Canon Fax Machine L280 User Manual

Canon FAX-L280  
Canon FAX-L280 Printer Driver  
for Windows  
Software User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................1-1  
Setting Up Your Printer for Sharing......................................................2-8  
Changing Information About a Print Profile.....................................3-20  
Adjusting the Display Order................................................................3-20  
Exporting a Print Profile .......................................................................3-21  
Importing a Print Profile.......................................................................3-21  
Deleting a Print Profile..........................................................................3-22  
Displaying Printer Driver Information......................................................3-22  
Chapter 4 Frequently Asked Questions........................................................................4-1  
Paper Is Not Loading Correctly.....................................................................4-6  
Appendix A Sharing Your Printer Cross-Platform in Windows NT/2000 .................A-1  
Sharing Your Printer in Windows 2000.......................................................A-2  
Appendix B Installing from a Local or Network Drive................................................ B-1  
Installing the Software....................................................................................B-1  
Glossary ..................................................................................................................................G-1  
Index ......................................................................................................................................... I-1  
C o n t e n t s  
Chapter 1  
Welcome and congratulations on your purchase of the Canon FAX-L280  
(also referred to in this guide as the printer) and its accompanying printer  
driver software.  
Contents of this chapter:  
Printer Driver: an Overview..................................................................1-2  
System Requirements .............................................................................1-2  
About This Guide....................................................................................1-4  
Conventions Used in This Guide...................................................1-4  
Other User Assistance.............................................................................1-5  
Chapter 1  
Introduction 1-1  
Printer Driver: an Overview  
The printer driver is software that enables the printer to communicate  
with your computer. You can use the printer as the default printer in any  
Windows application that supports printing.  
The printer driver includes features that enable you to define the results  
of your printed output (documents or images), such as:  
Custom paper sizes  
Graphic image as an overlay on documents  
(for example, to print your company logo on each page)  
Multiple pages (up to nine) printed on one sheet of paper  
User-defined print profiles for storing and using print preferences.  
System Requirements  
To successfully install and operate your printer and printer driver, your  
system must meet the following minimum requirements:  
Windows Operating System  
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0,  
or Windows 2000  
Computer Processor  
Windows 95/98/NT 4.0: A 90-megahertz (MHz) Pentium  
processor or higher  
Windows Me: A 150-MHz Pentium processor or higher  
Windows 2000: A 133-MHz Pentium processor or higher  
Service Pack  
Windows NT 4.0 only: Service Pack 4 or later  
1-2 Introduction  
Chapter 1  
Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4.0: 32 megabytes (MB) of RAM. 64 MB  
of RAM or more is recommended.  
Windows 2000: 64 MB of RAM. 128 MB of RAM or more is  
Hard Disk Space  
15 MB of available hard disk space  
Disk Drive  
CD-ROM drive, or access to one over a network connection  
256-color SVGA monitor or greater  
Printer Cable  
For parallel port connection: A shielded, bi-directional, IEEE-  
1284-compatible parallel cable 2 meters (6.6 feet) in length or  
For USB (Universal Serial Bus) port connection (Windows 98/Me  
and Windows 2000 only): A USB cable 5 meters (16.4 feet) in  
length or shorter.  
For help in purchasing the correct cable, consult your dealer or  
The printer driver for Windows 98/Me and Windows 2000 supports  
both parallel and USB ports.  
If you upgraded your system to Windows 98/Me or Windows 2000 from  
Windows 95 or Windows NT, the USB port on your computer may not  
operate successfully. Successful operation of the port is ensured when  
using a system installed with Windows 98/Me or Windows 2000 by the  
computer manufacturer. For assistance in resolving the support of a USB  
port on your system, contact the technical support department with your  
PC manufacturer, for a possible change of setting or an upgrade to the  
BIOS residing on your system.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction 1-3  
About This Guide  
This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of Windows. This  
includes how to start your system and navigate within the Windows  
environment. You should be familiar with common Windows terms such  
as window, dialog box, button, icon, menu, application, select, open,  
close, click, double-click, drag, and list box.  
For assistance in familiarizing yourself with Windows, refer to your  
Microsoft Windows user documentation.  
Screen illustrations were prepared using a Windows 98 system, or a  
Windows 2000 system (for instructions specified for Windows NT and/or  
Windows 2000).  
Conventions Used in This Guide  
The following types of formatting identify specific types of information  
provided in this guide.  
Italicized text  
Used to stress the importance of a word  
or phrase, or to refer to the title of  
another guide. For example:  
You cannot access the dialog box....  
...the Microsoft Windows User’s Guide....  
Text in quotation marks  
Click, double-click  
Used to refer to the title of a section  
within the guide. For example:  
...the Installing the Softwaresection....  
Use of the word click or double-click  
provides instructions for selecting or  
choosing a command or option,  
generally with a mouse. For example:  
Click OK to continue.  
1-4 Introduction  
Chapter 1  
Monospaced text  
Used for commands you might type  
when installing the software, or system  
messages that may display on your  
screen. For example:  
Used for all the key words in the name  
or title of an option on the screen. For  
In the dialog box, click Image Type to  
Other User Assistance  
In addition to this guide, the following information and instructions are  
Printer Driver Online Help  
The online help includes context-sensitive help about a window or  
dialog box and step-by-step instructions for performing tasks.  
Canon FAX-L280/200 User’s Guide  
This guide offers detailed information on how to set up and operate  
your printer. It includes initial setup procedures, daily maintenance,  
and troubleshooting.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction 1-5  
Chapter 2  
2Installing the Printer Driver  
Contents of this chapter:  
Before You Begin the Installation: a Checklist ....................................2-2  
Installing the Software............................................................................2-4  
Setting the Default Printer .....................................................................2-7  
Sharing the Printer Installation .............................................................2-7  
Setting Up Your Printer for Sharing..............................................2-8  
Installing the Printer Driver on a Client System..........................2-9  
Removing the Printer Driver .................................................................2-9  
Changing the Port Connection............................................................2-10  
Changing the Port Connection: Parallel and USB.....................2-10  
Changing the Port Connection: USB to USB..............................2-11  
Chapter 2  
Installing the Printer Driver 2-1  
Before You Begin the Installation: a  
To ensure a smooth and successful installation, take some time before you  
begin to plan and prepare for the installation process.  
Decide the port type: Parallel or USB.  
Based on your Windows operating system and your computer  
hardware, you may have a choice on the type of port to use.  
If you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT:  
You can connect the printer only to the parallel port on your  
computer. Only a parallel port connection is supported in  
Windows 95 and Windows NT.  
If you are using Windows 98/Me or Windows 2000:  
If your computer has a USB port available, you can connect to the  
parallel port or USB port. When you connect to the USB port on  
your printer, the parallel port is disabled and is not available  
while the USB port is being used.  
You can later change your mind and connect to the other port. For  
instructions, see the Changing the Port Connectionsection in this  
If using parallel port: Connect.  
If you are planning on using the parallel port on your computer, you  
can connect the printer cable to the port on your computer at this  
time. The printer needs to be connected for the installation to finish  
The parallel port must be a dedicated port. The printer does not  
operate with a redirected or virtual parallel port.  
If your system displays a found new hardware dialog box, click  
Cancel. Use the procedures in the Installing the Softwaresection to  
install the software with the installation disk.  
2-2 Installing the Printer Driver  
Chapter 2  
If using USB port: Do not connect.  
If you are planning on using the USB port on your computer, do not  
connect the printer cable to the port on your computer at this time.  
When you begin the installation of the software, the installation  
program will prompt you when it is appropriate to connect the  
printer to your computer.  
If you have already connected the printer cable to your computer, the  
system may display a found new hardware dialog box. If so, click  
Cancel. Then, disconnect the printer cable from the USB port on your  
Use the procedures in the Installing the Softwaresection to install  
the software with the installation disk.  
Turn on computer. Start Windows.  
If you have not already done so, turn on your computer and start  
Close applications.  
If any Windows applications (including any virus checkers) are open,  
close the applications. With the applications closed, you ensure that  
the software installs properly.  
Cancel new hardware detection.  
As a reminder: If your system displays a found new hardware dialog  
box, click Cancel. Use the procedures in the Installing the Software”  
section to install the software with the installation disk.  
To install the printer driver if you are using Windows NT/2000, you must  
log on as Administrator or have Administrator privileges. If you do not  
have Administrator privileges, ask your system administrator to install  
the printer driver software on your PC.  
Chapter 2  
Installing the Printer Driver 2-3  
If your current printer purchase is replacing a MultiPASS printer, you  
must remove the MultiPASS software installed on your system before  
installing the new printer. For instructions on removing the MultiPASS  
software, see the software users guide that came with your MultiPASS  
Installing the Software  
You are ready to install the software once you have prepared your  
system, as described in the Before You Begin the Installation: a  
Checklistsection. In particular, and as a reminder, make sure you:  
Connect the printer cable if you are using a parallel port.  
Do not connect the printer cable if you are using a USB port.  
If the software has been placed on a local or network drive, you can install  
the software on your system from that drive, rather than using the  
installation disk. For instructions, see Appendix B.  
To install the software:  
1. Insert the installation disk into your disk drive.  
2. If AutoRun is enabled, the installation starts automatically.  
2-4 Installing the Printer Driver  
Chapter 2  
4. If prompted, connect your printer cable to the port on your computer.  
5. For a USB port connection only:  
When you connect to the USB port, the system displays messages  
indicating that the driver for your printer is being installed.  
For Windows 98/Me: Wait for the system to complete the installation  
of the printer driver.  
For Windows 2000: See Step 6.  
6. For Windows 2000 only with a USB port connection:  
When the Found New Hardware Wizard appears during the setup,  
and prompts you for additional information, specify how and where  
the wizard should locate the driver files:  
Search for a suitable driver for the printer  
(Do not display a list of drivers.)  
Search only on the installation disk.  
(Click CD-ROM only, and clear the other options.)  
2-6 Installing the Printer Driver  
Chapter 2  
7. When the setup is finished, if prompted, restart Windows.  
The installation program determines whether Windows needs to be  
restarted on your system.  
Setting the Default Printer  
When you install the printer driver software, the system automatically  
sets the printer as the default printer. If necessary, however, follow these  
instructions to set the default printer.  
To set the default printer:  
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start, and then point to Settings.  
2. On the Settings menu, click Printers.  
3. In the Printers window, click the printer icon.  
4. On the File menu, click Set As Default (Windows 95/98/Me/NT) or  
Set as Default Printer (Windows 2000).  
Sharing the Printer Installation  
You may be using your computer and the printer connected to your  
computer in an environment where multiple computers are connected by  
a network. In this case, you can share the use of your printer with the  
other computers on the network.  
If you choose to share the use of your printer, your computer acts as the  
host system or server to the other computers (also referred to as remote or  
client systems).  
To use your printer, the client systems must have the printer driver  
software installed on them. The software can be installed on the client  
systems directly from your system. Based on which Windows operating  
system you are using, the following client systems can share your printer:  
Chapter 2  
Installing the Printer Driver 2-7  
If your system (server) is:  
Windows 95/98/Me  
Windows NT/2000  
Install on client system:  
Windows 95/98/Me  
Windows 95/98/Me or  
Windows NT/2000  
When a document is printed by the client system on a shared printer, any  
printing messages (status or error messages) display on the server  
Setting Up Your Printer for Sharing  
Before the client systems can be installed with the printer driver software,  
you must set up the printer for sharing on the server system.  
To set up the printer for sharing:  
1. On the server system, on the Windows taskbar, click Start, point to  
Settings, and then click Printers.  
2. In the Printers window, click the printer icon.  
3. On the File menu, click Sharing.  
If the Sharing command is not available, you need to set up printer  
sharing in Windows. For details, see your Windows user  
4. In the Properties dialog box, on the Sharing tab, click Shared As.  
5. In the Share Name box (Windows 95/98/Me/NT) or Shared As box  
(Windows 2000), type a name you want to assign to the shared  
If available, you may also want to assign a password, which would  
then be required by the client system when using the printer.  
6. If your situation matches one of the following, set up an alternate or  
additional driver:  
2-8 Installing the Printer Driver  
Chapter 2  
Windows NT/2000 server system sharing with Windows  
95/98/Me client systems  
Windows 2000 server system sharing with Windows NT client  
For detailed instructions, see Appendix A in this guide.  
7. In the Properties dialog box, click OK.  
Installing the Printer Driver on a Client System  
Once the printer has been set up for sharing, the printer driver can be  
installed from the server system to the appropriate client systems.  
To install the printer driver on a client system:  
1. On the client system, on the Windows taskbar, click Start, point to  
Settings, and then click Printers.  
2. In the Printers window, double-click Add Printer.  
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
Install the printer driver as a network printer, based on the name  
assigned to the shared printer.  
You cannot install the printer driver on a client system that has  
MultiPASS software installed on it (version 3.2x or earlier).  
Removing the Printer Driver  
As needed, you can remove the printer driver from your system.  
To remove the printer driver:  
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start, and then point to Settings.  
Chapter 2  
Installing the Printer Driver 2-9  
2. On the Settings menu, click Control Panel.  
3. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.  
4. In the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box, click Canon  
FAX-L280, and then click the Add/Remove button (Windows  
95/98/Me/NT) or the Change/Remove button (Windows 2000).  
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
6. After the printer driver has been removed, restart your computer.  
Changing the Port Connection  
If you are using Windows 98/Me or Windows 2000, and have a USB port  
available on your computer, you may want to change the port to which  
you originally connected, either between the parallel port and USB port,  
or from one USB port to another USB port.  
Changing the Port Connection: Parallel and USB  
Previously, you connected your printer cable to either the parallel port or  
the USB port. Later, you may want to change the type of port to which  
you are currently connected.  
For example, when you originally installed the software, you chose to  
connect the printer to the USB port on your computer. Now, you would  
like to connect the printer to the parallel port.  
To change the port connection, you need to remove and reinstall the  
To change the port connection:  
1. Remove the software.  
For details on removing the software, see the Removing the Printer  
Driversection in this chapter.  
2-10 Installing the Printer Driver  
Chapter 2  
2. Disconnect the printer from the port on your computer.  
3. Prior to reconnecting the printer to the desired port, see the Before  
You Begin the Installation: a Checklistsection in this chapter.  
This section describes when it is appropriate to reconnect your  
printer to the desired port.  
4. Reinstall the software.  
For instructions, see the Installing the Softwaresection in this  
Changing the Port Connection: USB to USB  
If you have multiple USB ports on your computer, and you are connected  
to one of the USB ports, you may now want to connect to the other USB  
port. Or, you may want to connect a hub to your USB port, and then  
connect the printer to the hub.  
To change the port, you simply disconnect the printer cable from the USB  
port on your computer and, when ready, reconnect to the other USB port  
or hub.  
When changing the port connection, it is not necessary to uninstall and  
reinstall the software.  
Chapter 2  
Installing the Printer Driver 2-11  
Chapter 3  
Contents of this chapter:  
Printing a Document...............................................................................3-2  
Defining Print Settings: an Overview...................................................3-2  
Viewing a Summary of Print Settings...........................................3-5  
Defining Page Settings............................................................................3-6  
Defining a Custom Paper Size........................................................3-7  
Defining a Print Overlay...............................................................3-13  
Defining Quality Print Settings...........................................................3-15  
Conserving Toner When Printing................................................3-16  
Adding a Print Profile...........................................................................3-17  
Using a Print Profile.......................................................................3-18  
Editing a Print Profile ...........................................................................3-19  
Changing Information About a Print Profile .............................3-20  
Adjusting the Display Order........................................................3-20  
Exporting a Print Profile ...............................................................3-21  
Importing a Print Profile...............................................................3-21  
Deleting a Print Profile..................................................................3-22  
Displaying Printer Driver Information ..............................................3-22  
Defining Default Print Settings ...........................................................3-23  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-1  
Printing a Document  
Once you have installed the software, you are ready to print a document,  
from any Windows application that supports printing, such as Word for  
Predefined printer settings are initially installed, enabling you to print  
immediately. These settings determine what your documents look like  
when printed. For example, they define such settings as the paper size  
and page orientation.  
Instructions for printing a document can vary somewhat for different  
Windows applications. Therefore, for detailed instructions, see the user  
documentation for the specific application from which you are printing.  
The following instructions summarize the general procedures for printing  
a document.  
To print a document:  
1. With your document open, click the command to print your  
document. (In most Windows applications, the Print command is on  
the File menu or toolbar.)  
2. In the Print dialog box, make sure the printer is selected under Printer  
(Windows 95/98/Me/NT) or Select Printer (Windows 2000).  
3. Click the command to print your document (usually OK or Print).  
Defining Print Settings: an Overview  
Print settings determine how your document looks when it is printed.  
Although predefined print settings are initially installed with the  
software, you may want to change these settings for certain documents.  
Print settings can be changed to suit the type of document you are  
printing. For example, if you regularly print draft copies of reports, you  
can define print settings to suit your printing requirements.  
3-2 Printing  
Chapter 3  
You can change a number of print settings, such as the paper size, page  
layout, resolution, and halftoning method. If you use certain print  
settings often, you can save the settings as a print profile and reuse the  
profile as needed.  
The following instructions summarize the general procedures for  
changing printer settings, based on your version of Windows. For  
detailed information on specific print settings, see the sections that  
immediately follow these instructions.  
To define print settings (Windows 95/98/Me/NT):  
1. With your document open, click the command to print your  
document. (In most Windows applications, the Print command is on  
the File menu or toolbar.)  
2. In the Print dialog box, click Properties.  
3. In the Properties dialog box, on the Page Setup or Quality tab, specify  
the desired printer settings.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-3  
4. To accept the changes and close the dialog box, click OK.  
To accept the changes and leave the dialog box open, click Apply  
(Windows 95/98/Me).  
To cancel the changes and return to the default settings, click Restore  
To close the dialog box without accepting any changes, click Cancel.  
To define print settings (Windows 2000):  
1. With your document open, click the command to print your  
document. (In most Windows applications, the Print command is on  
the File menu or toolbar.)  
2. In the Print dialog box, if the Page Setup and Quality tabs do not  
appear, click Properties. Otherwise, skip to Step 3.  
3. On the Page Setup or Quality tab, specify the desired printer settings.  
3-4 Printing  
Chapter 3  
4. To accept the changes, close the dialog box, and print the document,  
click OK.  
If available, to accept the changes and leave the dialog box open, click  
To cancel the changes and return to the default settings, click Restore  
To close the dialog box without accepting any changes or printing the  
document, click Cancel.  
The General tab provides standard Windows settings for your printer  
driver. For details about these settings, see your Windows user  
Viewing a Summary of Print Settings  
As you work with the individual print settings on the different tabs, you  
can view a summary of the current settings at any time.  
To view a summary of print settings:  
On Page Setup or Quality tab, click View Settings.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-5  
Defining Page Settings  
Page settings determine the following print results, as defined on the  
Page Setup tab.  
Page Size  
Click the size of the page you want to use for your printed document.  
Usually, the page size specified here is the page size you specified  
when you created your document in the Windows application.  
If you want to define a custom size, see the Defining a Custom Paper  
Sizesection in this chapter for details.  
Output Size  
Click Match Page Size to specify that the print size should be  
maintained based on the specified page size. If you click another  
output size, the content of the document is automatically reduced or  
enlarged to match the output size.  
3-6 Printing  
Chapter 3  
Click Portrait or Landscape to determine how your document is  
oriented on the page when printed. Portrait prints the content of your  
document across the narrower dimension of a rectangular sheet of  
paper. Landscape prints the content of your document across the  
wider dimension of a rectangular sheet of paper.  
Page Layout  
Click how many document pages you want to print on a single sheet  
of paper.  
If you specify to print more than one page on a sheet, in the Page  
Order box, click the order in which you want the document pages to  
appear on the printed page.  
Manual Scaling  
If you select to print only one document page per sheet of paper, click  
to reduce or enlarge the contents of the document when printed.  
Then, type or click the percentage of reduction or enlargement.  
Defining a Custom Paper Size  
When selecting the page or output size, you can choose a custom form  
size. The software is initially installed with the following custom-sized  
form names: Form 1, Form 2, Form 3. You redefine these custom forms as  
needed, based on your preferred height and width dimensions.  
The procedures for defining a custom paper size are different based on  
whether you are using Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT/2000.  
Defining a Custom Paper Size (Windows 95/98/Me)  
Follow these instructions to define a custom paper size if you are using  
Windows 95/98/Me.  
To define a custom paper size (Windows 95/98/Me):  
1. On the Page Setup tab, click Custom Paper Size.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-7  
2. In the Custom Paper Size Setting dialog box, under Custom Paper  
List, click an existing form name.  
3. If you want to assign a new name to the custom-sized form you are  
defining, type a name in the Name box.  
4. Click the unit of measure by which you want to define the size of  
your paper.  
5. In the Paper Size boxes, type or click the width and height of the  
custom size.  
You must set the height greater than the width.  
6. To save the custom size, click OK.  
To return the settings to their default values, click Restore Defaults.  
To cancel the changed settings, click Cancel.  
Your custom-sized paper is now available in the Page Size and Output  
Size boxes on the Page Setup tab.  
Defining a Custom Paper Size (Windows NT/2000)  
Follow these instructions to define a custom paper size if you are using  
Windows NT/2000.  
3-8 Printing  
Chapter 3  
Meeting Size Requirements  
When defining the custom form, the size and printer area margins you set  
must meet certain requirements.  
When setting the custom size:  
The width and height must meet the following minimum and maximum  
Width: 7.62 cm (3.00 inches) to 21.59 cm (8.50 inches)  
Height: 12.70 cm (5.00 inches) to 35.56 cm (14.00 inches).  
The height must be greater than the width.  
When setting the printer area margins:  
The margins must be set as follows (if you set the custom-sized width less  
than 21.20 cm (8.35 inches)):  
Top margin: 0.20 cm (0.08 inch)  
Bottom margin: 0.60 cm (0.24 inch)  
Left margin: 0.20 cm (0.08 inch)  
Right margin: 0.20 cm (0.08 inch).  
If you set the custom-sized width greater than 21.20 cm (8.35 inches), you  
must calculate the left and right printer area margins as follows:  
[width] minus 20.80 cm (8.19 inches) divided by 2 equals [left/right  
For example, if you set the width to 21.59 cm (8.50 inches), calculate the  
left and right margins as follows:  
21.59 cm (8.50 inches) minus 20.80 cm (8.19 inches) divided by 2  
equals 0.395 cm (0.155 inch)  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-9  
Defining and Assigning the Custom Form  
First, you need to define the custom-sized form to make it available on  
your system. Next, you assign the newly defined form as an available  
setting in your printer driver.  
To define a custom form on your system:  
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start, point to Settings, and then click  
2. In the Printers window, on the File menu, click Server Properties.  
3. In the Print Server Properties dialog box, on the Forms tab, click  
Create A New Form.  
4. In the Form Description For box, type a name or description for your  
custom-sized form.  
5. Click the unit of measure by which you want to define the  
dimensions of your form.  
6. In the Paper Size boxes, type the width and height of your form.  
3-10 Printing  
Chapter 3  
7. In the Printer Area Margins boxes, type the appropriate margins for  
your form.  
8. Click Save Form. Then, click Close to close the dialog box.  
To assign the custom form in your printer driver:  
1. In the Printers window, right-click the printer icon.  
2. On the displayed menu, click Properties.  
3. In the Printer Properties dialog box, click the Select Forms tab.  
4. In the Selected Forms list, click the form name that you want to  
replace with your custom-sized form.  
5. Click Change Forms.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-11  
6. In the Change Forms dialog box, in the Available Forms list, click the  
custom-sized form to want to assign.  
You can click the preferred unit of measure for reviewing the size of  
the selected form.  
7. Click OK.  
3-12 Printing  
Chapter 3  
The custom-sized form becomes available in your printer driver and can  
be selected in the Page Size and Output Size boxes on the Page Setup tab.  
Defining a Print Overlay  
You can print your document with an image in the foreground or  
background. For example, you may want to print your companys logo  
on letters. Once you select the image you want to use, you can set the  
placement, position, and size of the overlay. As you define the settings, a  
graphic illustration provides a preview of the overlay image.  
The overlay image file must be available in Windows bitmap (.BMP) or  
metafile (.WMF) format.  
To define a print overlay:  
1. On the Page Setup tab, click Overlay.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-13  
2. In the Overlay dialog box, do one of the following:  
In the File Name list, click an existing overlay image.  
To select a new overlay image file, click Browse. Then, in the  
Select File dialog box, type or click the path and file name for the  
image that you want to use. Then, click OK.  
3. Under Overlay Placement, click whether you want the image in the  
foreground or background of your printed document.  
4. Click the unit of measure by which you want to define the position  
and size of the overlay image.  
5. In the Position boxes, type or click the desired position of your  
background image, from the left and top edges of the paper.  
6. In the Size boxes, type or click the height and width of the overlay  
7. To update the preview overlay image if you type, rather than click,  
the position and size, click Preview.  
3-14 Printing  
Chapter 3  
When you type, rather than click, the actual values, the preview  
illustration of the overlay image does not automatically reflect the  
8. To save your overlay settings, click OK.  
To return the position and size settings to their original values, click  
Restore Defaults.  
To cancel your changed settings, click Cancel.  
Defining Quality Print Settings  
Quality print settings determine the following print results, as defined on  
the Quality tab.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-15  
Click the resolution, in dots per inch (dpi) for your printed document.  
Usually, the higher the resolution, the sharper the appearance of the  
document. However, print speed may be slower.  
Click the desired halftoning method, that determines the dark and  
light shadings in your grayscale images:  
Pattern 1  
Click for standard halftoning.  
Pattern 2  
Click for halftoning that uses a different pattern than Pattern 1.  
Click for near-photographic quality printing.  
Move the slider, or type or click the percentage, to increase or  
decrease the level of brightness of your image. The lower the  
brightness, the darker the image.  
Move the slider, or type or click the percentage, to increase or  
decrease the level of difference between the darker and lighter parts  
of your image. The lower the contrast, the smaller the difference  
between the darker and lighter parts of the image.  
Conserving Toner When Printing  
You can conserve the amount of toner that is used when printing a  
document. For example, if you are printing a draft copy of a report, you  
may prefer to print with a reduced amount of toner, until you are ready to  
print the final version.  
To conserve toner when printing:  
1. On the Quality tab, click More Options.  
3-16 Printing  
Chapter 3  
2. In the More Options dialog box, click Toner Saver.  
3. To save your setting, click OK.  
To return the setting to its default value, click Restore Defaults.  
To cancel your changed setting, click Cancel.  
Adding a Print Profile  
After you define the settings on the Page Setup and Quality tabs, you can  
save the settings as a print profile for future use. For example, one print  
profile may be appropriate when printing a Word document, and another  
when printing a Photoshop graphic. To quickly set options for printing  
your next document, you can select your saved print profile.  
To add a print profile:  
1. On the Page Setup and Quality tabs, define your print settings. Then,  
click Add.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-17  
2. In the Add Profile dialog box, enter a name for the new print profile  
in the Name box.  
3. In the Icon box, click an icon to associate your new print profile.  
4. In the Comment box, type an internal description of the print profile.  
5. To review the print settings that will be saved as a print profile, click  
View Settings.  
6. To save the profile, click OK.  
To cancel your settings, click Cancel.  
Using a Print Profile  
Once you have added print profiles, you can use any particular profile  
when printing a document.  
To use a print profile:  
On the Page Setup or Quality tab, click the desired print profile in the  
Profile box.  
The settings saved for the selected profile appear on the tabs.  
3-18 Printing  
Chapter 3  
Editing a Print Profile  
After adding print profiles, you can edit a print profile to accomplish one  
of the following:  
Change information about a print profile (name, icon, or comments)  
Adjust the display order of the existing profiles  
Export a print profile to a file  
Import a print profile from a file  
Delete a print profile.  
To edit a print profile:  
On the Page Setup or Quality tab, click Edit.  
For further instructions, see the corresponding sections that follow.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-19  
Changing Information About a Print Profile  
For easier reference, you may want to assign a different name or icon to a  
print profile, or record additional comments about the intended use of the  
print profile.  
To change information about a print profile:  
1. In the Edit Profile dialog box, in the Profile List box, click the print  
profile that you want to edit.  
2. Enter your changes for the name, icon, and comments.  
3. To save the profile, click OK.  
To cancel your settings, click Cancel.  
Adjusting the Display Order  
The print profiles display on the Page Setup and Quality tabs in a  
particular order. If the current order is not convenient for you, you can  
adjust the display order.  
To adjust the display order of the print profiles:  
1. In the Edit Profile dialog box, in the Profile List box, click the print  
profile that you want to move.  
2. Click Move Up or Move Down to move the profile as desired.  
Move Up  
Move Down  
3. To save the change, click OK.  
To cancel your change, click Cancel.  
3-20 Printing  
Chapter 3  
Exporting a Print Profile  
To keep the number of print profiles to a minimum, you can export a  
print profile as a file (with the file name extension .cfg). Once a print  
profile is exported, you can delete the print profile from the list. Anytime  
you need the print profile, you can import the file, to use the print profile  
To export a print profile as a file:  
1. In the Edit Profile dialog box, in the Profile List box, click the custom  
print profile that you want to export. Then, click Export.  
2. In the Save As dialog box, type or click the path and file name.  
3. Click OK.  
Importing a Print Profile  
If you have a print profile that you exported to a file and then deleted,  
you can import the file to use the print profile again.  
To retrieve a print profile from a file:  
1. In the Edit Profile dialog box, in the Profile List box, click Import.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-21  
2. In the Open dialog box, type or click the path and file name for the  
print profile.  
3. Click OK.  
Deleting a Print Profile  
When you decide that you no longer need a print profile, you can delete it  
(for example, after exporting the print profile).  
To delete a print profile:  
1. In the Edit Profile dialog box, in the Profile List box, click the print  
profile that you want to delete.  
2. Click Delete.  
Displaying Printer Driver Information  
You can display information about your printer driver, such as the  
version and copyright.  
To display printer driver information:  
On the Quality tab, click About.  
3-22 Printing  
Chapter 3  
Defining Default Print Settings  
You can access printer driver settings directly from the Windows  
desktop, before actually printing a document, to change the default print  
To set the default printer settings:  
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start, point to Settings, and then click  
2. In the Printers window, click the printer icon.  
3. On the File menu, click Properties (Windows 95/98/Me), Document  
Defaults (Windows NT), or Printing Preferences (Windows 2000).  
4. In the Properties dialog box (Windows 95/98/Me), Printer Default  
dialog box (Windows NT), or Printing Preferences dialog box  
(Windows 2000), on the Page Setup and Quality tabs, specify your  
changes and click OK.  
The following tabs provide standard Windows settings for your printer  
driver: General, Details, and Sharing tabs in Windows 95/98/Me;  
General, Ports, Sharing, and Security tabs in Windows NT/2000,  
Scheduling tab in Windows NT, and Advanced tab in Windows 2000.  
For details about these settings, see your Windows user documentation.  
Chapter 3  
Printing 3-23  
Chapter 4  
4Frequently Asked Questions  
Contents of this chapter:  
Printer Cannot Be Initialized. ................................................................4-2  
Installation Is Displaying Unexpected Behavior. ...............................4-2  
Documents Are Not Printing Correctly...............................................4-4  
Paper Is Not Loading Correctly. ...........................................................4-6  
The Print Quality Is Not Satisfactory. ..................................................4-7  
Chapter 4  
Frequently Asked Questions 4-1  
Printer Cannot Be Initialized.  
Is the operation panel blank?  
You might have a power problem. Check that the power cord is plugged  
securely into the printer, and that your electrical source is OK. You  
should have the printer connected directly to its own AC outlet and not  
connected to a power strip to which your computer is connected.  
Is the printer set to the correct port?  
Make sure that the printer is configured for the correct port in the Printer  
Properties dialog box. If your printer is connected to a parallel port, be  
sure that the printer is the only device configured to the port. Remove any  
switch boxes, zip drives, tape backups, docking stations, or scanners from  
the port if necessary. Check both ends of the printer cable to be sure that it  
is securely fastened.  
Installation Is Displaying Unexpected  
For Windows 98 with parallel port connection: When restarting after  
installation, is the system trying to install the printer driver again?  
When you restart the computer after installing the printer driver, you  
may encounter one of the following situations:  
Found new hardware wizard displays.  
If this occurs, click Cancel.  
Prompt for printer driver installation disk displays.  
If this dialog box displays, do one of the following:  
If Cancel is available, click Cancel.  
If Cancel is not available, click OK. Then insert the printer driver  
installation disk into your disk drive and browse to the  
\Setup\English\WinBJ\A\Disk1 folder.  
4-2 Frequently Asked Questions  
Chapter 4  
For Windows 2000 with USB port connection: Are you not able to  
complete the installation of the printer driver?  
During the installation, you may be unable to continue beyond the dialog  
box prompting you to connect your printer cable to your port. (If you  
cannot continue, the system is unable to display the found new hardware  
wizard, described in Step 6 in the Installing the Softwaresection in  
Chapter 2.)  
In this situation, you need to exit the setup, remove the device from the  
Windows Device Manager, and restart the installation process.  
To resolve this situation:  
1. Click No in the dialog box prompting you to connect your cable, and  
exit the setup.  
2. Remove the device from the Windows Device Manager. The device  
may appear listed as Canon FAX-L280 or Unknown Device.  
To remove the device: Click Start, point to Settings and then click  
Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, double-click System. On  
the Hardware tab, click Device Manager. Under Universal Serial Bus  
Controllers or Other Devices, click the device and press the Delete  
If you are unable to remove the device, unplug the printer from the  
electrical outlet to turn it off. Then, plug the printer into the electrical  
outlet again.  
3. Disconnect your printer cable from the port.  
4. Start the installation process again. For instructions, see Chapter 2,  
Installing the Printer Driver.”  
For Windows 98/Me with USB port connection: Are you not able to  
complete the installation of the printer driver?  
During the installation, you may be unable to continue beyond the dialog  
box prompting you to connect your printer cable to your port.  
In this situation, you need to exit the setup, remove the device from the  
Windows Device Manager, and restart the installation process.  
Chapter 4  
Frequently Asked Questions 4-3  
To resolve this situation:  
1. Click No in the dialog box prompting you to connect your cable, and  
exit the setup.  
2. Remove the device from the Windows Device Manager. The device  
may appear listed as Canon FAX-L280 or Unknown Device.  
To remove the device: Click Start, point to Settings and then click  
Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, double-click System. On  
Device Manager tab, under Universal Serial Bus Controllers or Other  
Devices, click the device and press the Delete key.  
If you are unable to remove the device, unplug the printer from the  
electrical outlet to turn it off. Then, plug the printer into the electrical  
outlet again.  
3. Disconnect your printer cable from the port.  
4. Start the installation process again. For instructions, see Chapter 2,  
Installing the Printer Driver.”  
Documents Are Not Printing Correctly.  
Is the operation panel blank?  
You might have a power problem. Check that the power cord is plugged  
securely into the printer, and that your electrical source is OK.  
Is the printer warm to the touch?  
The printer might have overheated and shut down. Turn the printer off  
and let it cool down for several minutes. Try using it again. Be aware that  
when you turn the printer off, any unprinted documents are cleared from  
printer memory. Unprinted documents can include received faxes  
waiting to be printed or scheduled faxes waiting to be sent.  
Is the ALARM light on?  
If you are unable to resolve the error displayed in the LCD, turn off the  
printer. Wait 15 seconds and plug it in again to turn on the power. The  
ALARM light should go out.  
4-4 Frequently Asked Questions  
Chapter 4  
Does paper not come out of the printer?  
If your printer is connected to a parallel port, check that you have a bi-  
directional parallel cable connecting the printer to your PC. Check your  
computers setup to be sure the primary parallel port is set to the  
appropriate printer port, for example, LPT1 or LPT2. Make sure the Print  
Setup option of your printing application shows your printer as the  
printer selected.  
Does the job not print when using DOS?  
The printer driver can be used to print documents only in Windows; it  
cannot print a document in DOS.  
Is the document printing with undesirable results?  
You may experience undesirable results when printing a document if you  
have the Windows Printing System (or other bi-directional device, such  
as a later model laser printer) installed on your computer and you are  
attempting to use the same port on which you also have the printer  
connected. Be sure that the printer is the only device configured to a  
particular port. The printer operates properly only with a dedicated  
parallel port.  
Is the document not printing?  
If your document is not printing, consider the following.  
The printer driver may not have installed fully.  
To verify if the installation was incomplete, display the Start menu on  
the Windows desktop. If the Canon FAX-L280 item does not appear,  
you need to complete the printer driver installation.  
To do so, insert the installation disk into your disk drive.  
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.  
(If installation does not start automatically, click Start, and then click  
Run. In the Run dialog box, type D:\SETUP\ENGLISH\SETUP.EXE  
(where D: is your disk drive containing the installation disk), and then  
click OK.)  
Chapter 4  
Frequently Asked Questions 4-5  
You need to check your Windows application settings.  
To determine if your Windows application settings may be the  
problem, print a test page with your printer driver. To do so, open the  
printer properties dialog box. On the General tab, click Print Test  
If the test page prints successfully, the printer and printer driver are  
set up appropriately. Therefore, check the settings for your Windows  
You may need to remove and reinstall the printer driver.  
To determine if you need to remove and reinstall the printer driver,  
print a test page (as described in the previous item). If the test page  
does not print successfully, remove the printer driver, and then  
reinstall (as described in Chapter 2).  
Are you unable to print to a shared printer?  
If you are using a client system that is set up to use a shared printer, yet  
you are unable to print to the shared printer, check the following:  
That the server system, to which the printer is connected, is turned on  
That the server system has set the printer to be shared  
That the server system is set to allow your system access to the shared  
Paper Is Not Loading Correctly.  
Does paper not load into the printer?  
The paper feeder might contain too many sheets or paper might not be  
inserted all the way into the feeder.  
Does paper not feed through one sheet at a time?  
Be sure to fan the stack of paper before placing it in the feeder.  
4-6 Frequently Asked Questions  
Chapter 4  
Is an envelope not loading correctly?  
Make sure you do not stack more than 7 envelopes in the feeder tray.  
The Print Quality Is Not Satisfactory.  
Is some of the document content not printing?  
If some of the document content is not printing, check that the printer  
cable is securely plugged in at both ends. Make sure your cable does not  
exceed the maximum length: 2 meters (6.6 feet) for a parallel cable, 5  
meters (16.4 feet) for a USB cable. Check your applications print setup to  
make sure your printer is selected.  
Does some of the document content not fit on the page?  
Make sure paper is aligned correctly in the paper feeder. Check that  
margins and paper size are set correctly in your printing application.  
Also, check that the scaling is set appropriately in the printer driver  
settings. The scaling may be set to enlarge the document page to a size  
that is too large for the paper.  
Is printing not clear?  
Check the print resolution. A higher resolution prints more clearly.  
Do fonts not print smoothly?  
Bitmapped fonts designed for dot matrix printers will not look smooth  
when printed by your high-resolution printer. Choose another font. Make  
sure you install an outline font manager such as Adobe Type Manager or  
Bitstream Facelift, or that you choose a TrueType font.  
Is the printing not dark enough?  
Check the print settings, such as the print resolution, brightness, and  
contrast. Try replacing the toner cartridge.  
Chapter 4  
Frequently Asked Questions 4-7  
Did a toner low warning appear while printing?  
If you want to continue printing your document, even though you are  
low on toner, change the TONER SUPPLY LOW setting on the printer  
from RX TO MEMORY to KEEP PRINTING. (Even if the toner cartridge  
is out of toner, the document will not be stored in memory.)  
Do vertical white streaks appear?  
Vertical white streaks may appear when the error message REPLACE  
CARTRIDGE is displayed. This situation indicates that the toner level is  
low or that the toner is unevenly distributed in the cartridge.  
To resolve the situation, open the printer cover and remove the toner  
cartridge. Gently rock the cartridge from side to side five or six times to  
evenly distribute the toner inside. Replace the cartridge in the printer, and  
close the printer cover.  
If redistributing the toner does not resolve the situation, replace your  
4-8 Frequently Asked Questions  
Chapter 4  
Appendix A  
ASharing Your Printer Cross-Platform in  
Windows NT/2000  
If you are using Windows NT/2000, you may need to set up an alternate  
or additional driver in the following situations:  
Windows NT/2000 server system sharing with Windows 95/98/Me  
client systems  
Windows 2000 server system sharing with Windows NT client  
The procedures vary somewhat based on whether you are using  
Windows NT or Windows 2000.  
Sharing Your Printer in Windows NT  
Follow these instructions if you are sharing your printer on a Windows  
NT server system with Windows 95/98/Me client systems.  
For the setup procedure, it is recommended that you have the printer  
driver installation disk available during the setup.  
To set up the printer for sharing:  
1. On the server system, on the Windows taskbar, click Start.  
2. On the Start menu, point to Settings. Then, click Printers.  
3. In the Printers window, click the printer icon.  
4. On the File menu, click Sharing.  
5. In the Properties dialog box, on the Sharing tab, click Shared.  
Appendix A  
Sharing Your Printer Cross-Platform in Windows NT/2000 A-1  
6. In Share Name box, type a name you want to assign to the shared  
7. Under Alternate Drivers, click Windows 95. Then, click OK.  
8. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
When prompted to insert the Windows 95 Flat Share disk into  
your disk drive, insert the printer driver installation disk instead.  
When prompted for an .inf file, browse the printer driver  
installation disk for the following folder:  
Sharing Your Printer in Windows 2000  
Follow these instructions if you are sharing your printer on a Windows  
2000 server system with Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT client  
During the setup, have the printer driver installation disk available.  
To set up the printer for sharing:  
1. On the server system, on the Windows taskbar, click Start.  
2. On the Start menu, point to Settings. Then, click Printers.  
3. In the Printers window, click the printer icon.  
4. On the File menu, click Sharing.  
5. In the Properties dialog box, on the Sharing tab, click Shared As.  
6. In the Shared As box, type a name you want to assign to the shared  
7. Click Additional Drivers.  
8. Follow the on-screen instructions:  
A- 2 Sharing Your Printer Cross-Platform in Windows NT/2000  
Appendix A  
When prompted in the Additional Drivers dialog box, click the  
environment you want to support on your Intel Pentium system:  
Windows 95/98, or Windows NT 4.0.  
When prompted to insert your Windows 2000 disk in your disk  
drive, insert the printer driver installation disk instead.  
When prompted for an .inf file, browse your printer driver  
installation disk for the following folder:  
For setting up the Windows 95/98/Me driver:  
For setting up the Windows NT driver:  
Appendix A  
Sharing Your Printer Cross-Platform in Windows NT/2000 A-3  
Appendix B  
BInstalling from a Local or Network  
If the printer driver software has been placed on a local or network drive,  
you can install the software on your system from that drive, rather than  
using the printer driver installation disk.  
Installing the Software  
You are ready to install the software once you have prepared your  
system, as described in the Before You Begin the Installation: a  
Checklistsection in Chapter 2. In particular, and as a reminder, make  
sure you:  
Connect the printer cable if you are using a parallel port.  
Do not connect the printer cable if you are using a USB port.  
To install the software:  
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start. Then click Run.  
2. In the Run dialog box, browse to the drive and folder where the  
printer driver software is located. In the folder containing the printer  
driver software, locate the following folder and file, and click OK:  
Appendix B  
Installing from a Local or Network Drive B-1  
ꢄꢅ )RUꢁDꢁ86%ꢁSRUWꢁꢃRQQHꢃWLRQꢁRQO\ꢆ  
For Windows 98/Me: Wait for the system to complete the installation  
of the printer driver.  
For Windows 2000: See Step 6.  
6. For Windows 2000 only with a USB port connection:  
When the Found New Hardware Wizard appears during the setup,  
and prompts you for additional information, specify how and where  
the wizard should locate the driver files:  
Search for a suitable driver for the printer  
(Do not display a list of drivers.)  
Specify a location.  
When prompted, browse to the mapped drive and folder where  
the printer driver software is located. In the folder containing the  
printer driver software, locate the following folder, and click OK:  
7. When the setup is finished, if prompted, restart Windows.  
The installation program determines whether Windows needs to be  
restarted on your system.  
Appendix B  
Installing from a Local or Network Drive B-3  
If you want to remove the printer driver software from your system, see  
the Removing the Printer Driversection in Chapter 2.  
B- 4 Installing from a Local or Network Drive  
Appendix B  
Software prepared for a specific function or set of functions. Examples of  
an application program include word processing programs. Developers  
who make application programs include drivers that support different  
types of printers.  
automatic feed  
Method by which paper can be fed into the printer when the built-in  
paper feeder is used.  
bi-directional parallel interface port  
An interface connection that is capable of both sending and receiving  
The relative proportion of light and dark areas. Decreasing brightness  
darkens the overall image. Increasing brightness lightens the overall  
An interface standard for parallel data transmission.  
The degree of difference between the lightest and darkest areas of an  
image. Decreasing contrast lightens the dark areas and darkens the light  
areas. Increasing contrast darkens the dark areas and lightens the light  
default setting  
A system setting incorporated at the factory and permanently registered  
in the application. Also, a value or a setting that the software assumes  
until or unless you specify another value.  
Dots per inch. A unit of measurement for indicating a printer resolution.  
A custom paper size, with width and height dimensions defined by the  
A written, printed, or electronically displayed symbol or drawing. Also,  
characters or text that have been generated by a computer graphics  
application program.  
A color in black and white as a result of different intensities of black.  
The process of converting a grayscale image to black dots and white  
(unprinted) dots that simulate the gray shades in the original image.  
kilobyte (KB)  
A unit of measure, representing the binary number 1024, in thousand-  
byte units.  
landscape orientation  
The horizontal print orientation in which a document is printed across the  
wider dimension of a rectangular sheet of paper. This is the print mode  
often used for wide tables of data or graphic images. Compare with  
portrait orientation.  
G- 2  
local printer  
A printer that is connected directly to your computer.  
megabyte (MB)  
A unit of measure, representing one million bytes.  
A group of computers connected by cables or other means and using  
software that enables them to share equipment (such as printers) and  
exchange information.  
The print orientation in which a document is printed either across the  
narrower or wider dimension of a sheet of paper (portrait orientation or  
landscape orientation, respectively).  
Print data or an image (such as a logo or title) that is printed in the  
foreground or background of all the pages of a document.  
paper feed  
Movement of a sheet of paper into the printer paper path.  
portrait orientation  
The vertical print orientation in which a document is printed across the  
narrower dimension of a rectangular sheet of paper. This is the print  
mode typical of most letters, reports, and other such documents.  
Compare with landscape orientation.  
printer driver  
Software that sends printing instructions to a printer. The printer driver  
keeps track of the attributes of a printer and the codes a program must  
send to access those attributes.  
The density of dots for any given output device, expressed in dots per  
inch (dpi). Low resolution causes font characters and graphics to have a  
jagged appearance, but prints faster than higher resolutions. Higher  
resolution provides smoother curves and angles, as well as a better match  
to traditional typeface designs, but prints more slowly.  
Enlarging or reducing the printed image.  
Universal Serial Bus. A connectivity specification for attaching  
peripherals to computers. It eliminates the need to install cards into  
dedicated computer slots and reconfigure the system.  
G- 4  
default print settings  
defining 3-23  
default printer driver  
setting 2-7  
displaying printer driver information 3-22  
system requirement 1-3  
setting 3-16  
enlarging the print size  
setting manually 3-7  
system requirement 1-3  
change port  
overview 2-10  
computer processor  
system requirement 1-2  
conserve toner  
setting 3-16  
setting 3-16  
hard disk space  
system requirement 1-3  
hub for USB  
setting 3-16  
used in this guide 1-4  
sharing the printer with Windows 2000 A-2  
sharing the printer with Windows NT A-1  
sharing the printer with Windows NT/2000,  
overview A-1  
custom paper size  
defining (Win95/98/Me) 3-7  
defining (WinNT/2000) 3-8  
setting 3-7  
from a local or network driver B-1  
procedure 2-4, B-1  
shared printer 2-7  
setting the print orientation 3-7  
local drive  
installing from B-1  
changing connection to USB port 2-10  
connecting when installing the software 2-2  
Point and Print  
installing a shared printer 2-7  
manual scaling  
setting 3-7  
changing from one USB to another 2-11  
changing to parallel or USB 2-10  
changing, overview 2-10  
connecting as parallel when installing the  
software 2-2  
system requirement 1-3  
system requirement 1-3  
connecting as USB when installing the  
software 2-3  
network drive  
parallel or USB when installing 2-2  
installing from B-1  
setting the print orientation 3-7  
a document in a Windows application 3-2  
defining 3-13  
print profile  
operating system  
system requirement 1-2  
setting 3-7  
output size  
adding 3-17  
setting 3-6  
adjusting display order 3-20  
changing name, icon, comments 3-20  
deleting 3-22  
defining 3-13  
editing overview 3-19  
exporting to a file 3-21  
importing from a file 3-21  
using 3-18  
page layout  
setting 3-7  
page settings  
print quality setting  
defining 3-15  
print settings  
defining 3-6  
page size  
setting 3-6  
default settings 3-23  
paper size  
defining (Win2000) 3-4  
defining (Win95/98/Me/NT) 3-3  
defining, an overview 3-2  
defining a custom size (Win95/98/Me) 3-7  
defining a custom size (WinNT/2000) 3-8  
setting a custom size for printing 3-7  
I- 2  
system requirements  
described 1-2  
viewing a summary 3-5  
printer driver  
displaying information about 3-22  
overview 1-2  
removing 2-9  
setting as the default 2-7  
printer installation  
procedure 2-4, B-1  
sharing 2-7  
saving 3-16  
USB port  
changing from one to another 2-11  
changing to parallel port 2-10  
connecting when installing the software 2-3  
quality settings  
defining 3-15  
view printer settings  
reducing the print size  
setting manually 3-7  
remove printer driver  
procedure 2-9  
procedure 3-5  
setting 3-16  
save toner  
setting 3-16  
service pack  
system requirement for Windows NT 4.0 1-  
share the printer  
cross-platform in Windows 2000 A-2  
cross-platform in Windows NT A-1  
cross-platform in Windows NT/2000,  
overview A-1  
setting up to share 2-8  
setup overview 2-7  

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