DAPS-01 Dual Antenna Positioning System
Product Overview
The TDK DAPS-01 Dual Antenna Positioning Sys-
tem consists of a dual antenna mast with integrated
turntable and SI-300 system interface. The DAPS-
01 is specifically designed for remote positioning
of two antennas, both in the horizontal and vertical
planes, during EMC testing. The DAPS-01 simpli-
fies testing by allowing the user to test continuously
across two antenna bandwidths without interrup-
Remote Control The DAPS-01 is remotely con-
trolled by the TDK SI-300 system interface unit. A
single independent control unit is used to handle
the turn axis and the polarization sense.
Fiber Optic Link Remote control of the position-
ing system is achieved by use of fiber optic links,
eliminating a potential interference source and
distance limitations.
Custom Dimensions The dimensions of the posi-
tioning system mast and turntable are dependent
The TDK DAPS-01 Dual Antenna Positioning
on the customer’s required illumination area. Di-
System is designed to simply testing by ena-
bling remote positioning of two antennas in
EMC test environments.
mensions are limited only by the maximum length
of cable that is used.
Remote independent vertical and horizontal
Compatible with the TDK SI-300 system inter-
Fiber optic interface
Custom dimensions to meet customer require-
Shielded remote modules for use in high field
Universal linear power supply
1101 Cypress Creek Road Cedar Park, Texas 78613, USA 1-512-258-9478 FAX 1-512-258-0740
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