charger with a piece of damp and soft antistatic cloth.  
Do not dismantle the device or accessories. Otherwise, the warranty on the  
device and accessories is invalid and the manufacturer is not liable to pay for  
the damage.  
Emergency Call  
You can use your device for emergency calls in the service area. The connection,  
however, cannot be guaranteed in all conditions. You should not rely solely on  
the device for essential communications.  
Disposal and Recycling Information  
This symbol on the device (and any included batteries) indicates that  
they should not be disposed of as normal household garbage. Do not  
dispose of your device or batteries as unsorted municipal waste. The  
device (and any batteries) should be handed over to a certified  
collection point for recycling or proper disposal at the end of their life.  
For more detailed information about the recycling of the device or  
batteries, contact your local city office, the household waste disposal service, or  
the retail store where you purchased this device.  
The disposal of this device is subject to the Waste from Electrical and Electronic  
Equipment (WEEE) directive of the European Union. The reason for separating  
WEEE and batteries from other waste is to minimize the potential environmental  
impacts on human health of any hazardous substances that may be present.  
Reduction of Hazardous Substances  
This device is compliant with the EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and  
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation (Regulation No 1907/2006/EC of  
the European Parliament and of the Council) and the EU Restriction of  
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive (Directive 2002/95/EC of the European  
Parliament and of the Council). For more information about the REACH  
You are recommended to visit the Web site regularly for up-to-date information.  
EU regulatory conformance  
Български: С настоящето Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. декларира, че този  
уред съответства на основните изисквания и другите разпоредби на  
Директива 1999/5/EC.  
Česky: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení je ve  
shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími souvisejícími opatřeními směrnice  
Dansk: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklærer hermed at denne enhed er i  
overensstemmelse med de obligatoriske krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i  
direktiv 1999/5/EF.  
Nederlands: Hierbij verklaart Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dat dit apparaat in  
overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen  
van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.  
English: Hereby, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declares that this device is in  
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of  
Directive 1999/5/EC.  
Eesti: Käesolevaga kinnitab Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., et see seade vastab  
Direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõudmistele ja teistele asjakohastele määrustele.  
Suomi: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vakuuttaa täten, että tämä laite on  
yhdenmukainen direktiivin 1999/5/EY olennaisten vaatimusten ja direktiivin  
muiden asiaankuuluvien lausumien kanssa.  
Français (Européen) : Le fabricant déclare que ce produit est conforme aux  
exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive  
Deutsch: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt die  
erforderlichen Bestimmungen und andere relevante Verordnungen der Richtlinie  
1999/5/EG einhält.  
Ελληνικά: Δια της παρούσης η Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. δηλώνει ότι αυτή  
η συσκευή συμμορφώνεται με τις βασικές απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές διατάξεις  
της οδηγίας 1999/5/Ε.Κ.  
Magyar: Jelen nyilatkozaton keresztül a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. kijelenti,  
hogy a készülék megfelel az EC/5/1999 Irányelv összes lényeges  
követelményének és vonatkozó előírásának.  
Gaeilge: Fograíonn Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. leis seo go bhfuil an fheiste  
seo i gcomhlíonadh leis na fíor-riachtanais agus na forálacha eile maidir le Treoir  
Italiano: Col presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dichiara che  
questo dispositivo è conforme ai requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni  
applicabili della Direttiva 1999/5/CE.  
Latviski: Ar šo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. paziņo, ka šī ierīce atbilst  
Direktīvas 1999/5/EC pamatprasībām un piemērojamajiem nosacījumiem.  
Lietuviškai: Šiuo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. praneša, kad šis įtaisas atitinka  
Direktyvos 1999/5/EC pagrindinius reikalavimus ir taikomas sąlygas.  
Malti: Hawnhekk, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. tiddikjara li dan it-tagħmir hu  
konformi mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u provvedimenti rilevanti oħrajn ta’ Direttiva  
Polski: Wymieniona w tym dokumencie firma Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
deklaruje, że niniejsze urządzenie spełnia zasadnicze wymagania w zakresie  
zgodności oraz inne odnośne postanowienia Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.  
Português (Europeu) : Deste modo, a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declara  
que este dispositivo está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras  
provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.  
Română: Prin prezenta Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declară că acest  
dispozitiv este conform cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale  
directivei 1999/5/CE.  
Slovenčina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenie je  
v súlade so základnými požiadavkami a inými relevantnými predpismi Smernice  
Slovenščina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. izjavlja, da je ta naprava v skladu z  
bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi ustreznimi določbami Direktive 1999/5/ES.  
Español (Europeo) : Con el presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
declara que este dispositivo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y con las  
demás disposiciones correspondientes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.  
Svenska: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna produkt  
överensstämmer med de grundläggande kraven och andra relevanta föreskrifter i  
direktiv 1999/5/EG.  
For the declaration of conformity, visit the Web site  
Notice: Observe the national local regulations in the location where the device is  
to be used. This device may be restricted for use in some or all member states of  
the European Union (EU).  
Notice: This device may be operated in all member states of the EU.  
France: L'utilisation à l'extérieur est limitée à 10 mW de puissance isotrope  
rayonnée équivalente dans la plage 2454-2483,5 MHz.  
Italia: per l'uso privato è necessaria un'autorizzazione generica se vengono  
utilizzati i sistemi wireless di accesso alla rete locale (WAS/RLAN).  
Norge: Dette underavsnittet gjelder ikke for det geografiske området innen en  
radius på 20 km fra Ny-Ålesund.  
Issue: 03(2012-08-15)  
Part Number: 96721255  

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