Kompernass Food Processor KH 700 User Manual

KH 700  
Operating instructions  
ID-Nr.: KH700-11/08-V2  
1. Appliance description  
2. Intended Use  
3. Technical data  
4. Safety instructions  
5. Before starting the appliance  
6. Assembling the food processor  
6.1 Fitting the mixing bowl..............................................................................................................3  
6.2 Fitting the lid...............................................................................................................................3  
6.3 Insert the ingredient by filling shaft and pusher.....................................................................4  
7. Working with the mixing bowl  
7.1 Working with the cutting blade................................................................................................4  
7.2 Remove the cutting and grating blades from the accessory clip..........................................5  
7.3 Insert the cutting and grating discs back into the accessory clip.........................................5  
7.4 Working with the cutting and grating discs............................................................................5  
7.5 Working with the kneading blade...........................................................................................6  
8. Working with the blender  
9. Cleaning & Care  
10. Malfunctioning  
11. Disposal  
12. Warranty and service  
13. Importer  
14. Table for ingredients  
Read these operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this  
maual for later reference. Pass this manual on to whoever might acquire the appliance at a future date.  
- 1 -  
KH 700  
3. Technical data  
Power supply:  
230 V / 50 Hz  
700 Watt  
1.5 l  
Power consumption:  
Capacity blender jug:  
KB-time blender jug:  
Capacity mixing bowl:  
KB-time mixing bowl:  
1. Appliance description  
3 miutes  
1.5 l  
1 Splash protection cap  
2 Blender lid  
1 minute  
3 Accessory clip  
4 Blender jug max. 1.5 l  
5 Motor block cover  
6 Motor block  
7 Speed controller  
8 Drive shaft  
9 Mixing bowl max. 1.5 l  
0 Lid for mixing bowl  
q Filling shaft  
CO Time  
The CO Time (Continuous Operation Time) details  
how long an appliance can be operated without  
the motor overheat-ing and becoming damaged.  
After the appliance has run for this period it must be  
switched off until the motor has cooled itself down.  
w Pusher  
e Measuring cup  
r Retainer  
t Kneading blade  
z Blade  
u Protective case for blades  
I. Potato slurry disc  
II. Fine cutter  
III. Coarse cutter  
IV. Coarse shredder  
V. Fine shredder  
VI. Potato-chips disc  
i Disc holder  
4. Safety instructions  
• Please read all safety instructions carefully.  
• Make sure that the power cord never becomes  
wet or damp during operation. Lay the cord such  
that it cannot be pinched or otherwise damaged.  
Do not leave it dangling from the working surface.  
• Arrange for defective power plugs and/or  
cables to be replaced as soon as possible by a  
qualified technician or by our Customer Service  
Department to avoid the risk of injury.  
• Pull the plug from the socket when you do not use  
the appliance, before changing the attachments  
and before cleaning the appliance. Switching off  
the appliance is not sufficient because the applian-  
ce receives power as long as the power plug is  
connected to the socket. In this way you will also  
prevent inadvertent switching on of the appliance.  
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons  
(including children) with reduced physical, senso-  
rial or mental cabilities, or lack of experience and  
knowledge, unless they have been given supervi-  
sion or instruction concerning use of the applian-  
ce by a person responsible for their safety.  
o Spatula  
2. Intended Use  
This appliance is intended for the processing of  
foodstuff in household quantities and only for priva-  
te use in closed rooms protected from rain. This ap-  
pliance is not intended for commercial or industrial  
use or for operation in the open.  
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they  
do not play with the appliance.  
- 2 -  
• Use only the supplied original accessories since  
these have been optimised for interaction with the  
6. Assembling the food  
• Do not operate the appliance without ingredients.  
Overheating hazard!  
6.1 Fitting the mixing bowl  
ƽ Caution:  
• Place the cover 5 on the motor  
The blade z is very sharp! Exercise special care when  
inserting and removing or cleaning the blade z!  
block 6 so that the arrow on  
the cover 5 points towards the  
open lock on the motor block  
6. Turn the cover 5 anti-  
clockwise until it is firmly seated.  
The arrow now points towards  
the closed lock.  
• Position the mixing bowl 9  
so that the arrow on the mi-  
xing bowl 9 points towards  
the open lock on the motor  
block 6. Take hold of the mi-  
xing bowl 9 with the handle  
and turn it clockwise as far as  
it will go. The arrow now po-  
ints towards the closed lock.  
ƽ Caution:  
While the machine is in use, only put those ingre-  
dients in the mixing bowl 9 or blender 4, which  
are to be processed. Do not put hands and foreign  
objects in the filling shaft q or blender 4 to avoid  
the risk of injury or damage to the machine.  
• Do not attempt to open the lid 0 of the mixing  
bowl 9 while in operation.  
5. Before starting the appliance  
• Before starting the device ensure that...  
- the device and all accessories and the power plug  
and the power cord are in perfect condition and...  
– all packaging materials have been removed  
from the appliance.  
6.2 Fitting the lid  
ƽ Note:  
Always ensure that the lid 0 is properly engaged  
before switching on the appliance!  
• Prior to initial use clean all device components as  
described in the “Cleaning” chapter.  
• Assemble the food processor and note that…  
- The food processer is in a firm and stable posi-  
tion. Secure the food processor on the working  
surface with the four suction cups.  
• Fit the lid 0 on the mixing  
bowl 9 so that the recesses  
of the lid 0 match the slots of  
the bowl 9. The marks on  
the lid 0 and the bowl 9  
must match.  
- the mixing bowl 9 works only when the cover  
5 for the motor block 6, the mixing bowl 9  
and the lid 0 for the mixing bowl 9 have  
been properly fitted and engaged.  
- the blender works only when the blender jug  
4 and the blender lid 2 have been correctly  
fitted and engaged.  
• Turn the lid 0 clockwise until  
you hear an impact. The lug  
of the lid 0 now rests on the  
handle of the bowl 9.  
- when blender jug 4, mixer lid 2, mixing bowl  
9 and the lid 0 of the mixing bowl 9 have  
been fitted, only the blender will work.  
- 3 -  
6.3 Insert the ingredient by  
filling shaft and pusher  
7.1 Working with the cutting blade  
ƽ Caution! Risk of injury!  
• The cutting edges are very sharp! Exercise speci-  
al care when inserting and removing or cleaning  
the cutting blade z!  
• The bowl 9 must first be properly locked in posi-  
tion before inserting the cutting blade z. Risk of  
• Never use your fingers, spatula, spoon handles  
or similar objects for pushing foodstuff through  
the filling shaft q!  
ƽ Caution:  
Never use your fingers, spatula, spoon handles or  
similar objects for pushing foodstuff through the  
filling shaft q! Risk of injury!  
• You can add liquid and solid  
foodstuffs to the mixing bowl  
9 through the filling shaft q.  
You can close the filling shaft  
q with the pusher w while  
the appliance is in use, in or-  
der to avoid splashing or  
flour (e.g. while kneading  
flour) from coming out.  
The cutting blade z can be used to mix, chop or  
knead dough. Use the cutting blade z, for instan-  
ce, for chopping meat, cheese, onions, herbs and  
• Use the pusher w to force  
food stuffs through the filling  
shaft q.  
• Remove the cutting blade z  
from the protective case u.  
• The pusher w is equipped  
with a measuring cup e. If  
you remove it you can reduce  
size of the filling shaft q. This  
can be useful when cutting or  
grating foodstuffs.  
• Fit the mixing bowl 9 to the  
food processor.  
• Fit the cutting blade z on the  
retainer r and place the lat-  
ter on the drive shaft 8.  
• Place the lid 0 on the mixing  
bowl 9.  
• Insert the ingredients into the  
mixing bowl 9 through the  
loading shaft q.  
7. Working with the mixing  
The supplied accessories for the mixing bowl 9  
consist of 6 grating and cutting discs (I-VI), a  
kneading blade t and a chopping blade z. The  
mixing bowl 9 is very versatile to use: grating or  
cutting, mixing or cutting, kneading or stirring.  
• Place the stodger w in the lo-  
ading shaft q.  
• Now switch on the appliance by setting the  
speed controller 7 to the level recommended in  
the table.  
If you are uncertain about the speed, use the fastest  
level (3).  
- 4 -  
7.3 Insert the cutting and grating discs  
back into the accessory clip  
• Cut the ingredients into approx. 3 cm size pieces  
before adding them to the bowl 9.  
• The appliance chops the ingredients very fast,  
therefore allow the appliance to run only briefly.  
• Do not allow the appliance to run for more than  
1 minute at a time.  
• Insert the cutting discs (II/III)  
in the retainer slots. Begin  
with the inner retainer  
slots.The lateral flaps with the  
elevation in the middle must  
point upwards.  
• Should the ingredients get caught up in the bowl  
9 or between the blades z:  
- Switch off the appliance.  
- Remove the lid 0 from the mixing bowl 9.  
- Remove the ingredients with a spatula o.  
Make sure that all the cutting edges are pointing in-  
• Place the shredder (IV/V),  
grater (I) and potato-chips  
disc (VI) in the storage slot on  
the outside.  
7.2 Remove the cutting and grating  
blades from the accessory clip  
• Remove the lid 2 from the  
blender jug 4 by turning it  
• Place the accssory clip 3  
back in the blender jug 4.  
• Grasp the accessory clip 3  
on the handle at the centre of  
the retainer 3 with the thumb  
and index finger.  
• Place the cover 0 on the li-  
quidiser 4 so that the arrows  
on the handle of the liquidiser  
4 and on the cover 0 point  
towards each other. Turn the  
cover 0 anti-clockwise until it  
sits firmly.  
• Pull the accessory clip 3 with the cutting and  
grating discs (I-VI) out of the blender jug 4.  
• Remove the cutting and  
grating discs (I-VI) from the  
holder 3.  
7.4 Working with the cutting and gra-  
ting discs  
ƽ Caution:  
• The cutting edges are very sharp! Exercise inser-  
ting and removing or cleaning the discs!  
• Never use your fingers, spatula, spoon handles  
or similar objects for pushing foodstuff through  
the filling shaft q!  
- 5 -  
The cutting (II/III) and grating discs (IV/V) can be  
used to slice or grate food stuffs quickly. The special  
potato-chip disc (VI) enables you to make uniform  
potato-chips at home. With the potato grater disc (I)  
you can finely chop raw potatoes for the mixture,  
and finely grate other vegetables or fruits as well.  
• Set the speed controller 7 to level 3 (maximum  
speed) for cutting and grating. Should you wish  
to process soft fruit or vegetables you can also  
select a lower speed.  
• Slowly and gradually push the ingredients in the  
filling shaft q using the pusher w.  
• Place the mixing bowl 9 on  
the food processor. Select the  
appropriate disc.  
• To remove the disc from the  
disc holder i, remove the  
disc from the disc holder i  
by pushing on the marked  
side in an upward direction.  
• Place the disc with the lea-  
ding edge (the side without  
the ring marking on the cor-  
ners) in the disc holder i.  
• Push the other side (marked  
with two circles at the cor-  
ners) down until the disc  
engages with a “click”.  
• Cut the food into pieces so that they fit through  
the filling shaft q.  
• Fill the filling shaft q evenly and do not exert ex-  
cessive pressure.  
• If you wish to process large quantities of food do  
it in small batches and empty the mixing bowl 9  
• Fit the retainer r to the drive  
shaft 8. Insert thumb and in-  
dex finger in the holes of the  
disc holder i and place it on  
the retainer r.  
7.5 Working with the kneading blade  
With the kneading blade t you can knead bread  
dough and mix batter or cake mixture.  
• Place the lid 0 on the bowl  
• Place the mixing bowl 9 on  
the food processor.  
• Place the kneading blade t  
on the retainer r and fit on  
the drive shaft 8.  
• You can now fill ingredients  
• Add the ingredients to the  
through the filling shaft q.  
mixing bowl 9.  
- 6 -  
• Place the lid 0 on the bowl  
9 and the pusher w in the  
filling shaft q.  
You can use the blender to finely puree and mix in-  
gredients. You can use the blender for preparing  
soups, sauces, milkshakes, baby food or process ve-  
getables and fruit into a puree  
• First remove the cover 5 for  
the motor block 6 by turning  
it clockwise.  
• Set the speed controller 7 to  
the level recommended in the  
• Now place the liquidiser 4 in  
the opening, so that the arrow  
marking on the liquidiser 4 po-  
ints towards the open lock on  
the motor block 6. Turn the li-  
quidiser 4 anti-clockwise until it  
is firmly seated. Ensure that the  
arrow marking is pointing to-  
wards the closed lock.  
• Place the cover 0 on the li-  
quidiser 4 so that the arrows  
on the handle of the liquidiser  
4 and on the cover 0 point  
towards each other. Turn the  
cover 0 anti-clockwise until it  
sits firmly.  
• Put liquid ingredients into the bowl 9 last and  
start mixing at low speed to avoid splashing.  
• Never fill the mixing bowl 9 above the  
MAX.mark (1.5l).  
• For mixing “water like” liquids only use the speed  
1 with maximum volume of 1 l to avoid liquid  
spilling out.  
8. Working with the blender  
ƽ Caution:  
• Never switch on the blender when empty.  
• Never insert the plug in the socket before the  
blender jug 4 and the blender lid 2 have been  
correctly assembled.  
• Fill the ingredients in the blen-  
der jug 4. Cut them into  
smaller pieces beforehand if  
• Always pull the plug from the socket before  
removing the blender jug 4.  
• Do not fill ingredients hotter than 80°C in the  
blender jug 4.  
• To avoid splashing, never add more than 1.5l of  
liquid in the blender jug 4.  
• If required, insert the splash  
protection cap 1 and turn it  
anti-clockwise to secure.  
• Never remove the blender lid 2 during opera-  
• First remove the blender lid 2 before removing  
the blender jug 4.  
• Never run the blender continuously for more than  
3 minutes.  
• Switch on the blender by setting the speed  
controller 7 to the desired level.  
- 7 -  
• When you have finished,  
switch off the blender and first  
remove the lid 2 by turning it  
• Exercise special care when cleaning the blades  
z, the blender jug 4 with installed blade and  
the cutting discs (I-VI). The blades and cutting ed-  
ges are extremely sharp! Risk of injury!  
• Wipe the housing with a clean, damp cloth after  
each use.  
• Then remove the blender jug  
4 by turning it clockwise.  
ƽ Warning regarding appliance  
NONE of the appliance components are designed  
for cleaning in a dishwashing machine! Additional-  
ly, do not use abrasive cleansers for cleaning appli-  
ance components.  
• You can clean the mixing bowl 9 and the lid 0  
in hot soapy water.  
• Always remove the plug from the socket before  
cleaning the appliance. Otherwise, you are at  
risk of receiving an electric shock!  
• You can add your ingredients to the blender jug  
4 through the opening in the lid 2 during ope-  
ration. To do so, simply remove the splash protec-  
tion cap 1.  
• If you process hot liquids, remove the splash  
protection cap 1 to allow the steam to escape.  
• Should ingredients be trapped in the blender jug  
4 during operation, proceed as follows:  
- Switch off the device (speed controller 7 to le-  
vel 0) and pull the plug from the socket.  
- Remove the splash protection cap 1 and the  
lid 2.  
• Clean all appliance components that have come  
in contact with foodstuff with detergent and hot  
water after use.  
• Use an appropriate dishwashing brush for places  
that are difficult to access.  
10. Malfunctioning  
- Remove the trapped ingredients in the blender  
jug 4 using the spatula o. Ensure you do not  
damage the spatula o with the blade z!  
If the food processor suddenly stops functioning:  
It means that the appliance has overheated and the  
integrated safety cut off has switched off the food  
9. Cleaning & Care  
• Pull the plug from the socket  
• Set the speed controller 7 to level 0  
• Allow the device to cool down for 15 minutes  
• If the appliance has not cooled off completely  
after 15 minutes, it will not start. Wait another  
15 minutes before switching it on again.  
ƽ Caution:  
Never immerse the device in water or other  
liquids. There could be potential hazard of  
life-threatening electric shock, if moisture en-  
ters the voltage conducting parts upon opera-  
ting the appliance again.  
If the food processor does not switch on:  
• Check whether the power plug is inserted in the  
- 8 -  
• Check whether the cover 5 for the motor block 6,  
mixing bowl 9 and lid 0 are inserted and engaged  
DES Ltd  
Units 14-15  
Bilston Industrial Estate  
Oxford Street  
11. Disposal  
WV14 7EG  
Tel.: 0870/787-6177  
Fax: 0870/787-6168  
Do not dispose of the appliance in your  
normal domestic waste. This product is  
subject to the European guideline  
Irish Connection  
Harbour view  
Dispose of the appliance through an approved  
dis-posal centre or at your community waste facility.  
Observe the currently applicable regulations.  
In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal  
Co. Dublin  
Tel: 00353 (0) 87 99 62 077  
Fax: 00353 18398056  
Dispose of all packaging materials in an  
environmentally responsible manner.  
13. Importer  
12. Warranty and service  
The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from the  
date of purchase. This appliance has been  
manufactured with care and meticulously examined  
before delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of  
purchase date. Should a claim need to be made un-  
der the warranty, please make contact by telephone  
with our service department. Only in this way can a  
post-free despatch for your goods be assured.  
The warranty covers ONLY claims for material and  
maufacturing defects, not for wearing or consuma-  
ble or for damage to fragile components. This pro-  
duct is for private use only and is not intended for  
commercial applications.  
The warranty will become void in the event of abusi-  
ve and improper handling, use of force and internal  
tampering not carried or approved by our authori-  
zed service branch. Your statutory rights are not  
restricted in any way by this warranty.  
- 9 -  
14. Table for ingredients  
The following tables should serve you as examples  
for orientation as regards which ingredients should  
be processed in what quantities and at what speed  
Do not exceed the specified operating period to  
avoid overheating of the appliance.  
In addition to the 3 levels, a short powerful spurt of  
operation is available with the pulse stage “P”. The  
switch does not engage in pulse position. Hold the  
switch in this position or repeatedly turn it to pulse  
Max. quantity  
Speed level  
Operating duration  
1 minute  
250 g flour  
10 g yeast  
125 ml milk  
Sweetened dough  
Kneading blade  
1 egg, 25 g butter  
15 g sugar  
125 g butter  
100 g sugar  
1 pack vanilla sugar, 4  
Waffle dough  
70 g flour  
Kneading blade  
1 minute  
80 g corn starch  
2 teaspoons baking  
125 g cream  
hard fruit  
Cutter attachment/  
grater attachment  
500 gr.  
500 gr.  
45 seconds  
45 seconds  
hard vegetables  
Potato-chips disc  
Meat / Fish  
500 gr.  
500 gr.  
500 gr.  
3 / P  
30 seconds  
30 seconds  
15 seconds  
soft vegetables  
soft fruit  
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