Sylvania CD Player SRCD817 User Manual

15. Warning - To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to  
rain or moisture.  
16. Power Source - This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated  
on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult  
your product dealer or local power company. For products intended to operate from battery  
power, or other sources, refer to the operating instructions.  
17. Power Lines - An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of  
overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such  
power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be  
taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.  
18. Overloading - Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience  
receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.  
19. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled  
with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.  
20.Caution - Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing  
covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing  
to qualified service personnel.  
21. Replacement Parts - When replacement parts are required, be sure the service  
technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the  
same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in  
fire, electric shock, or other hazards.  
22. Safety Check - Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask  
the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in  
proper operating condition.  
23. Wall or Ceiling Mounting - The product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling  
only as recommended by the manufacturer.  
Preparation of Use  
There is a screw to protect the phonograph chassis  
during transportation.  
Turn the screw clockwise with a coin to its lowest  
position before you use the phonograph for the  
first time.  
Basic Operation  
Power on.  
Connect the power plug into the wall  
Select the source.  
Adjust the volume.  
Rota te the FM/AM/CD/P HONO knob to  
s e le ct P HONO.  
Listening to CD  
Rota te the FM/AM/CD/P HONO knob  
to s e le ct CD.  
2 Open the tray, and place the CD on the tray.  
3 Close the tray and start playing the CD.  
CD s should be placed in their trays with the label side up.  
The CD will start playing from the first track.  
C Press the F.F button once to go the start of the  
next track.  
A Stopping the CD play.  
Press the F.R button once to go back to the start of  
the current track. Press the F.R button twice to go  
back to the start of the previous track.  
B Pausing the CD play.  
Pressing the PLAY/PAUSE button will restart  
playing the CD.  
Do not switch off the unit during CD-function, because  
it will damage the unit.  
Listening to CD  
P rogra mme d pla yba ck.  
To re pe a t a s ingle or the e ntire dis c.  
This feature allows you to program up to 32  
tracks on a disc forplayback in any desired  
Note: You cannot program tracks while a disc  
is playing. If the disc is playing press the STOP  
button first before beginning the programming  
steps below:  
P re s s the REP EAT button once . The  
Re pe a t indica tor fla s he s . P re s s the  
F.R or F.F buttons to s e le ct the de s ire d  
tra ck, the n pre s s the P LAY/PAUS E  
button to be gin re pe a t P la yba ck ofthe  
s e le cte d tra ck.  
P re s s the REP EAT button twice . The  
re pe a t indica tor re ma ins 'on' . P re s s  
the P LAY/PAUS E button to be gin  
re pe a t P la yba ck ofthe e ntire dis c.  
1.) Press the PROGRAM button to enter the  
Program Mode. The Program number briefly  
shows '0 1', then the Program indicator flash.  
To cancel Repeat Playback press the REPEAT  
button until the Repeat Indicatorgoes 'off ' .  
Repeat Playback is also cancelled by pressing  
the STOP button, or setting the Function selector  
to the AM , FM or PHONO position.  
2.) Press the F.R or F.F buttons to select the first  
track number you wish to enter in the program  
memory, the track number will flash.  
Example: Track Number '0 8'.  
P rogra m Re pe a t P la yba ck  
When Programmed Playback begins press the  
REPEATbutton twice to activate the all tracks  
repeat feature.  
The Repeat Indicator lights and all the tracks in  
your programmed sequence will be repeated  
3.) Whe n the de s ire d tra ck numbe r a ppe a rs  
on the dis pla y, pre s s the P ROGRAM button  
a ga in to e nte r tha ttra ck in me mory. The  
P rogra m numbe r will s hows '0 2'.  
4.) Repeat Steps 2-3, selecting a different track  
number each time until you have entered up to  
32 tracks in the program memory.  
Note: You may program the same track number  
to play multiple times in the program sequence  
if desired.  
To cancel Programmed Repeat Playback press the  
STOP button until both the Program and Repeat  
Indicators go 'off '.  
Ra ndom P la yba ck.  
5.) Press the PLAY/PAUSE button to begin  
Programmed playback. The Program indicator  
stops flashing and remains 'on'. Playback will  
begin with the first track you programmed and  
will continue until the last programmed track  
has played.  
In playing or STOP mode, press the RANDOM  
button, a cycle mark will be showed, when the  
display shows a random tack number, playback  
will begin automatically.  
6.) After the last track has played the player  
stops and the display shows the total number  
of tracks on the disc. However the program  
sequence remains in the memory.  
The programmed sequence may be cancelled by,  
Pressing the open button, STOP button, switching to  
the AM, FM or PHONO or shutting the system 'off '.  
To cancel Random Playback press the STOP button.  
Listening to the Radio  
Rota te the FM/AM/CD/P HONO knob to  
s e le ct FM or AM.  
Tune to the desired frequency.  
For optimal FM reception be sure to stretch the built-in  
FM antenna wire located at the lower back of the unit  
and move it around until the station you have tuned in  
is being received clearly.  
Output Power  
: 2.0W + 2.0W  
FM frequency Range : 87.5 to 108.5MHz  
AM frequency Range : 525 to 1710KHz  
: Impedance: 8 ohms  
Input power: Max.3W  
Power source  
:120V AC, 60Hz  
Power Consumption :14W  
Dimension(W X H X D) :19 X 13.9 X 11.9 (approx.)  
Ca re a n d Ma in te n a n c e  
To re move a dis c from its s tora ge ca s e , pre s s down on the ce nte r of the ca s e a nd lift the dis c out, holding it  
ca re fully by the e dge s .  
Finge rprints a nd dus t s hould be ca re fully wipe d off the dis c's re corde d s urfa ce with a s oftcloth. Unlike  
conve ntiona l re cords , compa ct dis cs ha ve no groove s to colle ct dus t a nd micros copic de bris , s o ge ntly wiping  
with a s oft cloth s hould re move mos t pa rticle s . Wipe in a s tra ightline from the ins ide to the outs ide ofthe dis c.  
S ma ll dus t pa rticle s a nd light s ta ins will ha ve a bs olute ly no e ffe ct on re production qua lity.  
Cle a n the dis c pe riodica lly with a s oft, lint-fre e , dry cloth. Ne ve r us e de te rge nts or a bra s ive cle a ne rs to cle a n  
the dis c. Ifne ce s s a ry, us e a CD cle a ning kit.  
Ne ve r write on or a ffix la be ls to the s urfa ce of compa ct dis cs .  
You s hould ca re for the ca bine t a s you would ca re for a ny pie ce of fine furniture . Whe n the ca bine t be come s dus ty  
wipe it with a s oft, non-a bra s ive dus t cloth. Ifthe ca bine t be come s s mudge d with finge rprints you ma y us e a ny  
good qua lity comme rcia ldus ting a nd polis hing s pra y cle a ne r, howe ve r a void s pra ying the pla s tic or me ta l pa rts of  
this s ys te m. We re comme nd tha t you s pra y the cle a ne r on your dus t cloth, not dire ctly on the ca bine t, to a void  
ge tting a ny ofthe s pra y on the pla s tic or me ta l pa rts .  
Troubleshooting guide  
In case of trouble with the unit, please look through this chart and see if you can solve the problem by yourself before calling  
your dealer.  
Connect the unit to the AC power  
Power does not come on when the  
power switch is pressed  
Unit is unplugged  
No sound comes out of the speakers  
The volume is turned down(to MIN)  
The input selector does not match the  
playback source  
Adjust the volume  
Re-select the input source  
Turn off the TV or other appliance, and  
relocate the unit  
The sound is noisy  
The unit is too close to a TV set or  
another similar appliance  
Can not listen to any station, or signal  
appears weak  
The station is not tuned in properly  
A TV set is being used nearby  
Tune in the station correctly  
Turn off the TV set  
The sound is distorted  
The antenna is not oriented properly  
Re-orient the antenna until reception  
Play stop immediately after starting to  
play the CD, or play pauses or stops  
during play  
The CD is inserted upside down  
The CD is dusty or dirty, or there is  
condensation on the CD  
Insert the CD with the printed side  
upper most  
Clean and dry the CD  
No sound  
The CD player is paused  
press the PLAY/PAUSE button  
The CD should be changed  
Specific CD is noisy, or playback stops  
or skips  
The CD is scratched, damaged or  
The disc is very dirty  
Clean the CD  

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