Capresso Espresso Maker 303 User Manual

4-cup Espresso/Cappuccino  
Model #303  
• Instructions  
• Warranty  
Regarding your Cord Set:  
A. A short power-supply cord (or detachable power-supply cord) is to be  
provided to reduce risks resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping  
over a longer cord.  
B. Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and  
may be used if care is exercised in their use.  
C. If a long detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used, (1) the  
marked electrical rating of the detachable power-supply cord or extension  
cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance, (2)  
if the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord should be a  
grounding type 3-wire cord, and (3) the longer cord should be arranged so  
that it will not drape over the counter top or table top where it can be  
pulled on by children or tripped over.  
D. This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). As a  
safety feature, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the  
plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit,  
contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.  
This appliance is for household use. Any servicing other than cleaning and user  
maintenance should be performed by an authorized service representative.  
• Do not immerse base in water or try to disassemble.  
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not remove the base. No user  
serviceable parts inside. Repair should be done by authorized service  
personnel only.  
• Check voltage to be sure that the voltage indicated on the name plate  
agrees with your voltage.  
• Never use warm or hot water to fill the water container! Use cold water only!  
• Keep your hands and the cord away from hot parts of the appliance during  
• Never clean with scouring powders or hard implements.  
Fig. 1  
1. Boiler cap  
2. Steam knob (fig. 9)  
3. Coffee/steam selector  
4. Steam pipe  
5. Nozzle  
6. Tray cover  
7. Drip tray  
8. Filter holder in  
"locked" position  
9. Power switch  
10. Glass carafe with lid  
11. Scoop  
thumb guard  
to lock  
Fig. 2  
Fig. 3  
Fig. 4  
Fig. 5  
Fig. 6  
open steam  
coffee/steam selector  
Fig. 7  
Fig. 8  
Fig. 9  
Fig. 10  
Fig. 11  
Fig. 12  
inner screen  
Fig. 13  
Fig. 14  
Fig. 15  
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS............................................................................... 2  
ILLUSTRATIONS................................................................................................. 4  
1. WELCOME AND THANK YOU.................................................................... 6  
2. HOW TO REACH JURA-CAPRESSO........................................................... 6  
3. DE-PRESSURIZING...................................................................................... 6  
4. BEFORE INITIAL USE................................................................................... 7  
5. SAFETY BOILER CAP .................................................................................. 7  
6. HELPFUL HINTS .......................................................................................... 7  
7. PREPARING ESPRESSO.............................................................................. 8  
8. PREPARING CAPPUCCINO AND LATTE..................................................... 9  
9. HOW TO STEAM/FROTH EFFECTIVELY.................................................... 10  
11. CLEANING.................................................................................................. 10  
12. DECALCIFYING .......................................................................................... 10  
LIMITED WARRANTY ....................................................................................... 11  
Thank you for choosing the CAPRESSO 4-cup Espresso / Cappuccino  
Machine. It is the perfect starter machine for espressos, cappuccinos and lattes.  
With a bit of practice you will be able to produce two to four cappuccinos or  
lattes at a time. Please read all of the instructions in this booklet before  
operating your new machine. Understanding and complying with these  
instructions is essential to ensure that the machine is utilized without risk and  
to ensure safety during operation and maintenance.  
Should you require further information or if particular problems occur that are  
not covered in this manual, please  
• CALL our toll free HELP LINE: 1-800-767-3554 Monday -Thursday 8:30AM  
to 9PM, Friday 8:30AM to 8PM and Saturday 9AM to 5PM Eastern Standard  
Time. Feel free to call at any time. If you are connected to our voicemail,  
PLEASE DO NOT HANG UP. Leave your name, telephone number and we will  
return your call. Please also leave the model number of your Capresso  
product, in this case it is #303.  
• FAX us at 1-201-767-9684  
• E-MAIL us at [email protected]  
• WRITE to Jura-Capresso Inc., Customer Service, P.O. Box 775,  
Closter, NJ 07624  
CAUTION! Never open the boiler cap and never remove the filter holder as  
long as there is pressure in the boiler container. In order to check if the  
machine is still under pressure follow these steps:  
1. The machine is on, the filter holder is inserted and the boiler cap is closed.  
2. Place an empty cup under the frother nozzle (fig. 10).  
3. Move the coffee/steam selector to the steam symbol (fig. 8).  
4. Open the steam knob (fig. 9). Wait until all steam is released.  
5. Turn the power switch off (fig. 6).  
6. Open and remove the boiler cap (see chapter 5)  
7. It is now safe to remove the filter holder.  
8. Move the coffee/steam selector to the cup symbol (fig. 8).  
Caution: Never try to remove the filter holder with the carafe in place. Pressure  
could force the filter holder down, smashing the carafe and causing severe  
injuries. Always remove the carafe first.  
Caution: Never leave machine unattended when it is turned on (red light in the  
power switch is illuminated). Always turn the machine off when finished.  
Carefully unpack your machine and remove all packing materials. Wipe the  
machine with a damp cloth. Clean the filter holder, the basket and the carafe  
with water and wipe dry. The filter holder, the basket, the glass carafe and lid  
are dishwasher safe (upper rack, away from any heating element).  
Caution: Do not immerse the machine in water or any other liquid. The boiler  
cap is not dishwasher safe. Make yourself familiar with the various parts: insert  
the basket into the filter holder (fig. 2) and insert the filter holder into the  
machine (fig. 3). Open and close the boiler cap. Make sure the power cord is  
guided in the back slot so the machine sits firmly and flat on an even surface.  
To open the boiler cap: turn the cap a quarter turn counter clockwise. Slightly  
lift the cap and turn another quarter turn counter clockwise and lift the cap.  
To close the boiler cap: Place the cap onto the boiler neck and turn clockwise  
until cap sinks into the groove. Continue turning the cap until firmly locked.  
Espresso Drink: An espresso is a far richer drink with a more intense taste  
than regular brewed drip coffee. An espresso is normally 1 1/2 to 2 oz. of  
strong coffee. Espresso should be served immediately after brewing. If the  
espresso is too strong, you can add hot water. Add sugar to taste.  
• Preparing espresso is different than preparing regular drip coffee. The machine  
works under pressure, bringing the water to a boil and then forcing it through  
the ground coffee in a short period of time.  
Important: The water in the boiler of the machine will get hotter during the  
brewing process. Towards the end of the brewing process the water will be  
so hot that it would burn your espresso. Therefore you never want to process  
all the water through the coffee as this will result in a burnt taste.  
Which Coffee? Any coffee labeled "espresso" is suitable for your machine.  
Any coffee with at least 80% Arabica beans is ideal for espresso preparation.  
Check with your local coffee store.  
Which Grind? Steam boiler espresso machines, do not require a fine espresso  
grind. For maximum flavor and aroma we recommend a medium espresso  
grind or a fine drip grind. If you grind your own coffee we recommend using a  
burr or disk/burr grinder. Small blade grinders can create "coffee dust".  
Coffee dust can dramatically slow down the water flow during brewing  
resulting in bitter and overheated coffee taste.  
Cappuccino: 1 1/2 to 2 oz. of espresso coffee with 3 to 4 oz. of steamed  
and frothed milk on top. Sprinkle chocolate shavings or cinnamon on top of  
the milk froth. For a stronger taste increase the amount of coffee. For a  
milder taste increase the amount of milk.  
Latte: 1 1/2 to 2 oz. of espresso coffee with 3 to 4 oz. of steamed milk (very  
little or no milk froth).  
Frothing: Foamy layer of milk froth on top of hot milk.  
Which kind of milk? Skim milk and 1% milk will produce more milk froth  
than 2% or regular milk.  
Markings on Glass Carafe: The markings on the glass carafe help you in the  
preparation of brewing and frothing.  
Upper rim of metal band: Maximum capacity of boiler (approx. 10 oz.).  
For best results always fill the boiler with 10 oz. of fresh cold water.  
4 cup marking: Maximum amount of espresso you should brew (approx.  
8 oz.). If you brew more than 8 oz. the coffee will taste burnt. Depending  
on the coffee roast you might even want to brew a little less to avoid a bitter  
2 cup marking: (approx. 4 oz.), guide line for a double shot of espresso.  
Bottom line marking: Once the coffee has reached this level there is enough  
pressure in the boiler for steaming and frothing.  
Caution: Do not leave the machine alone during brewing.  
Keep children away during brewing.  
1. Make sure the machine is plugged in and turned off. The glass carafe is  
removed from the drip tray. Important: The steam knob (fig. 9) must be in the  
closed position. The coffee/steam selector points to the cup symbol in front  
of the machine (stronger coffee). Moving the coffee/steam selector to the  
right, accelerates brewing and decreases coffee strength.  
2. Fill the basket with ground coffee, using the measuring scoop (fig.1). The  
basket is marked on the inside indicating "2 cups" and "4 cups". Never  
overfill the basket. Clear any excess coffee from the rim of the filter holder.  
Important: it is not necessary to tamp (press down) the coffee.  
3. Insert the basket into the filter holder (fig. 2), then insert the filter holder into  
the machine (fig. 3).  
4. Turn filter holder to the right until it reaches the "locked" position (fig.1,8).  
5. Fill the glass carafe to the upper rim of the metal band (approx. 10 oz.)  
with fresh, cold water.  
6. Unscrew the boiler cap (see chapter 5). Using the glass carafe, fill the boiler  
with water (fig. 4) and close the boiler cap securely (see chapter 5).  
7. Place the carafe lid on the carafe so that the opening on the lid points  
towards the pouring spout of the carafe (fig. 7). Place the carafe on the drip  
tray as shown in fig. 1.  
8. Turn the power switch on (fig. 6). The power switch illuminates and the  
machine starts heating the water.  
9. After approx. 2 1/2 to 3 minutes hot water will start forcing its way through  
the filter holder into the carafe.  
When you have enough espresso in the glass carafe turn the power switch  
off and turn the coffee/steam selector to the steam symbol on the left to  
stop the flow. Remove the carafe and serve. Add a bit of sugar and enjoy.  
Tip: To avoid a "burnt taste" never process all the water through the coffee.  
Once the brewing noise increases and steam develops, stop the brewing.  
10. Important: Do not open the boiler cap. Do not remove the filter holder. First  
depressurize the machine. See chapter 3.  
11. After de-pressurizing remove the filter holder by turning it to the left to the  
"open lock" symbol. Then push the thumb-guard of filter holder over the  
hot rim of the basket. Dump the used coffee (fig. 13) and rinse the basket  
and the filter holder under running water. Return the coffee/steam selector  
to the cup symbol.  
Cappuccino and Latte are the most popular espresso-based coffee drinks. It is  
important that you follow the steps below precisely, otherwise you may not  
have enough steam pressure to froth and steam milk properly.  
1. Fill a pitcher with 6 to 8 oz. of cold milk and set aside. The pitcher should  
have at least a 12 oz. capacity. Make sure the frother points outwards and  
the black frother nozzle is in place.  
2. Follow steps 1 through 8 in chapter PREPARING ESPRESSO.  
3. After approx. 2 1/2 to 3 minutes hot water will start forcing its way through  
the filter holder into the carafe. When the espresso coffee has reached the  
bottom marking of the glass carafe, slide the coffee/steam selector to the  
steam symbol.  
4. Immerse the black frother nozzle into the pitcher with the milk so that the  
lower part of the nozzle is completely covered in milk (fig. 12, frothing  
position). The tip of the nozzle should not hit the bottom of the pitcher.  
5. With the right hand slowly turn the steam knob towards the steam symbol  
(fig. 9 &10). Steam will push out into the pitcher. The more you open the  
steam knob the more steam will be released. If the steam is too powerful,  
turn the steam knob back to reduce the steam output. This procedure  
might take a little practice (see below). Once you have injected enough  
steam into your milk, turn the steam knob back to stop the steam output  
completely. Set the pitcher with the frothed milk aside. Caution: The steam  
pipe is hot  
6. Move the coffee/steam selector back to the cup symbol. Coffee will continue  
brewing into the carafe.  
7. Stand by and turn off the power switch when you have enough espresso in  
the glass carafe. Turn the coffee/steam selector to the steam symbol on the  
left to stop the flow.  
8. Remove the carafe and pour the espresso into your latte/cappuccino cups.  
Add sugar to taste. Add the steamed milk and ladle some of the froth on  
top. Enjoy.  
9. Important: Follow steps 10 and 11 in chapter 7, "Preparing Espresso".  
The tip of the black frothing nozzle has three visible slots on top (fig. 11). If the  
three slots are immersed into the milk, the steaming action will create froth (for  
cappuccino). If the three slots are above the milk level, the frother will inject  
steam into the milk without or very little froth (for latte) (fig. 12).  
Recommendation: Always start with the three slots above the milk level. This  
way the steam first starts heating/steaming the milk. Then immerse the nozzle  
further into the milk to create froth. Set the steamed/frothed milk aside so that  
the froth can settle.  
You can use the machine to make approx. 8 oz. of hot tea or to prepare instant  
soup. Fill the boiler with up to 8 oz. of water. Insert the filter holder into the machine  
without the filter basket and turn the filter holder to the right until it is locked in  
place. Close the boiler cap. Make sure the coffee/steam selector is turned to the  
cup symbol.  
For tea: place one tea bag in the glass carafe.  
Hot instant soup: pour the dry ingredients of the instant soup into the glass carafe.  
Place the glass carafe with its lid underneath the filter holder.  
Turn the machine on and let all the water process through the filter holder into the  
carafe. When no more water comes out of the filter, turn the machine off, remove  
the carafe and serve.  
• Always unplug the machine before cleaning.  
• Never use scouring agents.  
• Wait until machine has cooled down.  
• Never immerse the machine in water or any other liquid. Never hold the machine  
under running water. To clean, simply wipe off with a soft, damp cloth.  
• Clean the filter basket, the filter holder, and the glass carafe in a hot water/  
mild soap solution. For your convenience, the filter holder, filter basket, and  
glass carafe can be put in the dishwasher's upper level, away from any heating  
element. Make sure the holes in the filter basket are free of old coffee deposits.  
• Remove the tray cover and drip tray and clean with hot water/mild soap  
solution. Replace the tray cover and drip tray and make sure the drip tray is  
locked in place.  
• Wipe the inner screen with a wet cloth (fig. 15). The screen is located above the  
filter holder area.  
Wait until the machine has cooled down. The metal frother pipe may still be hot.  
Pull the frother nozzle off and thoroughly rinse under warm water. Make sure the  
nozzle is free of any milk deposits. Replace the frother nozzle. Make sure it is firmly  
pushed up the frother tube.  
We recommend decalcifying the machine every 3 months or more frequently if you  
use hard water with this product. Remove the nozzle from the steam pipe. Fill the  
glass carafe with 2 oz. of white vinegar and 6 oz. of cold water and pour into the  
boiler. Close the boiler cap. Insert the filter holder with the basket into the machine  
and lock the filter holder. Place the glass carafe without the lid under the filter holder  
on the drip tray. Place an empty cup under the steam pipe. Make sure the coffee/  
steam selector points to the cup symbol and the steam knob is closed. Turn the  
machine on and let the solution pass through the filter holder into the machine.  
With the carafe about ¾-filled with solution (6 oz.), slide the coffee/steam selector  
to the steam symbol. Slowly turn the steam knob to pass the solution through the  
steam pipe and into the empty cup. Once steaming has stopped, close the steam  
knob, slide the coffee/steam selector to the cup symbol and turn the machine off.  
Remove and empty the carafe and cup. Allow machine to cool for about five minutes  
and open and remove the boiler cap. Repeat above process once or twice with only  
water to remove any vinegar taste from the machine. (Please see Caution statements  
in chapter 3, Depressurizing.)  
This warranty covers your CAPRESSO machine Model #303. This warranty is in  
effect for one year from the date of the first consumer purchase and is limited to the  
United States of America. This warranty covers all defects in materials or work-  
manship (parts and labor). Jura-Capresso will repair or replace your machine  
or parts thereof within one year from the date of the first consumer purchase.  
Jura-Capresso will pay for the repair or replacement and the freight back to  
your destination within the United States.  
The warranty does not cover:  
• Any machine not distributed by JURA-CAPRESSO within the United States.  
• Any machine not purchased from an Authorized JURA-CAPRESSO Dealer.  
• Commercial use of the machine.  
• Damage caused by accident, abuse, negligence, misuse, improper  
operation or failure to follow instructions contained in this manual.  
• Any service or alteration performed by an unauthorized person, company  
or association.  
• Any glass parts, including the carafe.  
• Any used machines bought at auctions and unauthorized websites.  
Other limitations and exclusions:  
Any implied warranties including fitness for use and merchantability are limited in  
duration to the period of the express warranty set forth above and no person is  
authorized to assume for JURA-CAPRESSO any other liability in connection with  
the sale of the machine.  
JURA-CAPRESSO expressly disclaims liability for incidental and consequential  
damages caused by the machine. The terms "incidental damages" refers to the loss  
of the original purchasers time, loss of the use of the machine or other costs relat-  
ing to the care and custody of the machine. The term "consequential damages"  
refers to the cost of repairing or replacing other property which is damaged when  
this machine does not work properly. The remedies provided under this warranty are  
exclusive and in lieu of all others.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights  
which vary from state to state.  
Jura-Capresso Inc.  
81 Ruckman Road, PO Box 775  
CLOSTER, NJ 07624  
Tel 1-800-767-3554  
Fax 201-767-9864  

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