GE Handheld TV MG27006 User Manual

TV Users Guide  
It is important to read these  
instructions before operating  
this product for the first time.  
TOCOM 1542511A  
We bring good things to life.  
Table of Contents  
Table of Contents ................................................................. 1  
Setup and Connections ......................................................... 2  
The Menu System ................................................................. 3  
The Point and Select Method .......................................................... 3  
TV Main Menu .................................................................................. 3  
The Picture Quality Menu ................................................................ 3  
The Screen Menu .............................................................................. 4  
The Channel Menu ........................................................................... 4  
V-Chip and Parental Controls .......................................................... 5  
Unlocking V-Chip Parental Controls................................................ 5  
The Time Menu ................................................................................. 6  
Channel Marker ................................................................................ 6  
The Front Panel ................................................................................ 6  
Using the Remote ................................................................. 7  
Tour of the Remote .......................................................................... 7  
Programming the Remote ............................................................... 8  
Using the Remote to Control a Device ........................................... 9  
Troubleshooting.................................................................. 11  
Care and Cleaning .............................................................. 12  
Index .................................................................................. 13  
Getting Started  
Setup and Connections  
Caution: If you choose to use a stand  
w ith your TV, take precautions that the  
stand or other furniture the TV is placed  
on is properly located and of adequate  
size and strength to prevent the TV from  
accidentally being pushed off, pulled off,  
or tipped over. This could cause dam age  
to the TV and/ or personal injury.  
Step 1:  
Unpack the TV and rem ote control.  
Step 2:  
Connect your TV. Connect the cable from your cable system or off-air  
antenna to the cable in-jack on the back of the TV, as shown.  
Step 3:  
Plug in the TV. Plug the end of the power cord into the wall outlet,  
m atching the wide blade of the plug with the wide slot in the outlet. Be  
sure to insert the plug com pletely.  
Step 4:  
Put batteries in the rem ote.  
1. Rem ove the battery com partm ent cover from the back of the  
rem ote.  
2. Insert batteries as shown, m atching the + and – ends of each  
battery in the com partm ent.  
3. Replace the cover.  
Step 5:  
Turn on the TV.  
Press the TV button on the rem ote.  
Read the next section, The Menu System , which is a brief overview of  
the basic rules for getting around in the m enus using the rem ote or the  
TV's front control panel.  
Step 6:  
Auto Channel Search.  
Perform an Auto Channel Search (described in the Channel m enu  
The Menu System  
The Point and Select Method  
You only need to know one rule to use the on-screen m enus and control  
panels: point and select.  
1 . P o in t to a m enu item using the MOVE arrows on the rem ote.  
2 . S e le c t a m enu item by pressing the MENU button. Selecting an  
item tells the TVs m enu system to go ahead and m ake the change  
or go to a place you have indicated. You can also select m enu item s  
using the num ber buttons on your rem ote.  
TV Main Menu  
1 Picture Quality  
TV Main Menu  
2 Screen  
3 Channel  
4 V-Chip Parental Controls  
The Main m enu is your gateway to controlling the TV. It lets you adjust  
the TV's picture quality, screen, channel settings, parental controls,  
and tim e functions.  
5 Time  
0 Exit  
To select a m enu item :  
1. Press MENU to bring up the TV's Main m enu.  
2. Use the Point and Select m ethod to m ake choices.  
The TV Main Menu  
3. To exit any m enu screen, point to Exit and press MENU, or press  
Picture Quality  
The Picture Quality Menu  
1 Contrast  
2 Color  
3 Tint  
4 Black Level  
5 Sharpness  
6 Auto Color:  
<………… …….....>  
<……… ……….....>  
<……… ……….....>  
<……… ……….....>  
The Picture Quality m enu contains five slider controls that adjust the  
TV's picture. Use the left and right arrow buttons on your rem ote to  
adjust the controls.  
<……… ……….....>  
Co n t ra s t Adjusts the difference between light and dark areas of the  
7 Reset Picture Controls  
0 Exit  
Co lo r Adjusts the richness of the color.  
The Picture Quality Menu  
Tin t Adjusts the balance between the red and green levels.  
Bla c k Le ve l Adjusts the brightness of the picture.  
S h a rp n e s s Adjusts the crispness of edges in the picture.  
Au t o Co lo r Displays a choice list that lets you turn on the feature that  
autom atically corrects the color of the picture. (This is especially useful  
for tracking realistic flesh tone colors as you switch from channel to  
channel.) Choose On or Off, as preferred.  
Re s e t P ic t u re Co n t ro ls Resets the picture controls to their original  
You can also use the RESET button on  
the rem ote at any tim e to reset the  
picture controls to their original settings.  
The Menu System  
The Screen Menu  
1 CC Display:  
2 CC Mode:  
The Screen m enu contains the controls that let you adjust the Closed-  
Caption display, Closed-Caption m ode, and Menu Language.  
3 Menu Language:  
0 Exit  
Clo s e d -Ca p t io n Dis p la y Lets you choose the way closed captioning  
inform ation is shown on the screen. Use the MENU button to toggle  
between the following:  
The Screen Menu  
Off No captioning inform ation displayed.  
On Captioning inform ation shown always, when available.  
On Wh e n Mu t e d Displays captioning inform ation, when available,  
whenever you press the MUTE button. The captioning inform ation  
is not displayed when the sound is not m uted.  
Closed Caption Modes  
Clo s e d -Ca p t io n Mo d e Lets you choose which captioning m ode is  
used for displaying captioning inform ation. Use the MENU button to  
toggle between the choices: CC1 and CC2.  
CC1: full translation of the prim ary  
language in your area  
CC2: secondary language translation,  
sim plified English, or w hatever is being  
broadcast in your area  
Not all program s are encoded with closed-captioning inform ation.  
When a program is closed captioned, the letters CC are displayed in the  
Channel Marker.  
Me n u La n g u a g e Lets you select the language of your choice: English,  
French, or Spanish. Use the MENU button to toggle between the  
The Channel Menu  
1 Signal Type:  
2 Auto Channel Search  
3 Lists and Labels  
0 Exit  
The Channel m enu contains all the com m ands used to control your  
channels, including custom -building your channel list.  
S ig n a l Typ e Displays a toggle that lets you select the current  
antenna type.  
The Channel m enu  
An t e n n a Choose this if you are currently using an off-air  
antenna for UHF/VHF TV signals.  
Ca b le TV Choose this if you are currently using cable or a cable  
box for TV signals.  
Au t o Ch a n n e l S e a rc h Selecting this option tells the TV to search  
autom atically for all the channels available through the antenna input.  
When the TV finds an active channel, it places it in the channel list.  
Inactive channels (weak stations or channels with no signal at all) will  
be rem oved from the channel list. You m ay interrupt this process by  
pressing the MENU button.)  
You can alw ays press MENU to exit  
back to the previous screen.  
The Menu System  
Lis t s a n d La b e ls Displays a control panel that lets you custom -build  
your channel scan list and choose a four-character label for each  
channel. Use the VOL +/- buttons to m ove left and right between fields;  
use the CH^/v buttons to m ove up and down enter settings and create  
labels. Press MENU to exit.  
Lists and Labels  
Press MENU to exit  
Ch a n n e l Nu m b e r Use the CH^/v buttons to scroll through the  
channel scan list. You can also enter the channel num ber directly  
using the num ber buttons.  
The Lists and Labels screen  
Ch a n n e l La b e ls Use the CH^/v buttons to enter a four-character  
label for each channel.  
S c a n Lis t Only the channels included in the Scan list are  
available when you scan up and down using the CH^/v buttons.  
Use them to indicate whether the channel num ber indicated is  
included (YES) or is not included (NO) in the channel scan list.  
TV Main Menu  
1 Picture Quality  
2 Screen  
3 Channel  
4 V-Chip Parental Controls  
5 Time  
V-Chip and Parental Controls  
The V-Chip Parental Controls m enu allows you to program your TV so  
that children cannot see certain program s.  
The choices in this m enu involve a chip inside your TV, called V-Chip.  
These V-Chip functions will not work on your TV because the features  
depend upon special additions to the broadcast signal, not yet available  
in your m arket. Please disregard them .  
0 Exit  
Selecting V-Chip Parental Controls  
Unlocking V-Chip Parental Controls  
This program is blocked.  
The V-Chip inside your TV com es turned off.However, if the screen  
shown on the right appears, the V-Chip Parental Controls have been  
locked. Follow these steps to unlock the Parental Controls and return to  
norm al viewing:  
Change channel or  
press DISPLAY to enter password.  
1. Press DISPLAY on the rem ote control to bring up the Enter  
Password screen shown on the right.  
2. With the Enter Password screen still up, press the following buttons  
on the rem ote, one by one: MUTE, DISPLAY, CLEAR and RESET.  
Enter Password  
- - - -  
Enter four digit Password.  
Press MENU to exit.  
The Enter Password screen  
The Menu System  
The Time Menu  
1 Sleep Timer  
2 Set Time  
0 Exit  
The Tim e m enu contains the controls that let you set the Sleep Tim er  
and Set Tim e functions.  
S le e p Tim e r Displays a control panel that lets you select the  
am ount of tim e you want to give the TV before it shuts itself off.  
Use the CH ^/v buttons to increase or decrease the sleep tim er by  
15 m inute increm ents. Press MENU to exit.  
The Tim e m enu  
S e t Tim e Displays a control panel that lets you enter the current  
tim e. Use the CH ^/v buttons and num ber buttons to set the tim e.  
Press MENU to exit.  
Channel Marker  
The Channel Marker com es up when you first turn on the TV, change  
channels, or press the DISPLAY button.  
0 8 :5 9 Displays the current tim e.  
WRTV Displays the label assigned to the current channel.  
0 6 Displays the current channel.  
The Channel Marker shown is just an  
exam ple of what your screen m ay look like.  
S le e p Displayed when the Sleep Tim er has been set.  
S t e re o Displayed when the current channel is in Stereo.  
CC Displayed when Closed Captioning is available.  
Mu t e Displayed when you m ute the audio.  
Un lo c k e d Display whether the V-Chip system is locked, unlocked, or  
You can press MENU or CLEAR to m ake the  
Channel Marker disappear; it w ill disappear  
autom atically after a short tim e.  
1 :3 0 Displayed to count down tim e left on the com m ercial skip tim er.  
The Front Panel  
VOL < Decreases the volum e. When in the m enu system , VOL < is used  
to point left to item s and adjust m enu controls.  
VOL > Increases the volum e. When in the m enu system , VOL > is used  
to point right to item s and adjust m enu controls.  
CHAN ^ Scans up through the channel list. In the m enu system , it  
points up to item s and adjusts m enu controls.  
CHAN v Scans down through the current channel list. In the m enu  
system , it points down to item s and adjusts m enu controls.  
MENU Brings up the Main m enu. When in the m enu system , it selects  
highlighted item s. Also returns you to the previous m enu.  
P OWER Turns the TV on and off.  
Using the Remote  
Tour of the Remote  
P OWER When in TV m ode, turns TV on and off. If in another device  
m ode (VCR, Laserdisc, Satellite, etc.) and program m ed, will turn the  
device on and off.  
VCR1 Puts the rem ote in VCR m ode.  
VCR2 •LD Puts the rem ote in VCR2 or LD m ode.  
S ATCABLE Puts the rem ote in SATCABLE m ode.  
AUDIO Puts the rem ote in Audio m ode.  
TV Turns on the TV and puts the rem ote in TV m ode. Also displays  
channel inform ation.  
REW, P LAY, FF, REC, S TOP, PAUS E If program m ed, provides  
transport control for som e rem ote-controllable VCRs, Laserdisc players,  
tape decks and CD players.  
DIS P LAY Brings up channel inform ation. Also clears m enus from the  
S KIP Press once before changing channels and the TV will wait 30  
seconds before returning you to the original channel. Press repeatedly to  
add m ore tim e (each press adds another 30 seconds).  
Scans up or down through the current channel list.  
Press once to change the channel up or down; press and hold to continue  
changing channels.  
VOL – o r VOL + Decreases or increases the TVs volum e.  
MUTE Reduces the TVs volum e to its m inim um level. Press again to  
restore the volum e.  
P REV CH Returns you to the previous channel.  
(0 -9 ) Nu m b e r Bu t t o n s Enters channel num bers and tim e settings  
directly though the rem ote control. To enter a two-digit channel, press the  
two digits. To enter a three-digit channel, press and hold the first digit,  
then add the second two. Exam ple: to tune to channel 123, press and hold  
1, press 2, then press 3.  
INP UT In TV m ode, press to toggle through the available input sources  
(Channel 3, Channel 4, etc.).  
ANTENNA Functions as TV/VCR button in VCR m ode and TV/receiver  
button in SATCABLE m ode.  
CLEAR Rem oves any m enu or display from the screen and returns you  
to TV viewing. Also clears the SKIP tim er. For GE, RCA and PRO SCAN  
VCRs, this button also clears item s from the VCR clock and tim er  
program s.  
MENU•P ROG Brings up the Main m enu and selects highlighted item s.  
When in VCR m ode, it functions as a PROGRAM button for GE, RCA and  
DISPLAY Button Functions  
Press once to bring up the channel  
m arker.  
RES ET Resets picture quality controls to their original settings.  
Press tw ice to clear the screen.  
MOVE (Arro w s ) Used to point to different item s in the m enu system .  
Also used to adjust the m enu controls.  
Using the Remote  
Programming the Remote  
The universal rem ote can be program m ed to control m ost brands of  
rem ote controllable VCRs, receivers, etc. The rem ote is already  
program m ed to control m ost RCA, GE and PROSCAN TVs, VCRs,  
Laserdisc players and Satellite Receivers.  
Testing the Remote  
To determ ine whether the universal rem ote needs to be program m ed,  
turn a device on, such as a VCR, point the rem ote at the VCR, and press  
the VCR1 button. Then press POWER or CHAN (channel up) or  
CHAN (channel down) to see if the VCR responds to the rem ote  
com m ands. If not, the rem ote needs to be program m ed.  
Programming the Remote to Control a VCR, Laserdisc  
player, Satellite Receiver or Cable Box  
Follow these steps to program your universal rem ote to control a VCR,  
Laserdisc player, Satellite Receiver or Cable Box:  
1. Turn on the com ponent to be program m ed.  
2. Look up the brand and code num ber(s) for the com ponent on the  
code list on the last page of this section, Using the Rem ote.  
3. Press and hold the button on the rem ote you want to program .  
4. Enter the code from the code list.  
Youll use these buttons w hen  
you program the rem ote to  
control any device.  
5. Release button, and then press POWER to see if the com ponent  
responds to the rem ote com m ands. If it doesnt, try pressing the  
com ponent button and then POWER again.  
The rem ote m ay not operate all  
m odels of all brands.  
6. If you get no response, repeat these steps using the next code  
listed for your brand, until the com ponent responds to the rem ote  
com m ands.  
Modes of Operation  
Because this universal rem ote can  
control several different com ponents  
(Laserdisc player, VCR, Cable Box, etc.),  
it uses operational m odes triggered by  
the com ponent buttons. For exam ple,  
if you w ant the rem ote to control the  
TV, you w ould press the TV button to  
put the rem ote into TV m ode before  
you could control the TV.  
Using the Remote  
Programming the Remote to Control  
an RCA Audio Device:  
Your rem ote controls only RCA audio equipm ent such as an audio  
receiver or am plifierit does not control other brands of audio  
equipm ent. Also, the rem ote m ay need to be program m ed for your  
equipm ent. This rem ote m ay not operate all of the com ponents listed at  
the end of this section. Use the codes at the end of this section or on  
the sheet packed in with your rem ote.  
1. Turn on the com ponent to be program m ed.  
2. Look up your brand and its code num ber(s) on the code list.  
3. Press and hold the AUDIO button.  
4. Enter the code from the code list.  
5. Release the AUDIO button and press POWER or CHAN (channel  
up) or CHAN (channel down) to see if the audio device responds  
to the rem ote com m ands.  
Using the Remote to Control a Device  
Once the rem ote has been program m ed successfully, you are ready to  
use it to control your devices.  
To operate the device:  
1. Press the device button (TV, VCR1, VCR2LD, or SATCABLE) to set  
the rem ote to control the device.  
2. Press POWER to turn the device on or off.  
3. Use the rem ote buttons that apply to that device.  
Using the Remote  
Eastern ................................................................................... 5017  
Garrard .................................................................................. 5011  
GC Electronics ..................................................................... 5009  
Gemini ............................................................. 5018, 5019, 5049  
General Instrument ................................................. 5003, 5053  
Hamlin ........................................ 5020, 5021, 5022, 5035, 5045  
Hitachi .................................................................................... 5003  
Hytex ...................................................................................... 5002  
Jasco ....................................................................................... 5011  
Jerrold ........ 5003, 5005, 5007,5018, 5023, 5024, 5046, 5053  
Magnavox ............................................................................... 5025  
Memorex ............................................................................... 5026  
Movie Time ..................................................... 5002, 5027, 5028  
NSC .................................................................. 5002, 5027, 5028  
Oak .................................................................... 5002,5016, 5029  
Panasonic .................................................................... 5048, 5052  
Paragon .................................................................................. 5026  
Philips ........ 5011, 5012, 5013, 5019, 5025, 5030, 5031, 5032  
Pioneer ........................................................................ 5033, 5034  
Pulsar ...................................................................................... 5026  
RCA .................................................................. 5047, 5049, 5052  
Realistic ....................................................................... 5009, 5049  
Regal ............................................................................ 5022, 5035  
Regency ................................................................................. 5017  
Rembrandt ............................................................................ 5003  
Runco ..................................................................................... 5026  
Samsung ...................................................................... 5014, 5034  
Scientific Atlanta.................................. 5006, 5036, 5037, 5038  
Signal ............................................................................ 5014, 5018  
Signature ................................................................................ 5003  
SL Marx .................................................................................. 5014  
Sprucer .................................................................................. 5052  
Starcom ............................................................ 5007, 5018, 5053  
Stargate ....................................................................... 5014, 5018  
Starquest ................................................................................ 5018  
Tandy ...................................................................................... 5040  
Teleview ................................................................................. 5014  
Tocom .............................................................. 5004, 5023, 5041  
Toshiba ................................................................................... 5026  
Tusa ......................................................................................... 5018  
TV86 ....................................................................................... 5027  
Unika ................................................................ 5008, 5009, 5011  
United Artists ....................................................................... 5002  
United Cable ........................................................................ 5053  
Universal ............................................... 5008, 5009, 5010, 5011  
Videoway ............................................................................... 5044  
Viewstar ................................................ 5015, 5025, 5027, 5040  
Zenith ............................................................... 5026, 5050, 5051  
MTC .......................................................... 2002, 2013, 2026  
Multitech ................. 2002, 2013, 2016, 2026, 2053, 2061  
NEC .................................... 2009, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2018,  
....................... 2058, 2064, 2076, 2078, 2079, 2111, 2123  
Nikko ............................................................................... 2014  
Noblex ............................................................................ 2013  
Olympus ......................................................................... 2021  
Optimus ............................................................... 2014, 2131  
Optonica......................................................................... 2096  
Orion .............................................................................. 2035  
Panasonic ................. 2021, 2022, 2109, 2125, 2126, 2127  
Pentax ................................. 2016, 2055, 2056, 2107, 2120  
Pentex Research ........................................................... 2018  
Philco .............................................. 2021, 2022, 2062, 2063  
Philips ............................................. 2021, 2062, 2096, 2124  
Pilot ................................................................................. 2014  
Pioneer ................................ 2010, 2055, 2080, 2081, 2123  
Portland ......................................... 2016, 2017, 2019, 2110  
PROSCAN .......................................................... 2000, 2001  
Protec .............................................................................. 2061  
Pulsar ............................................................................... 2104  
Quarter .......................................................................... 2011  
Quartz ............................................................................. 2011  
Quasar ...................................................... 2021, 2022, 2125  
RCA .................................... 2000, 2001, 2003, 2013, 2021,  
.............. 2055, 2056, 2082, 2083, 2084,2085, 2086,2087,  
.............. 2088, 2089, 2090, 2091, 2107, 2115, 2120, 2125  
Radioshack/Realistic .................... 2002, 2011, 2013, 2014  
. 2021, 2022, 2023, 2026, 2029, 2049, 2050, 2096, 2131  
Radix................................................................................ 2014  
Randex ............................................................................ 2014  
Ricoh ............................................................................... 2128  
Runco .............................................................................. 2104  
Samsung ................... 2005, 2013, 2015, 2033, 2053, 2112  
Sanky .................................................................... 2131, 2104  
Sansui ............................................. 2010, 2092, 2111, 2123  
Sanyo ......................................................... 2011, 2013, 2023  
Admiral ......................................................................... 2131  
Adventura ..................................................................... 2026  
Aiko ............................................................................... 2027  
Aiwa .................................................................... 2002, 2026  
Akai .... 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2111,2112, 2113  
American High ............................................................ 2021  
Asha ............................................................................... 2013  
Audio Dynamics .............................................. 2009, 2010  
Audiovox ...................................................................... 2014  
Bell & Howell............................................................... 2011  
Beaumark ..................................................................... 2013  
Broksonic .......................................................... 2012, 2025  
Calix .............................................................................. 2014  
Candle ......... 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019  
Canon ...................................................... 2021, 2022, 2114  
Capehart ............................................................ 2020, 2110  
Carver ........................................................................... 2062  
CCE .................................................................... 2027, 2061  
Citizen2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,2019,2027  
Colortyme ................................................................... 2009  
Colt ................................................................................ 2061  
Craig ............................................. 2013, 2014, 2023, 2061  
Curtis-Mathes ........................... 2000, 2002, 2009, 2013,  
................................. 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2115  
Cybernex ...................................................................... 2013  
Daewoo ...... 2015, 2017, 2019,2025, 2026, 2027, 2028,  
Daytron ......................................................................... 2110  
Dbx ..................................................................... 2009, 2010  
Dimensia ....................................................................... 2000  
Dynatech ........................................................... 2002, 2026  
Electrohome ..................................................... 2014, 2029  
Electrophonic .............................................................. 2014  
Emerson ................................................. 2002, 2012,2014,  
............ 2015, 2021, 2024, 2025,2026,2029, 2030, 2032,  
2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040, 2041,  
Scott ... 2012, 2015, 2025, 2032, 2035, 2038, 2065, 2093,  
2042, 2044, 2045, 2047, 2065, 2105, 2113, 2116, 2117,  
Sears .................................... 2011, 2014, 2021, 2023, 2048,  
......................... 2049, 2050, 2051, 2055, 2056, 2107, 2118  
Sharp .............. 2002, 2017, 2029, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2131  
Shintom .......................................... 2004, 2056, 2061, 2098  
Shogun ............................................................................ 2013  
Signature ............................................................. 2002, 2131  
Singer ......................................................... 2021, 2061, 2128  
Sony .......................... 2002, 2004, 2098, 2099, 2119, 2128  
STS ........................................................................ 2021, 2107  
Sylvania 2002, 2021, 2022, 2026, 2062, 2063, 2065, 2124  
Symphonic ........................................................... 2002, 2026  
Tandy .................................................................... 2002, 2011  
Tashiko ............................................................................ 2014  
Tatung ................................................................... 2058, 2111  
TEAC ................................... 2002, 2026, 2058, 2085, 2111  
Technics ............................................................... 2021, 2109  
Teknika ..................... 2002, 2014, 2021, 2026, 2100, 2129  
TMK ........................................................... 2013, 2024, 2047  
Toshiba ........... 2015, 2049, 2051, 2055, 2065, 2093, 2116  
ToteVision ........................................................... 2013, 2014  
Unitech ........................................................................... 2013  
Vector Research .......................... 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016  
Victor .............................................................................. 2010  
Video Concepts ................ 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2113  
Videosonic ..................................................................... 2013  
Wards .......... , 2002, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2021, 2023, 2026,  
Fisher . 2011, 2023, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2052,2118  
Fuji ...................................................................... 2021, 2119  
Funai ................................................................... 2002, 2026  
Garrard ......................................................................... 2026  
GE ..... 2000, 2001, 2013, 2021, 2022, 2053, 2115, 2120  
Goldstar ............................ 2009, 2014, 2018, 2054, 2121  
Gradiente ..................................................................... 2026  
Harley Davidson ......................................................... 2026  
Harman Kardon .......................................................... 2009  
Harwood ...................................................................... 2061  
Headquarter ................................................................ 2011  
Hitachi2002, 2055, 2056, 2057, 2107, 2111, 2120, 2122  
HI-Q .............................................................................. 2023  
Instant Replay .............................................................. 2021  
JCL ................................................................................. 2021  
JC Penney ............. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2021,  
.......... 2022, 2055, 2056, 2058, 2059, 2060, 2107, 2118  
Jensen ...................................................... 2055, 2056, 2111  
JVC ............... 2009, 2010, 2011, 2018, 2058, 2111, 2123  
Satellite Receivers  
Chapparal ................................................................... 5056, 5057  
Drake .......................................................................... 5058, 5059  
GE ................................................................................ 5000, 5001  
General Instuments ....................................... 5060, 5061, 5062  
Panasonic ............................................................................... 5075  
Primestar ............................................................................... 5076  
PROSCAN ................................................................. 5000, 5001  
RCA ............................................................................. 5000, 5001  
Realistic .................................................................................. 5063  
Sony ........................................................................................ 5072  
STS1 ........................................................................................ 5064  
STS2 ........................................................................................ 5065  
STS3 ........................................................................................ 5066  
STS4 ........................................................................................ 5067  
Toshiba ........................................................................ 5068, 5073  
Uniden .................................................................................... 5069  
Kenwood .............. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2018, 2058,  
KLH ............................................................................... 2061  
Kodak ................................................................. 2014, 2021  
Lloyd ................................................................... 2002, 2026  
Logik .............................................................................. 2061  
LXI ................................................................................. 2014  
Magnavox .... 2021, 2022, 2062, 2063, 2104, 2108, 2124  
Magnin ........................................................................... 2013  
Marantz .................................................. 2009, 2010, 2011,  
.................................. 2016, 2018, 2021, 2058, 2062,2064  
Marta ............................................................................. 2014  
Masushita ...................................................................... 2021  
MEI ................................................................................. 2021  
Memorex .......................................................... 2002, 2011,  
..................... 2013, 2014, 2021, 2023, 2026, 2104, 2131  
MGA ........................................................ 2029, 2065, 2113  
MGN Technology ........................................................ 2013  
Midland ......................................................................... 2053  
Minolta .................................................... 2055, 2056, 2107  
Mitsubishi .. 2029, 2055, 2056, 2065, 2066, 2067, 2069,  
.......... 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074, 2106, 2113, 2123  
MontgomeryWard .......................................... 2075, 2131  
Motorola ........................................................... 2021,2131  
.. 2029, 2055, 2056, 2061, 2096, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2107,  
2116, 2131  
XR-1000 ................................................... 2021, 2026, 2061  
Yamaha ..................... 2009, 2010, 2011, 2018, 2058, 2111  
Zenith .................................. 2004, 2098, 2104, 2119, 2128  
(For RCA and Dim ensia brands only)  
Cable Boxes  
AM/FM ................................................................................... 4003  
Aux ......................................................................................... 4004  
Phono ..................................................................................... 4005  
CD .......................................................................................... 4007  
Tape ........................................................................................ 4006  
ABC ................ 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5053  
Antronix .............................................................. 5008, 5009  
Archer ............................................ 5008, 5009, 5010, 5011  
Cabletenna ..................................................................... 5008  
Cableview ....................................................................... 5008  
Century .......................................................................... 5011  
Citizen ............................................................................. 5011  
Colour Voice ....................................................... 5012, 5013  
Comtronics ......................................................... 5014, 5015  
Contec ............................................................................ 5016  
If you experience any difficulty with your TV, check these basic rem edies before calling your service technician.  
TV w ill n o t t u rn o n o r c o n t ro ls d o n t w o rk  
Check to m ake sure it is plugged in.  
Check the wall receptacle (or extension cord) to m ake sure it is liveby plugging in som ething else.  
Try unplugging set for two m inutes, plugging it back in, and then turning it on again.  
P ro b le m s w it h re m o t e  
Maybe som ething is between the rem ote and the rem ote sensor.  
Maybe the rem ote is not aim ed directly at the TV's rem ote sensor.  
Maybe batteries in rem ote are weak, dead or installed incorrectly. Try replacing batteries.  
Rem ove batteries and hold down one or m ore buttons for several seconds. Install the batteries and try the rem ote.  
Tu rn s o n o r o ff w h ile p la yin g  
Electronic protection circuit m ay have been activated because of a power surge. Wait 30 seconds and then turn on  
again. If this happens frequently, the voltage in your house m ay be abnorm ally high.  
Maybe the com ponent connected to the input jacks is not turned on.  
Maybe the Sleep Tim er is active.  
“ Th is p ro g ra m is b lo c k e d ” m e s s a g e a p p e a rs o n t h e s c re e n  
The V-Chip Parental Controls have been activated. Follow these steps to deactivate them :  
1. Press DISPLAY on the rem ote control to bring up the Enter Password screen.  
2. With the Enter Password screen still up, press the following buttons  
on the rem ote, one by one: MUTE, DISPLAY, CLEAR and RESET.  
Bla n k s c re e n o r b la c k b o x a p p e a rs o n t h e s c re e n  
Try another channel.  
Press RESET, in case the picture controls are set too low.  
Captioning m ay be turned on. Check the Closed-Caption Display control panel in the Screen m enu.  
No s o u n d , p ic t u re o k a y  
Maybe sound is m uted. Try pressing volum e up button to restore sound.  
No p ic t u re , n o s o u n d , b u t lig h t is o n  
Maybe cable/air function is in wrong position.  
Maybe a vacant channel is tuned.  
S o u n d o k a y, p ic t u re p o o r  
Check antenna connections.  
Try adjusting sharpness function to im prove weak signals.  
Care and Cleaning  
Care and Cleaning  
Ca u t io n : Tu rn OFF b e fo re c le a n in g .  
Use a soft lint-free cloth to dust your television. Rem ove dust from the ventilation holes on the cabinet.  
Th e TVs s c re e n c a n b e c le a n e d w it h a s o ft , lin t -fre e c lo t h a s w e ll. Ta k e c a re n o t t o s c ra t c h o r m a r t h e  
s c re e n . If n e c e s s a ry, yo u m a y u s e a c lo t h d a m p e n e d w it h w a rm w a t e r.  
Ne ve r u s e s t ro n g c le a n in g a g e n t s , s u c h a s a m m o n ia -b a s e d c le a n e rs , o r a b ra s ive p o w d e r. Th e s e t yp e s o f  
c le a n e rs w ill d a m a g e t h e TV.  
While cleaning do not spray liquid directly on the screen, or allow liquid to run down the screen and inside the TV. Also,  
avoid placing drinks or vases with water on top of the TV. This could increase the risk of fire or shock hazard or dam age to  
the TV.  
If fixe d (n o n -m o vin g ) im a g e s a re le ft o n t h e s c re e n fo r lo n g p e rio d s , t h e y m a y b e p e rm a n e n t ly im p rin t e d o n  
t h e s c re e n . S u c h im a g e s in c lu d e n e t w o rk lo g o s , p h o n e n u m b e rs , a n d vid e o g a m e s . Ext e n d e d vie w in g o f  
c h a n n e ls d is p la yin g t h e s e im a g e s s h o u ld b e a vo id e d .  
Active channel 4  
Antenna input 4  
Auto Color 3  
Labelling channels 5  
Labels 5, 6  
Lists and Labels 5  
Select 3  
Set Tim e 6  
Signal Type 4  
Sleep Tim er display 6  
Batteries 2  
Black level 3  
Norm al channel list 5  
Tim e display 6  
TV button 2  
Remote 7  
Original picture settings 3  
Cable TV 4  
Parental Controls  
Menu 5  
Point and select 3  
Program m ing the rem ote to control  
com ponents 9  
Captioning inform ation 4  
Captioning m ode 4  
Chan # 5  
Channel indicator 6  
Channel inform ation 7  
Closed Captioning indicator 6  
Closed-Caption Mode 4  
Connecting your TV 2  
Reset Picture Controls 3  
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