Juniper Networks Network Router MX960 User Manual

MX960 Ethernet Services Router  
DC Power Supply  
Installation Instructions  
19 October 2007  
Part Number: 530-017577-01  
Revision 2  
This document describes how to remove and replace a DC power supply on a Juniper  
Networks MX960 Ethernet Services Router.  
DC Power Supply ............................................................................................2  
DC Power Supply Electrical Specifications ................................................2  
DC Power Supply LEDs .............................................................................3  
Replacing a DC Power Supply .........................................................................4  
Removing a DC Power Supply ..................................................................4  
Installing a DC Power Supply ....................................................................7  
List of Technical Publications ........................................................................10  
Requesting Support .......................................................................................16  
Revision History ............................................................................................16  
DC Power Supply  
Table 1: DC Power Supply Electrical Specifications  
Maximum output power  
DC input voltage  
2800 W  
Minimum: 40 VDC  
Nominal: 48 VDC  
Operating range: 40 to 72 VDC  
NOTE: If the input voltage from the DC power source drops below  
-37.5 to -39.5 VDC, the routing platform automatically shuts down.  
During automatic shutdown, the circuit remains active. When the  
input voltage returns to 43.0 to 44.00 VDC, the router  
automatically starts up again and the system returns to normal  
operation within 30 minutes. No operator intervention is required.  
DC input current rating  
70 A maximum @ 48 VDC (nominal operating voltage)  
Internal Supplementary  
80 A  
DC Power Supply LEDs  
Each DC power supply faceplate contains three LEDs that indicate the status of the  
power supply (see Table 2 on page 3). The power supply status is also reflected in  
two LEDs on the craft interface (see the MX960 Ethernet Services Router Hardware  
Guide). In addition, a power supply failure triggers the red alarm LED on the craft  
Table 2: DC Power Supply LEDs  
Power supply is not functioning normally. Check the INPUT OK LED for more  
Power supply is functioning normally.  
DC power supply circuit breaker is turned off.  
DC power supply circuit breaker is turned on.  
DC input to the PEM is not present.  
DC input is present, and is connected in correct polarity.  
DC input is present, but connected in reverse polarity.  
DC Power Supply  
MX960 Ethernet Services Router DC Power Supply Installation Instructions  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
To replace a DC power supply, use the following procedures:  
Removing a DC Power Supply  
The power supplies are located at the rear of the chassis. Each DC power supply  
weighs approximately 3.8 lb (1.7 kg).  
CAUTION: Do not leave a power supply slot empty for more than 30 minutes while  
the router is operational. For proper airflow, the power supply must remain in the  
chassis or a blank panel must be used in an empty slot.  
NOTE: After powering off a power supply, wait at least 60 seconds before turning it  
back on.  
To remove a DC power supply, follow this procedure:  
1. Make sure that the voltage across the DC power source cable leads is 0 V and  
that there is no chance that the cables might become active during the removal  
2. Attach an electrostatic discharge (ESD) grounding strap to your bare wrist and  
connect the strap to one of the ESD points on the chassis. For more information  
about ESD, see the MX960 Ethernet Services Router Hardware Guide.  
Switch the circuit breaker on the power supply faceplate to the OFF position.  
4. Remove the clear plastic cover protecting the terminal studs on the faceplate.  
(Use a 3/8in. nut driver or pliers.)  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
Figure 2: Disconnecting Power Cables From the DC Power Supply  
6. Remove the cable lugs from the terminal studs.  
7. Loosen the captive screw on the cable restraint on the lower edge of the power  
supply faceplate.  
8. Carefully move the power cables out of the way.  
9. While grasping the handle on the power supply faceplate with one hand, use  
your other hand to pull the spring-loaded locking pin in the release lever away  
from the chassis and turn the release lever counterclockwise until it stops (see  
10. Let go of the locking pin in the release lever. Ensure that the pin is seated inside  
the corresponding hole in the chassis.  
11. Pull the power supply straight out of the chassis.  
WARNING: Do not touch the power connector on the top of the power supply (see  
Figure 4 on page 6). It can contain dangerous voltages.  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
MX960 Ethernet Services Router DC Power Supply Installation Instructions  
Figure 3: Removing a DC Power Supply  
Figure 4: Top of the Power Supply Showing Midplane Connector  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
Installing a DC Power Supply  
To install a DC power supply, follow this procedure (see Figure 5 on page 9):  
1. Ensure that the voltage across the DC power source cable leads is 0 V and that  
there is no chance that the cable leads might become active during installation.  
CAUTION: You must ensure that power connections maintain the proper polarity.  
The power source cables might be labeled (+) and () to indicate their polarity. There  
is no standard color coding for DC power cables. The color coding used by the external  
DC power source at your site determines the color coding for the leads on the power  
cables that attach to the terminal studs on each power supply.  
2. Attach an electrostatic discharge (ESD) grounding strap to your bare wrist and  
connect the strap to one of the ESD points on the chassis. For more information  
about ESD, see the MX960 Ethernet Services Router Hardware Guide.  
Switch the circuit breaker on the power supply faceplate to the OFF position.  
4. Ensure that the release lever below the empty power supply slot is engaged in  
the counterclockwise, or unlocked, position (see Figure 5 on page 9).  
If necessary, pull the spring-loaded locking pin in the release lever away from  
the chassis and turn the release lever counterclockwise until it stops. Let go of  
the locking pin in the release lever. Ensure that the pin is seated inside the  
corresponding hole in the chassis.  
5. Using both hands, slide the power supply straight into the chassis until the power  
supply is fully seated in the chassis slot. The power supply faceplate should be  
flush with any adjacent power supply faceplates.  
The small tab on the metal housing that is controlled by the release lever must  
be inside the corresponding slot at the bottom of the power supply (see  
Figure 5 on page 9). This tab is used to pull the power supply down in the  
chassis slot, before the power supply is removed.  
6. While firmly pushing the handle on the power supply faceplate with one hand,  
use your other hand to pull the spring-loaded locking pin in the release lever  
away from the chassis and turn the release lever clockwise until it stops.  
7. Let go of the locking pin in the release lever. Ensure that the pin is seated inside  
the corresponding hole in the chassis.  
8. Remove the clear plastic cover protecting the terminal studs on the faceplate.  
9. Remove the nuts and washers from the terminal studs.  
10. Attach the lugs on the DC source power cables to the terminal studs, making  
sure the cables are not touching or in the way of any router components (see  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
MX960 Ethernet Services Router DC Power Supply Installation Instructions  
Attach the positive (+) DC source power cable lug to the RTN (return)  
Attach the negative () DC source power cable lug to the 48V (input)  
NOTE: The DC power supplies in slots PEM0 and PEM1 must be powered by dedicated  
power feeds derived from feed A, and the DC power supplies in slots PEM2 and PEM3  
must be powered by dedicated power feeds derived from feed B. This configuration  
provides the commonly deployed A/B feed redundancy for the system. For  
information about connecting to DC power sources, see the MX960 Ethernet Services  
Router Hardware Guide.  
11. Secure each power cable lug to the terminal studs, first with the split washer,  
then with the nut. Apply between 23 lb-in. (2.6 Nm) and 25 lb-in. (2.8 Nm) of  
torque to each nut.  
12. Loosen the captive screw on the cable restraint on the lower edge of the power  
supply faceplate.  
13. Route the positive and negative DC power cables through the left and right sides  
of the cable restraint.  
14. Tighten the cable restraint captive screw to hold the power cables in place.  
15. Replace the clear plastic cover over the terminal studs on the faceplate.  
16. Verify that the ground and power cabling are correct, that they are not touching  
or blocking access to router components, and that they do not drape where  
people could trip on them.  
Switch the circuit breaker on the power supply to the ON position and observe  
the status LEDs on the power supply faceplate. If the power supply is correctly  
installed and functioning normally, the PWR OK, BREAKER ON, and INPUT OK  
LEDs light steadily.  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
Figure 5: Installing a DC Power Supply  
Replacing a DC Power Supply  
MX960 Ethernet Services Router DC Power Supply Installation Instructions  
Figure 6: Connecting DC Power to the Router  
List of Technical Publications  
Table 3 on page 10 lists the software and hardware guides and release notes for  
Juniper Networks J-series, M-series, MX-series, and T-series routing platforms and  
in the Network Operations Guide series.  
Table 5 on page 15 lists additional books on Juniper Networks solutions that you can  
order through your bookstore. A complete list of such books is available at  
Table 3: Technical Documentation for Supported Routing Platforms  
Book Description  
JUNOS Software for Supported Routing Platforms  
Access Privilege  
Explains how to configure access privileges in user classes by using  
permission flags and regular expressions. Lists the permission flags  
along with their associated command-line interface (CLI) operational  
mode commands and configuration statements.  
Class of Service  
Provides an overview of the class-of-service (CoS) functions of the  
JUNOS software and describes how to configure CoS features,  
including configuring multiple forwarding classes for transmitting  
packets, defining which packets are placed into each output queue,  
scheduling the transmission service level for each queue, and  
managing congestion through the random early detection (RED)  
List of Technical Publications  
List of Technical Publications  
Table 3: Technical Documentation for Supported Routing Platforms (continued)  
CLI User Guide  
Describes how to use the JUNOS command-line interface (CLI) to  
configure, monitor, and manage Juniper Networks routing  
platforms. This material was formerly covered in the JUNOS System  
Basics Configuration Guide.  
Feature Guide  
Provides a detailed explanation and configuration examples for  
several of the most complex features in the JUNOS software.  
High Availability  
Provides an overview of hardware and software resources that  
ensure a high level of continuous routing platform operation and  
describes how to configure high availability (HA) features such as  
nonstop routing (NSR) and graceful Routing Engine switchover  
MPLS Applications  
Multicast Protocols  
Multiplay Solutions  
Network Interfaces  
Provides an overview of traffic engineering concepts and describes  
how to configure traffic engineering protocols.  
Provides an overview of multicast concepts and describes how to  
configure multicast routing protocols.  
Describes how you can deploy IPTV and voice over IP (VoIP)  
services in your network.  
Provides an overview of the network interface functions of the  
JUNOS software and describes how to configure the network  
interfaces on the routing platform.  
Network Management  
Provides an overview of network management concepts and  
describes how to configure various network management features,  
such as SNMP and accounting options.  
Policy Framework  
Routing Protocols  
Provides an overview of policy concepts and describes how to  
configure routing policy, firewall filters, and forwarding options.  
Provides an overview of routing concepts and describes how to  
configure routing, routing instances, and unicast routing protocols.  
Secure Configuration Guide for Common Criteria Provides an overview of secure Common Criteria and JUNOS-FIPS  
protocols for the JUNOS software and describes how to install and  
configure secure Common Criteria and JUNOS-FIPS on a routing  
Services Interfaces  
Provides an overview of the services interfaces functions of the  
JUNOS software and describes how to configure the services  
interfaces on the router.  
Software Installation and Upgrade Guide  
Describes the JUNOS software components and packaging and  
explains how to initially configure, reinstall, and upgrade the JUNOS  
system software. This material was formerly covered in the JUNOS  
System Basics Configuration Guide.  
System Basics  
Describes Juniper Networks routing platforms and explains how  
to configure basic system parameters, supported protocols and  
software processes, authentication, and a variety of utilities for  
managing your router on the network.  
List of Technical Publications  
MX960 Ethernet Services Router DC Power Supply Installation Instructions  
Table 3: Technical Documentation for Supported Routing Platforms (continued)  
Provides an overview and describes how to configure Layer 2 and  
Layer 3 virtual private networks (VPNs), virtual private LAN service  
(VPLS), and Layer 2 circuits. Provides configuration examples.  
JUNOS References  
Hierarchy and RFC Reference  
Describes the JUNOS configuration mode commands. Provides a  
hierarchy reference that displays each level of a configuration  
hierarchy, and includes all possible configuration statements that  
can be used at that level. This material was formerly covered in  
the JUNOS System Basics Configuration Guide.  
Interfaces Command Reference  
Describes the JUNOS software operational mode commands you  
use to monitor and troubleshoot interfaces.  
Routing Protocols and Policies Command  
Describes the JUNOS software operational mode commands you  
use to monitor and troubleshoot routing policies and protocols,  
including firewall filters.  
System Basics and Services Command Reference Describes the JUNOS software operational mode commands you  
use to monitor and troubleshoot system basics, including  
commands for real-time monitoring and route (or path) tracing,  
system software management, and chassis management. Also  
describes commands for monitoring and troubleshooting services  
such as class of service (CoS), IP Security (IPSec), stateful firewalls,  
flow collection, and flow monitoring.  
System Log Messages Reference  
Describes how to access and interpret system log messages  
generated by JUNOS software modules and provides a reference  
page for each message.  
J-Web User Guide  
J-Web Interface User Guide  
Describes how to use the J-Web graphical user interface (GUI) to  
configure, monitor, and manage Juniper Networks routing  
JUNOS API and Scripting Documentation  
JUNOScript API Guide  
Describes how to use the JUNOScript application programming  
interface (API) to monitor and configure Juniper Networks routing  
JUNOS XML API Configuration Reference  
JUNOS XML API Operational Reference  
Provides reference pages for the configuration tag elements in the  
Provides reference pages for the operational tag elements in the  
Describes how to use the NETCONF API to monitor and configure  
Juniper Networks routing platforms.  
List of Technical Publications  
List of Technical Publications  
Table 3: Technical Documentation for Supported Routing Platforms (continued)  
Book Description  
JUNOS Configuration and Diagnostic Automation Describes how to use the commit script and self-diagnosis features  
of the JUNOS software. This guide explains how to enforce custom  
configuration rules defined in scripts, how to use commit script  
macros to provide simplified aliases for frequently used  
configuration statements, and how to configure diagnostic event  
JUNOS Enhanced Services Documentation  
Getting Started Guide  
Provides an overview, basic instructions, and specifications for  
J-series Services Routers. The guide explains how to prepare your  
site for installation, unpack and install the router and its  
components, install licenses, and establish basic connectivity. Use  
the Getting Started Guide for JUNOS Enhanced Services.  
Interfaces and Routing Guide  
Security Configuration Guide  
Explains how to configure the interfaces on J-series Services Routers  
running JUNOS Enhanced Services for basic IP routing with standard  
routing protocols, ISDN backup, digital subscriber line (DSL)  
connections, and class-of-service (CoS) classification for safer, more  
efficient routing.  
Explains how to configure J-series Services Routers running JUNOS  
Enhanced Services in virtual private networks (VPNs) and multicast  
networks; configure firewall NAT and ALGs; apply routing  
techniques such as zones, policies, stateful firewall filters, and IP  
Security (IPSec) tunnels; and configure screens and firewall  
Administration Guide  
Shows how to manage users and operations, monitor network  
performance, upgrade software, change routing and secure  
contexts, and diagnose common problems on J-series Services  
Routers running JUNOS Enhanced Services.  
Design and Implementation Guide  
Migration Guide  
Provides guidelines and examples for designing and implementing  
IP Security (IPSec) VPNs, firewalls, and routing on J-series routers  
running JUNOS software with Enhanced Services.  
Provides instructions for migrating an SSG 300M-series or SSG  
500M-series security device running ScreenOS software or a J-series  
router running JUNOS software to JUNOS Enhanced Services.  
Hardware Documentation  
Hardware Guide  
Describes how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot routing  
platforms and components. Each platform has its own hardware  
PIC Guide  
Describes the routing platform's Physical Interface Cards (PICs).  
Each platform has its own PIC guide.  
DPC Guide  
Describes the Dense Port Concentrators (DPCs) for all MX-series  
JUNOScope Documentation  
List of Technical Publications  
MX960 Ethernet Services Router DC Power Supply Installation Instructions  
Table 3: Technical Documentation for Supported Routing Platforms (continued)  
JUNOScope Software User Guide  
Describes the JUNOScope software graphical user interface (GUI),  
how to install and administer the software, and how to use the  
software to manage routing platform configuration files and monitor  
routing platform operations.  
Advanced Insight Solutions (AIS) Documentation  
AIS Operations Guide  
J-series Routing Platform Documentation  
Getting Started Guide  
Provides an overview, basic instructions, and specifications for  
J-series routing platforms. The guide explains how to prepare your  
site for installation, unpack and install the router and its  
components, install licenses, and establish basic connectivity. Use  
the Getting Started Guide for your router model.  
Basic LAN and WAN Access Configuration Guide Explains how to configure the interfaces on J-series Services Routers  
for basic IP routing with standard routing protocols, ISDN backup,  
and digital subscriber line (DSL) connections.  
Advanced WAN Access Configuration Guide  
Explains how to configure J-series Services Routers in virtual private  
networks (VPNs) and multicast networks, configure data link  
switching (DLSw) services, and apply routing techniques such as  
policies, stateless and stateful firewall filters, IP Security (IPSec)  
tunnels, and class-of-service (CoS) classification for safer, more  
efficient routing.  
Administration Guide  
Shows how to manage users and operations, monitor network  
performance, upgrade software, and diagnose common problems  
on J-series Services Routers.  
Release Notes  
JUNOS Release Notes  
Summarize new features and known problems for a particular  
software release, provide corrections and updates to published  
JUNOS, JUNOScript, and NETCONF manuals, provide information  
that might have been omitted from the manuals, and describe  
upgrade and downgrade procedures.  
Hardware Release Notes  
JUNOScope Release Notes  
Describe the available documentation for the routing platform and  
summarize known problems with the hardware and accompanying  
software. Each platform has its own release notes.  
Contain corrections and updates to the published JUNOScope  
manual, provide information that might have been omitted from  
the manual, and describe upgrade and downgrade procedures.  
AIS Operations Release Notes  
AIS ai-script Release Notes  
J-series Services Router Release Notes  
Briefly describe Services Router features, identify known hardware  
problems, and provide upgrade and downgrade instructions.  
List of Technical Publications  
List of Technical Publications  
Table 3: Technical Documentation for Supported Routing Platforms (continued)  
JUNOS Enhanced Services Release Notes  
Summarize new features for a particular release, identify known  
hardware and software problems, provide information that might  
have been omitted from the manuals, and provide upgrade and  
downgrade instructions.  
Table 4: JUNOS Software Network Operations Guides  
Describes the most basic tasks for running a network using Juniper  
Networks products. Tasks include upgrading and reinstalling JUNOS  
software, gathering basic system management information,  
verifying your network topology, and searching log messages.  
Describes tasks for monitoring interfaces. Tasks include using  
loopback testing and locating alarms.  
Describes tasks for configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting  
an example MPLS network. Tasks include verifying the correct  
configuration of the MPLS and RSVP protocols, displaying the status  
and statistics of MPLS running on all routing platforms in the  
network, and using the layered MPLS troubleshooting model to  
investigate problems with an MPLS network.  
MPLS Log Reference  
Describes MPLS status and error messages that appear in the output  
of the show mpls lsp extensive command. The guide also describes  
how and when to configure Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF)  
and RSVP trace options, and how to examine a CSPF or RSVP  
failure in a sample network.  
MPLS Fast Reroute  
Describes operational information helpful in monitoring and  
troubleshooting an MPLS network configured with fast reroute  
(FRR) and load balancing.  
Describes tasks for monitoring M-series and T-series routing  
Interdomain Multicast  
Provides background and in-depth analysis of multicast routing using Protocol Independent  
Multicast sparse mode (PIM SM) and Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP); details  
any-source and source-specific multicast delivery models; explores multiprotocol BGP (MBGP)  
and multicast IS-IS; explains Internet Gateway Management Protocol (IGMP) versions 1, 2, and  
3; lists packet formats for IGMP, PIM, and MSDP; and provides a complete glossary of multicast  
JUNOS Cookbook  
Provides detailed examples of common JUNOS software configuration tasks, such as basic  
router configuration and file management, security and access control, logging, routing policy,  
firewalls, routing protocols, MPLS, and VPNs.  
List of Technical Publications  
MX960 Ethernet Services Router DC Power Supply Installation Instructions  
MPLS-Enabled Applications  
Provides an overview of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) applications (such as Layer 3  
virtual private networks [VPNs], Layer 2 VPNs, virtual private LAN service [VPLS], and  
pseudowires), explains how to apply MPLS, examines the scaling requirements of equipment  
at different points in the network, and covers the following topics: point-to-multipoint label  
switched paths (LSPs), DiffServ-aware traffic engineering, class of service, interdomain traffic  
engineering, path computation, route target filtering, multicast support for Layer 3 VPNs, and  
management and troubleshooting of MPLS networks.  
OSPF and IS-IS: Choosing an Explores the full range of characteristics and capabilities for the two major link-state routing  
IGP for Large-Scale Networks protocols: Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and IS-IS. Explains architecture, packet types, and  
addressing; demonstrates how to improve scalability; shows how to design large-scale networks  
for maximum security and reliability; details protocol extensions for MPLS-based traffic  
engineering, IPv6, and multitopology routing; and covers troubleshooting for OSPF and IS-IS  
Routing Policy and Protocols Provides a brief history of the Internet, explains IP addressing and routing (Routing Information  
for Multivendor IP Networks Protocol [RIP], OSPF, IS-IS, and Border Gateway Protocol [BGP]), explores ISP peering and  
routing policies, and displays configurations for both Juniper Networks and other vendors'  
The Complete IS-IS Protocol  
Provides the insight and practical solutions necessary to understand the IS-IS protocol and how  
it works by using a multivendor, real-world approach.  
Requesting Support  
For technical support, open a support case with the Case Manager link at or call 1-888-314-JTAC (from the United States, Canada,  
or Mexico) or 1-408-745-9500 (from elsewhere).  
Revision History  
19 October 2007530-017577-01 Revision 2. Corrected the DPC slot range supported  
by power supplies PEM0 and PEM2.  
12 March 2007530-017577-01 Revision 1.  
Copyright © 2007, Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.  
Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, NetScreen, and ScreenOS are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States and other  
countries. JUNOS and JUNOSe are trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service  
marks are the property of their respective owners.  
Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or  
otherwise revise this publication without notice.  
Products made or sold by Juniper Networks or components thereof might be covered by one or more of the following patents that are owned by or licensed  
to Juniper Networks: U.S. Patent Nos. 5,473,599, 5,905,725, 5,909,440, 6,192,051, 6,333,650, 6,359,479, 6,406,312, 6,429,706, 6,459,579, 6,493,347,  
6,538,518, 6,538,899, 6,552,918, 6,567,902, 6,578,186, and 6,590,785.  
Requesting Support  

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