Brookstone Humidifier BWM 2110 User Manual

Germ-Free Humidifier  
uv sanitizing. Purified warm mist.  
Model Number BWM-211D  
The lightning flash with arrow-head symbol within an equilateral triangle is  
intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage”  
within the unit’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute  
a risk of electric shock  
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert  
the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance  
(servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the unit  
IMPoRTanT safeTY InsTRUcTIons  
All the safety and operating instructions should be read, adhered to and followed  
before the unit is operated  
save These InsTRUcTIons  
To reduce the risk of electric shock, burns, fire or injury:  
1  Do not use while bathing or in a shower  
2  Do not place or store unit where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink  
3  Do not place in, drop or submerge in water or other liquid  
4  Do not reach for unit that has fallen into water  Unplug it immediately  
5  Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not  
spilled onto the unit  
1  Close supervision is necessary when this appliance/product is used by  
or near children or mentally disabled individuals  
2  Use this unit only for its intended use as described in this manual  
3  Unplug this unit during lightning storms or when unused for long  
periods of time  
4  Never drop or insert an object into any opening  
5  Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plug  
outlets, convenience receptacles and the point where it exits the unit  
6  Do not allow cord to touch hot surfaces  Wrap cord loosely around the unit  
when storing  
7  The unit should be situated away from direct sunlight or heat sources such as  
radiators, electric heaters, heat registers, stoves, or other units (including amplifiers)  
that produce heat  Avoid placing on top of stereo equipment that radiates heat  
8  Never block the air openings of the unit with materials such as clothing,  
plastic bags or papers, or place it on a soft surface such as a bed or couch,  
where the air openings may be blocked  
9  Do not overload electrical outlet  Use only the power source as indicated  
10  Do not carry this unit by cord or use cord as handle  
11  Never operate this unit if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working  
properly, or if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water  If the  
unit’s power supply cord or plug is damaged, do not attempt to fix it yourself  
12  To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble or attempt to repair  
the unit  Incorrect repair can cause risk of electric shock or injury to persons  
when unit is used  
13  Do not operate in the presence of explosive and/or flammable fumes  
14  Never remove the plug from the socket by pulling the power cord  
15  DO NOT attempt to repair this humidifier yourself  For repairs covered under warranty  
call Brookstone® Customer Service at 1-800-846-3000  
IMPoRTanT safeGUaRDs  
CautiOn: BeCause HigH temPeratures are generated in  
tHis Humidifier, BasiC safetY PreCautiOns sHOuLd aLwaYs  
Be fOLLOwed, esPeCiaLLY wHen CHiLdren are Present.  
When using electrical appliances, these basic safety precautions must be followed:  
1  DO NOT operate the humidifier without the water tank  
2  ALWAYS use clean, cool tap water to fill the water tank  
3  To avoid risk of fire or shock, DO NOT use an extension cord  
4  DO NOT handle the unit with wet hands  
5  NEVER tilt, move, or attempt to empty the unit while it is operating or plugged in  
Shut off, unplug and remove water tank before moving unit  
6  DO NOT place the unit close to heated areas, such as near stoves, heaters  
or in direct sunlight  
7  DO NOT operate OUTDOORS  This humidifier is intended for indoor use only  
8  DO NOT let water get into the air inlets on the bottom of the enclosure  
or on the cord or plug  
9  DO NOT store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids near  
the humidifier  
10  ALWAYS make sure the water tank cap and gasket are firmly in place  
11  DO NOT touch hot surfaces  
12  ALWAYS turn the humidifier off when the water tank is empty or when  
the unit is not in use  If you turn your unit off for extended periods,  
ALWAYS disconnect the power cord and empty the water tank and base  
13  ALWAYS place the unit on a firm, flat, level, water-resistant surface and arrange  
the power cord so that the product is unlikely to be upset  
14  DO NOT clean the product or service the UV bulb without disconnecting  
the power cord  
15  Before connecting to electric power outlet, check your electrical power supply  
It must be 120 volts AC (alternating current)  The outlet may be 15 amp or 20 amp  
The circuit must be of adequate size and must be protected by fuse or circuit breaker  
16  This item has a polarized plug  As a safety feature, this plug will fit in a polarized  
electrical receptacle (outlet) only one way  If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet,  
reverse the plug  If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician  
17  DO NOT attempt to remove MIST OUTLET during operation, or within 15 minutes after  
the humidifier is turned to the “OFF” position and unplugged  Serious injury may result  
DO NOT place hands or face directly over MIST OUTLET while unit is in operation  
18  Place unit in an area where it is not accessible to children  
19  Before using the unit, check the power cord for any signs of damage  
20  DO NOT allow the MIST OUTLET to face directly at a wall surface  
Direct mist aimed at wall could cause damage, particularly to wallpaper  
21  This humidifier requires daily and weekly maintenance  
22  Refer to CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE instructions provided  
23  NEVER clean humidifier in any other manner than as instructed by this manual  
24  WARNING—Eye damage may result from directly viewing the light produced  
by UV Bulb  DO NOT energize unit while Lamp Door is removed  
locaTIon of PaRTs anD conTRols  
1  Water Tank  
2  Tank Handle  
3  Medication Cup  
4  Mist Outlet Grille  
5  Mineral Absorption Pad  
6  Hot Water Reservoir  
7  Base  
8  Base Drain Cap & Gasket  
9  Digital Control Panel  
10  Cold Water Reservoir  
11  Tank Cap with Gasket  
DIGITal conTRol Panel  
1  Power/Mode Button  
5  Humidity Level Button  
2  Power Indicator Light  
6  Mode Screen Indicator  
3  Replace UV Bulb Indicator Light  
4  Refill Tank Indicator Light  
7  Set Humidity Screen Indicator  
8  Percent Humidity Screen Indicator  
oPeRaTInG InsTRUcTIons  
Carefully unpack humidifier and remove all packing material  
nOte: when you unpack your humidifier, you may find it has droplets  
of water on some surfaces. this is normal as every unit is tested prior  
to shipping.  
aBOut POwer/mOde  
POWER/MODE button can be pushed to either OFF, HI or LO mode  
On HI, humidifier will operate on maximum power  On LO, humidifier  
will operate more quietly on reduced power  The mode will be indicated  
in the MODE window of the digital display  
aBOut POwer indiCatOr  
POWER INDICATOR will be lit to indicate that the POWER/MODE button  
is in either the HI or LO position  This indicator will not be lit when the  
POWER/MODE button is in the OFF position  
aBOut HumiditY  
The digital display window above HUMIDITY displays the ambient relative  
humidity as long as the humidifier is plugged into a live electrical outlet  
SET HUMIDITY CONTROL—This controls the humidity level  For humidity  
desired, the control switch should be continually pressed until the number  
appears that reflects desired humidity  
1  Place the base of the unit on a firm, flat, level and water-resistant surface  
2  Fill the WATER TANK according to the instructions on the next page and  
place it on the humidifier base  
3  Plug the power cord firmly and completely into the wall outlet  
4  Push POWER/MODE switch to either the HI or LO position  Push SET HUMIDITY  
button until desired humidity appears in the SET HUMIDITY  
window of the digital display  The humidity can be set in 5% increments between  
30 and 90% relative humidity  Desired humidity is normally set at 50% or below to  
avoid over-humidification  The humidifier will produce vapor until the relative humidity  
(indicated in the HUMIDITY window of digital display) reaches the SET HUMIDITY  
setting  It will be normal for the humidifier to take 2 minutes to warm  
up and begin to mist  
5  When the WATER TANK is empty (after approximately 24 hours running time),  
the REFILL WHEN LIT light will go on, and the unit will stop heating  
Refer to the FILLING THE WATER TANK section on the next page  
6  Whenever the water falls below the level of the FLOAT during operation,  
the heating element will shut off and stop heating  
7  MIST OUTPUT GRILLE may be adjusted manually by pointing in desired direction  
imPOrtant: never point the mist OutLet griLLe at a wall.  
8  For nighttime or other times when quieter operation is desired, push the POWER/  
MODE switch until LO appears in the MODE window of digital display  
fIllInG The WaTeR TanK  
REFILL WHEN LIT—When illuminated, the water tank needs refilling  “REF” will also  
be indicated in the MODE window at this time  If still illuminated after full tank is  
placed on base, see TROUBLESHOOTING section  
1  Before filling the WATER TANK, push POWER/MODE switch until OFF  
appears in MODE window and unplug unit  
2  Remove WATER TANK from base, turn the tank upside down and remove  
TANK CAP by turning counterclockwise  Fill tank with clean, cold tap water  
Replace the TANK CAP by turning clockwise  Tighten firmly  
3  Carefully pick up tank, since it will be heavy when full, and slippery if wet  
4  Place WATER TANK on base  Make sure tank is properly seated, otherwise  
the humidifier will not work correctly  
UsInG The MeDIcaTIon cUP/MIsT  
oUTleT GRIlle (oPTIonal)  
In order to add a medicated vapor to the mist output:  
1  Press POWER/MODE switch to the OFF position and allow the outlet grille to cool  
2  Lift the MEDICATION CUP  
3  Carefully add liquid medication  DO NOT fill the cup more than half full  
4  Carefully replace the MEDICATION CUP  
5  Press POWER/MODE to either the LO or HI position  
6  After use, remove the cup from the unit and clean any residue  
from the cup with warm water  
warning: dO nOt use any liquid medication other than those specifically  
recommended for use with a steam vaporizer or warm mist humidifier.  
dO nOt pour medication directly into the mist OutLet griLLe openings  
nor add it to the water in the tank or tray.  
MIneRal absoRPTIon PaD InsTRUcTIons  
Warm mist humidifiers do not spread fine mineral dust into the air that you breathe nor  
onto your furniture, the way that other types of humidifiers do  The mineral dust remains  
trapped in the humidifier's hot water reservoir  Use of Mineral Absorption Pads will play  
a major role in capturing and removing minerals from the hot water reservoir, preventing  
a stubborn mineral buildup  The unit can run without pads, but more frequent cleaning  
will be required  The mineral absorption pad for this unit is EMP-17P  
1  Before starting humidifier, place mineral absorption pad in the hot water reservoir  
After the humidifier has been operating, the water will become HOT, and CAUTION  
should be exercised when handling mineral absorption pad  It is best to allow humidifier  
water to cool down, and to use tongs or long tweezers when handling pad  
2  The useful life of the mineral absorption pad will vary, depending on the mineral content  
of the water used  In areas of moderate mineral content, the mineral absorption pad  
should be changed after approximately (3) weeks of continuous use  If the water is  
“Hard Water”, the pad should be changed more frequently  The best way to tell when the  
pad should be changed is to examine it AFTER the water has cooled down, to see if it  
is still soft and pliable  When the pad is near the end of its life, it becomes stiff and hard  
and should be replaced with a new pad  Another sign you need to change the pad is  
when scale begins to build up on the interior of the hot water reservoir  
cleanInG anD MaInTenance  
Water contains minerals and other particles  During operation, most of these minerals  
will remain in the water reservoir  Gradual buildup of deposits will coat the hot water  
reservoir and reduce its efficiency  The importance of routine cleaning and care cannot  
be over-emphasized  Hard water contains more minerals and other particles  
If a mineral absorption pad appears to disintegrate (normally due to use of softened  
water), discontinue use of pads  
CLeaning instruCtiOns  
imPOrtant! failure to perform the necessary cleaning steps will damage unit.  
1  Before cleaning, set CONTROLS to OFF position and unplug unit  
2  Allow at least 15 minutes for the hot water to cool after shutting unit OFF before  
moving base, or removing mineral absorption pad  
3  Remove water tank from humidifier base, and drain water from tank  To drain water  
from humidifier base, grasp with both hands and tilt to the side, draining water into  
the sink  
4  Remove mineral absorption pad from hot water reservoir using tweezers or tongs to  
prevent burns from hot water  
Be CarefuL nOt tO Have draining water faLL intO COntrOLs  
Or vent OPenings. dO nOt drain in any manner other than indicated.  
warning: dO nOt place directly under running faucet. turn the base upside down  
and remove the cap by turning it counterclockwise. Clean out any foreign matter that  
has accumulated inside the fitting from which the cap was removed. after cleaning,  
replace this cap tightly by hand. Pour a small amount of water into the hot water  
reservoir and check for leaks from this cap under the base.  
5  Pour about 1 cup of white vinegar into either reservoir and allow it to soak for only  
20 to 30 minutes  
6  Hold the base of the humidifier over the sink and tilt it on its side to empty the vinegar  
Fill the cold and hot water reservoirs with clean, warm water to remove all traces of  
the vinegar  Remove any buildup of minerals in the hot water reservoir using a small  
brush, such as a toothbrush  NOTE: The buildup is due to water hardness  The harder  
your water, the more often this maintenance will be needed  Empty all of this water  
by turning the unit on its side  DO NOT ALLOW WATER TO ENTER THE BOTTOM  
7  Disinfect the water tank using a solution of one teaspoon of household chlorine bleach  
in 1 gallon of water  Let the solution sit for 20 minutes, swishing every few minutes to  
wet all surfaces  Empty the tank completely; rinse thoroughly until all of the bleach smell  
is gone  Fill the tank with fresh, cool water and replace it onto the humidifier base  
8  NEVER use any metal or hard objects to clean plastic parts—this may cause scratching  
of the plastic parts  NEVER use gasoline, kerosene, glass cleaner, furniture polish,  
paint thinner or other household solvents to clean any part of the humidifier  
9  Each day the reservoir and tank should be drained, rinsed and refilled with fresh  
tap water  
10  To clean exterior surfaces, use a solution of water and mild detergent with a wrung-out  
damp cloth  Rinse and wring out the cloth and wipe the exterior surfaces again  
Finally, wipe with a dry cloth  Allow sufficient time to dry before plugging the electrical  
cord into the outlet  
11  Replace tank  Replace mineral absorption pad, if using  Plug in the unit and resume  
normal use  
RePlacInG Uv bUlb  
If the REPLACE UV BULB WHEN LIT signal light is illuminated during normal use,  
the bulb must be replaced with the same special 3 5W bulb, EUV-13B  The UV bulb  
will operate at maximum output for approximately 2,000 hours  The UV bulb may operate  
longer than 2,000 hours but at a reduced output  To keep your humidifier operating at  
maximum efficiency it is recommended that the UV bulb be replaced after 2,000 hours  
of use  
1  If the REPLACE UV BULB indicator illuminates during normal use, it is time  
to change the UV bulb, which is a special 3 5W bulb  
2  Press POWER/MODE switch to the OFF position, unplug it and allow  
it to cool  
3  Remove the WATER TANK from the base of the humidifier  
4  Place the base of the humidifier over the sink and tilt the unit to remove  
any remaining water  
5  Carefully turn the base of the humidifier over and place it upside down  
on a flat, level surface  You will see a door that is closed with a screw(s)  
6  Using a Phillips head screwdriver, carefully turn the screw(s) counterclockwise  
until the screw(s) separate from the door  
7  Open the door  The UV lightbulb will be visible  
8  Take a replacement 3 5W UV bulb that you purchased from Kaz Incorporated or another  
supplier and change the bulb  To prolong the life of the bulb, limit your direct contact  
with the glass of the bulb by using a cloth or tissue to screw it into place  Mail questions  
or comments to: Kaz, Incorporated, Consumer Relations Dept , 250 Turnpike Road,  
Southborough, MA 01772  Please be sure to specify model number  Call toll-free at:  
800-477-0457; E-mail: consumerrelations@kaz com; or visit the website at:  
www kaz com  Purchase replacement mineral absorption pad part number EMP-17P  
or replacement bulb part number EUV-13B  
Example of replacing  
the lightbulb  
9  When the new bulb is in place, close the door and replace the screw(s) by using  
your Phillips-head screwdriver and rotating it clockwise until it is just tight  
10  DO NOT turn power on while UV Lamp Door is open, and do not view illuminated  
bulb directly as it may cause eye damage  
11  Turn the unit upright, place the WATER TANK on top of the base of the humidifier,  
plug the unit in, and push POWER/MODE switch to either the HI or LO position  
The REPLACE UV BULB indicator should no longer be lit  
imPOrtant nOte: even though you will not receive maximum germicidal effects,  
you can still use your humidifier until the replacement bulb arrives.  
nOte: You may hear a rattling sound and notice a small, round object inside your bulb.  
this is normal. Your bulb is fully operational.  
nOte: discard the old uv bulb cartridge at a household hazardous waste collection  
site. Bulb and bulb housing are not intended for use with any other product or purpose.  
Lamp contains mercury. manage in accordance with disposal laws.  
see or call 1-800-895-8842.  
sToRaGe TIPs  
If you do not plan to use your humidifier for an extended period of time, such as during  
the summer months, it is important that you follow these instructions to help prevent  
problems from developing in the unit  
1  Clean your humidifier as instructed in the section entitled Cleaning and Maintenance  
2  Make sure all water is emptied from the tank and the hot and cold water reservoirs  
3  Dry the unit thoroughly  
4  Leave the tank cap off to expose the tank to air  
5  Pack your humidifier in its original carton and store it in a cool, dry place  
Output per Day:                                                 2 Gallons  
Electrical usage:                                                260W High, 130W Low  
Weight (without water):                                   6 34 lbs  
Water Tank Capacity:                                       2 1 Gallons  
Dimensions (approximately)                           8 25" w x 14 25" l x 11 50" h  
POssiBLe Cause  
Unit is not plugged in  
Power failure  
Plug in unit  
Check circuit breaker  
Unit does not mist  
Water tank is empty  
Remove and refill water  
Turn on switch  
Power switch not  
turned on  
Unit still on REFILL  
Check that there is water  
after refilling tank  
in the hot water reservoir  
Float on bottom  
Carefully clean any  
of tank “hangs up”  
residue or obstruction  
Water tank not properly  
situated on base  
water tank  
Humidity level  
Turn relative humidity  
set is achieved  
control to higher setting  
TRoUbleshooTInG (Continued)  
POssiBLe Cause  
Water leaks from  
main unit  
Base Drain Cap and  
Tighten cap  Replace or  
reposition cap gasket  
Gasket, tank cap or tank  
cap gasket are missing  
or improperly positioned  
Moist air output low  
Clean unit as per instructions  
Check ambient humidity  
If humidity is high, output  
will be low  
Mineral buildup in  
hot water reservoir  
one (1) YeaR lIMITeD WaRRanTY  
Brookstone® warrants this product against defects in materials and/or workmanship  
under normal use for a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchase by the  
original purchaser (“Warranty Period”)  If a defect arises and a valid claim is received  
within the Warranty Period, at its option, Brookstone will either 1) repair the defect  
at no charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts, or 2) replace the product  
with a new product that is at least functionally equivalent to the original product, or  
3) provide a store credit in the amount of the purchase price of the original product  
A replacement product or part, including a user-installable part installed in accordance  
with instructions provided by Brookstone, assumes the remaining warranty of the  
original product  When a product or part is exchanged, any replacement item becomes  
your property and the replaced item becomes Brookstone’s property  When a store  
credit is given, the original product must be returned to Brookstone and becomes  
Brookstone’s property  
1-800-292-9819  Please be prepared to describe the product that needs service and  
the nature of the problem  A purchase receipt is required  All repairs and replacements  
must be authorized in advance  Service options, parts availability and response times  
will vary  You are responsible for delivery and the cost of delivery of the product or any  
parts to the authorized service center for replacement, per our instructions  
Limits and exclusions: Coverage under this Limited Warranty is limited to the United  
States of America, including the District of Columbia and the U S  Territories of  
Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U S  Virgin Islands  This Limited Warranty applies only  
to products manufactured for Brookstone that can be identified by the “Brookstone”  
trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to them or their packaging  The Limited  
Warranty does not apply to any non-Brookstone products  Manufacturers or  
suppliers other than Brookstone may provide their own warranties to the purchaser,  
but Brookstone, in so far as permitted by law, provides these products “as is ”  
This warranty does not apply to: a) damage caused by failure to follow instructions  
relating to product’s use or the installation of components; b) damage caused by  
accident, abuse, misuse, fire, floods, earthquake or other external causes; c) damage  
caused by service performed by anyone who is not a representative of Brookstone;  
d) accessories used in conjunction with a covered product; e) a product or part  
that has been modified to alter functionality or capability; f) items intended to be  
periodically replaced by the purchaser during the normal life of the product including,  
without limitation, batteries or light bulbs; g) any product sold “as is” including, without  
limitation, floor demonstration models and refurbished items; or h) a product that is  
used commercially or for a commercial purpose  
damages resuLting frOm tHe use Of tHis PrOduCt, Or arising  
Out Of anY BreaCH Of tHis warrantY. tO tHe eXtent Permitted BY  
aPPLiCaBLe Law, BrOOkstOne disCLaims anY and aLL statutOrY Or  
imPLied warranties, inCLuding, witHOut LimitatiOn, warranties  
Of merCHantaBiLitY, fitness fOr a PartiCuLar PurPOse and  
warranties against Hidden Or Latent defeCts. if BrOOkstOne  
CannOt LawfuLLY disCLaim statutOrY Or imPLied warranties, tHen  
tO tHe eXtent Permitted BY Law, aLL suCH warranties sHaLL Be  
Limited in duratiOn tO tHe duratiOn Of tHis eXPress warrantY.  
Some states disallow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages or how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusions or limitations  
may not apply to you  This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also  
have other rights, which vary from state to state  
Merrimack, New Hampshire USA 03054 • 800-846-3000 • www Brookstone com  
636126 Rev  0710  

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