Seagate Computer Hardware ST19171FC User Guide

Barracuda 9FC  
Fibre Channel  
Disc Drive  
Installation Guide  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
This manual contains information for users of the Seagate  
ST19171FC (Fibre Channel interface) Barracuda disc drives. It  
provides technical support information, performance specifica-  
tions, installation instructions, and a troubleshooting section.  
Additional information is available in the Barracuda 9FC Product  
Manual (part number 83329100). Contact your Seagate sales  
representative if you need to order this publication.  
Electrostatic discharge protection  
Caution. Removal of circuit boards by personnel not perform-  
ing depot repair will damage components and may  
void the warranty.  
All drive electronic assemblies are sensitive to  
static electricity, due to the electrostatically sensi-  
tive devices used within the drive circuitry.  
Although some devices such as metal-oxide semi-  
conductors are extremely sensitive, all semicon-  
ductors, as well as some resistors and capacitors, may be  
damaged or degraded by exposure to static electricity.  
Electrostatic damage to electronic devices may be caused by  
the direct discharge of a charged conductor or by exposure to  
the static fields surrounding charged objects. To avoid damaging  
drive electronic assemblies, observe the following precautions  
when installing or servicing the drive:  
• Ground yourself to the drive whenever the drive  
electronics are or will be exposed. Connect your-  
self to ground with a wrist strap (Seagate part  
number 12263496). Connection may be made to  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
any grounded metal assembly. As a general rule, remember  
that you and the drive electronics must all be grounded to  
avoid potentially damaging static discharges.  
• Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive.  
• Never use an ohmmeter on any circuit boards.  
• When installing the drive on a carrier or tray, discharge the  
static electricity from the carrier or tray prior to inserting it into  
the system.  
Important safety information and precautions  
Caution. Use forced-air ventilation when bench-testing the  
drive to ensure proper cooling of drive components.  
Use proper safety and repair techniques for safe, reliable opera-  
tion of this unit. Service should be done only by qualified per-  
This manual and labels on the unit may contain warnings and  
cautions that must be carefully read and followed to minimize or  
eliminate the risk of personal injury. The warnings point out con-  
ditions or practices that may endanger you or others. The cau-  
tions point out conditions or practices that may damage the unit,  
possibly making it unsafe for use.  
These warnings and cautions are not exhaustive. We cannot  
possibly know, evaluate, and advise you of all the ways in which  
maintenance might be performed or the possible risk of each  
technique. Consequently, we have not completed any such  
broad evaluation. If you use a non-approved procedure or tool,  
first ensure that the method you choose will not risk either your  
safety or unit performance.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Always observe the following warnings and precautions:  
• Perform all maintenance by following the procedures in this  
• Follow all cautions and warnings in the procedures.  
• Use sound safety practices when operating or repairing the  
• Use caution when troubleshooting a unit that has voltages  
present. Turn off power to the unit before servicing it.  
• Ensure that the internal temperature of the rack or cabinet  
does not exceed the limits defined for the drive when the drive  
is mounted in an equipment rack or cabinet. When units are  
stacked vertically, pay special attention to the top where tem-  
peratures are usually highest.  
• Follow the precautions listed above in “Electrostatic discharge  
• Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive chassis.  
Return the entire drive for depot repair if any circuit board is  
defective. Removal of circuit boards by personnel not perform-  
ing depot repair will damage components and may void the  
As a component, the drive is designed to be installed and oper-  
ated in accordance with UL1950, IEC950, CSA C22.2 950-M89,  
VDE0805 and EN60950.  
Seagate takes all reasonable steps to ensure that its products  
are certifiable to currently accepted standards.  
Typical applications of these disc drives include customer pack-  
aging and subsystem design. Safety agencies conditionally cer-  
tify component assemblies, such as the Barracuda disc drive,  
based on their final acceptability in the end-use product. The  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
subsystem designers are responsible for meeting these condi-  
tions of acceptability in obtaining safety-regulatory agency com-  
pliance in their end-use products and for certifying where  
required by law. A necessary part of meeting safety require-  
ments is the provision for overcurrent protection on drive SELV  
supply voltages.  
This unit is a component part and as such is not meant to comply  
with FCC or similar national requirements as a stand-alone unit.  
Engineering radiated emissions test results are available  
through the Seagate Safety Department to assist the subsystem  
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise  
Vorsicht. Beim Testen des Laufwerks auf dem Prüftisch ist  
Fremdbelüftung vorzusehen, um eine ausreichende Kühlung der  
Laufwerkkomponenten sicherzustellen.  
Verwenden Sie geeignete Sicherheits- und Reparaturverfahren,  
um den sicheren, zuverlässigen Betrieb dieser Einheit zu  
gewährleisten. Reparaturen dürfen nur von qualifiziertem Fach-  
personal vorgenommen werden.  
Die Verfahren in diesem Handbuch und die Aufkleber auf dem  
Gerät enthalten Warn- und Vorsichtshinweise. Diese Hinweise  
sind sorgfältig durchzulesen und zu beachten, um das Risiko  
von Verletzungen auf ein Mindestmaß zu beschränken oder  
ganz zu vermeiden. Die Warnhinweise machen auf Situationen  
oder Praktiken aufmerksam, die Sie oder andere gefährden  
könnten. Die Vorsichtshinweise machen auf Situationen oder  
Praktiken aufmerksam, die die Einheit beschädigen können, so  
daß deren Gebrauch mit Risiko behaftet ist.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Die Warn- und Vorsichtshinweise sind nicht allumfassend! Es ist  
uns einfach nicht möglich, alle Wartungsmethoden oder die  
eventuellen Risiken jeder Methode zu kennen, zu beurteilen und  
Sie entsprechend zu beraten. Aus diesem Grund haben wir auf  
eine derartige umfassende Beurteilung verzichtet. Falls Sie ein  
hier nicht beschriebenes Verfahren oder Werkzeug verwenden,  
stellen Sie zuerst sicher, daß das gewählte Verfahren weder Ihre  
persönliche Sicherheit noch die Leistung der Einheit gefährdet.  
Beachten Sie in jedem Fall die folgenden Warn-und Vorsicht-  
• Führen Sie alle Wartungsarbeiten entsprechend den  
Anweisungen in diesem Handbuch aus.  
• Beachten Sie alle Warn- und Vorsichtshinweise in diesem  
• Treffen Sie beim Betrieb oder bei der Reparatur der Einheit  
angemessene Sicherheitsvorkehrungen.  
• Wenn eine Einheit unter Spannung steht, gehen Sie bei der  
Fehlerdiagnose besonders vorsichtig vor. Schalten Sie die  
Einheit aus, bevor Sie mit den Reparaturarbeiten beginnen.  
• Wenn das Laufwerk in einem Einbaugestell oder Gehäuse  
montiert ist, sorgen Sie dafür, daß die Temperatur im Inneren  
des Gestells oder Gehäuses die für das Laufwerk vorgege-  
benen Grenzwerte nicht übersteigt. Wenn Einheiten vertikal  
übereinander betestigt werden, achten Sie besonders auf den  
oberen Stapelbereich, da dort die Temperatur gewöhnlich am  
höchsten ist.  
• Befolgen Sie die oben unter “Electrostatic Discharge Protec-  
tion” angegebenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
• Nehmen Sie keine Platinen aus dem Laufwerkgehäuse. Wenn  
eine Platine defekt ist, muß das gesamte Laufwerk zur Rep-  
aratur eingeschickt werden. Die Herausnahme von Platinen  
durch anderePersonen als die für die werkseitige Reparatur  
zuständigen kann zu einer Beschädigung der Komponenten  
und Erlöschen des Garantieanspruchs führen.  
• Die vormontierte Kopf- und Festplatteneinheit (HDA) nicht aus  
dem Laufwerkgehäuse nehmen! Falls die HDA beschädigt ist,  
schicken Sie das gesamte Laufwerk zur Reparatur ein.  
• Die HDA ist nicht vor Ort reparierbar und darf nicht auseinan-  
dergenommen werden! Öffnen der versiegelten HDA durch  
andere Personen als die für die werkseitige Reparatur zustän-  
digen hat eine Beschädigung der Komponenten und  
Erlöschen des Garantieanspruchs zur Folge.  
Als Teilkomponente ist dieses Laufwerk für die Installation und  
den Betrieb in Übereinstimmung mit UL 1950, IEC950,  
EN60950, CSA C22.2 950 und VDE0805 vorgesehen.  
Seagate ist ständig bemüht, die Zulassungsfähigkeit von  
Seagate-Produkten im Rahmen der gegenwärtig geltenden  
Standards zu gewährleisten. Zu den typischen Anwendungen  
dieser Festplattenwerke zählen Systemeinbau durch den  
Kunden und die Konstruktion von Untersystemen. Sicherheits-  
behörden gewähren eine bedingte Zulassung für Komponenten  
wie das  
Barracuda-Festplattenlaufwerk vorbehaltlich der  
endgültigen Zulasssung im Endprodukt. Designer von Untersys-  
temen sind dafür verantwortlich, die Voraussetzungen für die  
Einhaltung sicherheits- oder aufsichtsbehördlicher Vorschriften  
in ihren Endprodukten und - falls gesetzlich vorgeschrieben - für  
die Zulassung zu schaffen. Eine Grundvoraussetzung zur Ein-  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
haltung der Sicherheitsanforderungen ist die Bereitstellung  
eines Überlastschutzes für die SELV-Versorgungsspannungen  
des Laufwerks.  
Dieses Gerät ist eine Baugruppe und unterliegt als solche nicht  
den Anforderungen der FCC oder ähnlicher nationaler Behörden  
für eigenständige Geräte. Technische Testergebnisse zu elek-  
tromagnetische Strahlung sind für Designer von Untersystemen  
auf Anfrage von der Seagate-Sicherheitsabteilung erhältlich.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Technical support services  
Seagate Technology provides technical support literature and  
diagnostic utilities to authorized distributors. Please contact your  
dealer for technical support and installation troubleshooting.  
Product technical support is available for all Seagate products by  
calling the SeaFAX™, SeaFONE™, SeaTDD™, or Sea-  
BOARD™ services. These are toll calls if you dial from outside  
of the number’s local dialing area. Seagate also has a forum on  
CompuServe and an internet site.  
SeaFAX: USA 1-800-SEAGATE;  
England 44-1-62-847-7080; Australia 61-2-756-5170  
Use a touch-tone telephone to access Seagate’s automated  
FAX system and select technical support information by return  
FAX. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
CompuServe forum  
Online support for Seagate products is available on Com-  
puServe. This includes an extensive question and answer mes-  
sage base, downloadable utilities, and documentation files in  
AdobeTM AcrobatTM format which you can download and view  
from your own computer. Type “Go Seagate” to access this  
Support services, product information, and much more is pro-  
vided on this web site.  
SeaFONE: 1-800-SEAGATE  
Technical support specialists are available from 8:00 A.M. to  
5:00 P.M. PST, Monday through Friday. Recorded technical  
information on selected Seagate products is provided while you  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
are on hold. Recordings are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a  
SeaTDD: (408) 438-5382  
TDD is a telecommunication device for the deaf where two peo-  
ple can communicate using a keyboard connected to the phone  
line. A TDD device is required to access this service. You can  
send questions or comments 24 hours a day. One-on-one  
exchanges with a technical support specialist are available from  
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. PST, Monday through Friday.  
The Seagate Technical Support Bulletin Board System (BBS) is  
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A modem is required to  
access this service. The communications software must be set  
for eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit (8N1). These oper-  
ate at 300 to 9600 baud. With this service you can access:  
• Specifications and jumper configurations  
• Reprints of documentation  
• Utilities that you can download to your own computer  
SeaBOARD location  
Modem number  
USA, Mexico, Latin America........................(408) 438-8771  
England .......................................................44-1-62-847-8011  
Australia ......................................................61-2-756-2359  
Canada........................................................(416) 856-5581  
France .........................................................(+33 1) 48-25-35-95  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
General description  
Barracuda 9FC disc drives are high-speed, random-access digi-  
tal-data storage devices designed to be used within a Fibre  
Channel host system.  
The drive is a component for installation in an enclosure  
designed for the drive. The disc drive must receive adequate  
cooling (refer to “Providing adequate cooling”) and it must be  
sufficiently grounded and shielded from emissions. The Barra-  
cuda 9FC Product Manual (part number 83329100) contains  
guidelines for a properly designed enclosure.  
Figure 1.  
Barracuda 9FC disc drive  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Fibre Channel  
11.7 Gbytes  
9.1 Gbytes  
Cylinders (user)  
Read/write data heads  
Avg bytes/track (unformatted) 102,000  
Seek time  
Average read  
Average write  
8.0 msec  
9.5 msec  
Disc rotation  
Average latency  
4.17 msec  
Data transfer rate  
Maximum instantaneous  
106.3 Mbytes/sec.  
DC power requirements (±5V)  
Maximum start current  
Maximum operating current  
Average idle current  
1. For more detailed power information, refer to the ST19171FC Product  
Manual, publication number 83329100.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Installing the ST19171FC drive  
To install a ST19171FC drive, simply plug the drive directly into  
your system’s Fibre Channel backpanel 40-pin single connector  
attachment (FC-SCA). There are no jumpers or terminators on  
the drive, and power is supplied through the connector. Table 1  
on page 21 lists the pin descriptions of the 40-pin FC-SCA.  
Read the following general information topics to ensure your  
drive is installed properly:  
• Providing adequate cooling  
• Mounting the drive  
• Formatting the drive  
Providing adequate cooling  
The enclosure design must ensure adequate cooling for the  
drive. The maximum ambient temperature is 50oC (122oF). The  
maximum allowable head and disc assembly (HDA) case tem-  
perature is 60oC (140oF).  
The drive’s product manual (83329100) describes how to evalu-  
ate the air-flow design. The evaluation consists of ensuring that  
the temperatures of certain critical components remain within  
acceptable limits during drive operation.  
We recommend orienting the drive or directing the air flow in a  
way that creates the least amount of air-flow resistance while  
providing air flow above the circuit boards and around the head  
and disc assembly (HDA). Also, choose the shortest possible  
path between the air inlet and exit. This minimizes the distance  
traveled by air that is heated by the drive and by other nearby  
heat sources.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Figure 2 shows one design approach with one or more fans used  
to generate air flow. The air-flow pattern can be created by the  
fans either pushing or drawing air. The overall flow pattern must  
be directed from side to side in most FC-SCA systems.  
Kühlung des Systems  
Die Gehäusekonstruktion muß eine ausreichende Kühlung des  
Laufwerkes gewährleisten. Die Umgebungstemperatur darf  
maximal 50oC betragen.  
Die Produkthandbuch Barracuda 9FC (Dokument 83329100)  
enthalten Anweisungen zur Beurteilung der Luftstromkonstruk-  
tion. Die Beurteilung muß sicherstellen, daß sich die Gehäuse-  
Laufwerkbetrieb innerhalb zugelassener Grenzen hält.  
Wir empfehlen, das Laufwerk so zu orientieren oder den Luft-  
strom so zu lenken, daß der geringste Luftstromwiderstand  
erzeugt wird und gleichzeitig ein Luftstrom über den Platinen  
und um die Kopf- und Festplatteneinheit (HDA) gegeben ist.  
Wählen Sie einen möglichst kurzen Weg zwischen Lufteinlaß  
und -auslaß. Dadurch wird die Strecke, die die vom Laufwerk  
und anderen nahegelegenen Hitzequellen aufgewärmte Luft  
zurücklegt, auf ein Minimum beschränkt.  
Abbildung 2 zeigt zwei Konstruktionsmöglichkeiten, bei denen  
ein oder mehrere Lüfter den Luftstrom erzeugen. Der Luftstrom-  
verlauf wird durch die Lüfter gesteuert, die entweder Luft einbla-  
sen oder abziehen. Generell kann der Luftstrom entweder von  
vorne nach hinten oder von hinten nach vorne verlaufen.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Above unit  
Under unit  
Note. Air flows in the direction shown (back to front)  
or in reverse direction (front to back)  
Above unit  
Under unit  
Note. Air flows in the direction shown or  
in reverse direction (side to side)  
Figure 2. Suggested air flow  
Abbildung 2. Empfohlener Luftstromverlauf  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Mounting the drive  
Do not touch the connector pins or any compo-  
nents on the control board without observing static-  
discharge precautions. Always handle the drive by  
the frame only.  
Mount the drive to the host system’s chassis using four 6-32  
UNC screws. Two mounting holes are in each side of the drive  
and there are four mounting holes in the bottom of the drive. See  
Figure 3.  
The maximum length that the screws should extend into the  
chassis mounting holes is 0.15 inch (3.81 mm), measured from  
the outer surface of the chassis. Tighten the screws down  
evenly. Do not over-tighten or force the screw if it does not seem  
to screw in easily.  
Installation des Laufwerkes  
Beachten Sie beim Handhaben und Anfassen der Anschlußstifte  
und Komponenten die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zur Verhinderung  
statischer Aufladung. Fassen Sie das Laufwerk nur am Rahmen  
Befestigen Sie das Laufwerk mit vier 6-32-UNC-Schrauben am  
Gehäuse des Host-Systems. Die beiden Seiten des Laufwerkes  
sind mit jeweils zwei Befestigungslöcher versehen, die  
Unterseite des Laufwerkes weist vier weitere Befestigungslöcher  
auf. Siehe Abbiludung 3.  
Gemessen von der Außenfläche des Gehäuses dürfen die  
Schrauben maximal 3,81 mm in die Befestigungslöcher des  
Gehüuses hineinragen. Die Schrauben müssen gleichmäßig,  
jedoch nicht zu fest, angezogen werden. Wenn sich eine  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Schraube nicht ohne Widerstand einschrauben läßt, sind die  
Gewinde nicht korrekt aneinander ausgerichtet.  
Motherboard Ref.  
Pin 1  
Common centerline  
in the horizontal  
(X axis) direction  
of the drive  
Figure 3. DImensions  
Abbildung 3: Laufwerkabmessungen  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Mounting holes three on each side, 6-32 UNC. Max screw  
length into side of drive is 0.15 in. (3.81 mm).  
Mounting holes four on bottom, 6-32 UNC.  
Max screw length into bottom of drive is 0.15 in. (3.81 mm).  
Keep-out zone for any components on backplane.  
Connector is centered on module and flush with end of base.  
5.760 max  
4.010 max  
1.026 max  
.620 ref  
4.000 ± 0.010  
.250 + 0.010  
– 0.005  
146.304 max  
101.854 max  
26.060 max  
15.748 ref  
101.600 ± .25  
6.350 + .25  
– .12  
3.750 ± 0.010  
2.370 ± 0.010  
1.750 ± 0.020  
0.181 + 0.018  
– 0.013  
95.250 ± .25  
60.200 ± .25  
44.450 ± .50  
4.590 + .45  
– .33  
1.646 max  
1.625 ± 0.020  
.1215 max  
41.800 max  
41.280 ± .50  
3.080 max  
3.080 max  
.1215 max  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Inserting the drive  
Most systems provide a way to insert the drive using a carrier or  
tray which allows the drive to be hot-plugged into the system’s  
Fibre Channel 40-pin single connector attachment (FC-SCA).  
Refer to your system documentation about the method they pro-  
vide and follow their instructions.  
When installing the drive on a carrier or tray, discharge the static  
electricity from the carrier or tray prior to inserting it into the sys-  
Formatting the drive  
Warning. Formatting a drive erases all user data. Be sure that  
you understand this principle before formatting any  
hard disc drive (it is not necessary to format a drive  
which has previously been used to store data).  
1. Supply DC power to the drive (power is supplied to the drive  
through the 40-pin FC-SCA).  
2. Format the disc drive. This drive is designed to operate with  
a variety of operating systems. Refer to your system and  
Fibre Channel controller manual for information about  
selecting and formatting the drive.  
Enabling write cache  
Write caching is a feature that allows the drive to transfer write  
data to its own cache, tell the controller that the task is complete,  
and then actually complete the write at a later time. This  
improves write performance by freeing the CPU to go on to its  
next command.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Warning. Information can be lost if you enable write cache and  
there is a system failure (for example, power failure)  
before the data has actually been physically written to  
the disc.  
OEM drives are shipped with write cache disabled by default to  
enhance data integrity. If you want to enable the write cache,  
refer to your system’s drive controller and software utility docu-  
mentation. Seagate provides an ASPI utility that you can use in a  
PC compatible system to enable the write cache. It is available  
on Seagate’s CompuServe forum and on the Seagate BBS  
(refer to “Technical support services” on page 8).  
Connecting remote LEDs  
You can connect remote LEDs using J6 (see Figure 4).  
Connect the anode (usually the longer LED connector) to the  
+5V pin, and the cathode to the appropriate LED output pin. For  
example, if you want to attach an LED which lights up when the  
drive is active (reading or writing), connect the LED’s anode con-  
nector to J6 pin 8 and the cathode to J6 pin 11.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Pin 2  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
Pin 1  
Port A Bypass LED [1]  
Port B Bypass LED [1]  
Fault LED [2]  
Active LED [2]  
Ground [3]  
Active LED [1]  
[1] The drive has a 2.2K ohm resistor in series with this LED driver.  
Connect the minus side of an external high-efficiency LED (i.e.  
2ma) to this pin. Connect the plus side of the LED to +5V.  
[2] An external current limiting resistor is required when connecting an  
LED to this pin. The minus side of the resistor/LED combination is  
connected to this pin. Connect the plus side to +5V. This pin con-  
nects in parallel with the signal of the same name in the J1 interface  
[3] Jumper storage location is across pins 2 and 4 (horizontally).  
Figure 4. LED indicator connector (J6)  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Table 1: FC-SCA pin descriptions  
Signal name  
Signal type  
–EN bypass port A  
12 Volts  
TTL output  
12 Volts  
12 Volts  
Reserved NC  
Reserved NC  
Active LED out  
Reserved NC  
–EN bypass port B  
Open collector out  
TTL input  
TTL input  
TTL output  
TTL input  
TTL input  
TTL input  
TTL input  
Fault LED out  
Reserved NC  
Reserved NC  
5 Volts  
Open collector out  
TTL input  
5 Volts  
12 Volts charge  
Diff. PECL input pair  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Signal name  
Signal type  
Diff. PECL input pair  
Diff. PECL output pair  
Diff. PECL output pair  
TTL input  
TTL input  
TTL input  
Reserved NC  
5 Volts charge  
*Short pins in the mating backpanel connector.  
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, Rev. A  
Before calling Seagate Technical Support, please read the pos-  
sibilities discussed below. The suggestions presented here will  
resolve the majority of installation problems.  
General installation troubleshooting  
Check system compatibility. This is a Fibre Channel (FC)  
device. Check your system documentation to ensure that it  
supports FC devices.  
Check the physical attachment. Ensure that the drive is  
properly mated with the backpanel Fibre Channel single con-  
nector attachment (FC-SCA).  
Check to ensure that drive is receiving power. Insert the  
drive into your system. Listen carefully for the sound of the  
drive motor spinning up. If the drive motor does not spin up,  
check the power supply. If your power supply is functioning  
properly, but the drive does not spin up, contact the company  
from which you purchased the drive.  
Check your system or backpanel documentation to  
ensure you have set options in accordance with the man-  
ufacturer’s recommendations. All device options, including  
addresses, are set at the backpanel within the host system or  
through system software. Check your host system documen-  
tation about how to set these options in your particular system.  
Seagate Technology, Inc.  
920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4544, USA  
Publication Number: 83329090, Rev. A, Printed in USA  

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