Bosch Appliances DVR DVD 330 DVR 480 User Manual

Digital Video Recorder 400 Series  
DVR 440 / DVR 480  
Operations manual  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Front panel controls  
400 series  
Figure 5.1 Front panel controls - 4-channel model  
400 series  
Figure 2  
Front panel controls - 8-channel model  
The keys on the front panel control all functions. Symbols on the keys show the functions.  
Inactive keys emit an audible beep when pressed.  
Arrow keys:  
move around through menu items or values when in menu mode  
in PTZ mode, the arrow keys can be used to control the pan or tilt functions of the  
selected camera  
moves the visible area of the selected image in digital zoom mode  
Enter key  
selects a submenu or menu item, or confirms selections made in menus  
displays the cameo submenu in full screen or quad modes  
Menu key  
opens the system menu  
Search key  
press to open the date/time search menu to look for recorded images  
Export key  
press to open the export menu  
PTZ key  
enables or disables the PTZ mode  
Zoom in key  
PTZ zoom in key  
Digital zoom in key on active full-screen display  
Zoom out key  
PTZ zoom out key  
Digital zoom out key  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Exit key  
press to return to previous level or to exit the menu system  
Alarm indicator / acknowledge key  
flashes when an alarm is detected  
press to acknowledge an alarm event; an indicator light is located on the key  
Camera keys (1-4)/(1-8)  
press to see a full-screen display of the video input  
the LED lights when the camera is recording  
the LED flashes during an alarm on the camera  
Quad key  
press to go to quad mode  
in quad mode, press to toggle to full screen  
Sequence key  
view cameras in sequence on full-screen or quad displays  
OSD key  
press to view date/time and camera information, date/time only, or none  
Digital zoom key (4-channel model)  
press to zoom in on the active full screen camera display  
Multi-screen key (8-channel model)  
press to go to different multi-screen modes  
Pause key  
press to freeze the picture  
Reverse key  
in live mode, press to start reverse playback of recordings for the displayed cameras  
in playback mode, press to start or speed up reverse playback  
in pause mode, press to step back one frame  
Play key  
in live mode, press to resume playback from the last selected playback position  
in pause or fast forward/reverse modes, press to resume playback  
Fast forward key  
in live mode, press to start playback from one minute earlier  
in playback mode, press to speed up the forward playback rate  
in reverse playback mode, press to start forward playback  
in pause mode, press to step forward one frame  
Stop key  
while in playback mode, press to return to live mode  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
The indicators on the front panel display light or flash to alert of various operating conditions.  
Power - lights green when the unit is powered  
Network - lights green when a remote user is connected to the unit  
Record - lights red when the unit is recording video  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Mouse Controls  
All functions controlled by the front panel can, alternatively, be accessed using a USB mouse.  
All main DVR functions are accessible via the System Control Bar. To display the panel  
(monitor A only), move the mouse pointer to the bottom left of the screen or press the menu  
key. To close the System Control Bar press the exit  
System Control Bar  
The buttons and indicators of the System Control Bar work the same as the keys and  
indicators on the front panel.  
The System Control Bar can also be controlled with the Arrow Keys and Enter Key.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Viewing pictures  
The unit has two monitor outputs, A and B. The way in which these monitors display pictures  
depends on how the system is configured.  
Monitor A  
Monitor A is the main monitor. It shows full-screen, quad or multiscreen live or playback  
camera pictures. Status messages, alarms, motion, and video loss warnings are also displayed  
on this monitor. When the menu system is activated, it is displayed on this monitor. Monitor A  
is the default monitor for keyboard and mouse commands.  
Changing the full-screen display on Monitor A  
To control the display on monitor A with mouse control:  
1. Display the System Control Bar.  
2. Click  
3. From the pop-up menu, select the display for Monitor A  
Select 1-4/8 for the corresponding Camera  
Select the sequence key to sequence channels 1-4/8  
Changing the quad/ 3x3 display on Monitor A  
To control the quad/3x3 display on monitor A with mouse control:  
1. Display the System Control Bar.  
2. Click  
3. From the pop-up menu, select the display for Monitor A  
Select the quad key  
to select the quad mode  
Select the multiscreen key  
to select the 3x3 mode (DVR 480 only)  
key to sequence the quad mode  
Select the sequence  
Monitor B  
Monitor B displays full-screen, quad or multiscreen (with or without sequence) of live  
pictures. When an alarm or motion input is detected, the camera picture with the Alarm/  
Motion indicator can be displayed on monitor B. When multiple alarms or motion occur,  
camera pictures are sequenced on monitor B.  
Changing the full-screen display on Monitor B  
To control the display on monitor B with mouse control:  
1. Bring up the System Control Bar.  
2. Click the Monitor B  
3. From the pop-up menu, select the display for Monitor B  
Select 1-8/16 for the corresponding Camera  
Select the sequence key to sequence channels 1-8/16  
Changing the quad display on Monitor B  
To control the quad display on monitor B with mouse control:  
1. Bring up the System Control Bar.  
2. Click the Monitor B  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
3. From the pop-up menu, select the display for Monitor B  
Select the quad key  
Select the sequence  
to select the quad mode  
key to sequence the quad mode  
The tables show all possible views for monitor A. The set of muti-screen views available  
depends on the resolution (aspect ratio) setting and the model type (4 or 8 channels).  
Resolution (aspect ratio) 800x600 (4:3), 1024x768 (4:3), 1280x1024 (5:4)  
Full screen  
1+5 (not for 4-channel model)  
1+7 (not for 4-channel model)  
3x3 (not for 4-channel model)  
Table 5.2 Multi-screen viewing in 4:3 and 5:4  
Resolution (aspect ratio) 1366x768 (16:9), 1440x900 (16:10)  
Full screen  
Table 5.3 Multi-screen viewing in 16:9 and 16:10  
Quad screen  
To view quad displays:  
Press the quad  
A quad display of camera pictures appears on the active monitor.  
To view a full-screen shot of a camera:  
Press a camera key.  
A full-screen shot of the camera that was selected appears.  
To view multi-screen displays on monitor A:  
Press the multi-screen  
A multi-screen display of camera pictures appears on the active monitor.  
To view a sequence of live camera pictures of several cameras:  
1. Press the sequence key.  
A sequence of camera pictures appears, each for a pre-programmed dwell time.  
2. Press the sequence key to stop sequencing.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Cameo assignment  
The cameo assignment is used in playback mode as well as in live mode.  
Assigning cameras to cameos in a quad or multi-screen view:  
1. Use the arrow keys to select a cameo.  
The cameo with the yellow border is the selected cameo.  
2. Press the enter key to display the Cameo Menu.  
3. Use the arrow keys to select a camera number (4 or 8) to put in the cameo and press the  
enter key.  
Alternatively, right click a cameo with the mouse and choose a video input from the Cameo  
Freeze image  
Freezing a camera shot on monitor A:  
1. Press the pause  
2. Press the stop  
key to freeze all the picture in the active cameo.  
key to return to live viewing.  
3. Alternatively, right click in the active cameo and select Freeze or Unfreeze from the  
context menu using the mouse.  
To zoom in on a video image:  
1. Press the zoom in  
The picture is enlarged by a factor of 2.  
2. Use the arrow keys to select the area of the picture to be displayed.  
3. Press the zoom out  
key to return to a full picture and leave the zoom mode.  
Alternatively, right click and select Zoom or Exit zoom to enable or disable zoom mode with  
the mouse. While in zoom mode, move the mouse pointer to select the area of the picture to  
be displayed.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Live and playback  
Live mode  
The live mode is the normal operating mode of the unit where live pictures are viewed from  
the cameras. From live mode, switch to playback mode or the system menu.  
Playback mode  
Access to playback functions requires the right user level. Discuss this with your  
administrator. To enter playback mode:  
1. To switch the unit from live to playback mode:  
press the play  
press the forward  
key for instant playback, which will cause the unit to enter  
playback at 90 seconds before the current time  
perform a search  
perform an action from the cameo menu.  
2. In playback mode the video control keys operate as follows:  
Press the rewind  
key to start reverse playback of recordings. Pressing it again and  
again increases the display rate to a maximum before returning it back to normal speed  
again. Press the rewind  
key in the pause mode to step back one frame at a time.  
Press the pause  
key to freeze the picture.  
Press the forward  
key to start playback of recordings. Pressing it again and again  
increases the display rate to a maximum before returning it back to normal speed again.  
Press the forward  
Press the play  
key in the pause mode to step forward one frame at a time.  
key to resume playback.  
Press the stop  
live viewing.  
key to switch back to live viewing. An alarm also switches the unit back to  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Overview of the menu system  
The Main menu gives access to several functions to help use the unit. Access to the Main  
menu is only possible with a User Account at the Administrator User Level. Access the Main  
menu via:  
the front panel keys,  
a USB mouse.  
Slight differences in navigation and selection are only due to the differences between the keys  
on the unit and the mouse. The menu structure is the same in all cases.  
The top menu consists of six menus with drop-down submenus.  
Figure 4  
Main menu  
Access using the front panel keys  
To open the Main menu, press the menu  
key twice.  
On the first press the System Control Bar appears on monitor A.  
On the second press the Main menu appears on monitor A.  
To move through a menu or list, use the arrow  
keys on the front  
To select a submenu or item, use the enter  
To go back, use the exit  
To exit the menu, press the exit  
To open the menu, move the pointer to the bottom of the screen.  
The System Control Bar appears on monitor A.  
To open the menu, click the menu icon.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Main menu  
The Camera menu is used to configure recording settings for the unit. The menu contains  
eight submenus:  
Camera - per camera Enable, Name of the camera, Covert, and Audio  
Video Adjustment - per camera Brightness, Contrast, and Color  
PTZ - per camera Port, Address, Protocol, and Baud Rate  
Continuous Recording - per camera Resolution, Quality, and Frame Rate  
Input Recording - per camera Resolution, Quality, Frame Rate, Pre-event, and Post-  
Motion Recording - per camera Resolution, Quality, Frame Rate, Pre-event, and Post-  
Network Live Streaming - per camera Enable, Resolution, Quality, and Frame Rate  
Video Format - NTSC, PAL, or Auto Detect; VGA Output - select required VGA  
The Schedule menu is used to set recording types according to the hour and day of the week  
and for exception days.  
The Configuration menu contains three submenus:  
Language - set the language option for the unit  
Monitor A - show Camera Name and Status, Date and Time, Playback and HDD Status,  
and configure Sequence Dwell Times  
Monitor B - show Camera Name and Status, Date and Time, and configure Sequence  
Dwell Times  
The Event menu contains four submenus:  
Input - per input Input Type, Camera, Relay Output, and PTZ preset  
Motion - per camera Sensitivity, Relay Output, and Area setup  
Alarm Acknowledge - Toggle between Post-event time and Manual  
System - enable alarms for Disk fail, Disk full, System/Disk temperature, Administrator  
Password change, Video loss, and Power On.  
The Network information menu contains four submenus:  
TCP/IP - enable DHCP, set IP Address, Subnet, Gateway, DNS, HTTP Port, and Bandwidth  
DDNS - set dynamic DNS for,, and  
Notification - send e-mail notification on Input, Motion detect, Disk fail, Disk full, System/  
Disk temperature, Administrator Password change, Video loss, Power On  
Mail - set SMTP server, SSL, User name, Password, To 1-3, From, and Subject.  
The System information menu contains seven submenus:  
Date/Time - set Date, Time, Date format, Time format, Time zone, and Daylight Savings  
NTP - set NTP Time Server and Sync interval  
Beeper - set unit to beep on Button, Input, Motion, System, or Video loss  
User - set Usernames, Passwords, and User Levels for Users 1-10  
Bosch Security Systems  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Operations manual  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Configuration - Import and Export configuration, reset to Factory defaults, Update  
firmware and Quick install  
Hard Disk - set Overwrite, Disk full warning, Event partition, Auto delete, and format the  
System - set the DVR name, and Auto user logout time  
To Search, press the search  
To Search using the mouse:  
1. Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen to access the System Control Bar.  
2. Click the search icon.  
The default search is a Date/ time search.  
Figure 5  
Main menu - Search  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Date/ time search  
Select the start date. Once the start date has been selected, the timeline will update to show  
the full 24 hour period.  
1. Use the Zoom In button to magnify the timeline.  
2. Enter the start time:  
Enter the hour and minute.  
With a mouse, click directly on the timeline to set the start time.  
3. Click Play to start playback:  
Playback in all displayed cameos will start.  
Figure 6  
Search menu - Date/ Time Search options  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Event search  
1. From a Date/Time search, press the exit  
2. Press the left/right arrow keys to select Event Search.  
3. Press the enter key to activate the search.  
With the mouse, click the Event Search tab to make it active.  
key to select the Search Tabs.  
Search criteria  
Under Start and End, fill in date and time values to determine the time span of the  
Under Channel, specify the camera input to search for. The selected input is shown.  
Set Event Type to search for alarm events, motion events, or both. Set to All so that the  
search is not restricted by an event type.  
Select Search to start the search.  
Search results  
The recording fitting the filter and closest to the selected date and time is shown first.  
If more events than can be shown on the page are found use Page to see more  
Use the up/down arrow keys to move through the list.  
Press the Play button for a full-screen playback of the selected recording.  
Figure 7  
Search menu - Event Search options  
Event Search results  
The event search results are indicated by a start and stop time of a small period of video.  
Within this period of video the event search results can be found.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Smart search  
1. From a Date/Time search, press the exit  
2. Press the left/right arrow keys to select Smart Search.  
3. Press the enter key to activate the search.  
With the mouse, click the Smart Search tab to make it active.  
key to select the Search Tabs.  
Search criteria  
Under Channel, specify the camera input to search for. The selected input will be shown.  
Under Start and End, fill in date and time values to determine the time span of the  
Set Sensitivity to determine the threshold for detecting change in the video.  
Set Area to limit the smart search to only the area effected.  
Select Search to start the search.  
Search results  
The recording fitting the filter and closest to the selected date and time is shown first.  
If more events than can be shown on the page are found, use Page to see more  
Figure 8  
Search menu - Smart search options  
Use the up/down arrow keys to move through the list.  
Press the Play button for a full-screen playback of the selected recording.  
Smart Search results  
The smart search results are indicated by a start and stop time of a small period of video.  
Within this period of video the smart search results can be found.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
The export menu is accessed by pressing the Export  
key on the Front Panel or from the  
System Control Bar. It allows writing segments of recorded video and audio to a USB storage  
Figure 9  
Export menu  
1. Choose to record to a USB from the Target Device selection box.  
2. Select the Channel to archive.  
3. Fill in a Start time and End time for the video segments to archive.  
4. Click Export to create the archive.  
To erase a USB drive after it has been inserted, click the Format button.  
If the total size of the video segments is greater than the memory devices free space,  
then only the first segments that fit are archived.  
5. Click File to save ‘Export history log file’ to USB.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
System information  
The System information screen is accessed from the System Control Bar by pressing the  
System Information icon. The System information menu contains:  
Model Name  
Serial Number  
Video Format  
MAC Address  
IP Address  
Software Version  
Hard Drive size and usage data  
Figure 10  
System Control Bar - System information  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
The Log displays historic system events and is accessed from the System Control Bar by  
pressing the Log  
Logbook filter  
From the Log display, make a selection of which system events to show.  
The Log shows the date, time, and event type of various system events.  
Log contents are ordered from latest to earliest.  
Figure 11  
Logbook - Logbook filter  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Triggers and alarms  
Various types of events change the way the unit works. These events are:  
an alarm input signal applied to the unit  
motion detection in a camera signal  
a loss of video from one of the cameras  
an internal alert from the unit itself (i.e. disk failure, temperature alarm)  
The way the unit reacts to events depends on how it is programmed.  
An event can cause either a trigger or an alarm. A trigger changes the way the unit works but  
does not require a response from the user. An alarm also changes the way the unit works but,  
in addition, usually activates several indicators and requires the user to acknowledge the  
alarm situation.  
The unit reacts to an event in any one of the following ways:  
A beeper sounds.  
A status message is displayed.  
An alarm icon is displayed.  
The border around a cameo changes color to red.  
An alarm  
or video loss  
indicator flashes.  
An output relay is activated.  
A motion  
indicator flashes.  
The view modes on the monitors change.  
A controllable camera might be moved to a pre-defined position.  
Recording behavior changes.  
The unit changes the way it operates via pre-defined profiles.  
Background events  
Triggers and alarms can change background tasks that a user may not notice. Unit responses  
that are not visible to the user are, for example, a change in recording speed, the activation of  
the output relay, and event logging. The unit can also be configured to record upon the  
activation of an alarm input. A trigger may change the way the camera images are displayed on  
the monitors without requiring intervention.  
Alarm inputs  
If an input causes an alarm  
Monitors A and B can switch to a pre-programmed view mode.  
Monitor A: The border around the displayed cameos is red. The alarm icon is displayed in  
the corresponding cameo. An alarm status message is displayed.  
Monitor B: Full screen or sequenced display of pre-programmed cameras.  
The alarm beeper sounds. The alarm  
indicators flash.  
A controllable camera might be moved to a pre-defined position.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Digital Video Recorder 440/480 Series  
Operating instructions | en  
Acknowledging an input alarm  
Press the acknowledge  
key to acknowledge the alarm.  
The beeper is silent.  
The alarm  
indicators are no longer lit.  
The alarm status message disappears.  
The last-used view mode is restored.  
The alarm icon remains visible as long as the input causing the alarm is active.  
If an alarm is not acknowledged, the beeper switches off after the dwell time but the alarm  
still needs to be acknowledged.  
If auto-acknowledge is enabled, the beeper and the alarm  
dwell time.  
indicators switch off after the  
Motion events  
If a motion detection signal causes an event  
Monitors A and B can switch to display the motion events.  
The motion icon is displayed in the corresponding cameo. An alarm status message is  
The motion  
indicator on the front panel flashes.  
Video loss alarm  
If the loss of a video signal causes an alarm:  
Monitor A and B will show the video loss indicator.  
Monitor A can switch to a multiscreen view. The lost camera signal is displayed as a black  
cameo with the video loss message. The border around the camera with the video loss is  
red. An alarm status message is displayed.  
The alarm beeper sounds.  
The video loss  
indicator is displayed until the video signal is restored.  
Acknowledging a video loss alarm  
Press the acknowledge  
key to acknowlede a video loss alarm.  
The beeper is silent.  
The alarm status message disappears.  
The last-used view mode is restored.  
If the camera with video loss is visible, the black cameo and the video loss message continue  
to be displayed as long as there is no video present.  
Multiple alarms  
Monitor A can switch to a multiscreen view if more than one alarm occurs. The latest alarm  
status message is always shown. Press the acknowledge  
key to deactivate all alarms.  
Bosch Security Systems  
Operations manual  
AM18-Q0605 | v1.0 | 2011.05  
Bosch Security Systems  
© Bosch Security Systems, 2011  

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