HP Hewlett Packard Network Card 7500 PCI User Manual

ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller  
Installation Guide  
First Edition  
Revision A  
Manufacturing Part Number: AB551-96002 – Revision A  
April 2005  
© Copyright 2004-2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
This preface contains the following sections:  
Intended Audience  
Document Structure  
Notational Conventions  
Reader Comments and Feedback  
Related Information  
Printing History  
Intended Audience  
This manual is for managers and operators of HP AlphaServer systems with ATI RADEON 7500 PCI  
graphics controllers.  
Document Structure  
This manual has the following chapters.  
Chapter 1, Overview, provides a brief overview of the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controllers.  
Chapter 2, Installation, describes the installation of the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller  
module in a supported HP product.  
Chapter 3, OpenVMS I64 - Graphics Software Installation and Customization, provides  
information for installing and modifying the software required to support 2D (two-dimensional) and 3D  
graphics with the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controllers under the HP OpenVMS I64 operating  
Chapter 4, HP-UX - Graphics Software Installation and Customization, provides information  
for installing and modifying the software required to support 2D (two-dimensional) graphics with the  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controllers under the HP-UX operating system.  
Notational Conventions  
The following notational conventions are used in this publication.  
CAUTION: A caution provides information required to avoid losing data or avoid losing  
system functionality.  
NOTE A note highlights useful information such as restrictions, recommendations, or important  
details about HP product features.  
Commands and optionsare represented using this font.  
Text that you type exactly as shownis represented using this font.  
Text to be replaced with text that you supplyis represented using this font.  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
“Enter the ls -l filenamecommand” means you must replace filenamewith your own  
Keyboard keys and graphical interface items (such as buttons, tabs, and menu items) are represented  
using this font  
The Control key, the OK button, the General tab, the Options menu.  
Menu —> Submenu represents a menu selection you can perform.  
“Select the Partition —> Create Partition action” means you must select the Create Partition menu  
item from the Partition menu.  
Example screen outputis represented using this font.  
Reader Comments and Feedback  
HP welcomes your feedback on this publication. Please address your comments to  
[email protected]mand note that you will not receive an immediate reply. All comments  
are appreciated.  
Related Information  
PCI graphics controller.  
You can find other information on HP server hardware management, Microsoft® Windows®, and  
diagnostic support tools in the following publications.  
Web Site for HP Technical Documentation:  
The main Web site for HP technical documentation is http://docs.hp.com, which has complete  
information available for free.  
Server Hardware Information:  
The http://docs.hp.com/hpux/hw/Web site is the systems hardware portion of the docs.hp.com  
and provides HP nPartition server hardware management details, including site preparation,  
installation, and more.  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Diagnostics and Event Monitoring: Hardware Support Tools  
Complete information about HP’s hardware support tools, including online and offline diagnostics and  
event monitoring tools, is at the http://docs.hp.com/hpux/diag/Web site. This site has manuals,  
tutorials, FAQs, and other reference material.  
Web Site for HP Technical Support:  
HP’s IT resource center Web site at http://us-support2.external.hp.com/provides  
comprehensive support information for IT professionals on a wide variety of topics, including software,  
hardware, and networking.  
Books about HP-UX Published by Prentice Hall  
The http://www.hp.com/hpbooks/Web site lists the HP books that Prentice Hall currently  
publishes, such as HP-UX books including:  
HP-UX 11i System Administration Handbook  
HP-UX Virtual Partitions  
HP books are available worldwide through bookstores, online booksellers, and office and computer  
Printing History  
The printing history below identifies the edition dates of this manual. Updates are made to this  
publication on an unscheduled, as needed, basis.  
First Edition................................................................................................................................. April 2005  
1 Overview  
This chapter provides a brief overview of the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller.  
Module Description  
The ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller/accelerator module is a single expansion-slot 32 bit,  
66/33 MHz Universal PCI option that provides 2D and 3D graphics acceleration for supported HP  
systems running HP OpenVMS I64 and 2D for supported HP-UX systems  
The ATI RADEON 7500 graphic card is based on ATI’s RV200 graphics chip.  
Table 1-1  
Option Numbers  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller with 64 MB of DDR SDRAM memory.  
For current minimum operating system and firmware revision information supported for the ATI  
RADEON 7500 graphics controllers, refer to the system QuickSpecs located at http://www.hp.com.  
Chapter 1  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Figure 1-1  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller  
DVI-I VGA connector adaptor  
S-Video connector  
DVI-I connector  
Standard 15-pin VGA connector  
The ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller has a standard 15-pin VGA connector, a DVI-I  
connector and an S-Video connector. The S-Video functionality is not supported by either OpenVMS or  
HP-UX. There is no VGA switch; VGA functions are automatically configured through the console  
firmware and software.  
DVI-I to VGA Connector Adaptor  
OpenVMS does not support direct DVI to DVI operation on the ATI RADEON 7500 card. The DVI port  
is only useable by using a DVI to analog (VGA) adapter or cable (this part was supplied on the  
AlphaServer version of the card, but is not supplied for HP Itanium). If a DVI to analog adapter or  
cable is used, OpenVMS drives both the VGA and DVI interface with the same image.  
HP-UX does support all video connections, including direct DVI to DVI, DVI to analog (VGA) and VGA  
to VGA.  
Chapter 1  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Connector Pinouts  
Table 1-2 contains a listing of the pins and signals found on the standard 15-pin VGA connector and  
the DVI-I to VGA adaptor (part number 209815-001 not included in kit).  
Table 1-2  
Standard 15-Pin VGA Connector Pinout  
Pin No.  
No connector  
No connector  
Chapter 1  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
This Page Intentionally Left Blank  
Chapter 1  
2 Installation  
This chapter provides information on unpacking the graphic controller and installing the ATI  
RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller module in a supported HP product.  
The graphics option hardware is packaged in a single carton that contains one graphic controller and  
one installation guide.  
Qty Description  
Part Number  
ATI RADEON Graphics Controller, 64MB PCI  
ATI RADEON Installation Guide  
ESD strap kit  
Installation Procedure  
CAUTION: Static electricity can damage sensitive electronic components. When handling  
your graphics option, use an anti-static wrist strap that is connected to a  
grounded surface on your computer system.  
NOTE: Before installing the module, check your monitor specification for signal compatibility and  
supported features offered by the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controllers.  
The following section describes how to install the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller. To install  
the module, perform the following steps:  
1. Perform a normal power-down of your computer system and disconnect the monitor cable.  
2. Disconnect all AC power cables from the wall outlet (or turn off the circuit breakers if applicable to  
your system) to remove power from the system.  
3. Remove the cover from your computer (refer to your system documentation).  
4. Put on an anti-static wrist strap.  
5. If your computer has an existing graphics module, remove the screw that secures it and then  
remove the module.  
6. The slot to be selected depends on the graphic controller you are about to install. If your system had  
a previously installed graphics option, you can use that expansion slot. Remove the slot cover if you  
are using a new slot. Refer to your system owner’s guide for information about graphics option slots.  
Chapter 2  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
7. Grasp the top edge of the graphics option, carefully insert it into the slot, and seat it firmly.  
8. Secure the module with the screw.  
9. Replace the computer cover.  
10. Ensure that the monitor cable is connected to the video output connector located on the back of the  
graphics option.  
11. Reconnect the AC power cables to the wall outlet (or turn on the circuit breakers if applicable to  
your system) to restore power to the system.  
12. Perform a normal power-up of your computer system.  
13. If the system is an HP-UX system, you must switch the system console over to a serial console. See  
Chapter 2  
3 HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software  
Installation and Customization  
This chapter provides information for installing and modifying the software required to support 2D and  
3D graphics with the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller under the HP OpenVMS I64  
operating system.  
The ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller is directly supported by OpenVMS I64 without  
additional software. Bug fixes and new feature support are supplied using the standard OpenVMS  
downloadable patch support mechanism, and with new versions of the Operating System.  
The behavior of the ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller’s support software may be modified  
after installation on OpenVMS by editing the appropriate files and issuing DCL commands (see  
“Multiple Graphics Cards Support” on page 10).  
Video Resolutions Supported  
The ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics controller is capable of supporting the graphics resolutions, color  
depths, and refresh rates shown in Table 3-1:  
Table 3-1  
Supported Video Modes – OpenVMS  
Refresh Rates  
Color Depths  
(Bits per Pixel)  
640 x 480  
800 x 600  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
8, 16, 24  
60, 72, 75, 85  
60, 72, 75, 85  
60, 70, 75, 85  
60, 70, 75, 85  
60, 72, 75, 85  
60, 65, 75, 85  
60, 75  
60, 75  
60, 75  
60, 75  
60, 75  
1024 x 768  
1024 x 864  
1152 x 864  
1280 x 1024  
1600 x 1200  
1792 x 1344  
1856 x 1392  
1920 x 1080  
1920 x 1200  
1920 x 1440  
2048 x 1536  
2048 x 2048  
60, 65, 70, 75  
The video mode chosen should match your monitor’s capabilities. In general, refresh rates below 70 Hz  
are discouraged on CRT monitors, as they tend to show flicker based on the lighting source and  
surrounding equipment. Flat Panel displays generally prefer a 60Hz refresh rate.  
The available resolutions are monitor dependent.  
The default video mode is 1024X768 @70HZ and 24 bits per pixel depth.  
Chapter 3  
HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software Installation & Customization  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Restrictions, Limitations and Defaults  
This section of the document contains limitations, restrictions and defaults for the ATI RADEON 7500  
hardware and software.  
Minimum Console Revision  
The minimum console firmware version for support of the ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller  
under OpenVMS I64 is system dependent. Please consult your platform option information for  
minimum requirements.  
No VGA Console Support  
The initial OpenVMS I64 production release (V8.2) does not support the use of a graphics card (VGA  
mode) as a console terminal device. This is expected to be allowed in a subsequent release. A serial line  
console, or other Management Processor attached device is required.  
HP Integrity Platform Slot Restrictions  
The Version V8.2 release of OpenVMS supports three HP Itanium platform types: The RX1600,  
RX2600 and RX4640 (along with speed and CPU variants). The following are the known restrictions on  
populating slots with ATI RADEON 7500 cards:  
RX1600 – Only one slot (the top slot) allows an ATI RADEON 7500 card, the bottom slot is  
mechanically obstructed. Do not attempt to force a card into the lower slot.  
RX2600 – No restrictions. Up to four ATI RADEON 7500 cards may be placed in any of the  
RX4640 – Up to 4 ATI RADEON 7500 cards may be used, with restrictions on the use of slots 3  
and 4, and 5 and 6:  
One card in slot 3 or 4, but not both  
One card in slot 5 or 6, but not both  
One card in slot 7  
One card in slot 8  
If ATI RADEON 7500 cards are plugged into slot 3 and 4, or 5 and 6, the following error  
message may be displayed during system startup, and the system will not function correctly:  
WARNING[2]: Insufficient resources to assign one or more I/O devices  
Default Depth (24 Bits Per Pixel)  
OpenVMS has traditionally set the default pixel depth to 8 bits per pixel on 2D graphics options, and  
24 bits per pixel on 3D options. With the expanding use of applications such as MOZILLA and  
increased use of various types of images such as GIF and JPEG, the default depth for both 2D and 3D  
has been changed to 24 bits per pixel.  
NOTE: Many older applications may assume a specific depth and visual type – in particular 8 bits per  
pixel and PsuedoColor. If your graphics application or a utility depends upon the depth, you  
can either modify the application, or change the default pixel depth. For example, the PAINT  
program which ships on DECwindows Motif currently only support 8 bits per pixel.  
For instructions on changing the pixel depth, see “Overriding the Default Settings” on page 11.  
Chapter 3  
HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software Installation & Customization  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Multiple Colormaps (8 Bits Per Pixel)  
Multiple colormaps are not supported by the hardware. The ATI RADEON 7500 PCI graphics  
controllers support only one installed colormap at one time. Exceeding this limit in 8 bits per pixel  
depth, may cause colormap ‘flashing’, also known as "Technicolor".  
Applications should not install or de-install colormaps themselves. The window manager should  
perform these actions. However, the application is responsible for providing the window manager with  
hints as to which colormaps to install or de-install.  
Single Pixel Depth (No Mixed Depth Windows)  
Some workstation 3D graphics options in the past provided the ability to mix windows of different pixel  
depths on the same screen. The ATI RADEON 7500 board can only support a single pixel depth at a  
time. This means that all windows on a specific screen must all have the same pixel depth (no mixed  
depth windows).  
Visual Types  
A visual type defines how the X11 server interprets the contents of a pixel. While the ATI RADEON  
7500 hardware only supports a single pixel format at a time, the X11 server can emulate various visual  
types depending on the pixel depth. For example, when using 24 bits per pixel both DirectColor and  
TrueColor can be used, and at 8 bits per pixel all visual types are available.  
The default visual types are: TrueColor for 16 and 24 bits per pixel, and PseudoColor for 8 bits per  
For information on changing the default visual, see “Overriding the Default Settings” on page 11.  
PCI Bus Performance Under Load  
Under heavy load - typically mixed high output 2D and 3D - the RADEON 7500 may consume too much  
bus bandwidth, and has been observed to sometimes hang the graphics output. The DMA fetch size can  
be adjusted to use less bandwidth, at the cost of performance (typically 3D performance).  
To reduce the DMA fetch size, modify DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM to include the line:  
This can be set to the values 0-2, where 0 is the lowest DMA fetch size. The default on Itanium systems  
is fast (2).  
Open3D Support  
The ATI RADEON 7500 supports hardware accelerated 3D support when the pixel depth is set to 24  
bits per pixel. Hardware 3D drawing is not available when using 8 or 16 bits per pixel.  
Previous versions of OpenVMS provided hardware accelerated 3D graphics and an OpenGL compatible  
programming interface for selected option cards through the Open3D license. Starting with OpenVMS  
V8.2 on both Alpha and I64 systems, the Open3D license will no longer be required for 3D operation  
(for POWERSTORM 300 and 350, and ATI RADEON 7000 and 7500 graphics controllers). The license  
for use of 3D is included as part of the base Operating System.  
The OpenVMS ATI RADEON 7500 graphics support includes a Mesa3D based graphics library  
providing an OpenGL V1.2 compatible programming interface, and GLX V1.2. Among other features,  
Chapter 3  
HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software Installation & Customization  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
the libraries provide support for the ATI RADEON 7500 TCL hardware, hardware alpha and stencil  
planes, 3D multi-texturing, and 3D cube map textures.  
The RADEON 7500 Mesa3D software will, by default, force a direct-rendered 3D context whenever the  
3D client requests connection to the X11 server using the LOCAL transport. Direct rendering is a  
highly desirable performance feature for 3D applications.  
You can override this default behavior and force the default to always be indirect rendering (indirect  
rendering means that all 3D operations are executed by the X11 OpenGL server extension) by defining  
the following logical name before running the 3D application:  
This can also be achieved by using the DECNET or TCPIP transports.  
Hardware acceleration can be disabled entirely by defining the system logical:  
HP recommends that the direct rendering interface be used for 3D operation.  
Transformation, Clipping and Lighting Support  
The Mesa3D driver for the RADEON 7500 contains support for the on-board transformation, clipping,  
and lighting (TCL) hardware of the RADEON 7500 for increased primitive rendering performance.  
The embedded graphics typically found on HP Integrity systems is based on the ATI RADEON 7000,  
and also provides 3D capability, but does not have TCL hardware capability.  
Threads Restriction  
The RADEON 7500 Mesa3D library for OpenVMS is not thread safe. However, Mesa3D can be used in  
a multithreaded program if the use of Mesa3D is restricted to a single thread within the program.  
No Backing Store/Save Under for 3D Windows  
Backing store and save under features are not supported when 3D is in use.  
Multiple Graphics Cards Support  
The ATI RADEON 7500 software has been tested for up to 4 cards per system. All operations, including  
hardware accelerated 3D graphics, are supported on every card in the system. Consult your Integrity  
system options documentation for detailed information on number of cards supported and configuration  
The embedded graphics available on most HP Integrity systems based on the ATI RADEON 7000 is  
compatible with multi-head operation with the ATI RADEON 7500 option card, and can be combined  
when using multi-head operation.  
Multi-Screen Versus XINERAMA  
By default, multiple screens are handled as traditional X11 multiple screens. However, the screens can  
be handled as a single “virtual” screen using the XINERAMA extension. This is documented both in the  
DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM procedure, and in the Motif documentation.  
NOTE: Only 2D operation is possible when using XINERAMA. 3D operation will not function  
correctly, or will use software only (no acceleration).  
Chapter 3  
HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software Installation & Customization  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Screen Order and Forcing Single Headed Operation  
Screen order is determined by the bus ordering of devices, and will vary across platforms. The  
DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file allows the user to override the ordering of screens, or to  
force single headed operation. See the documentation in the file, and in the Motif documentation for  
more information. For example, to force a specific graphics option to be used in single head mode (in  
this case GHB0), add the line:  
Modifying the Graphics Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 Default Graphics Settings  
The default graphics resolution is 1024 x 768. The default refresh rate is 70 Hz. The default pixel depth  
is 24 bits per pixel and the default visual type is TrueColor.  
Determining Current Settings  
To find the current settings under OpenVMS, issue the following commands, in order, at the DCL  
$ @decw$utils:decw$define_utils  
$ xdpyinfo  
In addition, you can show the following logical names at the DCL prompt:  
If any logical name is not defined, then the respective default is in effect.  
You can also confirm the settings and any errors in the setup by examining the server error log file:  
Overriding the Default Settings  
documentation for many of the default X11 server settings that may be changed. For more information  
on making changes to the default settings, symbols, and system-wide logical names, refer to the  
manual titled Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems. An online version of this document  
is available at:  
A complete list of available DECwindows Motif V1.3-1 documentation is available at:  
For newer releases of documentation, check the main HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation  
site at:  
OpenVMS Alpha and I64 use the same implementation of X11 and Motif and documentation for  
one generally applies to the other, unless otherwise noted.  
Chapter 3  
HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software Installation & Customization  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
To override the default settings, follow these steps:  
create a new command (.com) file called DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM.  
2. Now make the edits for the settings you want to change using a text editor, and save the file.  
3. For the changes to take effect immediately you must restart the X server so that the new command  
file and changed settings will be used. The command to do this is as follows:  
The new file settings will now override the original default settings.  
NOTE: By renaming this template file to .COM you will enable multi-head operation. Many HP  
Integrity servers provide an embedded graphics option (currently based on the ATI RADEON  
7000). The order of the screens is based on the bus order of the options, and will vary based on  
platform. See “Restrictions, Limitations and Defaults” on page 8 for information and  
restrictions on configuring multiple heads. See “Screen Order and Forcing Single Headed  
Operation” on page 11 for information on how to force single headed operation.  
Additional system logical names are described in  
However, this file should not be modified. If you wish to make changes to the default logical names,  
redefine them in the DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file. These changes will supersede the  
values assigned in the device configuration file.  
Many common items are changed by symbolic values in this file, however items are graphics card  
specific, and are modified by defining system logical names. The settings include the following items:  
For example, to change the default settings from 1024x768, 24 bits per pixel and 70Hz to 1280x1024, 8  
bits per pixel and 60Hz:  
Note that all of these logical names can also be specified as a comma separated list of values. A single  
value will be applied to all screens. If a list of values is provided they are applied to the individual  
screens in order starting at screen 0.  
Note that the visual class automatically defaults to PseudoColor at the 8 depth, which is generally  
what most users want. To change the visual type to TrueColor for example, add:  
Server Startup and Configuration Messages  
Server messages are typically logged to the DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOGfile located in the  
SYS$MANAGERdirectory. When having problems during setting up the X11 server defaults, or when a  
problem is encountered during normal use, be sure to check this file first for messages.  
Chapter 3  
HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software Installation & Customization  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
More extensive logging of server events can be enabled by modifying the  
DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM DCL procedure and setting:  
Where nis a value between 0 and 4 (with 0 being none, and 4 being high).  
Table 3-2  
Troubleshooting Criteria  
Cannot boot using VGA console  
The EFI console displays and  
takes input by default from all  
connected console devices.  
However, OpenVMS only  
Connect a serial console, or setup  
a network console.  
supports use of serial consoles (or  
a network console using the  
server management option.  
X11/Motif does not start on the  
graphics display, and the screen  
remains blank.  
After booting OpenVMS, no  
DECW$SERVER process is seen.  
Did you install Motif when  
OpenVMS was installed?  
Check the console log for  
incorrect SYSGEN parameters or  
Is a Keyboard and Mouse  
connected? Both must be  
connected when X11/Motif is  
started. Messages will be  
displayed on the console for 15  
seconds waiting for the devices.  
This can sometimes be caused by  
KVM switches.  
Look at the contents of:  
ERROR.LOG for possible error  
No Motif login box is displayed  
Some 2D applications do not run  
After booting OpenVMS,  
DECW$SERVER is running, but  
there is no login box  
Check for a valid Motif license  
using the command LICENSE  
Check the console log for  
incorrect SYSGEN parameters or  
Application errors with Bad  
Window, or colormap errors  
Your application may be  
expecting an 8-bit PseudoColor  
default. The ATI RADEON 7500  
defaults to 24-bit TrueColor.  
Either change the setting (see  
earlier chapters) or fix the  
OpenGL applications do not work  
Blank or corrupt screen display  
3D applications fail to run  
3D requires 24-bit TrueColor  
mode to be set.  
The DECW$SERVER_0 process  
is running, as is DTGREET, but  
the screen is blank or corrupt.  
Is the screen saver active? Press  
a KB key or move the mouse.  
Is the monitor connected to the  
VGA output on the ATI RADEON  
Does the monitor support the  
Chapter 3  
HP OpenVMS I64 – Graphics Software Installation & Customization  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
resolution and refresh rate being  
used? Some monitors may need  
to be manually adjusted using  
their front panel controls.  
Are you connected to the ATI  
RADEON 7500 or to the  
embedded graphics option?  
Visual noise or anomalies on the  
Flashes of dots, or other random  
artifacts on the screen  
At high resolutions and refresh  
rates, this type of problem can  
Use only high quality cables and  
Re-orient the monitor which may  
be seeing RF interference.  
Lower the refresh rate, or the  
Chapter 3  
4 HP-UX Configuration  
This chapter describes how to configure the ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller in a system  
running the HP-UX operating system.  
NOTE: Chapter 4 pertains to the HP-UX operating system only; if you are running the OpenVMS  
operating system, see Chapter 3  
The examples in this manual show version numbers applicable at publication. To determine  
the most recent version of the operating system or video driver, refer to the Release Notes on  
the CD-ROM or on the Web at www.hp.com.  
Verification of Software Installation  
To use the ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller, you must have installed the Xserver fileset with a  
patch version of PHSS_31252 or later. To check the patch version, run the following command:  
swlist –l patch | grep Xserver cumulative patch  
The output will look similar to this output:  
# PHSS_31252  
B.11.23.12 Xserver cumulative patch  
The patch version will have a format of PHSS_?????, where ????? is the patch number. If this version is  
equal or greater than PHSS_31252, the system is ready to use the ATI RADEON 7500. If the patch  
version is less than PHSS_31252, install the latest Xserver patch.  
1. Log into the HP patch catalog. The URL is www2.itrc.hp.com/service/patch/mainPage.do  
2. Go to the find a specific patch search, enter PHSS_31252and press Enter. This brings up a new  
screen. If there is a newer patch that supersedes this patch, it will be listed under the Most  
Recent heading. You will need to download the newest patch.  
3. Click in the box next to the patch and click the add to selected patch list button. This brings up a  
new screen that displays the patch along with any other dependent patches.  
4. Click the download selected button. This brings up a new screen.  
5. Choose the server to use and the format of the patch bundle. Once these options are chosen,  
click the download button.  
6. This downloads the patch bundle to your system. Save the patch bundle to a convenient place  
on your system. For this example, we will assume the patch bundle is downloaded into the  
/tmp/PHSS_31252 directory.  
7. Once the patch bundle is downloaded, unzip/gunzip/tar the patch bundle depending on the  
format of the patch bundle. This extracts the patch bundle. Each bundle is a shar file. To create  
a depot for loading, run the create_depot_hp-ux_11 script as root. This creates a bundle in  
8. As root, run the swinstallcommand using the newly created bundle.  
swinstall –s /tmp/PHSS_31252/depot  
Chapter 4  
HP-UX Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Changing the Boot Console  
When an ATI RADEON 7500 is installed in the system, the only supported console is the serial console.  
Use the following instructions to switch the console to the serial device.  
NOTE: Before switching the console over to the serial console, make sure the serial port is connected  
to the serial port of another system (or to a dedicated serial terminal) or you will not be able to  
see any of the console output.  
1. Reboot the system  
2. While the EFI boot loader is still running , the following menu displays:  
EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.61] Firmware ver 2.31 [4411]  
Please select a boot option  
HP-UX Primary Boot: 0/1/1/0.0.0  
EFI Shell [Built-in]  
boot lan  
Boot Option Maintenance Menu  
System Configuration Menu  
3. Using the arrow keys, choose Boot Option Maintenance Menu, and press Enter. The  
following menu displays:  
Boot from a File  
Add a Boot Option  
Delete Boot Option(s)  
Change Boot Order  
Manage NextBoot setting  
Set Auto Boot TimeOut  
Select Active Console Output Devices  
Select Active Console Input Devices  
Select Active Standard Error Devices  
Cold Reset  
4. Choose Select Active Console Output Devices, and press Enter. This brings up a new  
menu of possible devices. The current device(s) are marked with a *.The option you will  
choose is as follows:  
Acpi(PNP0501,0)/Uart(9600, N81)/VenMsg(PcAnsi)  
Choose this option press Enter. There is a *next to this option. If there is not a *, press Enter  
again. Deselect any other entry that has a *next to it (do not deselect the  
Acpi(PNP0501,0)/Uart(9600, N81)/VenMsg(PcAnsi)entry. When there is only one entry  
marked with a *, save the device to NVRAM by choosing Save Settings to NVRAMand  
pressing Enter. Choose Exitand press Enter to go back to the previous menu.  
5. Repeat step 5, but choose Select Active Standard Error Devices.  
6. After leaving the standard error devices menu, you will be back in the menu from step 4.  
Choose Cold Reset. This resets the system and sends the console output to the serial console.  
Chapter 4  
HP-UX Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Verification of Hardware Installation  
After the ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller has been installed and the system has rebooted, verify  
the graphics card was correctly installed and identify which device file corresponds to which card.  
1. Run the command  
ioscan –fun –C graphics  
Output similar to the following should appear. There should be one line for every graphics  
device in the system. Each device should have gvid_corefor a driver and the S/W State  
should be CLAIMED.  
I H/W Path  
S/W State H/W Type  
0 0/3/1/0  
PCI Display  
1 0/6/2/0  
PCI Display  
2. Display the contents of /dev/gvid_info by running the command  
cat /dev/gvid_info  
Output similar to the following should appear. There should be one line (i.e. one device file) for  
every graphics device in the system.  
3. Determine the association of physical graphics cards to special device files (/dev/gvid?) by  
running the command  
Setmon –N / dev / gvid0  
The output should look something like  
Device / dev / gvid0 is a ATI Radeon 7000  
Ii the device is the Manageability card or  
Device / dev / gvid0 is a ATI Radeon 7500 QW  
if the device is the ATI RADEON 7500 graphics card.  
ATI RADEON 7500 as Default Xserver Device  
The program sam can be used to make the ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller the default Xserver  
device. This is for a single-screen Xserver configuration. For a multihead Xserver configuration, see  
1. Log in as root  
2. Run /usr/sbin/sam. Choose Display->Xserver Configuration. All graphics cards in the system  
are listed. Choose the graphics device that is the current Xserver device. This device may or  
may not be the ATI RADEON 7500. From the pull-down menu, select Actions->Remove Screen  
from Configuration. Choose the new device you would like to be the default Xserver device. The  
new device should be one of the ATI RADEON 7500 device entries. From the pull-down menu,  
choose Actions->Add Screen to Configuration  
3. Restart the Xserver.  
Chapter 4  
HP-UX Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controllers can support various graphics resolutions and refresh rates as  
shown in Table 4-1. In addition to these standard resolutions and refresh rates, the ATI RADEON 7500  
graphics controller will also support any resolutions and refresh rates that are supported by the specific  
monitor that it is connected to the ATI RADEON 7500 card.  
Table 4-1  
Standard Supported Video Modes – HP-UX  
Color Depths  
(Bits per Pixel)  
Refresh Rates  
8, 24  
60, 70, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 65, 75, 85 Hz  
60, 75 Hz  
1280x1024 8, 24  
1600x1200 8, 24  
1920x1200 8, 24  
Restrictions and Limitations  
This section provides information on the limitations and restrictions of the ATI RADEON 7500  
hardware and software.  
No Accelerated 3D Support  
The ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller does not support accelerated 3D (e.g. OpenGL).  
Minimum Console Revision  
The minimum firmware version for ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller single head support is V1.0  
on HP Itanium Integrity systems.  
Multiple Colormaps  
Multiple colormaps are not supported. The ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controllers support only one  
installed colormap at one time. Exceeding this limit will cause colormap flashing, also known as  
Applications should not install or de-install colormaps themselves. The window manager should  
perform these actions. However, the application is responsible for providing the window manager with  
hints as to which colormaps to install or de-install. You provide this information using the Xlib function  
XSetWMColormapWindows(). This function sets the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWSproperty for a given  
Default Visual Information  
The ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controller can only support one visual type at one time. Supported  
default visual types are 8-bit PseudoColor and 24-bit TrueColor. The default depth and visual class is  
24-bit TrueColor. To change the default visual, you must edit the Xserver's configuration file which is  
located at /etc/X11/XF86Config.  
The depth is set in the Screen section of the Xf86 configuration file. There also needs to be a Display  
subsection with the correct depth. For example, the following lines will select a 24-bit default depth  
Chapter 4  
HP-UX Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Section “Screen”  
Identifier “Screen 0”  
DefaultDepth 24  
SubSection “Display”  
Depth 24  
SubSection “Display”  
Depth 8  
The following lines will select an 8-bit default depth visual:  
Section “Screen”  
Identifier “Screen 0”  
DefaultDepth 8  
SubSection “Display”  
Depth 24  
SubSection “Display”  
Depth 8  
Restart the Xserver after editing the Xserver configuration file for the new default depth to take affect.  
Configuring Graphics Resolution or Vertical Refresh Rate for HP-  
Use the sam program to modify the graphics resolution or refresh rate.  
Current Graphics Resolution  
The default graphics resolution and refresh rate are 1280x1024 at 75Hz. The current graphics  
resolution and refresh rate of a running system can be obtained by executing the command  
/opt/graphics/common/bin/setmon –p.  
How to Change the Resolution and Refresh Rate  
1. Log in to the system as root.  
2. Run /usr/sbin/sam. Choose Display-> Monitor Configuration. All graphics cards in the system are  
listed. Choose the graphics device that is to be updated. From the pull-down menu, choose Actions-  
>Modify Monitor Type. A new menu appears that contains all of the possible resolutions and refresh  
rates. Choose the new setting and press OK. The selected values will be the new resolution and  
refresh rate for the Xserver.  
NOTE: See Table 4-1 for supported resolutions and refresh rates.  
3. Restart the Xserver.  
Chapter 4  
HP-UX Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Multihead Support  
Multihead support is provided through changes to the Xserver’s configuration file which is located at  
/etc/X11/XF86Config. In order to do this correctly, you will need to know which device files to use. See  
“Verification of Hardware Installation” on page 17 for details on how to determine which device files to  
By default, an ATI RADEON 7500 appears as a single screen device. You can configure your system so  
two screens are created with the signal of the first screen (:0.0) coming out the VGA port and the signal  
of the second screen (:0.1) coming out the DVI-I port. Configuring your system for two screens on the  
single ATI RADEON 7500 board is referred to as dual-screen mode.  
XF86Config Changes  
There are three sections in the configuration file you need to change:  
1. ServerLayout section. The ServerLayout section contains references to the Screen: sections.  
2. Screen sections. The Screen sections in turn contain references to the Device sections.  
3. Device sections.  
For this example, we will assume there are two ATI RADEON 7500 graphics controllers in the system.  
These graphics cards have the device files /dev/gvid0 and /dev/gvid1. We will change the XF86Config  
file to allow for a three-screened multihead system. The first graphics card (e.g. /dev/gvid0) is dual-  
screened and the second graphics card is single-screened.  
The lowest level is the Device section. This maps a physical device to a device identifier. The three  
Device sections for this example are as follows:  
Section “Device”  
Identifier “ATI Radeon 7500 QW(0) Connector 1”  
DeviceFile “/dev/gvid0”  
Section “Device”  
Identifier “ATI Radeon 7500 QW(0) Connector 2”  
DeviceFile “/dev/gvid0”  
Section “Device”  
Identifier “ATI Radeon 7500 QW(1) Connector 1”  
DeviceFile “/dev/gvid1”  
The first device, ATI Radeon 7500 QW(0) Connecter 1 is the first screen on the first device. The second  
device, ATI Radeon 7500 QW(0) Connecter 2 is the second screen on the first device. Note that it has  
the Screen 1 field, which selects the second video output on the graphics card. If this field is omitted, it  
is assumed the device is using the first video output on the graphics card. The third device, ATI Radeon  
7500 QW(1) Connecter 1 is the first screen on the second device.  
Once the Device sections are defined, you can define the Screen section, which maps a screen to a  
physical device. The Screen sections use the Identifier field that was defined for each of the Device  
sections. The three Screen sections for this example are as follows:  
Chapter 4  
HP-UX Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Section Screen  
Identifier “Screen 0-1”  
“ATI Radeon 7500 QW(0) Connector 1”  
“Monitor 0”  
# Include other Screen info here, including other SubSections  
Section Screen  
Identifier “Screen 0-2”  
“ATI Radeon 7500 QW(0) Connector 2  
“Monitor 0”  
# Include other Screen info here, including other SubSections  
Section Screen  
Identifier “Screen 1-1”  
“ATI Radeon 7500 QW(1) Connector 1”  
“Monitor 0”  
# Include other Screen info here, including other SubSections  
The first Screen section maps the screen Screen 0-1 to the physical device ATI Radeon 7500 QW(0)  
Connector 1. The second Screen section maps the screen Screen 0-2 to the physical device ATI Radeon  
7500 QW(0) Connector 2. The third Screen section maps the screen Screen 1-1 to the physical device  
ATI Radeon 7500 QW(1) Connector 1.  
Once you have the Screen sections set up, you can set up the ServerLayout section. The ServerLayout  
section uses the Identifier field that was defined for each of the Screen sections. The ServerLayout  
section describes all of the screens used by the Xserver. The ServerLayout section for this example is as  
Section ServerLayout  
Identifier “Main Layout”  
“Screen 0-1” 0 0  
“Screen 0-2” RightOf “Screen 0-1”  
“Screen 1-1” RightOf “Screen 0-2”  
InputDevice “Mouse0” “CorePointer”  
InputDevice “Keyboard0” “CoreKeyboard”  
This ServerLayout has three screens associated with it. These screens are accessed through the 0.0, 0.1  
and 0.2 displays. The first screen is associated with the Screen 0-1 Section and is the anchor screen (at  
location 0, 0). The second screen is associated with the Screen 0-2 Section and its screen coordinates are  
to the right of the first screen. The third screen is associated with the Screen 1-1 Section and its screen  
coordinates are to the right of the second screen.  
This example shows how to build up a ServerLayout that uses a specific Screen which in turn uses a  
specific physical device.  
Chapter 4  
HP-UX Configuration  
ATI RADEON 7500 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide  
Xserver messages are typically logged to /var/X11/Xserver/logs. The two files that contain the  
messages are:  
Where *is the display instance of the Xserver, which is usually 0. The Xstartup.*.log file contains  
messages from the X loader. The Xf86.*.log file contains messages from the Xf86 Xserver. The  
Xf86.*.log file is the file that should be checked first, should problems arise.  
Table 4-2  
Troubleshooting Criteria  
Can not boot using VGA  
The EFI console has the ability  
to display output to any of the  
VGA devices. Console output is  
only supported on the serial  
console for systems with ATI  
Radeon 7500 cards installed.  
After booting CDE does not  
come up on the ATI Radeon  
7500 display.  
Connect a serial console and  
choose the serial console device  
as the Console Output at the  
EFI level.  
CDE does not start on the  
graphics display.  
Is a keyboard and mouse  
attached? The Xserver will not  
start unless a mouse and  
keyboard are attached.  
Is the Xserver configured with  
the correct /dev/gvid devices?  
Accelerated 3D is not supported  
on the ATI Radeon 7500  
graphics card. Some 3D  
OpenGL applications do not  
3D applications fail to run or  
run very slowly.  
applications may run through  
emulation mode at greatly  
reduced performance.  
Is the monitor connected to the  
correct display connection on  
the ATI Radeon 7500 graphics  
Blank or corrupt screen.  
The dtlogin process is running  
but the monitor is blank or  
Does the monitor support the  
resolution and refresh rate that  
the Xserver is running at?  
At high resolutions and refresh  
rates this type of problem can  
occur on some monitors.  
Visual noise is present on the  
Flashes, dots, or other random  
artifacts are present on the  
Use only the cables provided  
with the monitors.  
Lower the refresh rate and/or  
Chapter 4  

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