Sony Headphones MDR IF230 User Manual

En g lish  
Se t t in g u p t h e  
h e a d p h o n e s  
List e n in g t o a  
p ro g ra m  
Pre ca u t io n s  
Re p la cin g t h e Ea r  
Pa d s  
• The CE mark on the unit is valid only for  
products marketed in the European Union.  
• When the headphones are not to be used  
for a long period of time, remove the  
battery to avoid damage caused by battery  
leakage and subsequent corrosion.  
• Do not leave the cordless stereo  
headphones in a location subject to direct  
sunlight, heat or moisture.  
Open the battery compartment lid on top  
of the left housing.  
Turn on the audio/ video equipment  
connected to the transmitter.  
When the ear pads become dirty or damaged,  
consult your nearest Sony dealer and replace  
them as illustrated below.  
To p re ve n t fire o r sh o ck h a za rd , d o  
n o t e xp o se t h e u n it t o ra in o r  
m o ist u re .  
Turn on the transmitter. The infrared  
emitters light up.  
To a vo id e le ct rica l sh o ck, d o n o t  
o p e n t h e ca b in e t . Re fe r se rvicin g  
t o q u a lifie d p e rso n n e l o n ly.  
Remove the old  
ear pad by  
pulling it  
Put on the headphones and the power  
turns on automatically. The power  
indicator glows red when the power  
turns on.  
Co rd le ss St e re o  
He a d p h o n e s  
No t e s o n h e a d p h o n e s  
outw ards.  
Pre ve n t in g h e a rin g d a m a g e  
Avoid using headphones at high volume.  
Hearing experts advise against continuous,  
loud and extended play. If you experience a  
ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or  
discontinue use.  
You are cautioned that any changes or  
modifications not expressly approved in this  
manual could void your authority to operate  
this equipment.  
Operating Instructions  
Mode demploi  
Insert the battery by matching the ] on  
the battery to the ] terminal on the lid.  
Ow n e r’s Re co rd  
The model number is located on the  
headphone housing. The serial number is  
located on the inner side of the headband.  
Record these numbers in the spaces provided  
below. Refer to them whenever you call upon  
your Sony dealer regarding this product.  
Ca rin g fo r o t h e rs  
Place the new ear  
pad around the  
driver unit as  
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This  
will allow you to hear outside sounds and to  
be considerate to the people around you.  
Manual de instrucciones  
Adjust the volume.  
If you have any questions or problems  
concerning the headphones that are not  
covered in this manual, please consult your  
nearest Sony dealer.  
Model No. MDR-IF230  
Serial No.  
Be sure to bring the headphones and the  
transmitter to your Sony dealer when  
requiring repair work is needed.  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
Close the battery compartment lid.  
Ge n e ra l  
We lco m e !  
Modulation system  
Frequency modulation  
Carrier frequency  
Right 2.8 MHz  
Au t o p o w e r o n /o ff fu n ct io n  
When you remove the headphones, the power  
turns off automatically. Avoid pulling up on  
the self adjusting band when the headphones  
are not in use. This might switch the  
headphones on.  
Thank you for purchasing the Sony  
MDR-IF230 Cordless Stereo Headphones.  
Before operating the unit, please read this  
manual thoroughly and retain it for future  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
Left 2.3 MHz  
No so u n d /Mu ffle d so u n d  
/ Turn on the transmitter first, then put on the  
/ Check the connection of the audio/ video  
equipment or the AC power adaptor.  
/ Check that the audio/ video equipment is  
turned on.  
/ Turn up the volume on the connected audio/  
video equipment, if the transmitter is  
connected to the headphones jack. (Around  
level 5 or 6 on the volume control should be  
/ The mute function has activated.  
• Check if there is any object between the  
transmitter and the headphones.  
• Use the headphones near the transmitter.  
• Change the position and angle of the  
Frequency response  
18 – 22,000 Hz  
Some features are:  
• These cordless headphones are ideal for  
those already used to the Sony Cordless  
Stereo Headphones system.  
Please use the same type batteries you have  
in your own model.  
• Cordless headphones that allows you to  
listen to a program free from the restriction  
of a cord.  
• Broad horizontal listening area that gives  
you superb sound virtually anywhere in the  
• Self-adjusting headband that fits to your  
head perfectly.  
• The headphones power turns on and off  
automatically every time you put the  
headphones on and off (Auto power on/ off  
Power source DC 1.5 V, 1 × R6 (size AA) battery  
or Ni-Cd rechargeable battery  
NC-AA (HJ)  
Re m o vin g t h e b a t t e ry  
Open the battery compartment lid, while  
keeping the housing level and remove the  
battery from the battery compartment as  
illustrated below.  
Approx. 180 g (6.4 oz.) including  
Sony Corporation © 1998 Printed in China  
Op t io n a l a cce sso rie s  
Infrared transmitter TMR-IF33  
Housing (left)  
Design and specifications are subject to change  
without notice.  
Mu t e fu n ct io n  
If a hissing noise is heard when the infrared  
rays are obstructed, or the headphones are  
used outside of the effective range the mute  
function will be activated and sound will not  
be heard from the headphones. To restore the  
sound, move nearer to the transmitter or  
remove the obstruction.  
/ The headphones’ power indicator light is  
weak or turned off.  
n Replace the headphone battery.  
compartment lid  
• The VOL control adjusts the volume level of  
both channels.  
• The power source of the headphones can be  
selected from either a commercially  
available R6 (size AA) battery or a  
NC-AA(HJ) rechargeable battery.  
Dist o rt io n  
Aft e r list e n in g t o a p ro g ra m  
Take the headphones off before turning off  
the transmitter. Otherwise you may hear  
some noise when the infrared rays are  
suddenly cut off.  
No t e o n t h e b a t t e ry  
/ If the transmitter is connected to the  
headphones jack, turn down the volume of  
the connected audio/ video equipment.  
(Around level 5 or 6 on the volume control  
should be appropriate.)  
If you already have the MDR-IF230RK or  
MDR-IF125RK Cordless Stereo Headphones  
System. You can use the supplied  
rechargeable battery NC-AA (HJ) with your  
system. Refer to the operating instruction  
manual for your Cordless Stereo Headphones  
System for information on how to recharge  
the battery.  
/ The headphones’ power indicator light is  
weak or turned off.  
Ove rvie w  
n Replace the headphone battery.  
The MDR-IF230 is a cordless stereo  
headphone which uses infrared rays.  
Connect the optional transmitter to your  
Discman, Walkman equipped with a  
headphone jack or line output jack and you  
can listen to a program free from the  
restriction of the headphone cord.  
Lo u d b a ckg ro u n d n o ise  
/ Move closer to the transmitter. As you move  
away from the transmitter, more noise is  
likely to be heard. This is inherent to  
infrared ray communication and does not  
mean that there is a problem with the unit  
Ba t t e ry life  
Ba t t e ry  
Ap p ro x. h o u rs  
Sony alkaline battery  
LR6/ AM3 (N)  
/ Check that there is no object between the  
transmitter and the headphones.  
/ Check that the infrared sensors are not  
covered with your hands or hair.  
/ Change the position or angle of the  
Sony battery  
R6P/ SUM-3 (NS)  
rechargeable battery  
NC-AA (HJ)  
• The headphones are used by a window  
where the sunlight is too strong.  
n Draw the curtains/ blinds to shut out  
the direct sunlight, or use the  
*fully charged  
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e ry  
Replace the battery with a new one when the  
POWER indicator dims, and a hissing noise  
headphones away form sunlight.  
/ If the transmitter is connected to the  
headphones jack, turn up the volume of the  
connected audio/ video equipment. (Around  
level 5 or 6 on the volume control should be  
/ The headphones’ power indicator light is  
weak or turned off.  
n Replace the headphone battery.  

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