Raymarine Water Pump M81166 User Guide

Constant Running  
Hydraulic Pump  
Installation Guide  
Drives covered:  
Type CR1 (3 L) Constant Running Pump 12 V  
Type CR1 (3 L) Constant Running Pump 24 V  
Type CR2 (4.5 L) Constant Running Pump 12 V  
Type CR2 (4.5 L) Constant Running Pump 24 V  
Document number: 81179-3  
March 2001  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Product description  
(CR) hydraulic pump. This product is intended to operate the boat’s  
steering mechanism as part of a Raymarine autopilot system.  
The pump provides an ideal drive system for large boats and heavy  
duty steering applications. It is primarily designed for use on boats  
withanexistinghydraulic steeringsystem. Alternatively, youcanuse  
this pump on a boat with mechanical steering in conjunction with a  
secondary steering ram and bypass valve.  
The pump contains a built-in reservoir that holds hydraulic fluid and  
an integral solenoid valve that controls the flow of hydraulic fluid to  
the steering ram. The autopilot system steers the boat by using the  
solenoid control valves to control the flow of hydraulic fluid to the  
steering ram.  
Ram ports  
Reservoir port  
control valve x2  
Motor cables  
Power connector x2  
(for solenoid control valve)  
Mounting foot  
Figure 1: Main parts of the CR pump  
This guide contains:  
Product specifications  
page 4  
page 5  
page 17  
Installation instructions  
Maintenance information  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Pump specifications  
Table 1: Pump specifications  
Type CR1  
M81125 (12 V)  
M81127 (24 V)  
Type CR2  
M81126 (12 V)  
M81128 (24 V)  
(at nominal voltage)  
Ram capacity  
350-500 cc  
(21-30 in3)  
500-1200 cc  
(30-73 in3)  
single or double ended  
Maximum stall  
pressure (at 12 V)  
50 bar  
(750 psi)  
50 bar  
(750 psi)  
Peak flow rate  
(no load)  
3000 cc/min  
(180 in3/min)  
4500 cc/min  
(270 in3/min)  
Other information  
(applies to Types CR1 and CR2)  
protected for use in engine compartments  
CE approvals - conforms to:  
89/336/EC (EMC), EN60945:1997  
94/25/EC (RCD), EN28846:1993  
Pump dimensions  
356 mm (14 in)  
262 mm (10.3 in)  
Figure 2: Pump dimensions  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Installation instructions  
Parts required  
To install this drive you will need:  
Parts supplied:  
CR hydraulic pump  
if required: BSP to NPT adaptors (x3)  
Additional parts:  
suitable hydraulic pipes, hydraulic fluid, T-pieces, pipe  
fittings and thread-sealing compound (see page 8)  
suitable securing bolts, lock washers/lock nuts (see page 7)  
suitable cable and electrical connectors for the drive motor  
and solenoid control valves (see page 13)  
CR interface (to connect to Type 100/300 course computer)  
bypass valve (if connecting to a secondary steering ram)  
Note: Obtain these additional parts before you start installation.  
Installation steps  
WARNING: Electrical safety  
Make sure you have switched off the power supply before you  
start installing this product.  
Follow these steps to install your CR pump:  
Consult the EMC installation guidelines.  
page 6  
page 7  
page 8  
page 13  
page 16  
Mount the pump.  
Connect to the hydraulic steering system.  
Connect to the course computer.  
Complete the post-installation checks.  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
1. EMC installation guidelines  
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best  
industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment.  
Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate  
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct  
installation is required to ensure that performance is not  
compromised. Although every effort has been taken to ensure that  
they will perform under all conditions, it is important to understand  
what factors could affect the operation of the product.  
The guidelines given here describe the conditions for optimum EMC  
performance, but it is recognized that it may not be possible to meet  
all of these conditions in all situations. To ensure the best possible  
conditions for EMC performance within the constraints imposed by  
any location, always ensure the maximum separation possible  
between different items of electrical equipment.  
For optimum EMC performance, it is recommended that wherever  
Raymarine equipment and cables connected to it are:  
At least 3 ft (1 m) from any equipment transmitting or cables  
carrying radio signals e.g. VHF radios, cables and antennas.  
In the case of SSB radios, the distance should be increased to  
7 ft (2 m).  
More than 7 ft (2 m) from the path of a radar beam. A radar  
beam can normally be assumed to spread 20 degrees above  
and below the radiating element.  
The equipment is supplied from a separate battery from that used  
for engine start. Voltage drops below 10 V, and starter motor  
transients, can cause the equipment to reset. This will not damage  
the equipment, but may cause the loss of some information and  
may change the operating mode.  
Raymarine specified cables are used. Cutting and rejoining these  
cables can compromise EMC performance and must be avoided  
unless doing so is detailed in the installation manual.  
Ifasuppressionferrite isattachedtoa cable, thisferriteshouldnot  
be removed. If the ferrite needs to be removed during installation  
it must be reassembled in the same position.  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Suppression ferrites  
This figure shows typical cable suppression ferrites used with  
Raymarine equipment. Always use the ferrites supplied by  
Connections to other equipment  
If your Raymarine equipment is to be connected to other equipment  
usingacablenotsuppliedbyRaymarine, asuppressionferriteMUST  
always be attached to the cable near to the Raymarine unit.  
2. Pump mounting  
During installation, take care not to knock the CR pumps  
mounting feet on any solid structures as the impact may damage  
the aluminium castings.  
Mount the CR pump:  
on a substantial member to avoid vibration that could damage the  
hydraulic pipes  
on a suitable horizontal surface clear of spray and possible water  
level or above the hydraulic steering ram to prevent air collecting  
in the ram  
as close to the steering ram as possible  
using suitable bolts with lock nuts/lock washers  
Note: As the pump can transmit noise to the boat’s structure, we  
recommend placing rubber mounts between the pump and the boat’s  
structure to reduce noise transfer.  
Locate the pump in a ventilated and soundproof enclosure.  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
3. Hydraulic connections  
Before you connect the autopilot pump to your hydraulic system  
we strongly recommend that you consult the steering gear  
General guidelines  
Absolute cleanliness is essential when working with hydraulic  
systems. Even the smallest particle of dirt could prevent the  
steering system check valves from working properly.  
All pipes used to fit the pump should match, or exceed, the  
specification of the existing steering system pipes. Contact the  
steering system manufacturer if you need more information.  
Use flexible pipe to connect the pump to the boats steering  
system - this avoids strain on the pipes.  
Try to keep hydraulic fluid loss to a minimum when installing the  
pump. This will reduce the time and effort required to bleed the  
system of trapped air after installation:  
non-pressurized systems: temporarily fit a non-venting plug  
to the helm reservoir vent to minimize fluid loss  
pressurized systems:  
Before disconnecting any pipes on pressurized systems, you  
MUST release the pressure at the reservoir by following the  
manufacturers instructions.  
The ram ports on the CR pump are tapped to 1/ in BSP and the  
reservoir port is tapped to 3/ in BSP. Three NPT adaptors are  
included for conversion to NPT where required.  
Follow the manufacturers instructions if you fit any T-pieces.  
Make sure all hydraulic pipes slope upwards towards the  
A set of bleed valves near the steering ram, fitted at the highest  
point, will allow any air to escape upwards.  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
use a pipe-sealing compound to ensure a leakproof joint.  
Before running the pump for the first time, make sure the system  
contains sufficient hydraulic fluid. You will damage the pump if  
you let it run when dry.  
Check valves  
For single-steering position boats:  
Consult the steering gear manufacturer to determine whether the  
helm pump is fitted with reversing check valves:  
without check valves, the autopilot pump will drive the helm  
of moving the steering ram  
If the boat has a single helm pump system without check valves,  
you must incorporate a double pilot check valve (part number:  
M81166) as shown in Figure 3.  
A double pilot check valve may also be necessary on long pipe  
runs - otherwise pipe expansion may cause poor autopilot  
performance. Install the check valve as shown in Figure 3.  
Note:Iftheboathastwosteeringpositions, itwillalreadyhavecheck  
valves installed so the two wheels can operate independently.  
Hydraulic steering systems  
There are three basic types of hydraulic steering systems:  
two line system  
three line system  
two line pressurized system  
On the following pages we describe each type of system and typical  
connectionpointsfortheautopilot pump. Forall ofthesesystemsyou  
will need to connect a third hydraulic pipe as shown between the  
autopilot pump and the helm pump or dedicated system reservoir.  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Two line systems  
Figure 3 shows a typical two line steering system. Hydraulic fluid  
flows into the ram in either direction, depending on the direction the  
helm pump rotates.  
Connect the autopilot pump to the steering system as shown in  
Figure 3.  
Check valve (if required)  
Reservoir pipe  
Ram pipes  
Steering ram  
CR pump  
Figure 3: Autopilot pump location for two line systems  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Two line pressurized systems  
Two line pressurized systems have an external pressurized reservoir.  
This reduces the possibility of introducing air into the system and  
reduces any steering sponginesscaused by pipe expansion.  
Connect the autopilot pump to the steering system as shown in  
Figure 4.  
Note: Refer to the manufacturers instructions for de-pressurizing  
and re-pressurizing the system.  
Reservoir pipe  
Ram pipes  
Steering ram  
CR pump  
Figure 4: Autopilot pump location for two line pressurized systems  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Three line systems  
In a three line system, the hydraulic fluid flows in only one direction:  
out of the helm pump to the ram  
returning from the other side of the ram to the reservoir via a  
common return line  
The system will include a check valve block to direct all returned  
fluid from the ram back to the reservoir.  
Connect the autopilot pump to the steering system as shown in  
Figure 5.  
Check valve  
Ram pipes  
Steering ram  
CR pump  
Figure 5: Autopilot pump location for three line systems  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
4. Connecting to the course computer  
WARNING: Electrical safety  
Make sure the power supply is switched off before you make any  
electrical connections.  
The CR pump has electrical connections for:  
motor supply: two single-core cables  
solenoid control valve supply: two plug-in connectors (supplied)  
Note: When routing cables, refer to the EMC installation guidelines.  
Connecting to Type 150/400 course computer  
Make the following connections:  
1. CR pump motor supply:  
using appropriate cables (see Table 2) connect the CR pump  
motor to the boats power supply, via an appropriate circuit  
breaker and fuse (as specified in Figure 6)  
2. Solenoidcontrolvalvesusingsuitablecable(atleast16AWGor  
1.5 mm2 for runs up to 16 m/52 ft):  
for the first valve: connect one core to the MOTOR A terminal  
and the other core to one of the SOLENOID terminals at the  
course computer (see Figure 6)  
for the second valve: connect one core to the MOTOR B  
terminal and the other core to the other SOLENOID terminal  
Note: If installing the pump on a boat with mechanical steering, you  
need to connect a bypass valve to the CLUTCH terminals (see page 15).  
Table 2: Recommended cable sizes  
Pump motor cable length  
(distribution panel to pump)  
Cable gauge  
Copper area  
12 V CR pumps  
up to 3 m (10 ft)  
up to 7 m (23 ft)  
up to 16 m (52 ft)  
24 V CR pumps  
up to 3 m (10 ft)  
up to 5 m (16 ft)  
up to 10 m (32 ft)  
up to 16 m (52 ft)  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Course computer  
CR1 (12V) - 50A  
CR1 (24V) - 30A  
CR2 (12V) - 70A  
CR2 (24V) - 40A  
To bypass valve  
(if required)  
Motor supply  
CR pump  
Figure 6: CR pump connections to a Type 150/400 course computer  
Connecting to Type 100/300 course computer  
When installing the CR pump with a Type 100/300 course computer  
we recommend using a Raymarine constant running (CR) interface  
(part number: M81129).  
Connecting the CR interface  
Run cables from the main power supply to:  
the motor on the CR pump  
the CR interface and then onto the course computer power  
Install a suitable circuit breaker in the power supply to the complete  
system (as specified in the core pack installation guide).  
Note: It is important to use the correct cable size for the length of  
cable run between the pump and the power supply (see Table 2).  
The CR interface unit has connections for the solenoid valves (on the  
CR pump) and a bypass valve (if fitting to a mechanical steering  
connect the solenoid valves to the CR interface as shown in  
Figure 7, using at least 16 AWG (1.5 mm2) cable.  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Circuit breaker  
CR1 (12 V) – 50 A  
CR1 (24 V) – 30 A  
CR2 (12 V) – 70 A  
CR2 (24 V) – 40 A  
Course computer  
To bypass  
valve (if  
12 V - 25 A  
24 V - 10 A  
Course computer  
Type CR  
interface unit  
C L U T C H  
S U P P L Y  
M 1 M 2  
Motor supply  
Figure 7: CR pump connections to a Type 100/300 course computer  
Mechanical steering  
If youare fittingthepumptoa boat withmechanical steeringyou will  
need to connect it to a secondary steering ram, along with a solenoid-  
operated bypass valve (part no. M81167). The bypass valve allows  
you to switch between autopilot course control and manual steering.  
To fit to a mechanical steering system:  
1. Usesuitablehydraulicpipestoconnectthepumptothesecondary  
steering ram and a suitable reservoir.  
2. Install the solenoid-operated bypass valve across these pipes (as  
shown in Figure 8).  
3. Connect the bypass valve to:  
the CLUTCH terminalson the course computer (Type150/400  
course computer), or  
the BYPASS terminals on the CR interface (Type 100/300  
course computer  
Note: Follow the manufacturers instructions for mounting the  
hydraulic ram.  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
Bypass valve  
Secondary steering ram  
Hydraulic pipes to  
CR pump  
Manual steering system  
Connect to:  
CLUTCH terminal on 150/400 course computer  
BYPASS on CR connector (100/300 course computer)  
Figure 8: Connecting the bypass valve  
5. Post-installation check  
Keep clear of moving steering systems at all times. Protect  
moving parts from access during normal use.  
Check the following points after installing the pump:  
1. Is the pump installed as close to the steering ram as possible?  
2. Is the pump secured to a substantial structure on the boat?  
3. Have you connected a third hydraulic pipe between the helm  
pump and autopilot pump?  
4. Have you fitted check valves where appropriate?  
5. Are the hydraulic pipes made of a suitable flexible material (i.e.  
rubber or nylon) with a suitable pressure rating?  
6. Have you sealed all hydraulic connections and checked for leakages?  
7. Are power cables correctly routed and securely connected to the  
course computer?  
Youhavenowfinishedinstallingthe pump. Afterinstallingtherestof  
the autopilot you must bleed all air from the system (see below).  
Note: When you have installed the entire autopilot system, you will  
unit handbook for more details.  
Bleeding the system  
Bleeding the hydraulic system correctly is one of the most important  
steps when installing the autopilot hydraulic pump. If there is any air  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
inthesystemthe steeringwillfeelspongy, particularlywhenyouturn  
the wheel to hardover.  
Any air in the hydraulic system will greatly reduce the  
performance of the autopilot and the overall steering system.  
In addition to the manufacturers instructions for bleeding the  
steering system, follow these steps to bleed the autopilot pump when  
you have installed and set up the rest of the autopilot system:  
1. With the system in auto mode, press the -10 button ten times:  
the autopilot pump will try to drive the rudder to port  
counter this rudder movement by turning the helm to  
starboard to keep the rudder stationary  
youwill beabletofeelanyairinthehelmpump: anyairinthis  
side of the pump will rise to the helm pump and exhaust into  
the reservoir  
continue until all of the air is out of this side of the pump  
2. Clear any air on the other side of the pump:  
press the +10 button ten times  
the autopilot will try to drive the rudder to starboard  
counter the rudder movement by turning the helm to port  
continue until all of the air is out of this side of the pump  
3. Repeat in both directions until both sides of the help pump are  
totally free of air.  
Note: Monitor the reservoir at all times and top up with the  
manufacturers recommended hydraulic fluid as required.  
After installation and bleeding, leave the system for 24 hours  
then check for any air in the system or leaks at the joints and  
around the pump.  
On a regular basis:  
check all connections and mountings are secure  
check pipes and cables for any signs of wear or damage  
check hydraulic pipes and connections for leaks  
Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide  
EMC servicing and safety guidelines  
Raymarine equipment should be serviced only by authorized  
Raymarine service technicians. They will ensure that service  
procedures/ replacement parts used will not affect performance.  
There are no user serviceable parts in any Raymarine product.  
Some productsgenerate high voltages, so never handle the cables  
or connectors when power is being supplied to the equipment.  
When powered up, all electrical equipment produces  
electromagnetic fields. These can cause adjacent pieces of  
electrical equipment to interact with one another, with a  
consequent adverse effect on operation. In order to minimize  
these effects and enable you to get the best possible performance  
from your Raymarine equipment, guidelines are given in the  
installation instructions, to enable you to ensure minimum  
interaction between different items of equipment, i.e. ensure  
optimum Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).  
Always report any EMC-related problem to your nearest Raymarine  
dealer. We use such information to improve our quality standards.  
In some installations, it may not be possible to prevent the  
equipment from being affected by external influences. In general  
this will not damage the equipment but it can lead to spurious  
resetting action, or momentarily may result in faulty operation.  
Product support  
Raymarine products are supported by a worldwide network of  
distributors and Authorized Service Representatives. If you  
encounter any difficulties with this product, please contact either  
your national distributor, service representative, or the Raymarine  
Technical Services Call Center.  
Raymarine Ltd  
Anchorage Park  
Portsmouth, Hampshire  
England PO3 5TD  
Telephone +44 (0)23 9269 3611  
Fax +44 (0)23 9269 4642  
Raymarine Inc  
22 Cotton Road, Suite 280  
NH 03063-4219, USA  
Telephone +1 603 881 5200  
Fax +1 603 864 4756  
Raymarine Technical Services Call Center  
UK: +44 (0)23 9271 4713 or  
+44 (0)23 9269 3611 ext. 1083  
USA: +1 603 881 5200 or  
1-800-539-5539 ext. 2333  

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