Euro Pro Iron IR4005 User Manual

Steam Station  
Model IR4005  
For information or assistance:  
EURO-PRO Operating LLC  
21 Lawrence Paquette Ind. Dr.  
Champlain, NY 12919  
Tel.: 800-798-7398  
1. Your Steam Station iron is designed  
11.Always store your iron on the iron  
rest provided with your iron, not on  
the soleplate. If stored face down,  
even the smallest amount of  
to rest only on the iron rest provided  
with the iron. Do not rest iron on  
• Iron should be plugged into a 120V AC electrical  
outlet only.  
Make sure that the plug is securely in the socket.  
• Temperature setting too low.  
Turn to higher setting.  
Iron does not heat  
moisture will cause the soleplate to  
corrode and stain.  
2. Never use or rest iron on an  
unstable surface.  
12.DANGER! Never use the iron if it  
is damaged or dropped. Using the  
iron when it is damaged could  
create the risks of fire, electric  
shock, injury or death.  
3. While the iron is hot, never set iron  
on an unprotected surface - even if it  
is on its heel rest.  
• Iron not properly placed in stand.  
Thermostat ready light  
goes On and Off  
• This is normal.  
INJURY, before filling the iron  
with water, make sure that the  
plug is removed from the outlet.  
The light goes On and Off as the thermostat is  
switching the heating element On and Off to  
maintain the selected temperature.  
Some odor or small  
particles come out of  
steam vents of new  
• This is normal.  
5. CAUTION: Never fill the iron with  
fabric conditioner, starches or any  
other solution, as these will  
Follow instructions for first use and allow iron to steam  
through 2-3 fillings & press the steam burst button  
occasionally to eliminate small white particles.  
damage the steam mechanism. Do  
not use contaminated water.  
• Water tank may be empty or water level is very low.  
Add water.  
• Make sure that the temperature control dial is correctly  
set. For maximum steam, temperature control dial  
should be set on ‘•••’.  
• Make sure the temperature control dial is set in  
the correct steam area, e.g. ‘•’, for more steam, turn  
temperature dial to higher setting, e.g. ‘•••’.  
• If temperature setting is correct and there is no steam,  
gently tap the soleplate on the ironing board a few  
Iron does not steam  
leave iron unattended while it is  
plugged in.  
immerse the iron in water or other  
ELECTRIC SHOCK, never use the  
iron in a location where it can fall  
or be pulled into water or any  
other liquid. If the iron falls into  
water or any other liquid, unplug it  
immediately. DO NOT reach into  
the water or liquid.  
• Iron may not be hot enough. Set temperature control  
dial to the ‘Max’ position. Always allow iron sufficient  
time to heat up (thermostat light goes off) before  
pressing the steam button.  
• Overuse of steam burst. Allow more time between  
each burst.  
• Iron may have been overfilled. Turn iron off,empty  
water and follow instructions for filling.  
• Steam performance may be low if iron requires  
seasoning. To season, use regular tap water for 1or 2  
tanks until steam performance improves.  
Water droplets coming  
from steam vents  
9. CAUTION: Never use scouring  
pads, abrasive or chemical  
cleaners, or solvents to clean the  
exterior or soleplate of your iron.  
Doing so will scratch and/or  
damage the surface.  
10.WARNING! DO NOT aim iron at  
face, towards yourself, or anyone  
else while using or adjusting  
steam. Burns or serious injury  
may occur.  
Printed in China  
Before using your Steam Station Iron,  
remove any labels, stickers or tags that  
may be attached to the body or  
soleplate of the iron.  
When turned on for the first time, your  
new iron may emit an odor for up to 10  
minutes. This is due to the initial  
heating of the materials used in making  
the iron.  
The odor is safe and should not reoccur  
after initial heating.  
Cleaning the Iron  
1. Unplug the steam station from the  
electrical outlet  
• Remove the power cord from the  
wall outlet.  
• Pour any remaining water out of the  
water tank.  
• Set the steam control to position “0”.  
• Put the iron on the rubber mat on its  
stand and let cool down sufficiently  
before you store it.  
Also, before ironing with steam for the  
first time, allow iron to heat, hold in a  
horizontal position and hit the steam  
button several times. The iron may emit  
some small particles from the steam  
holes. This is normal and will clear after  
pressing the steam button several  
2. When finished using the iron, turn  
the temperature control dial to “MIN”.  
3. Allow the iron to cool down before  
4. Scale and other deposits can be  
wiped off the soleplate with a damp  
cloth and some non-scratching (fluid)  
• Regularly check if the power cord is  
still in a good and safe condition.  
Temperature Control Dial (Rotate Dial)  
Steam Button  
Temperature Pilot Light  
Iron Stand  
Water Tank  
Water Filling Hole  
Rubber Mat  
5. Keep the soleplate smooth, avoid  
hard contact with metal objects.  
6. From time to time, clean the inside of  
the water tank by filling with water  
and shaking.  
Power Cord  
Connecting Hose/Supply Hose  
Anti-Calc Cassette  
Water Tank Lock  
Pump “On” Light  
The “Anti-Calc” cassette should be replaced after 9-12 months of usage depending  
on the amount of usage and water hardness.  
Rotate and release the head of the cassette, then take it out.  
Empty the water from the water tank and cassette housing.  
Fill the water tank with water.  
Insert the new cassette and lock it into the water filling hole.  
Push steam button for about one minute. The new cassette is now filled with  
Technical Specifications  
120V., 60Hz.  
1400 Watts  
You can resume ironing.  
To order additional “Anti-Calc” cassettes or for customer service:  
Call Customer Service  
In US.: 800-798-7398  
Monday to Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time  
Ironing With Steam  
Steaming in a Vertical Position  
Before First Use  
Rubber Mat  
Always read garment labels and follow  
the manufacturer’s ironing instructions.  
Refer to the “Ironing Chart” on page 6  
for temperature recommendations:  
Remove any labels, stickers or tags  
which may be attached to the body or  
the soleplate of the iron before using  
the iron.  
Read all instructions carefully. Always  
follow the Important Safeguards.  
Please note that during transportation,  
the rubber mat may come off its place.  
For vertical steaming, simply lift the iron  
in a vertical position and press the  
steam button. (See fig. 5)  
• The iron stand has 5 holes on the  
circumference of its top.  
• The rubber mat has 5 pins in the  
corresponding locations.  
• Place the rubber mat on top of the iron  
stand and push each individual pin into  
its hole.  
Important: Never place the hot iron on  
the plastic iron stand without the rubber  
mat on top of the iron stand.  
(See fig. 1)  
Use low settings for synthetics and  
Important: The first time an iron is  
used, some odor and small white  
particles may come out of the steam  
vents. This is perfectly normal and will  
cease to occur after the iron has been in  
use for a short while.  
Before you start using your iron, follow  
the instructions in manual and do the  
following in order to eliminate any odor  
and small white residue particles and to  
ensure optimum steam performance.  
•• Use moderate settings for wool  
and blends.  
••• Use high settings for cottons and  
Make sure that the steam station is  
plugged into the electrical outlet.  
Set the temperature dial to the  
desired temperature. (Fig. 4)  
Fill the water tank with water,  
following the instructions on page 5  
for filling the water tank.  
Fig. 5  
How the Water is Pumped to  
the Iron  
Ironing With No Steam  
All marked settings on the temperature  
control dial can be used for dry ironing.  
Make sure that the iron is resting on  
top of the rubber mat on the water  
When steam is desired, simply push  
the steam button.  
1. The water is pumped from the water  
tank to the iron through the supply  
hose by a built-in water pump.  
2. This water pump is activated by  
pushing on the steam button. The  
water pump pilot light will go on.  
3. The water pump will stay activated as  
long as your finger pushes the steam  
1. Plug the cord into a polarized, 120V  
AC electrical outlet. The  
Temperature Pilot light will come on,  
indicating that the iron is receiving  
Important: Do NOT remove rubber mat  
from water tank and place on a table or  
any other surface which may be  
damaged by heat.  
fig. 1  
2. Turn temperature dial to “MIN”.  
Fill the water tank according to  
instructions on filling (see page 5).  
Set the temperature control dial to its  
highest level.  
When the “Temperature Pilot Light”  
goes off, indicating that the iron has  
reached its selected temperature,  
• Do not place the rubber mat alone on a  
table or any other surface which may  
be damaged by heat.  
3. Turn the temperature control dial to  
the desired setting. (See “Ironing  
Chart” for a guide to temperature  
4. Place iron on its rubber mat on the  
water tank while iron is warming to  
desired temperature.  
Push the steam button to activate the  
internal water pump.  
5. When the temperature pilot light  
goes, the iron is ready for ironing.  
Steam will come out after about 2  
minutes. Please be patient for the first  
usage after which there will be no  
further waiting.  
Iron on a piece of cloth / towel for 2  
Place the iron on the rubber mat and  
allow it to steam for 5 minutes.  
Fig. 4  
Important: Make sure that the iron has  
reached the selected temperature before  
using steam.  
NOTE: Before starting to iron delicate  
To select iron temperature, align  
temperature selected on dial with  
the indicator on the water tank.  
Filling the Water Tank  
Filling the Water Tank  
fabrics, it is best to first test the  
temperature of the iron on a hem or an  
inside seam.  
Steam irons should be used with tap  
water up to 3 mmol/l alkaline earth ions  
(check the degree of hardness of your  
water with your local water authority) or a  
mixture of distilled/demineralized water  
with tap water.  
1. Push down the water tank lock.  
2. Slide out the water tank from under  
the iron stand. (Fig. 2)  
3. Rotate slightly the top of the “Anti-  
Calc” Cassette and pull it out of the  
water tank.  
4. Fill the water tank up to the “Max”  
mark, as shown below in fig. 3.  
If your tap water is very hard, you can  
mix 1:1 distilled / demineralized water  
with mineral water so that your steam  
performance will be good.  
Water Tank Lock  
fibers, e.g.  
acryl, viscose,  
Never use water containing additives,  
battery top-up water from service  
stations, water from household softening  
systems or descaling agents.  
Distilled/Demineralized Water:  
This should normally be mixed 1:1 with  
tap water. The use of pure  
Fig. 2  
Slide Out  
distilled/demineralized water creates  
difficulties with steam production and can  
cause water to escape through the  
soleplate (formation of drops).  
MAX •  
• •  
Note: If water escapes through the  
soleplate while you are using  
distilled/demineralized water,  
we recommend you use tap water 3 or 4  
Fig. 3  
5. Return the water tank to its place,  
under the iron stand.  
Water with Additives:  
Note: Make sure that the water tank is  
pushed back to its place and the lock is  
closed. If the water tank is not in its  
place, it will not be able to deliver water  
from the pump to the iron.  
Starch, conditioner, perfume and fabric  
conditioner should never be added to the  
water. These result in residues in the  
steam chamber which will damage your  
iron and stain your laundry. For this  
reason, no condensed water (water from  
driers may be used, as this can contain  
additives (e.g. conditioner).  
Ironing Temperature  
Always check first to see whether a label with ironing instructions is attached to the article to be  
ironed. (See table above.) Follow these ironing instructions in all cases. If ironing instructions  
are missing, but you do know the kind of fabric, then see the table. The table is valid for the  
materials only and is not applicable to any applied finish, gloss, etc… Fabric to which some  
kind of finish has been applied (gloss, wrinkles, relief, etc.) can be ironed at the lowest  
temperature such as those made of synthetic fibers. Sort the laundry out according to ironing  
temperature first: wool with wool, cotton with cotton, etc…  
The iron heats up quicker than it cools down. Therefore, start ironing the articles requiring the  
lowest temperature such as those made of synthetic fibers. If the fabric consists of various  
kinds of fibers, you must always select the lowest ironing temperature of the composition of  
those fibers. (For example: an article consisting of “60% polyester and 40% cotton” should be  
ironed at the temperature indicated for polyester (•) and without steam.)  
If you do not know what kind(s) of fabric(s) the article has been made of, find a spot which will  
be invisible when wearing or using the article. Try out the ironing temperature which is most  
suitable there. (Start at a relatively low temperature.) Pure woolen fabrics (100% wool) may be  
pressed with the iron set to a steam position. Preferable set the steam control to maximum  
position and use a dry pressing cloth. When steam-ironing woolen fabrics, shining of the fabric  
may occur. This can be prevented by turning the article inside out and ironing the reverse side.  
Velvet and other textures which rapidly acquire shiny spots should be ironed in one direction  
only (with the nap) applying light pressure. Always keep the iron moving.  
Setting the Ironing Temperature  
Place the iron on the rubber mat on  
the water tank.  
Plug the power cord into the  
electrical outlet.  
Select the required temperature  
setting on the temperature control  
dial using the Ironing Chart  
on page 6.  
The temperature pilot light will come  
“On” indicating that the iron is  
heating up.  
Descaling the Iron:  
Do not use chemical descaling agents as  
these can cause damage to the iron and  
stain your laundry.  
Water From Household Water  
Softening Systems:  
Do not use water from household water  
softening systems because even though  
these systems remove calcium from the  
water, they add other substances to it.  
Therefore this water is not suitable for  
steam irons.  
When the temperature pilot light has  
gone “Off”, the set temperature has  
been reached and the iron is ready  
for use.  
Iron the reverse side of synthetic materials and silk to prevent shining spots. Do not use the  
spray button to prevent stains.  

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