Bosch Appliances Home Security System D623 User Manual

D623 Series/D625 Series  
User's Guide  
EN Keypads  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Contents  
About this User Guide...................................................5 View Alarm Memory (Cmd 40) ................................ 21  
Introduction.......................................................................5 View System Trouble (Cmd 42)................................ 21  
Security System Basics...................................................6 View Point Trouble (Cmd 48) ................................... 22  
What is a Point? ................................................................6  
What is a Faulted Point? ..................................................6  
Are All Points the Same? .................................................6  
Controlled Points ..............................................................6  
24-Hour Points ..................................................................6  
All On ..............................................................................6  
Part On ..............................................................................6  
Keypad Keys....................................................................7  
Keypad Tones..................................................................7  
Keypad LED Descriptions............................................8  
System Events....................................................................8  
Fire Alarms ........................................................................8  
Burglary Alarms................................................................8  
Fire Trouble Events ..........................................................8  
Non-Fire Trouble Events .................................................8  
How Your System Reports Alarms.............................8  
Check System Status ......................................................9  
Log Out of the System ...................................................9  
Silence Alarms ................................................................9  
Keypad Adjust (Cmd 49).............................................10  
Turn the System Off.....................................................10  
Turn the System All On (All On or Cmd 1) ...........10  
Turn the System Part On (Part On or Cmd 2) .......11  
Turn the System Part 2 On (Cmd 3) .........................12  
Set Part 2 Points (Cmd 65) ..........................................12  
Turn the System On with No Delay.........................12  
System Test (Cmd 41).................................................. 22  
Walk Test (Cmd 44) ..................................................... 23  
Reset the System (Cmd 47)......................................... 23  
Turn Watch On/Off (Cmd 61)................................... 23  
Select Watch Tone (Cmd 62)..................................... 24  
Select Watch Points (Cmd 63) ................................... 24  
Extend Auto On Time (Cmd 51)............................... 24  
Change Skeds (Cmd 52).............................................. 25  
Sked All Days Feature ................................................... 25  
All On Skeds................................................................... 25  
Part On Skeds................................................................. 25  
Part 2 On Skeds.............................................................. 26  
Off Skeds ......................................................................... 27  
Output On Skeds............................................................ 27  
Output Off Skeds............................................................ 27  
Change Outputs (Cmd 54).......................................... 28  
Remote Program (Cmd 43) ........................................ 28  
All Areas Off (Cmd 81) ............................................... 28  
All Areas On (Cmd 80) ............................................... 28  
Move to Area (Cmd 50) .............................................. 29  
Auto-Forward On Setup (Cmd 83)........................... 29  
Auto-Forward Off Setup (Cmd 84)........................... 30  
Auto-Forward On/Off (Cmd 82)............................... 30  
Remote Arming with Telephone, Area 1............... 31  
View Log (Cmd 85)...................................................... 31  
Basic Pager Reports..................................................... 32  
Control Panel Event Descriptions............................ 33  
Security System Limitations ...................................... 38  
Fire Safety and Evacuation........................................ 38  
Maintenance and Service........................................... 40  
Power Failure................................................................ 40  
How to clean the keypad............................................ 40  
Glossary.......................................................................... 41  
Index ............................................................................ 42  
Turn the System On with No Exit Tone (Delay  
Silent) ............................................................................13  
Turn the System On with Points Faulted (Force  
Arm) ............................................................................14  
View Faulted Points .....................................................15  
Bypass Points .................................................................15  
Date and Time (Cmd 45).............................................16  
Change Passcode (Cmd 55) ........................................16  
Change Others’ Passcodes (Cmd 56)........................17  
Change Others’ Passcode Authority Levels (Cmd  
Add a Passcode (Cmd 56)............................................18  
Delete Passcodes (Cmd 58).........................................19  
Renew One-time Passcodes (Cmd 53)......................20  
Check System Troubles (Cmd 4)...............................20  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Contents  
Figure 1:  
Figure 2:  
Figure 3:  
Figure 4:  
Figure 5:  
Figure 6:  
Figure 7:  
Figure 8:  
Information Box ..........................................2  
D623 Series and D625 Series Features .....5  
Controlled Points are All On.....................6  
Controlled Points are Part On...................6  
Date and Time format ..............................16  
Display layout............................................31  
Pager Display format ................................32  
Smoke Detector locations.........................39  
Table 1:  
Table 2:  
Table 3:  
Table 4:  
Table 5:  
Table 6:  
Table 7:  
Table 8:  
Keypad Keys................................................7  
Keypad Tones..............................................7  
Keypad LED Descriptions .........................8  
System Status Messages..............................9  
Silencing Exit Tone...................................14  
Watch Tone Selection...............................24  
Character Code Information....................32  
Control Panel Event Descriptions...........33  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | About this User Guide  
About this User Guide  
This User’s Guide shows you how to use and maintain  
your security system. It covers basic functions, such as  
turning the system on and off.  
Control of your security system is achieved through the  
keypad, which offers a variety of basic and advanced  
features. Its function, versatility, and ease of operation  
make it ideal for home or office use. The keypad is  
tailored to meet your individual needs. Moreover, it  
has been designed with you, the user, in mind.  
The functions described in this guide are programmed  
by your security company. Some of them may not be  
enabled in your system. Certain functions covered may  
require you to enter your personal passcode.  
Your system helps to secure life, property, and  
investments against fire, theft, and bodily harm. It  
consists of one or more keypads, motion sensors (such  
as detectors or devices located on doors and windows),  
and sensing devices designed to detect the presence of  
smoke or combustion. Each device is connected to a  
sophisticated control panel with a microprocessor that  
processes all events registered by the system.  
Figure 2: D623 Series and D625 Series Features  
Test System Weekly  
1 - Text display  
2- System status indicators  
3 - Sounder  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Security System Basics  
Security System Basics  
What is a Point?  
All On  
A Point is a detection device or group of devices  
connected to your security system. Points are identified  
by the area they monitor, such as a front door,  
bedroom window, or hallway.  
When you turn your system All On you are turning on  
all controlled points, both interior (motion detectors)  
and perimeter (doors and windows of the building).  
Figure 3: Controlled Points are All On  
What is a Faulted Point?  
When a point (such as a door or window) is closed, it is  
said to be normal. When the door or window is open,  
the point is said to be faulted, or not normal. When  
you turn your system on, you usually want all of the  
points in your system to be normal. However, you can  
turn your system on with faulted points by using the  
Bypass Points command.  
You can see if there are any faulted points by pressing  
the [*] key when the system is off.  
Are All Points the Same?  
Not all points are the same. In fact, there are two basic  
types of points: Controlled and 24-hour.  
1 - Dining room  
2 - Kitchen  
3 - Bedroom  
4 - Living room  
Controlled Points  
Controlled points respond to alarm conditions  
Part On  
depending upon whether the system is turned on or off.  
They are programmed to either respond instantly to  
alarm conditions, or to provide a delay for you to reach  
the keypad and turn the system off. Various controlled  
points may be located throughout your house.  
When you turn your system Part On you are turning  
on only a portion of the controlled points. The  
particular points included in this portion are  
determined by your alarm company. Part points may  
include only the perimeter (doors and windows) of  
your system, or the points on the first floor of a two-  
story house. Check with your security company to  
learn which points are Part points.  
When you turn your system on, you have the option of  
turning on all controlled points (All On) or just some of  
the controlled points (Part On). See All On and Part  
On for more information.  
24-Hour Points  
Figure 4: Controlled Points are Part On  
24-hour points are always on, even when the system is  
turned off. There are two types of 24-hour points: Fire  
and Non-Fire. See Reset the System on page 30 for  
more information.  
Fire Points: Only monitor fire detection devices  
such as smoke detectors. They are always on and  
cannot be turned off.  
Non-Fire Points: Always on and cannot be turned  
1 - Dining room  
2 - Kitchen  
3 - Bedroom  
4 - Living room  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Keypad Keys  
Keypad Keys  
Your Text keypad has nineteen keys for performing  
the various functions described below:  
Keypad Tones  
The keypad emits several distinct tones and illuminates  
lights to alert you to system events.  
Table 1: Keypad Keys  
Table 2: Keypad Tones  
[1], [2], [3],  
[4], [5], [6],  
[7], [8], [9],  
Numeric keys used to enter passcodes  
and issue commands.  
Fire Alarm  
When fire point activates, the keypad emits  
a repeated warble tone (on for 2 sec., then  
briefly off).  
When a burglary point activates while your  
system is turned on, the keypad emits a  
continuous warble tone. The sounder  
remains on for the duration of the time set  
by your security company.  
When a system component is not  
functioning properly, your keypad emits a  
repeated warble tone (on briefly, followed  
by a pause, followed by the warble tone).  
Press [4] to view the trouble. If problem is  
point-related, the keypad display indicates  
the faulted point.  
Pressing any key on the keypad sounds a  
short pip to indicate the pressed key is  
When you enter the premises through a  
point programmed for Entry Delay, the  
keypad emits an intermittent beep to  
remind you to turn your system off. If the  
system is not turned off before the Entry  
Delay expires, an alarm condition occurs  
and a report may be sent to your alarm  
After you turn your system on, the keypad  
emits an intermittent beep and counts  
down the Exit Delay time. If you do not exit  
before the Exit Delay time expires and an  
Exit Delay point is faulted, an alarm event  
Burglary Alarm  
Used in conjunction with numeric keys to  
enter commands. Also displays system  
Turns your system All On (refer to Turn  
the System All On (All On or Cmd 1) on  
page 10).  
Turns your system Part On (refer to Turn  
the System Part On (Part On or Cmd 2)  
on page 11).  
Turns your system All On or Part On  
without entry or exit delay (refer to Turn  
the System On with No Delay on  
page 12).  
[ALL ON]  
Key Press  
Bypasses one or more points (refer to  
Bypass Points on page 15).  
Entry Delay  
When available, advances to the next  
Emergency functions (Fire, Panic, or  
Emergency Alarms) may be assigned to  
these keys by your security company.  
To activate the special function, press the  
key twice (consecutively) within 2 sec.  
Your security company labels each key  
with its assigned function.  
[A], [B], [C]  
Exit Delay  
If you press an incorrect key, your keypad  
emits an error tone to indicate an invalid  
entry. The Error Tone is the same warble  
tone as the Trouble Tone, but is not  
Indicates a keypad entry is accepted, such  
as a correctly entered passcode. The  
Keypad emits a single, high-pitched beep  
for 1 sec.  
If any watched point is faulted, the keypad  
emits a tone to alert. The tone varies in  
duration, depending on the selected  
Watched Tone (refer to Select Watch  
Tone (Cmd 62) on page 24).  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Keypad Tones  
Fire Trouble Events  
When a fire trouble (such as a loose wire) occurs, your  
keypad emits a Trouble tone.  
Keypad LED Descriptions  
The keypad LEDs are described below.  
The keypad displays the System Trouble message.  
Refer to Check System Troubles (Cmd 4) on page 20 for  
more information on determining the nature of the  
Table 3: Keypad LED Descriptions  
No system troubles present.  
Non-Fire Trouble Events  
When a trouble event such as a power failure occurs,  
your keypad emits a trouble tone.  
Slow Flash  
AC failure, system trouble, or  
keypad was moved away from  
its assigned area.  
Fast Flash  
Command center in Command  
Panel is disarmed.  
The keypad displays the System Trouble message.  
Refer to Check System Troubles (Cmd 4) on page 20 for  
more information on determining the nature of the  
Slow Flash  
Panel is armed with No Delay.  
Exit Delay timer is active or  
control panel is armed with  
Entry/Exit Delay.  
How Your System Reports  
Commands allow you to carry out various tasks such as  
add/delete passcodes, set the date/time, or test the  
system. Each command is detailed in this user guide.  
Your security system may be programmed to  
automatically disconnect your telephone when sending  
reports to your security company. Once the report is  
complete, the system returns the telephone to normal  
operation (check with your security company).  
Commands are written as: [CMD] [6] [3]. To enter this  
command, first press the [CMD] key, followed by the  
[6] key, and then the [3] key.  
Your system makes repeated attempts to send reports  
to your security company. If your system fails to report,  
the keypad signals a system trouble. Refer to Check  
System Troubles (Cmd 4) on page 20 to determine the  
nature of the trouble.  
System Events  
Your system responds to four types of alarm events. If  
more than one event occurs, your system sorts them  
into one of four groups: Fire Alarms (highest priority),  
Burglary Alarms, Fire Troubles, and Non-Fire Troubles  
(lowest priority). Events grouped as highest priority are  
always sent to the central station first.  
If your telephone service is interrupted,  
your security system cannot send reports  
to your security company unless it has an  
alternate means of transmitting them.  
Fire Alarms  
Fire alarms are the highest priority events. When a fire  
point activates, your keypad emits a Fire Alarm tone.  
The tone sounds for the length of time programmed by  
your installation company. Evacuate all occupants and  
investigate for smoke or fire. Ensure all occupants  
know the difference between the Burglary Alarm tone  
and the Fire Alarm tone.  
Burglary Alarms  
Burglary alarms are the second priority. When a  
burglary point activates, your keypad emits a Burglary  
Alarm tone. The tone sounds for the alarm set by your  
security company. Ensure all occupants know the  
difference between the Burglary Alarm tone and the  
Fire Alarm tone.  
The keypad scrolls through each point alarm, or you  
can press the [*] key to manually advance the list.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Check System Status  
3. Press and hold [CMD] to remove the alarm  
messages from the keypad display. Refer to  
Section View Alarm Memory (Cmd 40) on page 21 to  
see which points caused the alarm.  
Check System Status  
When the system is Off, press [CMD] to show the  
current system status. The following message may  
Table 4: System Status Messages  
System Status  
System OK  
Indicates there are no system  
System Trouble!  
Press [4] to view  
Indicates there is a system trouble.  
Refer to Check System Troubles  
(Cmd 4) on page 20 to determine  
the nature of the trouble.  
Points faulted  
Press [0] to view  
Indicates the system has faulted  
points. Refer to View Faulted  
Points on page 15 for more  
Log Out of the System  
The system remembers passcodes entered for  
approximately 10 sec. after you stop pressing keys. To  
log out of the system, press the [CMD] key twice.  
Logged Out appears on the keypad display.  
Silence Alarms  
When an alarm occurs, the alarm tone sounds and the  
display shows the point(s) in alarm. If you enter your  
passcode before the system dials your security  
company, the alarm report is aborted.  
1. The keypad displays the point(s) in alarm.  
Alarm Pt4  
Living Room  
Enter code to  
silence alarm  
2. Enter your passcode to silence the alarm and turn  
the system off (if it was turned on). An alarm  
report is sent to your security company if the  
alarm is not acknowledged in time.  
The display continues to show the point (or  
points) that caused the alarm.  
Silenced alarms  
listed below  
Alarm Pt8  
Motion Detector  
To remove  
silenced alarms  
from display,  
hold Cmd  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Keypad Adjust (Cmd 49)  
2. Enter your passcode to turn the system off. Once  
Keypad Adjust (Cmd 49)  
the system is off and there are no faulted points,  
the keypad displays the idle text (second line) as  
shown below:  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Smiths Residence  
OK for All On  
Use Command 49 to adjust the keypad sounder  
volume and the display brightness.  
1. Press [CMD] [4] [9]. Enter a valid passcode if  
2. To adjust the keypad sounder volume, press and  
hold the [*] key and then press [1] to increase the  
volume or [4] to decrease the volume.  
Turn the System All On (All On  
or Cmd 1)  
Exit Delay Time (to be filled in by your security  
3. To adjust the keypad display brightness, press and  
hold the [*] key and then press [3] to increase the  
brightness or [6] to decrease the brightness.  
4. Press [CMD] to exit this command function when  
all adjustments are made.  
You have __________ sec. to exit premises before  
system turns on.  
Use this command to turn on the entire system. Once  
you press the [ALL ON] key or enter Cmd 1, the Exit  
Delay timer starts its countdown. The length of exit  
delay is programmed by your security company.  
Turn the System Off  
Entry Delay Time (to be filled in by your security  
When your system is ready to turn All On, it displays  
OK for All On, indicating all points are normal,  
such as no open doors or windows and no one standing  
in front of a motion detector.  
You have __________ sec. to enter premises and turn  
system off.  
Smiths Residence  
Ok for All On  
Enter your passcode to turn the security system off.  
When the system is on, you must enter through a  
designated entry door to prevent an alarm. Opening a  
designated door, such as the Front Door, starts the  
entry delay. During entry delay time, the keypad emits  
a double tone to remind you to turn the system off.  
Enter your passcode before the entry delay time  
expires to turn the system off.  
If your keypad displays a message indicating the  
system is not ready to arm (such as Not Ready to  
Arm), check all doors and windows to see if any are  
open or if someone or something is in front of a motion  
detector. If all protected doors and windows are closed  
and no motion detectors are blocked and the keypad  
still displays Not Ready to Arm, contact your  
security company for assistance.  
If you enter through the wrong door or fail to turn the  
system off before the entry delay time expires, you may  
cause an alarm. If an alarm occurs, silence the alarm by  
entering your passcode and call your security company  
to let them know that there is no emergency situation.  
1. When the system is on, the On indicator  
illuminates. If the system is All On, the keypad  
display shows:  
In the example below, the exit delay is 60 sec. Leave  
before the exit time expires. Leaving after exit delay  
expires causes an alarm event.  
1. Make sure all points are normal (not faulted). If  
your system has a faulted point (door/window  
open), you can either close it or bypass it (see  
Bypass Points 1 on page 18).  
2. Press [ALL ON] or [CMD] [1]. The keypad may  
prompt you to enter a valid passcode.  
Smiths Residence  
All On  
If the system is Part On, the keypad display  
shows (Part 2 On shows if the system is Part 2  
Smiths Residence  
Part On  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Turn the System Part On (Part On or Cmd 2)  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. Exit delay time  
begins. The On indicator turns on. Exit the  
building now.  
Turn the System Part On (Part  
On or Cmd 2)  
60 seconds to  
All On.  
Exit Delay Time (to be filled in by your security  
Enter your passcode to stop the system from  
turning on during the exit delay.  
You have __________ sec. to exit premises before  
system turns on.  
Press [BYPASS] to bypass points (see Bypass  
Points on page 18). You can turn the system All  
On with No Delay by pressing [NO DELAY]. You  
can also turn the system Part On by pressing  
[PART ON]. The system prompts you through this  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Part On turns on only part of your system, leaving the  
rest of the system turned off.  
If your keypad shows OK for Part On or OK for All  
On, this means all of the points that turn on for Part  
On operation are normal (such as all protected doors  
and windows bing closed).  
To bypass points  
Press Bypass  
For no delay  
press No Delay  
Smiths Residence  
Ok for Part On  
For Part On  
press Part On  
Once you press the [PART ON] key, exit delay begins.  
Use Part On when you want part of your system turned  
on. For example, use Part On if you plan to stay inside  
the premises and you only want to protect the  
perimeter doors, or you are leaving and you want a pet  
to move freely about inside without causing an alarm.  
4. During the last 10 sec. of Exit Delay, the keypad  
displays Do not exit! and emits a double tone  
every second to warn you not to exit and to turn  
the system off. The system turns All On. The On  
indicator remains on steady.  
Smiths Residence  
All On  
1. Make sure that Part points are normal (not faulted).  
If your system has faulted points, return them to  
normal, or bypass them.  
5. To turn the system off, enter your passcode.  
2. Press [PART ON]. The keypad may prompt you to  
enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The On indicator  
turns on and Exit delay time begins. The keypad  
display scrolls the following:  
60 seconds to  
Part On.  
To bypass points  
Press Bypass.  
For no delay  
Press No Delay.  
For All On  
press All On  
48 seconds to  
Part On.  
Enter your passcode to stop the system from  
turning on during the exit delay. You can turn the  
system Part On with No Delay by pressing [NO  
DELAY]. Or you can bypass points by pressing  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Turn the System Part 2 On (Cmd 3)  
4. During the last 10 sec. of Exit Delay, the keypad  
displays Do not exit!and emits a double tone  
every second to warn you not to exit and to turn  
the system off. The system turns Part On. The On  
indicator remains on steady.  
4. During the last 10 sec. of Exit Delay, the keypad  
displays Do not exit!and emits a double tone  
every second to warn you not to exit and to turn  
the system off. The system turns Part 2 On. The  
On indicator remains on steady.  
Smiths Residence  
Part 2 On  
Smiths Residence  
Part On  
5. Enter your passcode to turn the system off.  
5. To turn the system off, enter your passcode.  
Turn the System Part 2 On  
(Cmd 3)  
Set Part 2 Points (Cmd 65)  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Exit Delay Time (to be filled in by your security  
Use this command to program which points are armed  
each time you turn the system Part 2 On. This lets you  
turn part of the system on to detect intrusion, while the  
remaining part of the system lets you move freely  
without sounding an alarm.  
1. Make sure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [6] [5]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
display scrolls the following:  
You have __________ sec. to exit premises before  
system turns on.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Part 2 On turns on the portion of your system  
designated as Part 2, leaving the rest of the system  
turned off. You can select the points that turn on for  
Part 2 On, whereas Part On points are determined by  
your security company (refer to Set Part 2 Points (Cmd  
65) on page 12). Once you press [CMD] [3], the exit  
delay timer countdown begins.  
Pt2 Part 2 No  
Front Door  
Press 2* for  
Pt2 Part 2 Yes  
Smiths Residence  
Ok for Part On  
Pt3 Part 2 Yes  
In the following example, 60 sec, is used as the Exit  
Delay. Exit Delay is set by your security company and  
may vary from the example shown below.  
Press 3* for  
Pt3 Part 2 No  
1. Make sure that points are normal (not faulted).  
2. Press [CMD] [3] to turn the system Part 2 On. The  
keypad may prompt you to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The On indicator  
turns on. The keypad display scrolls the following:  
To exit  
Press Cmd.  
4. Enter the Point Number followed by the [*] key to  
toggle between Yes or No for Part 2 On. Repeat  
until all points are programmed Yes or No for Part  
2 Mode (Yes = Active, ready to detect intrusion;  
No = Non-Active, you can move freely without  
sounding an alarm).  
60 seconds to  
Part 2 On.  
To bypass points  
Press Bypass.  
5. Press [CMD] to exit this command.  
For no delay  
Press No Delay.  
Turn the System On with No  
For All On  
press All On  
This command turns the system All On or Part On  
without entry or exit delays. Remember that turning  
the system on with no delay allows no exit or entry  
delay time through the designated delay point, like the  
Front Door.  
48 seconds to  
Part 2 On.  
Enter your passcode to stop the system from  
turning on during the exit delay. You can turn the  
system Part 2 On with No Delay by pressing [NO  
DELAY], or you may bypass points by pressing  
the [BYPASS] key.  
1. Make sure all points are normal (not faulted).  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Turn the System On with No Exit Tone (Delay Silent)  
2. Press [ALL ON] if you want to turn the system All  
On, or press [PART ON] if you want to turn the  
system Part On. Press [CMD] [3] if you want to  
turn the system Part 2 On. The keypad may  
prompt you to enter a valid passcode.  
The keypad scrolls the following for Part On (the  
display shows Part 2 On if the system is Part 2  
No exit time!  
System arming.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
display shows the following for turning the system  
All On:  
Do not exit!  
Enter code to  
turn system off  
60 seconds to  
All On.  
Smiths Residence  
Part On  
To bypass points  
Press Bypass.  
On with No Delay  
For no delay  
Press No Delay.  
5. When the system is All On with No Delay, the  
keypad displays the following:  
Pressing [NO DELAY] begins a 10-sec. “last  
chance” window in which you have 10 sec. to  
decide if you want to allow the system to arm.  
During this window, the display scrolls through the  
following messages: No exit time! System  
arming. Do not exit!If you decide not to  
allow the system to arm, enter your user passcode.  
Smiths Residence  
All On  
On with No Delay  
If the system is Part On or Part 2 On with No  
Delay, the keypad displays the following (the  
display shows Part 2 On if the system is Part 2  
If all points are normal, the display shows the  
following for Part On (the display shows Part 2 On  
if the system is Part 2 On):  
Smiths Residence  
Part On  
On with No Delay  
60 seconds to  
Part On.  
The On indicator turns on and blinks, indicating  
the system is on with no delay.  
To bypass points  
press Bypass.  
For no delay  
Press No Delay.  
6. To turn the system off, enter your passcode.  
4. To turn the system on (All On, Part On, or Part 2  
On) with no delay, press [NO DELAY].  
Turn the System On with No Exit  
Tone (Delay Silent)  
Use this command to turn the entire system All On,  
Part On, or Part 2 On without any exit tones.  
The keypad scrolls the following for All On:  
No exit time!  
System arming.  
Remember that turning the system on with no exit tone  
eliminates the tone emitted by the keypad intended to  
alert occupants that the system is about to arm.  
Do not exit!  
Enter code to  
turn system off  
This command is useful when you wish to arm the  
system, but not disturb the occupants while the system  
counts down prior to arming.  
Smiths Residence  
All On  
On with No Delay  
1. Make sure all points are normal (not faulted).  
2. Press and hold the appropriate key to silence the  
exit tone. The keypad may prompt you to enter a  
valid passcode.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide |  
Table 5: Silencing Exit Tone  
Turn the System On with Points  
Faulted (Force Arm)  
Arming With  
To Silence Exit Tone  
All On  
Press and hold [ALL ON]  
Force-arming is not permitted for UL  
Press [CMD], then press and hold [1].  
Press and hold [PART ON]  
Press [CMD], then press and hold [2].  
Press [CMD], then press and hold [3].  
Part On  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
1. Press [ALL ON] or [PART ON] to turn the system  
All On or Part On.  
Part 2 On  
2. The keypad displays the faulted points as follows:  
Silencing the Exit Delay Tone doubles the  
Exit Delay period.  
Pt5 faulted,  
Point Text  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
display shows the following for turning the system  
All On:  
To Bypass Pt5  
Press 5 + *  
Then the system identifies the faulted point (in this  
example Point 5), followed by instructions for  
bypassing the point.  
120 seconds to  
All On.  
To bypass points  
press Bypass.  
3. To force arm the system All On or Part On with  
normal Exit Delay and exit tone, press [ALL ON]  
or [PART ON] again. Enter your passcode when  
prompted. The following scrolls across the display:  
For no delay  
Press No Delay.  
If all points are normal, the display shows the  
following for Part On or Part 2 On. If the system is  
turned Part 2 On, the second line of the display  
shows Part 2 On:  
Forced on!  
60 seconds to  
All On.  
1 points are  
forced on.  
120 seconds to  
Part On.  
To bypass points  
press Bypass.  
The display above uses an Exit Delay time  
of 60 sec. and only one point is force-  
armed. Exit Delay time and the number of  
points forced on may vary.  
For no delay  
Press No Delay.  
4. To turn the system on (All On, Part On, or Part 2  
On) with no delay, press [NO DELAY]. See Turn  
the System On with No Delay on page 14 for  
more information.  
4. To force arm the system All On or Part On with  
Exit Delay doubled and no exit tone, press and  
hold [ALL ON] or [PART ON] until the “point  
faulted” message appears (see figure in Step 2).  
Then press [ALL ON] or [PART ON] again. Enter  
your passcode if prompted. The system then scrolls  
the Forced on!message and the doubled Exit  
Delay Time countdown. The exit tone is silenced.  
The system ‘forces’ the faulted points on. As long  
as they remain faulted they do not provide  
protection. If the faulted points return to normal  
before the system is turned off, they provide  
protection and are capable of starting alarm events.  
If a point becomes faulted after the exit delay  
begins, the keypad displays the faulted point. If the  
point remains faulted at the end of exit delay, it  
starts an alarm event.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | View Faulted Points  
View Faulted Points  
To correctly turn your system on, all doors and  
windows must be in the normal (not faulted) condition.  
Use this command to locate faulted points.  
Bypass Points  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator off).  
2. Press [*]. If points are faulted the keypad displays  
the following:  
Use this command to bypass one or more points before  
turning the system All On, Part On, or Part 2 On. You  
can access a bypassed point when the system is armed  
without activating an alarm.  
System OK  
Point faulted,  
Press 0 to view  
Example: Your kitchen was just painted and you want  
to leave the windows open but still turn the system on.  
Bypassing points allows the system to be on, but  
prevents it from monitoring undesired areas.  
1. Ensure that the system is turned off (On indicator  
is off).  
2. Press the [BYPASS] key. The keypad may prompt  
you to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
scrolls all zones that can be bypassed:  
3. If there are faulted points, press [0] to view. The  
keypad scrolls through all faulted points:  
Pt2 faulted,  
Front Door  
To bypass Pt2  
Press 2 + *  
Pt7 faulted,  
Back Door  
To bypass Pt7  
Press 7 + *  
Front Door  
4. Return the faulted points to the normal condition  
(like close the front door), or you may choose to  
bypass the points by following the displayed  
instructions (such as Press [2] [*]).  
5. Once the points return to normal or are bypassed,  
the system is ready to turn on.  
To bypass Pt1  
Press 1 + *.  
Back Door  
To bypass Pt2  
Press 2 + *.  
4. Enter the Point Number that you want to bypass  
followed by [*] (for example, if you want to bypass  
Point 10, enter [1] [0] [*]). Repeat this step to  
bypass all desired points.  
If a point is already bypassed, the keypad displays:  
To unbypass 3  
Press 3 + *  
If a point is faulted, the keypad displays the point  
number. If the point is bypassable, the keypad  
prompts you to press the point number followed  
by the [*] key. If the point is unbypassable, the  
display tells you the point cannot be bypassed.  
5. Press [CMD] to exit this command function.  
Press [CMD] to exit this command function.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Date and Time (Cmd 45)  
Date and Time (Cmd 45)  
Change Passcode (Cmd 55)  
I can perform this command.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Use this command to program the system date and  
1. Ensure that the system is turned off (On indicator  
is off).  
Use this command to change your passcode at any  
time. However, only use this feature under the  
direction of your security company. The system  
must be off in order to use this command.  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [5]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
Write down your new and old passcode before you  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
1. Ensure that the system is turned off (On indicator  
is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [5]. The OK tone sounds and the  
keypad displays:  
Please Enter  
Date and Time  
01/01/01 00:01  
Please enter  
old code  
4. Enter the date and time using the numeric keys in  
MM/DD/YY, HH:MM format.  
3. Enter your current passcode. As you enter your  
passcode, the keypad displays:  
Entering Code  
Figure 5: Date and Time format  
4. If the passcode you have entered is valid, you are  
prompted to enter your new passcode:  
___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___  
___ ___ : ___ ___  
Please enter  
new code  
1 - Month of the year  
2 - Day of the month  
3 - Current year  
4 - Hour of the day  
5 - Minute of the hour  
5. Enter a new passcode with the same number of  
digits as your old passcode. If the error tone  
sounds, try a different new passcode. As you enter  
your new passcode, the keypad displays:  
Entering Code  
5. The keypad displays both the date and time you  
entered before returning the keypad to the normal  
display. In this example, the keypad displays.  
6. If you have entered a valid new passcode, the  
keypad prompts you to enter the new passcode  
Current Date  
Please enter  
new code again  
Current Time  
7. Enter your new passcode again. As you enter your  
new passcode, the keypad displays:  
The keypad returns to the normal display.  
Entering Code  
In the event of a power cycle (power is  
lost to the system and then restored), the  
control panel takes the last event in the  
log and uses that as a starting point for  
the time and date. It then alerts you to  
enter the current time and date.  
8. The keypad displays the following to confirm you  
have successfully changed your passcode:  
Code changed  
The keypad returns to the normal display.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Change Others’ Passcodes (Cmd 56)  
8. Enter the new passcode again.  
Change Others’ Passcodes  
(Cmd 56)  
9. The keypad displays the following to confirm the  
passcode change.  
Code 2 changed.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
10. Repeat Steps 4 through 9 to change another  
passcode or press [CMD] to exit this feature.  
Pressing [CMD] again returns to the normal  
Use this command to change passcodes for each user  
in the system. This command requires the appropriate  
authority level to change passcodes. Only use this  
feature under the direction of your security  
Change Others’ Passcode  
Authority Levels (Cmd 56)  
Cmd 56 is only for changing passcodes  
other than the one used to access Cmd  
56. For example, if User 1 performs Cmd  
56, he/she cannot modify his/her own  
passcode. Use Cmd 55 instead.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Use this command to change passcode authority levels  
for each user in the system. This command requires the  
appropriate authority level to change passcodes. You  
cannot change your own passcode authority level.  
Only use this feature under the direction of your  
security company. The following is filled in by your  
security company.  
1. Ensure that the system is turned off (On indicator  
is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [6]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
scrolls through the available options. If an option is  
not selected after the list cycles once, the keypad  
automatically exits this command.  
4. Press [1] to change passcodes. The keypad scrolls  
through all passcodes that are available for  
Authority Level 1 includes these commands:  
Authority Level 2 includes these commands:  
To change code 2  
press 2*.  
Authority Level 3 includes these commands:  
To change code 3  
press 3*.  
Authority Level 4 includes these commands:  
Push Cmd to exit  
5. Enter the passcode number (1 to 32) you want to  
change followed by [*]. For example, press [2] [*]  
to change Passcode 2. The keypad prompts you to  
enter the new passcode.  
1. Ensure that the system is turned off (On indicator  
is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [6]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
scrolls the following:  
Please enter new  
code 2.  
If the user does not exist in the system,  
the keypad emits an error tone.  
Push 1 to change  
Push 2 to change  
authority level.  
6. Enter the new passcode with the same number of  
digits as the old passcode. If the error tone sounds,  
try a different new passcode.  
7. If you have entered a valid new passcode, the  
keypad prompts you to enter the new passcode  
Please enter new  
code 2 again.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Add a Passcode (Cmd 56)  
4. Press [2] to change passcode authority levels. The  
keypad display scrolls:  
Add a Passcode (Cmd 56)  
To change level  
for code 3,  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Press 3*.  
Use this command to add new passcodes to the system.  
This command requires the appropriate authority level  
to add passcodes. To add a new passcode to the  
system, you must assign an area(s) to the new user in  
addition to using the other Cmd 56 features (changing  
a passcode and changing a passcode authority level) as  
outlined below. Only use this feature under the  
direction of your security company.  
1. Ensure that the system is turned off (On indicator  
is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [6]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
To change level  
for code 4,  
Press 4*.  
Push Cmd to exit  
5. Enter the passcode number (1 to 32) that you want  
to change the authority level for, followed by [*]  
(for example, press [3] [*] to change the authority  
level for Passcode 3). The keypad display scrolls  
the following:  
3. Enter your passcode. The keypad scrolls through  
the following selections:  
Code 3 level 2  
Enter new level.  
Push 1 to change  
Level choices  
are 1 to 4.  
Push 2 to change  
authority level.  
Push Cmd to exit  
Push 3 to change  
areas assigned.  
If the user does not exist in the system,  
the keypad emits an error tone.  
4. Press [3] to assign an area(s) to the new user.  
5. Enter the user number you wish to assign area(s) to  
followed by the [*] key. For example, for User 4,  
press [4] [*]). The keypad toggles between the  
following displays:  
6. Enter the new authority level (1 to 4) for the  
passcode that you want to change. The authority  
levels are determined by the installing company.  
7. Press [CMD] to exit this feature. Press [CMD]  
again to return to the normal display.  
Code 4 Areas:  
Press 1 to 4 to  
toggle areas.  
6. Enter the area(s) you want to assign to the new  
user by pressing the appropriate numeric key(s).  
For example, if the user is to be assigned to Areas  
1 and 2, press the [1] and [2] keys. The keypad  
Code 4 Areas:  
To remove a currently assigned area(s), press the  
corresponding numeric key(s). For example, if  
User 4 is assigned to Areas 1 and 2, but should  
only be assigned to Area 1, press [2] to remove  
Area 2 from User 4’s area assignment.  
7. Press [CMD] twice to return to the three Cmd 56  
selections. Then, press [1] to create a passcode for  
the new user.  
8. Enter the user number followed by [*]. For  
example, press [4] [*] to create the passcode for  
User 4.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Delete Passcodes (Cmd 58)  
9. When the display prompts, Please enter new code,  
enter a new passcode. If the error tone sounds, try Delete Passcodes (Cmd 58)  
a different new passcode. Enter the new passcode  
again for verification.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
10. Press [CMD] twice to return to the three Cmd 56  
selections. Then press [2] to assign a passcode  
authority level to the new user.  
11. Enter the user number and press [*]. For example,  
press [4] [*] to assign an authority level for User 4.  
12. Enter an authority level (1 to 4) by pressing the  
appropriate numeric key. keypad displays:  
Use this command to delete passcodes. This command  
requires the appropriate authority level to delete  
passcodes. You cannot delete your own passcode using  
this command. Only use this feature under the  
direction of your security company.  
1. Make sure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [8]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
prompts you to delete a code.  
Code 4 level 0.  
Enter new level.  
The number following the word “level” on the first  
line indicates the authority level the user passcode  
is currently assigned to.  
Delete code 1?  
Press 1*.  
13. Use Steps 1 through 12 to add more new users or  
press [CMD] until the keypad emits a single beep  
tone and the display returns to the normal display.  
Delete code 2?  
Press 2*.  
The new user passcode, area assignment  
and authority level automatically logs into  
the system’s programming memory. Make  
sure that your security company’s  
programming records are properly  
Push Cmd to exit  
4. Enter the passcode number (1 to 32) you want to  
delete. For example, press [2] [*] to delete  
Passcode 2.  
Code 2  
Press * to  
If the user does not exist in the system,  
the keypad emits an error tone.  
5. Press [CMD] to exit this command. If no keys are  
pressed, the keypad automatically returns to the  
normal display.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Renew One-time Passcodes (Cmd 53)  
Renew One-time Passcodes  
(Cmd 53)  
Check System Troubles (Cmd 4)  
Your system emits a trouble tone and displays the  
System Trouble message to alert you to a system  
trouble event, like low batteries. Use this command to  
learn what is causing the trouble and the steps to take  
to correct it.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
One-time passcodes can only be used once to turn the  
system off. This command allows those with the  
applicable authority level to renew previous One-Time  
passcodes. Once renewed, the One-Time passcode is  
again able to turn the system off only once.  
1. Make sure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [6]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter your passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
scrolls through the available one-time passcodes.  
1. The system may be on or off when a system  
trouble occurs. If the system is on, you must turn it  
off to check the trouble. The keypad displays:  
Trouble! Press  
Cmd 4 to view.  
2. Press [CMD] [4]. The trouble tone silences and the  
keypad scrolls through the list of troubles. Follow  
the keypad display instructions to view the trouble  
Point Trouble!  
Press 8 to view.  
To renew all  
One-time codes  
Alarm Memory!  
Press 0 to view.  
Press 0*.  
Date/time lost!  
Press 5 to set.  
To renew code 5  
Press 5*.  
System Trouble!  
Press 2 to view.  
4. Press [0] [*] if you want to renew all one-time  
passcodes or press the passcode number followed  
by [*]. For example, if you want to renew Passcode  
5, press [5] [*].  
5. If you press [0] to renew all one-time passcodes,  
the keypad displays:  
To Test System,  
press 1.  
To Walk Test,  
press 4.  
To reset,  
Press 7.  
All one-time  
codes renewed.  
System OK!  
Press Cmd.  
6. If you select a single passcode to renew, like  
Passcode 5, the keypad displays:  
3. Press [CMD] to return the keypad to the normal  
One-Time Code 5  
The trouble tone continues until the situation is  
7. The system returns to the normal display.  
The trouble tone for AC Failure events  
sounds at all keypads in all areas.  
However, the trouble tone must be  
silenced in each area (silencing it in one  
area does not silence it in the other  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | View Alarm Memory (Cmd 40)  
View Alarm Memory (Cmd 40)  
View System Trouble (Cmd 42)  
After an alarm is silenced and cleared from the display, Use this command to view system troubles. For  
you can still review the points in alarm.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [0]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
shows all points in alarm memory. In this example,  
the keypad displays that Point 5 alarmed.  
example, a system trouble occurs when the system is  
running only on the backup battery, there is  
communications trouble, or it is time for the system to  
be serviced by your security company.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [0]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
shows all points in alarm memory. In this example,  
the keypad displays that Point 5 alarmed.  
Alarm Pt5  
Bedroom 1 Window  
If you enter your passcode before the system  
reports to your alarm company, the keypad  
If the system has no AC main supply and is  
operating off the backup battery, the keypad  
Abort Pt8  
Bedroom 1 Window  
System running  
on battery only.  
When the last alarm is shown, the keypad displays:  
If the system detects the telephone line is missing  
or there is no dial tone, the following appears on  
the keypad.  
To clear memory,  
Turn system On.  
If no alarm memory is present, the keypad  
Line 1 trouble.  
Check Dial tone.  
No alarms in  
If the system fails to communicate with the security  
company, the keypad displays:  
system memory.  
4. The keypad returns to the normal display. Turn  
the system on again to clear alarm memory.  
Comm Fail  
Destination 1  
If the system was programmed to be serviced by  
your security company at the service interval, the  
keypad displays the following:  
Call for service  
If there are no system troubles, the keypad  
There are no  
system troubles!  
4. Press [CMD] to return to the normal display.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | View Point Trouble (Cmd 48)  
4. Listen for bell activation.  
View Point Trouble (Cmd 48)  
The strobe output is tested next. This test resets  
after approximately 20 min or when [*] is pressed.  
Use this command to view any points (if any) that are  
in trouble.  
Testing Strobe.  
Press * to End  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
5. Check for strobe activation.  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [8]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
The next component to be tested is the back-up  
battery. This test may take up to 4 min.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
scrolls through all points in trouble.  
Testing Battery  
May take 4 min.  
Be sure to investigate the source of the trouble  
condition. Correct the condition if possible. For  
example, remove objects blocking a sensor point  
or respond appropriately to the trouble indicated.  
The keypad displays the result of the battery test:  
Battery Test  
Battery Test  
Please call for  
If there are no points in trouble, the keypad  
Finally, the phone connection is tested. This test  
may take up to 10 min.  
There are no  
point troubles.  
Testing Phone.  
May take 10 min.  
4. Press [CMD] to return to the normal display.  
The keypad displays the result of the phone line  
System Test (Cmd 41)  
I can perform this command.  
Phone Test  
I cannot perform this command.  
Phone Test  
Please check for  
dial tone.  
The System Test ensures your system is operating  
correctly by testing the system’s bell, strobe, battery,  
and phone line. Only those programmed by your  
installing security company will be tested. For example,  
the system may only be programmed to test the back-  
up battery and the bell output.  
6. When the test is complete, the system returns to  
the normal display.  
7. To stop the test currently in progress and skip to  
the next test, press [*] . To abort all system tests  
and return to the normal display, press [CMD].  
I can test:  
System Bell  
System Strobe  
Phone Line  
If any of these components fail to test, contact your  
security company for assistance. Be sure to contact  
your security company before you begin the system  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [1]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The system starts  
the test. The bell output is tested first and should  
sound for approximately 2 sec to 3 sec The display  
Testing Bell.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Walk Test (Cmd 44)  
Walk Test (Cmd 44)  
Reset the System (Cmd 47)  
I can perform this command.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Use this command to walk-test detection devices  
connected to your system. Perform the Walk Test on a  
weekly basis. The types of devices that can be walk-  
tested are configured by your security company.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [4]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
Use this command to reset the system (including fire  
points) after an alarm. Detection devices, such as  
smoke detectors and shock sensors, must be reset after  
being activated. Resetting the system takes about 20  
If points do not reset, contact your installing company  
for help.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The system starts  
the walk test.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [7]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The system resets  
and the keypad displays:  
The keypad display scrolls all points one at a time  
that need to be tested. To successfully test each  
point, you must trigger the corresponding detection  
device, such as reed switch or PIR).  
Pt2 Un-Tested  
Front Door.  
After the system has reset, the keypad display  
automatically returns to the normal display.  
Pt3 Un-Tested  
Pt4 Un-Tested  
Living Room.  
Turn Watch On/Off (Cmd 61)  
I can perform this command.  
To stop test  
Press Cmd.  
I cannot perform this command.  
As each point is tested, the keypad display scrolls:  
Use the Watch feature to “watch” points when the  
system is off. For example, parents with small children  
may want a tone to sound whenever a door or window  
is opened as a way of monitoring the location of the  
Pt2 Tested OK  
Front Door  
Pt3 Tested OK  
4. To stop testing, press [CMD].  
Use this command to turn the watch feature on and off.  
Once you have programmed the system with points to  
watch and the responses (refer to Select Watch Tone  
(Cmd 62) on page 24), you need to turn the watch  
function on and off.  
Test fire detection devices (smoke/heat  
detectors) weekly as instructed by your  
security company and in accordance with  
the devices’ instructions.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [6] [1]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
displays the current Watch status (On or Off).  
4. Press [1] to turn Watch On or press [2] to turn  
Watch Off.  
5. Press [CMD] to exit this feature.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Select Watch Tone (Cmd 62)  
Select Watch Tone (Cmd 62)  
Select Watch Points (Cmd 63)  
I can perform this command.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
The Watch feature gives you the ability to watch points  
when the system is turned off. The system can be  
programmed to alert you to opened doors and  
windows. For example, parents with small children  
may want a tone to sound whenever a door is opened  
to monitor the children.  
Once you decide how your system responds to  
watched points (refer to Select Watch Tone (Cmd 62)),  
you need to decide which of the points in your system  
are “watched”.  
Use this command to tell your system which points to  
watch. You cannot watch 24-hour and 24-hour fire  
Use this command to set the type of response your  
system produces when a watch point is faulted. If you  
wish, you may tell your system to display the identity  
of the point and sound a short tone whenever certain  
doors or windows are opened. Refer to Select Watch  
Points (Cmd 63) to program which points in your  
system are to be watched.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [6] [2]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
Choosing which points to watch depends upon your  
security objective. If you have small children, you may  
choose to watch points of entry and exit. Each time a  
watch point is faulted (door or window is opened), the  
keypad responds as programmed.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [6] [3]. Enter your passcode if  
necessary. The keypad displays all points that are  
currently being watched (Watch On) and those that  
are not (Watch Off), followed by instructions for  
changing the current setting.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
displays the current watch tone.  
4. Select the type of watch tone (1 to 4) you want by  
pressing the appropriate number key.  
3. Press [0] [*] to turn Off all points. Press the  
appropriate number key (non-24-hour points)  
followed by [*] for individual points.  
Table 6: Watch Tone Selection  
The display continues to scroll the remaining  
points. You may continue to program as many  
Watch Points as are available.  
Watch Tone  
4. When you are finished, press [CMD] to return exit  
this command.  
Displays point identity, but  
sounds no tone when points are  
Short Beep  
Displays point identity and  
sounds a short tone when point  
are faulted.  
Extend Auto On Time (Cmd 51)  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Beep Till Key [3]  
Displays point identity and  
sounds a tone until the [CMD]  
key is pressed.  
Displays point identity and  
sounds a tone until the point is  
returned to normal (door or  
Your security company can program your system to  
turn on automatically. Use this command to delay the  
auto-on time by one hour during the auto-on pre-alert  
Beep Till  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is off).  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [1]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
window is closed). Pressing the  
[CMD] key also silences the tone.  
If you just want to review (not change) the current  
watch tone setting, press [CMD] to exit this  
Auto-On Time  
moved to:  
5. After making your selection, the display confirms  
the choice you made.  
6. Press [CMD] to exit this feature.  
To exit,  
Press Cmd.  
4. Press [CMD] to exit.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Change Skeds (Cmd 52)  
5. The keypad scrolls all skeds that turn the system  
All On. Press the number key of the sked you want  
to change followed by [*].  
Change Skeds (Cmd 52)  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Sk# A# All On  
Time ##:##  
Sk# A# 12345678  
Use this command to change the time or date that the  
sked automatically turns the system All On, Part On,  
Part 2 On, off, or operates an output programmed by  
your security company. An output can be  
programmed by your security company to turn on  
lighting, a pool pump, etc.  
6. Enter the time you want the system to  
automatically turn All On (HH:MM). In this  
example, program Sked 1 in Area 1 for 10:35 p.m.  
Sk1 A1 Auto On  
Time 22:35  
7. The second line displays the days as programmed  
by your security company. Enter the days for the  
system to automatically turn All On (Sunday = 1,  
Saturday = 7, and all days = 8). In this example,  
suppose your security company programmed the  
sked for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  
and Friday.  
1. Make sure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [2]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
scrolls all available options.  
4. Push the appropriate key for the option you want.  
Sk1 A1 12345678  
Push [1] to change All On Skeds.  
Push [2] to change Part On Skeds.  
Push [3] to change Part 2 On Skeds.  
Push [4] to change Off Skeds.  
Push [5] to change Output On Skeds.  
Push [6] to change Output Off Skeds.  
8. You want to add Saturday. To add Saturday, press  
Sk1 A1 12345678  
9. You now decide that you do not want this sked to  
activate on Monday. To remove Monday, press  
Sked All Days Feature  
If your security company has programmed  
Sk1 A1 12345678  
all days of the week for the sked you wish  
to change, you must press the [8] key to  
remove all days first (A), and then press  
the corresponding number key(s) to add  
or remove the desired days.  
10. Press [CMD] when you are done changing the  
Part On Skeds  
Refer to Change Skeds (Cmd 52) on page 25 for Steps 1 to  
Sk1 A1 12345678  
5. The keypad scrolls all skeds that turn the system  
Part On. Press the number key of the sked you  
want to change followed by [*].  
The figure above shows an “A” below “8.” This  
indicates the Sked All Days feature is on, which means  
the sked is now active every day of the week. If you do  
not want to use this feature, press the [8] key once to  
clear the “A”, and then press the corresponding  
number key(s) to activate or deactivate the sked for the  
desired day(s).  
Sk# A# Part On  
Time ##:##  
Sk# A# 12345678  
6. Enter the time for the system to automatically turn  
Part On (HH:MM). In this example, program Sked  
2 in Area 1 for 5:00 p.m.  
For example, if you do not want your sked to operate  
on Mondays and Wednesdays, first press the [8] key to  
turn the All Days feature off. Then press the  
corresponding number keys to clear Monday and  
Wednesday from the sked.  
Sk2 A1 Part On  
Time 17:00  
All On Skeds  
Refer to Change Skeds (Cmd 52) on page 25 for Steps 1 to  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Change Skeds (Cmd 52)  
7. The second line displays the days as programmed  
by your security company. Enter the days for the  
system to automatically turn All On (Sunday = 1,  
Saturday = 7, and all days = 8). In this example,  
suppose your security company programmed the  
sked for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  
and Friday.  
10. Press [CMD] when you are done changing the  
Sk2 A1 12345678  
8. You want to add Saturday. To add Saturday, press  
[7] .  
Sk2 A1 12345678  
9. You now decide that you do not want this sked to  
activate on Monday. To remove Monday, press  
Sk2 A1 12345678  
10. Press [CMD] when you are done changing the  
Part 2 On Skeds  
Refer to Change Skeds (Cmd 52) on page 25 for Steps 1 to  
5. The keypad scrolls all skeds that turn the system  
Part 2 On. Press the number key of the sked you  
want to change followed by [*].  
Sk# A# Part On  
Time ##:##  
Sk# A# 12345678  
6. Enter the time for the system to automatically turn  
Part 2 On (HH:MM). In this example, program  
Sked 3 in Area 2 for 7:30 p.m.  
Sk3 A2 Part On  
Time 19:30  
7. The second line displays the days as programmed  
by your security company. Enter the days for the  
system to automatically turn All On (Sunday = 1,  
Saturday = 7, and all days = 8). In this example,  
suppose your security company programmed the  
sked for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  
and Friday.  
Sk3 A2 12345678  
8. You want to add Saturday. To add Saturday, press  
Sk3 A2 12345678  
9. You now decide that you do not want this sked to  
activate on Monday. To remove Monday, press  
Sk3 A2 12345678  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Change Skeds (Cmd 52)  
7. The second line displays the days as programmed  
by your security company. Enter the days for the  
Off Skeds  
Refer to Change Skeds (Cmd 52) on page 25 for Steps 1 to  
5. The keypad scrolls all skeds that turn the system  
off. Press the number key of the sked you want to  
change followed by [*].  
system to automatically turn All On (Sunday = 1,  
Saturday = 7, and all days = 8). In this example,  
suppose your security company programmed the  
sked for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  
and Friday.  
Sk# A# Off  
Time ##:##  
Sk# A# 12345678  
6. Enter the time for the system to automatically turn  
off (HH:MM). In this example, program Sked 4 in  
Area 3 to turn off at 7:00 a.m.  
8. You want to add Saturday. To add Saturday, press  
Sk4 A3 Off  
Time 07:00  
9. You now decide that you do not want this sked to  
activate on Monday. To remove Monday, press  
7. The second line displays the days as programmed  
by your security company. Enter the days for the  
system to automatically turn All On (Sunday = 1,  
Saturday = 7, and all days = 8). In this example,  
suppose your security company programmed the  
sked for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  
and Friday.  
10. Press [CMD] if you are done changing the sked.  
Output Off Skeds  
Sk4 A3 12345678  
This section is intended for turning  
outputs off.  
8. You want to add Saturday. To add Saturday, press  
Refer to Change Skeds (Cmd 52) on page 25 for Steps 1 to  
5. The keypad scrolls all skeds that turn the outputs  
off. Press the number key of the sked you want to  
change followed by [*].  
Sk4 A3 12345678  
9. You now decide that you do not want this sked to  
activate on Monday. To remove Monday, press  
Sk# Output ## Off  
Time ##:##  
Sk4 A3 12345678  
6. Enter the time for the system to automatically  
operate Output 01 (HH:MM). In this example,  
Sked 5 is set for 1:00 a.m.  
10. Press [CMD] when you are done changing the  
Output On Skeds  
Sk6 Output 1 Off  
Time 24:00  
This section is intended for turning  
outputs on.  
7. The second line displays the days as programmed  
by your security company. Enter the days for the  
system to automatically turn All On (Sunday = 1,  
Saturday = 7, and all days = 8). In this example,  
suppose your security company programmed the  
sked for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  
and Friday.  
Refer to Change Skeds (Cmd 52) on page 25 for Steps 1  
to 4.  
5. The keypad scrolls all skeds that turn the outputs  
on. Press the number key of the sked you want to  
change followed by [*].  
Sk# Output ## On  
Time ##:##  
8. You want to add Saturday. To add Saturday, press  
6. Enter the time for the system to automatically  
operate Output 01 (HH:MM). In this example,  
Sked 5 is set for 12:00 a.m.  
Sk5 Output 1 On  
Time 24:00  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Change Outputs (Cmd 54)  
9. You now decide that you do not want this sked to  
activate on Monday. To remove Monday, press  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
Remote Program  
in progress.  
If your system is busy and cannot call your  
security company’s remote PC computer, the  
keypad displays:  
10. Press [CMD] when you are done changing the  
System Busy.  
Change Outputs (Cmd 54)  
Try again later.  
4. The keypad automatically returns to the normal  
display when programming is complete.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Use this command to turn on and off the outputs  
programmed by your security company. These outputs  
can control outside lighting, pool pumps, watering  
systems, etc.  
All Areas Off (Cmd 81)  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
Depending on the areas assigned to your authority  
level, this command turns off all areas at the same time  
when the system is split into more than one area.  
1. Press [CMD] [8] [1]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid code.  
2. Press [CMD] [5] [4]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
2. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
indicates that all areas are off.  
Turn all Outputs  
Off? Press 0*  
Output 1 is On  
To turn Off  
All Areas On (Cmd 80)  
I can perform this command.  
Press 1*  
I cannot perform this command.  
4. Press [0] [*] if you want to turn all outputs off, or  
press the output number you want to turn off  
followed by [*]. For example, if you want to turn  
Output 1 off, you press [1] [*]. The keypad  
Depending on the areas assigned to your authority  
level, this command turns on all areas at the same time  
when the system is split into more than one area.  
1. Press [CMD] [8] [0]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
Output 1 is Off  
To Turn On  
2. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
5. Press [CMD] to return the keypad to the normal  
All Areas All On  
Exit Now!  
If an area has a faulted point(s) when you try to  
turn all areas All On, the keypad scrolls:  
Remote Program (Cmd 43)  
I can perform this command.  
Area 2 not ready  
Smiths Residence  
I cannot perform this command.  
Area 4 not ready  
Smiths Residence  
Use this command to connect to your security  
company’s remote PC computer for programming  
alterations via the telephone line.  
To force area on  
hold All On key.  
Only use this command when your  
security company instructs you to.  
To stop,  
press Cmd.  
3. If you hold down the All On key for 2 sec., it  
forces all areas to All On.  
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is  
2. Press [CMD] [4] [3]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
All Areas All On  
Exit Now!  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Move to Area (Cmd 50)  
4. The keypad now displays all areas that have been  
forced on, one at a time.  
Auto-Forward On Setup  
(Cmd 83)  
A-2 Forced On  
Smiths Residence  
To utilize this command you must have “call  
forwarding” service from your local telephone  
company. Using that service, your security system  
allows you to program the auto-forward on sequence  
that forwards all incoming calls to the telephone  
number of your choice when you turn the system All  
A-4 Forced On  
Smiths Residence  
Move to Area (Cmd 50)  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
1. Press [CMD] [8] [3]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
2. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
display scrolls:  
Use this command to operate multiple areas from the  
same keypad when the system is split into more than  
one area. Before operating another area, move the  
keypad to the area that you want to operate.  
1. Press [CMD] [5] [0]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
Auto-Forward On  
setup mode.  
Enter digits for  
Auto-Forward On  
2. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
scrolls through all available areas you can move to.  
In this example, you are at Area 1 keypad, which  
prompts you to press 2 to go to Area 2 or to press  
3 to go to Area 3:  
For ‘pause’ (P),  
press All On.  
For ‘flash’ (F)  
press Part On.  
To go to Area 2  
Smiths Residence  
A and C keys  
move cursor.  
Press 2.  
To delete digit,  
Press B key.  
To go to Area 3  
Smiths Residence  
To view and edit  
press Bypass.  
Press 3.  
To stop edit,  
Press Bypass.  
To exit  
Press Cmd.  
To exit,  
Hold Cmd.  
3. Press [CMD] to exit this feature.  
4. To return your keypad to its “home” area, press  
and hold [CMD].  
3. Enter the auto-forward off sequence to redirect all  
incoming calls.  
4. Press and hold [Cmd] to exit this command.  
A typical dialing sequence might be:  
two-digit telephone company feature code (72)  
phone number to forward to (315-555-1212)  
flash (on-hook, pause, off-hook)  
terminate (t)  
For this sequence, the entry would look like:  
7 2 p 3 1 5 5 5 5 1 2 1 2 f t  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Auto-Forward Off Setup (Cmd 84)  
Auto-Forward Off Setup  
(Cmd 84)  
Auto-Forward On/Off (Cmd 82)  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
I can perform this command.  
Use this command to turn the auto-forward feature on  
or off as necessary.  
1. Press [CMD] [8] [2]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
2. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
displays the current status and the available  
I cannot perform this command.  
Use this command to program the auto-forward off  
sequence that cancels the redirecting of all incoming  
calls to another telephone number when you turn the  
system off.  
1. Press [CMD] [8] [4]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
Program the Auto-Forward feature by pressing [1]  
to turn Auto-Forward On, or [2] to turn Auto-  
Forward Off. For example, if Auto-Forward is On,  
press [2] to turn it Off.  
2. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
display scrolls:  
Auto-Forward Off  
setup mode.  
3. To exit this function, press [CMD].  
Enter digits for  
Auto-Forward Off  
For ‘pause’ (P),  
press All On.  
For ‘flash’ (F)  
press Part On.  
A and C keys  
move cursor.  
To delete digit,  
Press B key.  
To view and edit  
press Bypass.  
To stop edit,  
Press Bypass.  
To exit,  
Hold Cmd.  
3. Enter the auto-forward off sequence to redirect all  
incoming calls.  
4. Press and hold [CMD] to exit this command.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Remote Arming with Telephone, Area 1  
Remote Arming with Telephone,  
Area 1  
View Log (Cmd 85)  
I can perform this command.  
I can perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
I cannot perform this command.  
Use this command to display system events, such as  
alarm events, turning the system All On, Part On, and  
Part 2 On, and turning the system off. Events are  
displayed in reverse chronological order.  
This function controls the built-in telephone arming  
feature for Area 1. When enabled, the control panel  
answers the phone on the programmed ring count.  
1. Press [CMD] [8] [5]. The keypad may prompt you  
to enter a valid passcode.  
2. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad  
displays the event and user information and the  
date and time of the event.  
3. Press [*] to view to the next event.  
4. Press [CMD] to exit this function and return to the  
normal display.  
When the control panel answers the phone, it  
Sounds three beeps and starts the handshake tone  
for remote programming if the control panel is All  
or Part On.  
Sounds one short beep, waits approximately 3 sec.,  
and then sounds one long beep if the control panel  
is Off. Press and hold the [5] key* for 2 sec.  
immediately after the first short arming beep and  
before the long beep begins.  
Figure 6 shows a sample log event entry as  
displayed on the Text keypad:  
Arms if it detects a [5] key press from the  
telephone (All On with Delay, faulted points are  
force-armed). The control panel sounds three  
beeps (new armed state) and then hangs up.  
Figure 6: Display layout  
If arming from a cell phone, quickly press the [5] key three times. If  
pressing and holding the [5] key for 2 sec. from a house (land line)  
phone does not produce a tone long enough to arm Area 1, retry  
by quickly pressing the [5] key three times.  
Sensor Mon Rstl  
Sensor Mon Rstl  
A1 Pt3  
Remotely disarming the control panel  
cannot be done with a telephone.  
1 - Event  
2 - Event specific  
4 - Destination 2  
5 - Time of event  
6 - Date of event  
3 - Destination 1  
The first line of the log shows the event  
description. The second line of the log display  
alternates between the time and date of the event  
and the area, point (device), user and  
communication information for the event. The  
keypad displays time in a 24-hour format and the  
date in a MM/DD/YY format.  
The log displays the following characters to  
communicate certain information:  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Basic Pager Reports  
Table 7: Character Code Information  
Basic Pager Reports  
A pager’s display can show up to four fields of  
information in the following order:  
Area number  
Point number  
Device number  
Figure 7: Pager Display format  
(Account Number) - (Event Number) - (Area Number) - (Point/User Number)  
Phone line number  
Minutes until Auto Arm Sked  
User Code number  
Output number  
Keyswitch number  
User number  
Communication status for Routing Destinations  
1 and 2  
Destination disabled  
Deleted from pending buffer by control panel  
Account Number: 4-digit account number. If the  
account number is greater than four digits, the first  
four digits are sent.  
Event Number: Panel event numbers. See Panel  
Event Descriptions on page 43 for information on  
control panel events.  
Area Number: Area number the faulted point is  
assigned to.  
Point/User Number: Point number assigned to  
the faulted point. This field can also show a User  
ID number.  
- (dash)  
Depending on its configuration, your pager can display  
any combination of the four fields shown in the order  
above with or without field separators. For example:  
Account Number: 1234  
Event Number: 08  
Area Number: 02  
Point Faulted: 21  
A pager display configured to show all four fields with  
separators using the sample information from above  
would look like:  
A pager display configured to show all four fields  
without separators using the sample information from  
above would look like:  
Contact your security company to modify pager  
display configuration.  
User IDs 1 to 32 are reserved for system user.  
User ID 252 is reserved for sked operation.  
User ID 253 is reserved for remote telephone  
User ID 254 is reserved for remote programming  
User ID 255 is reserved for keyswitch operation.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Control Panel Event Descriptions  
Control Panel Event Descriptions  
The following table lists the events generated by the control panel. These events appear in the control panel log by  
name and in the pager display by event number.  
Table 8: Control Panel Event Descriptions  
Event #  
Event #  
AC Fail  
AC power to control panel  
Rstrl Batt Low Battery restoral from low battery.  
AC Restore  
AC power to control panel  
Alarm from detection device  
tampered with.  
Alarm from emergency detection  
device or ABC key programmed  
for emergency response.  
Rstrl Batt  
Bypass, Fire,  
Bypass, Fire,  
Battery restoral from missing  
Selective bypass by user of fire  
detection device.  
Selective bypass of fire detection  
device by RAM IV.  
Alarm, Panic  
Alarm from panic/emergency  
detection device.  
Alarm from detection device that  
does not appear at keypad during  
alarm or trouble conditions.  
Bypass, Ctrl,  
Bypass, Ctrl,  
Selective bypass by user of  
controlled detection device.  
Selective bypass by RAM IV of  
controlled detection device.  
24-hr. Burg  
Alarm from burglary detection  
device on 24 hours per day.  
Bypass, 24-hr, Selective bypass by user of 24-hr.  
non-fire detection device.  
Alarm, Cntrl,  
Alarm from detection device with  
entry/exit delays.  
Bypass, 24-  
hr., RAM IV  
Selective bypass by RAM IV of 24-  
hr. non-fire detection device.  
Alarm from detection device such  
as keyswitches, motion detectors  
(followers), or devices that initiate  
an alarm immediately (do not follow  
any entry/exit delays).  
Tamper alarm from detection  
device with Cross Point option  
Emergency alarm from detection  
device with Cross Point option  
Panic alarm from detection device  
with Cross Point option selected.  
Detection device force-armed  
Point swinger bypassed.  
Forced Pt  
Fire, Usr  
User cleared bypass (unbypass) of  
fire detection device.  
Cross, Panic  
Ctrl, Usr  
24-hr., Usr  
User cleared bypass (unbypass) of  
controlled detection device.  
User cleared bypass (unbypass) of  
24-hr. detection device.  
Panic alarm from invisible detection 36  
device with Cross Point option  
24-hr. Burg  
Burglary alarm from detection  
device with Cross Point option  
Alarm from entry/exit detection  
device with Cross Point option  
Alarm from keyswitch, follower, or  
instant detection device with Cross  
Point option selected.  
Fault on one non-fire point type  
with Cross Point option selected.  
This is not an alarm event.  
Call For  
Report sent automatically at Call  
For Service interval. Does not  
indicate a trouble condition.  
User acknowledged active alarm  
before bell time expired for non-fire  
detection device.  
User acknowledged active alarm  
before bell time expired for fire  
detection device.  
Checksum on control panel  
parameters failed. Contact security  
company to verify control panel  
Cross, Cntrl,  
Cancel Alarm  
Cancel Fire  
Alarm Exit  
Detection device faulted at end of  
exit delay.  
Fail, SDI  
Checksum on SDI device  
parameters failed. Contact security  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Control Panel Event Descriptions  
Table 8: Control Panel Event Descriptions (continued)  
Event #  
Event #  
Cls, All, +Dly,  
System turned All On with  
entry/exit delay by sked.  
Frc, Prt,  
+Dly, KS  
System forced Part On with  
exit/entry delay by keyswitch.  
Cls, All, +Dly,  
Cls, All, +Dly,  
System turned All On with  
entry/exit delay by keyswitch.  
System turned All On with  
entry/exit delay by  
Frc, Prt,  
+Dly, RAM IV  
Frc, Prt,  
+Dly, Usr  
System forced Part On with  
exit/entry delay by RAM IV.  
System forced Part On with  
exit/entry delay by user.  
Cls, All, +Dly,  
System turned All On with  
entry/exit delay by telephone.  
Frc, Prt,  
System forced Part On with no  
delay (instant) by RAM IV.  
Cls, All,  
-Dly, Usrl  
Cls, All,  
System turned All On with no delay 67  
(instant) by user.  
System turned All On with no delay 70  
(instant) by RAM IV.  
Frc, Prt,  
-Dly, Usr  
Comm Fail,  
System forced Part On with no  
delay (instant) by user.  
Report failed to reach routing  
destination configured for Alternate  
Cls, All,  
-Dly, Usr  
System turned All On with no delay 71  
(instant) by user.  
After communication fail, report  
successfully sent to routing  
After communication fail, report  
successfully sent to routing  
destination configured for Alternate  
Cls, Prt,  
+Dly, Skd  
System turned Part On with  
entry/exit delay by sked.  
Comm Rstl,  
Cls, Prt, +Dly, System turned Part On with  
KS entry/exit delay by keyswitch.  
Cls, Prt, +Dly, System turned Part On with  
RAM IV entry/exit delay by RAM IV.  
Date/Time in control panel  
User entered Duress passcode or  
pressed Panic key sequence on RF  
Cls, Prt, +Dly, System turned Part On with  
Fire, Alarm  
Fire, Cross  
Alarm event on fire detection  
Verified alarm event on fire  
detection device with Cross Point  
entry/exit delay by user.  
Cls, Prt,  
System turned Part On with no  
delay (instant) by RAM IV.  
Cls, Prt,  
-Dly, Usr  
System turned Part On with no  
delay (instant) by user.  
Unverified alarm event on fire  
detection device with Cross Point  
Fire detection device assigned to  
point expander (wired or RF) not  
responding to control panel status  
Frc, All, +Dly,  
System forced All On with  
entry/exit delay by sked.  
Fire, Missing  
Frc, All, +Dly,  
Frc, All, +Dly,  
Frc, All, +Dly,  
Frc, All, +Dly,  
System forced All On with  
entry/exit delay by keyswitch.  
System forced All On with  
entry/exit delay by RAM IV.  
System forced All On with  
entry/exit delay by telephone.  
System forced All On with  
entry/exit delay by user.  
System forced All On with no delay 83  
(instant) by RAM IV.  
Fire, Alarm,  
Fire, Trouble  
Restoral from alarm, fire detection  
Trouble condition on fire detection  
Restoral from trouble, fire detection  
Installer passcode entered. Installer  
Mode accessed.  
Fire, Trbl, Rstl  
Instl Mode,  
Instl Mode,  
Frc, All,  
Installer Mode exited.  
Frc, All,  
-Dly, Usr  
Frc, Prt,  
+Dly, Skd  
System forced All On with no delay 84  
(instant) by user.  
Log Overflow  
Panel log overflow condition.  
Oldest events being overwritten.  
System forced Part On with  
exit/entry delay by sked.  
Log Threshold Panel log reached threshold.  
Contact your security company.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Control Panel Event Descriptions  
Table 8: Control Panel Event Descriptions (continued)  
Event #  
Event #  
AllCom Low  
Low signal strength detected on  
alternate communication device.  
Output Set,  
Relay set by sked.  
Point assigned to point expander  
(wired or RF) not responding to  
control panel status poll while  
system is armed.  
Point assigned to point expander  
(wired or RF) not responding to  
control panel status poll while  
system is armed.  
Output Set,  
Relay set by RAM IV.  
Rstrl, Tamper  
Restoral from alarm, Tamper point  
Open, Skd  
Opening by sked.  
Rstrl, Panic  
Restoral from alarm, Emergency  
point type.  
Restoral from alarm, Panic point  
Restoral from alarm, Invisible point  
Restoral from alarm, 24-hour burglary  
point types.  
Open, RAM  
Open, Usr  
Opening by RAM IV.  
Opening by user, by ID reported.  
Opening by keyswitch.  
Rstrl, Invisible  
24-hr Burg  
Open, KS  
Rstrl, Cntrl, Dly  
Rstrl, Cntrl  
Restoral from alarm, controlled point  
Open, Skd,  
Open, RAM  
IV, Alarm  
Open, Usr,  
Open, KS,  
Opening after alarm event by sked.  
Restoral from alarm, controlled point  
Opening after alarm event by  
Opening after alarm event, ID  
Opening after alarm event by  
Point opened by Independent  
Point Control device.  
Rcvr Jam  
Jammed condition detected on  
premises RF receiver.  
Rcvr Jam Rstl  
Jammed condition detected on  
premises RF received cleared.  
RF Battery  
RF Battery  
RF Tamper  
RF Tamper  
Low battery detected on premises  
RF transmitter.  
Low battery condition detected on  
premises RF transmitter cleared.  
Premises RF Transmitter Tamper  
Premises RF Transmitter Tamper  
Panel parameters changed.  
Phone Line  
Phone Line  
Phone the voltage less than 3 V for 123  
40 sec.  
After Phone Line Fail event, phone  
line voltage detected at greater  
3 V for 40 sec.  
Bad Call to  
Panel attempted to call RAM IV but 125  
was unsuccessful.  
SDI Missing  
SDI device not responding to  
SDI device declared as missing  
now responding to polling.  
RAM IV attempted to connect to  
control panel but was  
SDI Missing,  
Access Fail  
Access OK  
RAM IV successfully connected  
and disconnected from control  
SDI Tamper  
Tamper open on SDI Device  
Re-Boot SDI  
Normal start-up or reset with  
installer switch.  
Unexpected reset (reboot) from  
SDI device.  
SDI Tamper,  
SDI Trouble  
SDI Device Tamper restored.  
Trouble detected on SDI device.  
Output Reset, Relay reset by user.  
Output Reset, Relay reset by sked.  
SDI Trouble,  
SDI Over  
SDI (option bus) device trouble  
condition cleared.  
Over current condition detected on  
SDI device.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Control Panel Event Descriptions  
Table 8: Control Panel Event Descriptions (continued)  
Event #  
Event #  
Output Reset, Relay reset by RAM IV.  
SDI OverCur,  
Over current condition on SDI  
device restored.  
Output Set,  
Relay set by user.  
Sensor Mon  
Sensor trouble detected.  
Sensor Mon  
Sensor trouble condition restored.  
User pressed Cmd 47.  
User Code  
User Code deleted.  
Sensor Reset  
User Code  
Invalid User Codes entered at  
keypad exceeded User Tamper  
retry count.  
System was not armed in inactive  
interval. Cmd 47 or arming system  
resets this trouble.  
User Level  
User Level set.  
Test, OK  
No system troubles at automatic  
test report time.  
System trouble present at test  
Trouble condition on Tamper or  
Voice Active detection device(s).  
Walk Test  
Walk Test  
Walk Test started with Cmd 44.  
Test, Off-  
Trbl, Tamper  
Walk Test ended by user or timed  
Trouble condition detected on  
Programmable Output 2  
configured as supervised siren  
Siren Trouble  
Trbl, Panic  
Trouble condition o Emergency  
detection device(s).  
Trouble condition on Panic  
detection device(s).  
Siren Restoral Trouble condition on supervised  
siren output cleared.  
Grnd Fault  
Ground fault detected on control  
panel is sensor loops, SDI bus, or  
Aux power outputs.  
Trbl, Invisible  
Trouble condition on Invisible  
detection device(s).  
Trouble condition on Burglary or  
Independent Point Control  
detection device(s).  
Grnd Fault,  
First Open  
Ground fault condition cleared.  
24-hr. Burg  
Panel is configured for multiple  
area functions: first to open, last to  
close. Last area has closed.  
Trbl, Cntrl, Dly Trouble condition on Delay  
detection device(s).  
Last Close  
Panel is configured for multiple  
area functions: first to open, last to  
close. Last area has closed.  
Trouble detected on alternate  
communication network.  
Trbl, Cntrl  
Trouble condition on Keyswitch  
Follower and Instant detection  
Rstrl, Trbl,  
Restoral from trouble condition on  
Tamper or Voice Active detection  
AltComm Fail  
AltComm Rstl  
Network failure detected on  
alternate communication network.  
Rstrl, Trbl,  
Restoral from trouble condition on  
Emergency detection device(s).  
Network communications resumed  
on alternate communications  
Rstrl, Trbl,  
Rstrl, Trbl,  
Restoral from trouble condition on  
Panic detection device(s).  
Restoral from trouble condition on  
Invisible detection device(s).  
Rstrl, Trbl, 24- Restoral form trouble condition on  
Burglary Independent Point  
Control detection device(s).  
Rstrl, Trbl, Dly Restoral form trouble condition on  
Delay detection device(s).  
Rstrl, Trbl,  
Restoral from trouble condition on  
Keyswitch, Follower, and Instant  
detection device(s).  
Rstrl, Swinger Restoral from Swinger Bypass.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Control Panel Event Descriptions  
Table 8: Control Panel Event Descriptions (continued)  
Event #  
Event #  
User Code  
Area Set  
User Code “added” by assigning  
Rstrl, Swinger Restoral from Swinger Bypass.  
User Code  
Rstrl, Alarm,  
User Code changed.  
Rstrl, Fire,  
Restoral from Fire Missing. Local  
event, no report.  
Bypass on 24-hr detection  
device(s) cleared using RAM IV  
Restoral from Missing. Local event, 180  
no report.  
Rstrl, Trble,  
Rstl, Low  
Local event. No report.  
RF Battery  
RF Battery  
Low battery condition on RF  
Low battery condition on RF keyfob  
Restoral from alternate  
communication low signal strength  
Bypass on Fire detection device(s)  
cleared using RAM IV (unbypass).  
Default PINS  
Installer or User PINs are not  
changed from default. Local event  
Installer or User default PINs are  
changed. Local event only.  
Bypass on Controlled detection  
devices(s) cleared using RAM IV  
Default PINS  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Security System Limitations  
Security System Limitations  
Fire Safety and Evacuation  
Not even the most advanced security system can  
guarantee protection against burglary, fire, or  
environmental threats. All security systems are subject  
to possible compromise or failure-to-warn for a variety  
of reasons including, but not limited to:  
Residential fire is a leading cause of accidental death.  
Most fire related deaths occur at night when occupants  
suffocate in their sleep from smoke and toxic gases,  
rather than from burns. To help reduce this risk, the  
following program should be implemented.  
1. Minimize fire hazards. Smoking in bed, cleaning  
with flammable liquids such as gasoline, leaving  
children home alone, and using unsafe holiday  
decorations are some of the common causes of  
household fire.  
2. Install a fire alarm system. The primary purpose of  
this system is to protect lives by giving the earliest  
possible warning of danger.  
3. A smoke detector should be provided to protect  
each sleeping area in a home.  
4. Practice an escape plan. Because there may be  
very little time between detection of a fire and the  
time it becomes deadly, it is important that every  
family member understands how to quickly  
evacuate according to the plan.  
5. Plan both primary and alternate escape routes.  
Since stairwells and hallways may be blocked  
during a fire, exiting through a bedroom window  
must be a part of the escape plan. If the sleeping  
area is above the ground floor, install a means of  
safely descending outside the building if one does  
not already exist.  
6. As a part of this plan, all family members should  
arrange to meet at a location away from the house  
(such as a neighbor’s house) so you will know that  
everyone is accounted for.  
If sirens or horns are placed outside the hearing  
range of people in remote areas of the building or  
in areas that are frequently closed off, they do not  
provide the intended protection.  
If intruders gain access through unprotected points  
of entry, the system does not detect their entrance.  
If intruders have the technical means of bypassing,  
jamming, or disconnecting all or part of the system,  
they are not be detected.  
If the AC power supply is OFF and the back up  
battery is either missing or dead, sensors do not  
detect intrusion.  
Smoke detectors cannot detect smoke in chimneys,  
walls, or roofs, or smoke blocked by a closed door.  
They may not detect smoke or fire on a level of the  
building different from the one on which they are  
located. Smoke detectors may not be able to warn  
in time about fires started by explosions, improper  
storage of flammables, overloaded electrical  
circuits, or other types of hazardous conditions.  
If phone lines are out of service, reports from the  
security system to the security company cannot be  
sent. Telephone lines are vulnerable to  
compromise by several means.  
Inadequate maintenance and failure to test are the most  
common causes of alarm failure. It is strongly  
7. If it is determined that the alarm was accidentally  
sounded, the bell should be silenced, the detectors  
reset, and your security company notified  
immediately that there is no emergency situation.  
recommended that you test your system once a week to  
be sure that all system components are working  
properly. Although having a security system may make  
you eligible for reduced insurance premiums, the  
system is no substitute for insurance. Warning devices  
cannot compensate you for loss of life or property.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Fire Safety and Evacuation  
Figure 8: Smoke Detector locations  
1 - Bedroom  
2 - Hall  
3 - Living room  
4 - Dining room  
5 - Basement  
6 - Recreation room  
7 - Kitchen  
* - Smoke detector  
A smoke detector should be located on each story including basements, but excluding crawl spaces  
and unfinished attics. Locate smoke detectors between sleeping areas and family living areas.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Maintenance and Service  
Maintenance and Service  
This security system requires very little maintenance;  
however, you should test the system weekly to ensure it  
is working properly. A test schedule and maintenance  
program can be arranged. If you notice a change in  
operation during normal use or testing, call for service  
as soon as possible. Do not attempt to repair the  
control panel, keypads, or detectors yourself.  
Refer to Figure 1 on page 2 for security company,  
contact, and installation information.  
Power Failure  
If the keypad indicates a power failure and you have  
power in the rest of your premises, there may be a  
problem with the electrical transformer or circuit  
breaker supplying power to your security control panel.  
First, check to be sure that the transformer is securely  
plugged into the electrical outlet. If it appears to be  
damaged in any way, do not attempt to repair it. Call  
your security company for service.  
Refer to Figure 1 on page 2 for transformer information.  
If the transformer is plugged in, check the circuit  
breaker supplying power to the outlet. If the breaker is  
tripped, check the appliances on the circuit for signs of  
electrical problems. Make sure someone has not  
intentionally turned the breaker off. When all is clear,  
reset the breaker.  
Refer to Figure 1 on page 2 for the circuit breaker  
How to clean the keypad  
If your keypad gets dirty, apply a household glass  
cleaner to a clean cloth or paper towel and wipe the  
surface. Do not spray any liquid directly onto the  
keypad. It could run inside the case and damage  
electrical circuits.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Glossary  
24-Hour Point: Points that are always on even when  
the system is turned off. There are two types of 24-hour  
Points: Fire Points and Non-Fire Points.  
Part 2 On: User-defined subset of the controlled points.  
Part 2 On with No Delay (Instant) is an option. No Exit or  
Entry Delay is provided with No Delay option.  
Point: Detection device or group of devices connected to  
your security system.  
All On: All controlled points are armed. All On with No  
Delay (Instant) is an option. No Exit or Entry Delay is  
provided with the No Delay option.  
RAM IV: Remote Account Manager IV; a Windows® –  
based account management and control panel  
programming utility designed to remotely set up and  
program specific control panels.  
Burglary Alarm Tone: Constant warble tone.  
Central Station: Facility where trained personnel  
monitor a security system 24 hours a day. The security  
system may be programmed to contact the central station  
during alarm conditions, enabling central station  
personnel to dispatch the proper authorities.  
Restoral Report: Signal transmitted upon the removal of  
a trouble or alarm condition from an alarm circuit.  
SDI: Serial Device Interface.  
Controlled Point: Point that responds to alarm  
conditions depending upon whether the system is turned  
on or off.  
Sked: Scheduling parameter that allows a selected event  
to happen at a specific time.  
Trouble: Service condition that needs to be corrected,  
such as a broken wire.  
Entry Delay: Programmed delay of the system alarm  
responses that allows a person to enter the building  
through the entry door to turn the system off. An alarm  
response begins if the area is not disarmed before Entry  
Delay expires.  
Trouble Tone: Repeating warble tone that is on briefly,  
followed by a pause, and then followed by the warble  
Warble Tone: Tone that is on for 1 sec., then briefly off.  
Error Tone: Same warble tone as Trouble Tone, but not  
Exit Delay: Programmed delay of the system alarm  
responses that allow a person to exit the area before the  
system turns on. An alarm response begins if a point is  
faulted after Exit Delay expires.  
Faulted Point: Point that is not normal, such as an open  
door or window.  
Fire Alarm Tone: Warble tone that is on for 1 sec. and  
then briefly off (repeatedly).  
Force Arming: Method of overriding the safety feature  
that prevents arming with a faulted circuit on a control  
Instant Alarm: Point type that initiates an alarm  
immediately when faulted. This point type does not follow  
any Entry/Exit Delay time.  
No Delay: Turning the system on without Entry or Exit  
Non-Fire Point: Type of 24-hour point that is always on  
and cannot be turned off.  
Off: Controlled points that are not armed (system is off).  
Off Display: Display that appears when the system is  
turned off and no keys are pressed (normal display).  
On: System is turned on (armed). Controlled points are  
armed and begin an alarm response if faulted.  
Part On: Installer-defined subset of the controlled points.  
Part On with No Delay (Instant) is an option. No Exit or  
Entry Delay is provided with the No Delay option.  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Index  
System Trouble ................................................................20  
1 - Turn System All On...................................................10  
2 - Turn System Part On.................................................11  
3 - Turn System Part 2 On..............................................12  
4 - Check System Troubles.............................................20  
40 - View Alarm Memory...............................................21  
41 - System Test...............................................................22  
42 - View System Trouble ..............................................21  
43 - Remote Program ......................................................28  
44 - Walk Test..................................................................23  
45 - Date and Time..........................................................16  
47 - Reset System.............................................................23  
48 - View Point Trouble..................................................22  
49 - Keypad Adjust..........................................................10  
50 - Move to Area............................................................29  
51 - Extend Auto On Time.............................................24  
52 - Change Skeds ...........................................................25  
53 - Renew One-time Passcode......................................20  
54 - Change Outputs .......................................................28  
55 - Change Passcode......................................................16  
56 - (Select 1) Change Others’ Passcodes......................17  
56 - (Select 2) Change Others’ Passcode Authority  
56 - (Select 3) Add a Passcode........................................18  
58 - Delete Passcode........................................................19  
61 - Turn Watch On/Off.................................................23  
62 - Select Watch Tone...................................................24  
63 - Select Watch Points..................................................24  
65 - Set Part 2 Points........................................................12  
80 - All Areas On.............................................................28  
81 - All Areas Off.............................................................28  
82 - Auto-Forward On/Off .............................................30  
83 - Auto-Forward On Setup..........................................29  
84 - Auto-Forward Off Setup..........................................30  
85 - View Log...................................................................31  
Control Panel  
24-Hour Point......................................................................... 6  
Fire...................................................................................... 6  
Non Fire ............................................................................. 6  
Add a Passcode.................................................................... 18  
Alarm Memory  
View.................................................................................. 21  
Burglary.............................................................................. 8  
Fire...................................................................................... 8  
Reporting............................................................................ 8  
Silence................................................................................. 9  
All Areas Off ........................................................................ 28  
All Areas On ........................................................................ 28  
All Day Skeds....................................................................... 25  
All On Skeds........................................................................ 25  
Move to ............................................................................ 29  
All Off............................................................................... 28  
All On............................................................................... 28  
Area 1  
Remotely with telephone ........................................... 31  
Authority Levels  
Others’ Passcode  
Change......................................................................... 17  
Auto On Time  
Extend .............................................................................. 24  
Off Setup .......................................................................... 30  
On Setup .......................................................................... 29  
On/Off.............................................................................. 30  
Event Descriptions...........................................................33  
Controlled Point.....................................................................6  
Basic Pager Reports............................................................. 32  
Burglary Alarm ...................................................................... 8  
Keypad Tone ..................................................................... 7  
Bypass Points........................................................................ 15  
Delay Silent...........................................................................13  
Delete Passcode....................................................................19  
Control Panel Events.......................................................33  
Others’ Passcode.............................................................. 17  
Authority Levels.......................................................... 17  
Outputs............................................................................. 28  
Passcode ........................................................................... 16  
Skeds................................................................................. 25  
Entry Delay  
Keypad Tone......................................................................7  
Keypad Tone......................................................................7  
System Status ..................................................................... 9  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Index  
Event Descriptions  
Security System................................................................38  
Control Panel................................................................... 33  
Exit Delay  
Keypad Tone ..................................................................... 7  
Log Out of the System...........................................................9  
Power................................................................................ 40  
Faulted Point .......................................................................... 6  
View.................................................................................. 15  
Fire Alarm  
Keypad Tone ..................................................................... 7  
Fire Alarms............................................................................. 8  
Fire Point ................................................................................ 6  
Fire Safety and Evacuation ................................................. 38  
Fire Trouble Events............................................................... 8  
Force Arm............................................................................. 14  
Move to Area........................................................................29  
No Delay  
Turn System On with......................................................12  
Non Fire  
24-Hour Point.....................................................................6  
Trouble Events...................................................................8  
How to clean the keypad.................................................... 40  
Off Skeds...............................................................................27  
Keypad Tone......................................................................7  
Off Skeds ..........................................................................27  
On Skeds...........................................................................27  
security system  
circuit breaker number................................................. 2  
jack location................................................................ 2  
number........................................................................ 2  
call to test ............................................................... 2  
transformer location...................................................... 2  
Pager Reports  
Basic ..................................................................................32  
Part 2  
On Skeds...........................................................................26  
Key Press  
Keypad Tone ..................................................................... 7  
Turn System On...............................................................12  
Part On  
Skeds .................................................................................25  
Change Other’s................................................................17  
Authority Levels ..........................................................17  
Renew One-Time ............................................................20  
Adjust (Cmd 49) .............................................................. 10  
How to ......................................................................... 40  
Commands......................................................................... 8  
LED Descriptions.............................................................. 8  
Tones .................................................................................. 7  
Burglary Alarm.............................................................. 7  
Entry Delay.................................................................... 7  
Error............................................................................... 7  
Exit Delay...................................................................... 7  
Fire Alarm...................................................................... 7  
Key Press........................................................................ 7  
OK.................................................................................. 7  
Trouble........................................................................... 7  
Watch............................................................................. 7  
Keys......................................................................................... 7  
Non-Fire .........................................................................6  
Part 2  
View Trouble ...................................................................22  
Bypass ...............................................................................15  
Keypad........................................................................... 8  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Index  
Failure............................................................................... 40  
Remote ............................................................................. 28  
Burglary Alarm..............................................................7  
Entry Delay....................................................................7  
Exit Delay.......................................................................7  
Fire Alarm......................................................................7  
Key Press........................................................................7  
OK ..................................................................................7  
Remote Arming  
Area 1  
with telephone............................................................. 31  
Remote Program.................................................................. 28  
Renew One-Time Passcode................................................ 20  
Alarm.................................................................................. 8  
Reset the System.................................................................. 23  
Keypad Tone......................................................................7  
Trouble Events  
Non Fire..............................................................................8  
Turn System Off...................................................................10  
Turn System On  
Fire.................................................................................... 38  
Security System Limitations................................................ 38  
No Delay...........................................................................12  
No Exit Tone....................................................................13  
Part ....................................................................................11  
Part 2.................................................................................12  
Points Faulted...................................................................14  
Turn Watch On/Off.............................................................23  
Points............................................................................ 24  
Tone ............................................................................. 24  
Service................................................................................... 40  
Set Part 2 Points................................................................... 12  
Silence Alarms ....................................................................... 9  
All Day ............................................................................. 25  
All On............................................................................... 25  
Change ............................................................................. 25  
Off..................................................................................... 27  
Off................................................................................. 27  
On................................................................................. 27  
Part 2  
Alarm Memory ................................................................21  
Faulted Points...................................................................15  
On................................................................................. 26  
Part On............................................................................. 25  
Check System .................................................................... 9  
Walk Test..............................................................................23  
Limitations........................................................................ 38  
Log out of........................................................................... 9  
Reset ................................................................................. 23  
Test.................................................................................... 22  
Keypad Tone......................................................................7  
Turn On/Off.....................................................................23  
Check ........................................................................... 20  
View ............................................................................. 21  
System Status  
Check.................................................................................. 9  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide  
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E  
Bosch Security Systems  
130 Perinton Parkway  
Fairport, NY 14450-9199  
Customer Service: (800) 289-0096  
Technical Support: (888) 886-6189  
© 2004 Bosch Security Systems  

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