Sony Universal Remote RM V401 User Manual

4 Enter the components code number.  
For example, if youre entering the code  
for a Philips VCR, you would press  
1 Press the SET button with a ball-point pen tip etc., and release it.  
2 Press the CBL/SAT, RCVR, CD, AUX, or DVD button.  
3 Press and release the x (stop) button.  
No t e s  
No t e s  
Op e ra t in g a TV, VCR, o r ca b le b o x  
Op e ra t in g a CD p la ye r, a n MD d e ck, o r a DAT d e ck  
• If you are using more than one receiver (or amplifier) and have set  
it on the CBL/SAT, CD, AUX or DVD button, when selecting these  
buttons you cannot control the volume of the receiver (or  
amplifier) of the RCVR button.  
• If you change the setting of the RCVR button to a component other  
than a receiver or amplifier, the volume control setting of video  
components will return to “TV” even if you have changed the  
factory preset volume control. In this case, you will not be able to  
control the volume from audio components other than a receiver  
or amplifier.  
• Even if you try to program more than four operations and press the  
corresponding buttons in step 2 above, only the first four buttons  
that were pressed will be programmed.  
• If you try to program only one operation on a macro key, the  
setting operation will be rejected.  
• You can program the Channel Macro function for up to three  
components only. To program for the fourth component, first clear  
all macro keys for a component.  
3, 4, and 5  
qa TV: To display the current  
5 MD deck/DAT deck: To record,  
press N while pressing z/  
First release N, then release z.  
qd To select the track number. 0  
selects track 10. To select track  
numbers above 10, see the  
descriptions on the PIP button  
3 To select numbers 10 and  
above. For example, to select  
track 15, press PIP and then  
press 5.  
TV: To operate the Picture-in-  
Picture function. Press each  
button or combination of  
buttons as described in the  
table below.  
N: To play.  
x: To stop.  
channel on TV.  
VCR: To expose the on-screen  
Your Code Number  
Remote Commander  
4 Press and release one of the following buttons;  
to assign a VCR  
5 Press and release the ENT button to store  
the code number in the Commanders  
qd and qf  
4 N: To play.  
to assign a digital satellite receiver  
to assign a receiver  
to assign a CD player  
to assign a tape deck  
to assign an MD deck or a DAT deck  
to assign a TV  
Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s  
To change the channel. For  
example, to change to channel  
5, press 0 and 5 (or press 5 and  
m: To select previous track.  
M: To select next track.  
x: To stop.  
6 Go to “Step 2: Checking if the Code Number Works” to finish  
setting up.  
Ma n u a l d e in st ru ccio n e s (p a rt e p o st e rio r)  
qk CD player/MD deck: To select  
next disc.  
X: To pause.  
To ch a n g e o r cle a r t h e p ro g ra m  
© 2000 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia  
m: To rewind.  
qg TV/VCR: To enter the selection.  
qh TV: To operate SLEEP function  
on the TV. (Works only for a  
TV with the SLEEP function.)  
qj Channel up: +  
When you want to change the setting or if you are no longer using  
that programmed operation, follow the procedure below to  
overwrite or clear the program.  
St e p 2: Ch e ckin g if t h e Co d e Nu m b e r Wo rks  
M: To fast-forward.  
zREC: To record, press N  
while pressing z.  
To re se t t o fa ct o ry p re se t vo lu m e co n t ro l  
In step 3 above, press VOLinstead.  
to assign a cable box  
to assign a DVD player  
1 Power on the component you want to set up.  
Op e ra t in g a t a p e d e ck  
2 Aim the Remote Commander at the component and press a button  
to check if that button works.  
For example, press the POWER button to see if it works on your  
component .  
6 TV/VCR: To move the cursor  
upward, downward, to the left,  
or to the right.  
7 TV/VCR: To call up the MENU  
En g lish  
1 Hold down the macro key that you want to change or clear.  
3, 4, and 5  
5 Press and release the ENT button.  
Channel down: –  
Tape operation buttons.  
For dual cassette decks,  
operation buttons for Deck A  
(for Sony-brand dual cassette  
deck, buttons for Deck B).  
PIP: To reverse.  
ENT: To reverse.  
: To play.  
2 After waiting for about three seconds, press the new sequence of  
buttons, or, to clear the program, press and release , and then  
press and release ENT.  
qk TV/cable box: To operate  
CHANNEL RETURN function on  
the TV depending on the  
setting of the TV's  
Op e ra t in g a Co m p o n e n t  
6 Enter the components code number by following steps 2 to 6 of  
“Entering the Code Number”, or steps 1to 7 of “Searching for the  
Correct Code.”  
In st a llin g t h e Ba t t e rie s  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.  
To rewind.  
To fast-forward.  
: To stop.  
Slide open the battery compartment and insert two size AA (R6)  
1 Press the button of the desired  
component on the Commander.  
3 Check that the other buttons of the Commander is operating the  
corresponding functions of the component.  
batteries (not supplied).  
3 Release the macro key.  
Be sure to line up the + and – on the batteries with the + and – on the  
battery compartment.  
MENU: To record, press  
while pressing MENU.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits  
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against  
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment  
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not  
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause  
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is  
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to  
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning  
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the  
interference by one or more of the following measures:  
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
No t e  
VCR: To cancel.  
2 Point the Commander directly at the  
N: To play.  
If t h e Co m m a n d e r Do e sn t Se e m t o Be Wo rkin g ...  
• First, try repeating these setup procedures using the other codes  
listed for your component (see the supplied “Component Code  
• If – after trying all the codes listed for your component – you still  
cannot get the Commander to work properly, try the search  
method described in “Searching for the Correct Code.”  
Be sure to wait for about three seconds in step 2 above. While you  
are holding down the macro key and waiting, the programmed  
signals are transmitted; therefore, if you are aiming the Commander  
at your component, the programmed operations may be performed  
before you go on with the procedure.  
Controlling the Volume of Video  
Components Connected to an Audio  
The Commander is factory preset based on the assumption that you  
hear the sound of your video components from your TVs speakers,  
and that you hear the sound of your audio components from the  
loudspeakers connected to your receiver (or amplifier).  
m: To rewind.  
First release , and  
then release MENU.  
OK: To pause.  
M: To fast-forward.  
zREC: To record, press N  
while pressing zREC.  
First release N, then  
release zREC.  
No t e s  
3 Press the button for the function you want to use.  
• There may be cases you may turn on/ off the cable box by pressing the CH+ or  
CH– buttons on the Commander.  
• If your cable box can control volume, be sure to set its volume control to a  
medium position. If the volume on the cable box is turned down completely,  
you will not be able to adjust your TVs volume with the Commander.  
See “Remote Button Descriptions” for complete descriptions of the  
buttons on the Commander.  
qk To select Deck A or Deck B  
(dual cassette deck only).  
If your tape decks commander has  
one set of tape operating buttons, and  
has an A/ B button for the deck  
selection, use the RECALL button to  
select Deck A or Deck B.  
No t e s o n Usin g t h e Re m o t e Co m m a n d e r  
Basically, use this Commander in the same way as the Commanders  
supplied with your components.  
• Using this Commander will not increase the functions of your  
components. The functions of the Commander are limited to the  
functions of the components themselves. For example, if your TV  
does not have a MUTING function, the MUTING button on this  
Commander will not function with your TV.  
• Some functions of the component may not work with this  
• If your cable box can control volume, be sure to set its volume  
switch to a medium position. If the volume on the cable box is  
turned down completely, you will not be able to adjust your TVs  
volume with the Commander.  
x: To stop.  
X: To pause  
PIP o p e ra t io n s  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
6, 7, qf, and qg  
You can write down the code number on the label inside the battery  
compartment lid.  
Operation buttons for Deck B  
(for Sony-brand dual cassette  
deck, buttons for Deck A).  
If you have problems setting up or using the Commander:  
• When setting up the Commander, carefully go through the procedures  
described in “Setting the Code.” If the code thats listed first for your  
component doesnt work, try all the codes for your component - in the order  
in which theyre listed. If all the codes fail to work (or if your component is  
not listed in this manual), try using the procedures in “Searching for the  
Correct Code.”  
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s  
Turn on/ off the “window” picture.*  
Turn off the “window” picture.  
Fa ct o ry Se t t in g :  
Under normal conditions, batteries will last up to six months. If the  
Commander does not operate properly, the batteries might be worn  
out. Replace the batteries with new ones.  
PIP and ENT  
Bu t t o n  
Co n t ro ls t h e vo lu m e o f  
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from  
that to which the receiver is connected.  
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.  
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly  
approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this  
m or M  
Change the TV channel in the “window” picture.  
Change the input mode of the “window” picture.  
Move the location of the “window” picture.  
Swap the “main” picture and the “window” picture.  
Freeze the “window” picture.  
Se a rch in g fo r t h e Co rre ct Co d e  
Op e ra t in g a DVD p la ye r  
If youve tried all the code numbers listed for your component and  
you still cannot get the Commander to work (or if your component is  
not listed in the “Component Code Numbers” tables), try these  
No t e s  
3 To select numbers 10 and  
above. For example, to select  
track 15, press PIP and then  
press 5.  
qa To show the current play status  
on the screen.  
• Replace both batteries with new ones.  
• Do not take more than 20 minutes to replace the batteries;  
otherwise, your setting of the code numbers will be erased.  
• Check that youre aiming the Commander directly at the component, and that  
there are no obstructions between the Commander and the component.  
• Make sure the batteries youre using are not worn out, and that theyre  
inserted correctly.  
• Check that the button of the TV, VCR, CBL/SAT, RCVR, CD, AUX or DVD is  
pressed to choose your desired component.  
• Check that the component has infrared remote capability. For example, if  
your component didnt come with a remote commander, it probably isnt  
capable of being controlled by a remote commander.  
• If your video components are connected to an audio system, make sure  
youve set up the Commander as described in “Controlling the Volume of  
Video Components Connected to an Audio System.”  
Receiver (or amplifier)  
qd Number buttons : To set items  
selected from the screen.  
qf To enter the setting. To set  
items selected from the screen.  
qg To execute items selected from  
the screen.  
qh To switch the subtitle.  
qj To proceed to next/ previous  
location or song.  
CD*, AUX*  
Receiver (or amplifier) on the RCVR  
* If the “window” picture does not turn off this way, try pressing ENT while  
pressing PIP.  
1 Power on the component you want to set up. Insert a tape or disc  
if necessary.  
4 N: To play.  
No t e s o n Ba t t e rie s  
m: To rewind.  
M: To fast-forward.  
x: To stop.  
* If you assign an audio component on the CBL/SAT, CD, AUX or DVD button,  
you can control the volume of the receiver (or amplifier) on the RCVR button.  
If you assign video components on these buttons, you can control the volume  
of the TV.  
No t e  
• Do not mix old batteries with new ones or mix different types of  
batteries together.  
2 Press the SET button with a ball-point pen tip etc., and release it.  
If you have programmed the Channel Macro function for TV operation, the  
button used as a macro key cannot be used for PIP operation.  
Se t t in g Up t h e Re m o t e Co m m a n d e r  
Se t t in g a ch a n n e l w it h a sin g le b u t t o n  
(Ch a n n e l m a cro fu n ct io n )  
You can program the Channel Macro function on any of the buttons  
listed below (macro keys).  
For example, instead of pressing  
change the TV channel, you can perform these operations by  
pressing only the N button.  
X: To pause.  
3 Press the button of the component on the Commander that you  
want to set up.  
• If the electrolyte inside the battery should leak, wipe the  
contaminated area of the battery compartment with a cloth and  
replace the old batteries with new ones. To prevent the electrolyte  
from leaking, remove the batteries when you plan not to use the  
Commander for a long period of time.  
5 To display the title menu.  
6 To move the cursor upward,  
downward, to the left, or to the  
Ab o u t Pre se t t in g t h e Co m m a n d e r  
Thus you can control the volume of your TV or receiver (or  
amplifier) while operating a video or audio component without first  
having to press the TV or RCVR button. For example, to control the  
volume for your VCR channels, you dont need to press the TV  
button first.  
However, if your video components are connected to an audio  
system, you probably hear your TVs or VCR’s sound from the  
loudspeakers connected to your receiver (or amplifier), not from  
your TV speakers. In this case, you need to change the factory setting  
so that you can control the volume of your video components  
without first having to switch to the receiver (or amplifier).  
To change the factory setting for the volume control, follow the  
procedures below.  
The Commander is preset at the factory to operate Sony brand  
Op e ra t in g a d ig it a l sa t e llit e re ce ive r  
4 Press and release the CH+ button. Then press and release the  
POWER button.  
qk To return to the last previous  
• Should any problem persist, reset the Commander to the factory setting by  
pressing the POWER, TV/ VIDEO and VOL– buttons simultaneously.  
3 To use the “FAVORITE”  
6 To scroll through the Master  
qh To bring up the Station Index.  
qj Channel up: +  
If youre using the Commander with a Sony component, you wont  
need to preset the Commander before you start using it.  
To set up the Commander to use with other (non-Sony)  
manufacturers’ components, or to use with a component that is not  
preset at the factory, youll need to follow the instructions in this  
manual to preset the Commander with the correct code number for  
your components. (See the supplied “Component Code Numbers”  
7 To display the DVD menu.  
8 To clear the selected characters  
from the screen.  
ql To change the sound.  
5 Repeat step 4 until the correct code number is found.  
Each time you press the CH+ button and then the POWER button,  
a new code number will be transmitted.  
Keep trying until your component operates by receiving the  
transmitted signal from the Commander (e.g., the power turns off,  
the CH+ function works, playback starts, etc.) Be patient as you do  
this; it may take about 100 tries until the correct code number is  
, and then ENT button to  
Channel down: –  
To page through the guide  
when a program guide is  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.  
Cu st o m e r Su p p o rt In fo rm a t io n  
If – after youve read through this manual – you still cannot get the  
Remote Commander to work properly, call the Sony Customer  
Support Helpline at 1-800-822-2217.  
Se t t in g t h e Co d e  
7 To call up the MENU display.  
8 To bring up the Master Guide.  
qd and qf  
To change the channel. For  
Follow the steps 1 and 2 below for each component you plan to use  
The macro keys are:  
N, m, M, x, X, and zREC.  
(During TV, cable box, or digital satellite receiver operations only.)  
with the Commander.  
qk To tune to the last tuned  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
example, to change to channel  
5, press 0 and 5 (or press 5 and  
St e p 1: En t e rin g t h e Co d e Nu m b e r  
ql To switch the output of the  
digital satellite receiver to the  
TV. (When you connect a TV  
cable or antenna to the receiver,  
the output switches between a  
TV and SAT program.)  
Operable distance  
Approx. 7 m (23 ft) (varies depending of the  
component of each manufacturer)  
Pow er requirements Two size AA (R6) batteries (not supplied)  
The series of operations that can be programmed must be consisted  
of two to four sequential pressings of  
1 See the supplied “Component Code numbers”, and find the three-  
digit code number for the desired component.  
If more than one code number is listed, use the number thats  
listed first to complete the steps below.  
Co m p o n e n t t h a t ca n b e p re se t Bu t t o n  
Fa ct o ry se t t in g  
Sony TV  
6 When the correct code is found, press the ENT button to store the  
code number in the Commanders memory.  
buttons or ENT button.  
qg To select the channel that's  
highlighted. To bring up the  
Station Index when a program  
guide is not displayed.  
Battery life  
Approx. 6 months (varies depending on frequency of  
Re m o t e Bu t t o n De scrip t io n s  
No t e  
7 Check that the Commander is operating the other functions of  
your component by pressing the corresponding buttons on the  
Commander. If they seem to be working properly, youre done  
setting up the Commander.  
Sony VHS VCR  
No t e  
The Channel Macro function may not work correctly for some  
Approx. 62 × 207 × 41 mm (w/ h/ d)  
(2 1/  
× 8 1/  
× 1 5/  
For example, if youre setting up a Philips’ VCR, you would use  
This feature is effective only when a receiver or amplifier is set up on  
the RCVR button. You cannot control the volume of a receiver (or  
amplifier) set up on CBL/SAT, CD, AUX or DVD button while  
operating a component of another button.  
Ge n e ra l  
Cable box/ Digital satellite receiver/ CBL/SAT  
Receiver/ CD player/ Tape deck/  
MD deck/ DAT deck/ DVD player/  
the code number 035.  
Approx. 100 g (3.5 oz.) (not including batteries)  
1 To turn on and off the power of  
the selected component.  
2 Component select buttons. To  
switch to the operations of each  
component, press the button on  
which that component is  
To p ro g ra m a se rie s o f o p e ra t io n s  
Sony receiver  
Sony CD player  
Sony tape deck  
Sony DVD player  
If your component isnt listed, see “Searching for the Correct  
Op e ra t in g a re ce ive r/a m p lifie r  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
1 Press the desired component select button.  
(You can select “TV”, “cable box”, or “digital satellite receiver”  
If the component does not operate properly, repeat steps 1 to 6 and  
search for another code.  
4 Work as N, M, m, x, X  
buttons of the CD player.  
(When a CD player is set up on  
the CD button.)  
qd To select the input source:  
1 selects VIDEO 1  
2 selects VIDEO 2  
3 selects AUX  
qj Presetting frequency up: +,  
down: –  
2 Press the SET button with a ball-point  
pen tip etc., and release it.  
If you still cannot get the Commander to work properly, see  
Tuning frequency up: +,  
down: –  
qk To shift band (FM/ AM).  
ql To switch input source by each  
Ch a n g in g t h e Fa ct o ry Se t t in g fo r t h e  
Vo lu m e Co n t ro l  
2 While pressing the desired macro key, press the buttons required  
for the operations in sequence.  
For example, to program  
down N first, press  
3 Press the button of the component that  
No t e s  
9 *Volume up: +  
you want to set up.  
t ENT on the N button, hold  
Volume down: –  
q; *To mute the volume on TV or  
receiver (amplifier).  
• The Commander can be set up to operate only one component per  
button – unless their code numbers happen to be the same. For  
example, you cannot set up the Commander to operate a Sony TV  
and a Panasonic TV simultaneously (because they use different  
code numbers).  
1 Press the SET button with a ball-point pen tip, etc. and release it.  
, and ENT in sequence, and then release  
Ch a n g in g t h e Co m p o n e n t Typ e o n t h e CBL/  
SAT, RCVR, CD, AUX a n d DVD b u t t o n s  
At the factory, “cable box” is assigned on the CBL/SAT button,  
“receiver” on the RCVR button, “CD player” on the CD button, “tape  
deck” on the AUX button and “DVD player” on the DVD button. By  
completing the following procedure, you can change this setting so  
that you can set up any component on these buttons.  
No t e  
2 Press the RCVR button.  
3 Press the VOL+ button.  
4 Press the ENT button.  
On the CBL/SAT, RCVR, CD, AUX, and DVD buttons, “cable box”,  
“receiver”, “CD player”, “tape deck”, and “DVD player” are  
assigned respectively at the factory. But you can also assign other  
components on these buttons. For details, see “Changing the  
Component Type on the CBL/SAT, RCVR, CD, AUX, and DVD  
4 selects TUNER  
5 selects CD  
6 selects TAPE  
7 selects MD  
8 selects TV  
9 selects PHONO  
0 selects DVD  
qs To set up the Commander.  
* These buttons control the volume of  
either TV or receiver (amplifier). See  
“Controlling the Volume of Video  
Components Connected to an  
• You may not be able to operate even a Sony brand component with  
the factory presetting. In such a case, follow the procedure in  
“Setting the Code.”  
The volume control setting is changed to “receiver/ amplifier.” You  
can control the volume of the receiver (or amplifier) of the RCVR  
button while selecting any component.  
Audio System” for details.  

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